Exemple #1
point_count_t BpfReader::readDimMajor(PointBuffer& data, point_count_t count)
    PointId idx(0);
    PointId startId = data.size();
    point_count_t numRead = 0;
    for (size_t d = 0; d < m_dims.size(); ++d)
        idx = m_index;
        PointId nextId = startId;
        numRead = 0;
        seekDimMajor(d, idx);
        for (; numRead < count && idx < numPoints(); idx++, numRead++, nextId++)
            float f;

            m_stream >> f;
            data.setField(m_dims[d].m_id, nextId, f + m_dims[d].m_offset);
    m_index = idx;

    // Transformation only applies to X, Y and Z
    for (PointId idx = startId; idx < data.size(); idx++)
        double x = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::X, idx);
        double y = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Y, idx);
        double z = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Z, idx);
        m_header.m_xform.apply(x, y, z);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::X, idx, x);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::Y, idx, y);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::Z, idx, z);

    return numRead;
Exemple #2
point_count_t BpfReader::readPointMajor(PointBuffer& data, point_count_t count)
    PointId nextId = data.size();
    PointId idx = m_index;
    point_count_t numRead = 0;
    while (numRead < count && idx < numPoints())
        for (size_t d = 0; d < m_dims.size(); ++d)
            float f;

            m_stream >> f;
            data.setField(m_dims[d].m_id, nextId, f + m_dims[d].m_offset);

        // Transformation only applies to X, Y and Z
        double x = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::X, nextId);
        double y = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Y, nextId);
        double z = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Z, nextId);
        m_header.m_xform.apply(x, y, z);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::X, nextId, x);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::Y, nextId, y);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::Z, nextId, z);

    m_index = idx;
    return numRead;
Exemple #3
point_count_t BpfReader::readByteMajor(PointBuffer& data, point_count_t count)
    PointId idx(0);
    PointId startId = data.size();
    point_count_t numRead = 0;

    // We need a temp buffer for the point data.
    union uu
        float f;
        uint32_t u32;
    std::unique_ptr<union uu> uArr(
        new uu[std::min(count, numPoints() - m_index)]);

    for (size_t d = 0; d < m_dims.size(); ++d)
        for (size_t b = 0; b < sizeof(float); ++b)
            idx = m_index;
            numRead = 0;
            PointId nextId = startId;
            seekByteMajor(d, b, idx);

            for (;numRead < count && idx < numPoints();
                idx++, numRead++, nextId++)
                union uu& u = *(uArr.get() + numRead);

                if (b == 0)
                    u.u32 = 0;
                uint8_t u8;
                m_stream >> u8;
                u.u32 |= ((uint32_t)u8 << (b * CHAR_BIT));
                if (b == 3)
                    u.f += m_dims[d].m_offset;
                    data.setField(m_dims[d].m_id, nextId, u.f);
    m_index = idx;

    // Transformation only applies to X, Y and Z
    for (PointId idx = startId; idx < data.size(); idx++)
        double x = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::X, idx);
        double y = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Y, idx);
        double z = data.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Z, idx);
        m_header.m_xform.apply(x, y, z);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::X, idx, x);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::Y, idx, y);
        data.setField(Dimension::Id::Z, idx, z);

    return numRead;
Exemple #4
PointBuffer* makeTestBuffer()
    Dimension d1("Classification", dimension::UnsignedInteger, 1);
    Dimension d2("X", dimension::SignedInteger, 4);
    Dimension d3("Y", dimension::Float, 8);
    Schema schema;

    std::size_t offX = schema.getDimension(0).getByteOffset();
    std::size_t offY = schema.getDimension(1).getByteOffset();
    std::size_t offZ = schema.getDimension(2).getByteOffset();

    boost::uint32_t capacity = 17;
    PointBuffer* data = new PointBuffer(schema, capacity);

    BOOST_CHECK(data->getCapacity() == capacity);

    Dimension const& dimC = data->getSchema().getDimension("Classification");
    Dimension const& dimX = data->getSchema().getDimension("X");
    Dimension const& dimY = data->getSchema().getDimension("Y");

    // write the data into the buffer
    for (boost::uint32_t i=0; i<data->getCapacity(); i++)
        const boost::uint8_t x = static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(i)+1;
        const boost::int32_t y = i*10;
        const double z = i * 100;

        data->setField(dimC, i, x);
        data->setField(dimX, i, y);
        data->setField(dimY, i, z);

    BOOST_CHECK(data->getCapacity() ==17);
    BOOST_CHECK(data->getNumPoints() ==17);
    return data;
Exemple #5
void IteratorBase::fillUserBuffer(PointBuffer& user_buffer)

    Schema const& user_schema = user_buffer.getSchema();
    schema::index_by_index const& idx = user_schema.getDimensions().get<schema::index>();

    boost::int32_t numUserSpace = user_buffer.getCapacity() - user_buffer.getNumPoints();
    if (numUserSpace < 0)
        throw pdal_error("We ran out of space!");

    boost::int32_t numOraclePoints = m_active_buffer->getNumPoints() - m_buffer_position;

    schema::index_by_index::size_type i(0);
    for (i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i)


    bool bSetPointSourceId = getReader().getOptions().getValueOrDefault<bool>("populate_pointsourceid", false);
    if (bSetPointSourceId)
        Dimension const* point_source_field = &(user_buffer.getSchema().getDimensionOptional("PointSourceId").get());
        if (point_source_field)
            for (boost::int32_t i = 0; i < numUserSpace; ++i)
                if (i < 0)
                    throw sqlite_driver_error("point_source_field point index is less than 0!");
                user_buffer.setField(*point_source_field, i, m_active_cloud_id);

    if (numOraclePoints > numUserSpace)
        m_buffer_position = m_buffer_position + numUserSpace;
    else if (numOraclePoints < numUserSpace)
        m_buffer_position = 0;

    boost::uint32_t howManyThisRead = (std::min)(numUserSpace, numOraclePoints);
    user_buffer.setNumPoints(howManyThisRead + user_buffer.getNumPoints());
Exemple #6
void AttributeFilter::filter(PointBuffer& buffer)

    for (auto& dim_par : m_dimensions)
        if (dim_par.second.isogr)
            UpdateGEOSBuffer(buffer, dim_par.second);
        }  else
            for (PointId i = 0; i < buffer.size(); ++i)
                double v = boost::lexical_cast<double>(dim_par.second.value);
                buffer.setField(dim_par.second.dim, i, v);

Exemple #7
point_count_t SbetReader::read(PointBuffer& buf, point_count_t count)
    PointId nextId = buf.size();
    PointId idx = m_index;
    point_count_t numRead = 0;
    Dimension::IdList dims = getDefaultDimensions();
    while (numRead < count && idx < m_numPts)
        for (auto di = dims.begin(); di != dims.end(); ++di)
            double d;
            *m_stream >> d;
            Dimension::Id::Enum dim = *di;
            buf.setField(dim, nextId, d);
    m_index = idx;
    return numRead;
Exemple #8
void BufferedInvocation::end(PointBuffer& buffer)
    // for each entry in the script's outs dictionary,
    // look up that entry's name in the schema and then
    // copy the data into the right dimension spot in the
    // buffer

    std::vector<std::string> names;

    PointContext ctx = buffer.m_context;
    Dimension::IdList const& dims = ctx.dims();

    for (auto di = dims.begin(); di != dims.end(); ++di)
        Dimension::Id::Enum d = *di;
        Dimension::Detail *dd = ctx.dimDetail(d);
        std::string name = ctx.dimName(*di);
        auto found = std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), name);
        if (found == names.end()) continue; // didn't have this dim in the names

        assert(name == *found);

        size_t size = dd->size();
        void *data = extractResult(name, dd->type());
        char *p = (char *)data;
        for (PointId idx = 0; idx < buffer.size(); ++idx)
            buffer.setField(d, dd->type(), idx, (void *)p);
            p += size;
    for (auto bi = m_buffers.begin(); bi != m_buffers.end(); ++bi)
Exemple #9
point_count_t GreyhoundReader::setPoints(
        PointBuffer& pointBuffer,
        const char* data,
        const point_count_t pointsToRead) const
    PointId nextId(pointBuffer.size());

    std::size_t dataOffset(0);
    point_count_t numRead(0);

    while (numRead < pointsToRead)
        for (auto dim : m_dimData)
            pointBuffer.setField(dim.id, dim.type, nextId, data + dataOffset);
            dataOffset += Dimension::size(dim.type);


    return numRead;
Exemple #10
void AttributeFilter::UpdateGEOSBuffer(PointBuffer& buffer, AttributeInfo& info)
    QuadIndex idx(buffer);

    if (!info.lyr) // wake up the layer
        if (info.layer.size())
            info.lyr = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(info.ds.get(), info.layer.c_str());
        else if (info.query.size())
            info.lyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(info.ds.get(), info.query.c_str(), 0, 0);
            info.lyr = OGR_DS_GetLayer(info.ds.get(), 0);
        if (!info.lyr)
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << "Unable to select layer '" << info.layer << "'";
            throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    OGRFeaturePtr feature = OGRFeaturePtr(OGR_L_GetNextFeature(info.lyr), OGRFeatureDeleter());

    int field_index(1); // default to first column if nothing was set
    if (info.column.size())

        field_index = OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(feature.get(), info.column.c_str());
        if (field_index == -1)
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << "No column name '" << info.column << "' was found.";
            throw pdal_error(oss.str());

        OGRGeometryH geom = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(feature.get());
        OGRwkbGeometryType t = OGR_G_GetGeometryType(geom);

        int f_count = OGR_F_GetFieldCount (feature.get());

        if (!(t == wkbPolygon ||
            t == wkbMultiPolygon ||
            t == wkbPolygon25D ||
            t == wkbMultiPolygon25D))
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << "Geometry is not Polygon or MultiPolygon!";
            throw pdal::pdal_error(oss.str());

        OGRGeometry* ogr_g = (OGRGeometry*) geom;
        GEOSGeometry* geos_g (0);
        if (!m_geosEnvironment)

        geos_g = ogr_g->exportToGEOS();
        m_geosEnvironment = ogr_g->createGEOSContext();
        geos_g = ogr_g->exportToGEOS(m_geosEnvironment);


        GEOSPreparedGeometry const* geos_pg = GEOSPrepare_r(m_geosEnvironment, geos_g);
        if (!geos_pg)
            throw pdal_error("unable to prepare geometry for index-accelerated intersection");

        // Compute a total bounds for the geometry. Query the QuadTree to
        // find out the points that are inside the bbox. Then test each
        // point in the bbox against the prepared geometry.
        BOX3D box = computeBounds(m_geosEnvironment, geos_g);
        std::vector<std::size_t> ids = idx.getPoints(box);
        for (const auto& i : ids)

            double x = buffer.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::X, i);
            double y = buffer.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Y, i);
            double z = buffer.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Z, i);

            GEOSGeometry* p = createGEOSPoint(m_geosEnvironment, x, y ,z);

            if (static_cast<bool>(GEOSPreparedContains_r(m_geosEnvironment, geos_pg, p)))
                // We're in the poly, write the attribute value
                int32_t v = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(feature.get(), field_index);
                buffer.setField(info.dim, i, v);
//                 log()->get(LogLevel::Debug) << "Setting value: " << v << std::endl;

            GEOSGeom_destroy_r(m_geosEnvironment, p);


        feature = OGRFeaturePtr(OGR_L_GetNextFeature(info.lyr), OGRFeatureDeleter());
Exemple #11
point_count_t QfitReader::read(PointBuffer& data, point_count_t count)
    if (!m_istream->good())
        throw pdal_error("QFIT file stream is no good!");
    if (m_istream->eof())
        throw pdal_error("QFIT file stream is eof!");

    count = std::min(m_numPoints - m_index, count);
    uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[m_size];
    PointId nextId = data.size();
    point_count_t numRead = 0;
    while (count--)
        Utils::read_n(buf, *m_istream, m_size);
        uint8_t* p = buf;

        // always read the base fields
            int32_t time = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::OffsetTime, nextId, time);

            int32_t y = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Y, nextId, y / 1000000.0);

            int32_t xi = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            double x = xi / 1000000.0;
            if (m_flip_x && x > 180)
                x -= 360;
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::X, nextId, x);

            int32_t z = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Z, nextId, z * m_scale_z);

            int32_t start_pulse = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::StartPulse, nextId, start_pulse);

            int32_t reflected_pulse = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::ReflectedPulse, nextId,

            int32_t scan_angle = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::ScanAngleRank, nextId,
                scan_angle / 1000.0);

            int32_t pitch = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Pitch, nextId, pitch / 1000.0);

            int32_t roll = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Roll, nextId, roll / 1000.0);

        if (m_format == QFIT_Format_12)
            int32_t pdop = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Pdop, nextId, pdop / 10.0);

            int32_t pulse_width = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::PulseWidth, nextId, pulse_width);
        else if (m_format == QFIT_Format_14)
            int32_t passive_signal = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::PassiveSignal, nextId, passive_signal);

            int32_t passive_y = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::PassiveY, nextId,
                passive_y / 1000000.0);

            int32_t passive_x = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            double x = passive_x / 1000000.0;
            if (m_flip_x && x > 180)
                x -= 360;
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::PassiveX, nextId, x);

            int32_t passive_z = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            if (!m_littleEndian)
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::PassiveZ, nextId,
                passive_z * m_scale_z);
        // GPS time is really a GPS offset from the start of the GPS day
        // encoded in this odd way: 153320100 = 15 hours 33 minutes
        // 20 seconds 100 milliseconds.
        // Not sure why we have that AND the other offset time.  For now
        // we'll just extract this time and drop it.
        int32_t gpstime = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);

    delete[] buf;
    m_index += numRead;

    return numRead;
Exemple #12
point_count_t FauxReader::read(PointBuffer& buf, point_count_t count)
    const double numDeltas = (double)count - 1.0;
    const double delX = (m_maxX - m_minX) / numDeltas;
    const double delY = (m_maxY - m_minY) / numDeltas;
    const double delZ = (m_maxZ - m_minZ) / numDeltas;

    log()->get(LogLevel::Debug5) << "Reading a point buffer of " <<
        count << " points." << std::endl;

    boost::uint64_t time = count;

    boost::uint32_t seed = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(std::time(NULL));

    for (PointId idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
        double x;
        double y;
        double z;
        switch (m_mode)
            case Random:
                x = Utils::random(m_minX, m_maxX);
                y = Utils::random(m_minY, m_maxY);
                z = Utils::random(m_minZ, m_maxZ);
            case Constant:
                x = m_minX;
                y = m_minY;
                z = m_minZ;
            case Ramp:
                x = m_minX + delX * idx;
                y = m_minY + delY * idx;
                z = m_minZ + delZ * idx;
            case Uniform:
                x = Utils::uniform(m_minX, m_maxX, seed++);
                y = Utils::uniform(m_minY, m_maxY, seed++);
                z = Utils::uniform(m_minZ, m_maxZ, seed++);
            case Normal:
                x = Utils::normal(m_mean_x, m_stdev_x, seed++);
                y = Utils::normal(m_mean_y, m_stdev_y, seed++);
                z = Utils::normal(m_mean_z, m_stdev_z, seed++);
                throw pdal_error("invalid mode in FauxReader");

        buf.setField(Dimension::Id::X, idx, x);
        buf.setField(Dimension::Id::Y, idx, y);
        buf.setField(Dimension::Id::Z, idx, z);
        buf.setField(Dimension::Id::OffsetTime, idx, m_time++);
        if (m_numReturns > 0)
            buf.setField(Dimension::Id::ReturnNumber, idx, m_returnNum);
            buf.setField(Dimension::Id::NumberOfReturns, idx, m_numReturns);
            m_returnNum = (m_returnNum % m_numReturns) + 1;
    return count;
Exemple #13
void IteratorBase::fillUserBuffer(PointBuffer& user_buffer)

    Schema const& user_schema = user_buffer.getSchema();
    schema::index_by_index const& idx = user_schema.getDimensions().get<schema::index>();

    boost::int32_t numOraclePoints = m_oracle_buffer->getNumPoints() - m_buffer_position;

    boost::int32_t numUserSpace = user_buffer.getCapacity() - user_buffer.getNumPoints();
    boost::int32_t howManyThisRead = (std::min)(numUserSpace, numOraclePoints);

    if (numUserSpace < 0)
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "numUserSpace < 0! : " << numUserSpace;
        throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    if (numOraclePoints < 0)
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "numOraclePoints < 0! : " << numOraclePoints;
        throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    if (user_buffer.getNumPoints() + howManyThisRead > user_buffer.getCapacity())
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "user_buffer.getNumPoints() + howManyThisRead == " << user_buffer.getNumPoints() + howManyThisRead 
            << " but user_buffer.getCapacity() == " << user_buffer.getCapacity();
        throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    PointBuffer::copyLikeDimensions(*m_oracle_buffer, user_buffer,
                                    m_buffer_position, user_buffer.getNumPoints(),

    Schema const& src = m_oracle_buffer->getSchema();
    Dimension const& src_x = src.getDimension("drivers.oci.reader.X");
    Dimension const& src_y = src.getDimension("drivers.oci.reader.Y");
    Dimension const& src_z = src.getDimension("drivers.oci.reader.Z");

    Schema const& dst = user_buffer.getSchema();
    Dimension const& dst_x = dst.getDimension("drivers.oci.reader.X");
    Dimension const& dst_y = dst.getDimension("drivers.oci.reader.Y");
    Dimension const& dst_z = dst.getDimension("drivers.oci.reader.Z");
    bool bDifferentScales = (!pdal::Utils::compare_distance(dst_x.getNumericScale(), src_x.getNumericScale()) ||
                             !pdal::Utils::compare_distance(dst_y.getNumericScale(), src_y.getNumericScale()) ||
                             !pdal::Utils::compare_distance(dst_z.getNumericScale(), src_z.getNumericScale()));

    bool bDifferentOffsets = (!pdal::Utils::compare_distance(dst_x.getNumericOffset(), src_x.getNumericOffset()) ||
                              !pdal::Utils::compare_distance(dst_y.getNumericOffset(), src_y.getNumericOffset()) ||
                              !pdal::Utils::compare_distance(dst_z.getNumericOffset(), src_z.getNumericOffset()));
    bool bNormalizeXYZ = getReader().getOptions().getValueOrDefault<bool>("do_normalize_xyz", true);
    if ((bDifferentScales || bDifferentOffsets) && bNormalizeXYZ)
        for (unsigned i =  m_buffer_position; i < howManyThisRead; ++i)
            double x = m_oracle_buffer->applyScaling(src_x, i);
            boost::int32_t xi = dst_x.removeScaling<boost::int32_t>(x);
            user_buffer.setField<boost::int32_t>(dst_x, user_buffer.getNumPoints()+i, xi);

            double y = m_oracle_buffer->applyScaling(src_y, i);
            boost::int32_t yi = dst_y.removeScaling<boost::int32_t>(y);
            user_buffer.setField<boost::int32_t>(dst_y, user_buffer.getNumPoints()+i, yi);
            double z = m_oracle_buffer->applyScaling(src_z, i);
            boost::int32_t zi = dst_z.removeScaling<boost::int32_t>(z);
            user_buffer.setField<boost::int32_t>(dst_z, user_buffer.getNumPoints()+i, zi);

    getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2)   << "IteratorBase::fillUserBuffer m_buffer_position:   " 
                                        << m_buffer_position << std::endl;

    if (numOraclePoints > numUserSpace)
        m_buffer_position = m_buffer_position + numUserSpace;
    else if (numOraclePoints < numUserSpace)
        m_buffer_position = 0;

    getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "IteratorBase::fillUserBuffer m_buffer_position:   " 
                                      << m_buffer_position << std::endl;

    bool bSetPointSourceId = getReader().getOptions().getValueOrDefault<bool>("populate_pointsourceid", false);
    if (bSetPointSourceId)
        Dimension const* point_source_field = user_buffer.getSchema().getDimensionPtr("PointSourceId");
        if (point_source_field)
            for (boost::int32_t i = m_buffer_position; i < howManyThisRead; ++i)
                assert(user_buffer.getNumPoints() + i < user_buffer.getCapacity());
                if (point_source_field->getByteSize() == 2)
                                         user_buffer.getNumPoints() + i,
                else if (point_source_field->getByteSize() == 4)
                                         user_buffer.getNumPoints() + i,

    user_buffer.setNumPoints(howManyThisRead + user_buffer.getNumPoints());
Exemple #14
point_count_t TerrasolidReader::read(PointBuffer& data, point_count_t count)
    count = std::min(count, getNumPoints() - m_index);

    uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[m_size * count];
    Utils::read_n(buf, *m_istream, m_size * count);

    //See https://www.terrasolid.com/download/tscan.pdf
    // This spec is awful, but it's something.  
    // The scaling adjustments are different than what we used to do and
    // seem wrong (scaling the offset is odd), but that's what the document
    // says.
    // Also modified the fetch of time/color based on header flag (rather
    // than just not write the data into the buffer).
    PointId nextId = data.size();
    while (!eof())
        uint8_t* p = buf + m_size * m_index;

        if (m_format == TERRASOLID_Format_1)
            uint8_t classification = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Classification, nextId,

            uint8_t flight_line = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::PointSourceId, nextId,

            uint16_t echo_int = Utils::read_field<uint16_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::ReturnNumber, nextId, echo_int);

            int32_t x = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::X, nextId,
                (x - m_header->OrgX) / m_header->Units);

            int32_t y = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Y, nextId,
                (y - m_header->OrgY) / m_header->Units);

            int32_t z = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Z, nextId,
                (z - m_header->OrgZ) / m_header->Units);

        if (m_format == TERRASOLID_Format_2)
            int32_t x = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::X, nextId,
                (x - m_header->OrgX) / m_header->Units);

            int32_t y = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Y, nextId,
                (y - m_header->OrgY) / m_header->Units);

            int32_t z = Utils::read_field<int32_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Z, nextId,
                (z - m_header->OrgZ) / m_header->Units);

            uint8_t classification = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Classification, nextId,

            uint8_t return_number = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::ReturnNumber, nextId,

            uint8_t flag = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Flag, nextId, flag);

            uint8_t mark = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Mark, nextId, mark);

            uint16_t flight_line = Utils::read_field<uint16_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::PointSourceId, nextId,

            uint16_t intensity = Utils::read_field<uint16_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Intensity, nextId, intensity);

        if (m_haveTime)
            uint32_t t = Utils::read_field<uint32_t>(p);
            if (m_index == 0)
                m_baseTime = t;
            t -= m_baseTime;    //Offset from the beginning of the read.
                                //instead of GPS week.
            t /= 5;             //5000ths of a second to milliseconds
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::OffsetTime, nextId, t);

        if (m_haveColor)
            uint8_t red = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Red, nextId, red);

            uint8_t green = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Green, nextId,  green);

            uint8_t blue = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Blue, nextId, blue);

            uint8_t alpha = Utils::read_field<uint8_t>(p);
            data.setField(Dimension::Id::Alpha, nextId, alpha);

    delete[] buf;

    return count;
Exemple #15
point_count_t Reader::read(PointBuffer& buf, point_count_t count)
    //All data we read for icebridge is currently 4 bytes wide, so
    //  just allocate once and forget it.
    //This could be a huge allocation.  Perhaps we should do something
    //  in the icebridge handler?

    PointId startId = buf.size();
    point_count_t remaining = m_hdf5Handler.getNumPoints() - m_index;
    count = std::min(count, remaining);

    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char>
        rawData(new unsigned char[count * sizeof(float)]);

    //Not loving the position-linked data, but fine for now.
    Dimension::IdList dims = getDefaultDimensions();
    auto di = dims.begin();
    for (auto ci = hdf5Columns.begin(); ci != hdf5Columns.end(); ++ci, ++di)
        PointId nextId = startId;
        PointId idx = m_index;
        const hdf5::Hdf5ColumnData& column = *ci;

            m_hdf5Handler.getColumnEntries(rawData.get(), column.name, count,
            void *p = (void *)rawData.get();

            // This is ugly but avoids a test in a tight loop.
            if (column.predType == H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT)
                // Offset time is in ms but icebridge stores in seconds.
                if (*di == Dimension::Id::OffsetTime)
                    float *fval = (float *)p;
                    for (PointId i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        buf.setField(*di, nextId++, *fval * 1000);
                    float *fval = (float *)p;
                    for (PointId i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        buf.setField(*di, nextId++, *fval++);
            else if (column.predType == H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT)
                int32_t *ival = (int32_t *)p;
                for (PointId i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    buf.setField(*di, nextId++, *ival++);
            throw icebridge_error("Error fetching column data");
    return count;