Exemple #1
Poly Poly::operator/(const Poly& orig)const		//Division Overload
	Poly quotient;			//list to store the quotient of LHS/RHS
	Poly dividend = *this;	//Copy LHS dividend to new list called dividend
		Poly qTerm;
		//this operation returns an empty list if dividend is null
		//the dividend is decremented by an iteration of the quotient (qterm) * divisor
		//eventually the dividend will be less than the divisor upon which it will return quotient
		//further each iteration of qterm is accumulated in the quotient
		//also note when dividend is less than the divisor, this means dividend is now the remainder
		if((dividend.Head ==NULL)||(orig.Head->exponent > dividend.Head->exponent))
			bool loop = true;
			for(Node *cur = quotient.Head;(quotient.Head!=NULL) && ((cur!=quotient.Head) || (loop)); cur = cur->next)
				loop = false;
				cur->coefficient = -cur->coefficient;
			return quotient;
		qTerm.insertPoly(-(dividend.Head->coefficient/orig.Head->coefficient), dividend.Head->exponent-orig.Head->exponent);
		quotient = quotient + qTerm;				//quotient is accumulated
		dividend = (dividend + (qTerm * orig));		//dividend is decremented with every successfull division iteration
Exemple #2
Poly Poly::operator%(const Poly& orig)const		//Modulus Operator Overload
	//this function is exactly the same as the division operation except it returns the decremented dividend instead
	//of the quotient
	Poly quotient;
	Poly dividend = *this;
		Poly qTerm;

		if((dividend.Head ==NULL)||(orig.Head->exponent > dividend.Head->exponent))
			bool loop = true;
			for(Node *cur = quotient.Head;(quotient.Head!=NULL) && ((cur!=quotient.Head) || (loop)); cur = cur->next)
				loop = false;
				cur->coefficient = -cur->coefficient;
			return dividend;
		qTerm.insertPoly(-(dividend.Head->coefficient/orig.Head->coefficient), dividend.Head->exponent-orig.Head->exponent);
		quotient = quotient + qTerm;
		dividend = (dividend + (qTerm * orig));
Exemple #3
Poly Poly::operator*(const Poly& orig)const		//Multiplication Overload
	Poly product;		//list to store the product of LHS and RHS
	bool loop = true;
	bool loop2 = true;
	for(Node *cur = this->Head; (cur!=this->Head) || (loop); cur=cur->next)	//Transverse LHS list
		loop = false;
		for(Node *cur2 = orig.Head; (cur2!=orig.Head) || (loop2); cur2=cur2->next)	//Transvers RHS list
			loop2 = false;
			product.insertPoly(cur->coefficient*cur2->coefficient, cur->exponent + cur2->exponent);	 //Multiply each LHS node with entire RHS list and insert into product	
		loop2 = true;
	return product;