Exemple #1
int test ( string filename )
   PolySys<ComplexType,RealType> polynomials;


   cout << "The polynomials on the file " << filename << " :" << endl;


   return 0;
Exemple #2
T1 eval_test_classic
 ( Workspace& workspace_cpu, CPUInstHom& cpu_inst_hom, CT* sol0, CT t,
   PolySys& Classic_Sys, int n_path )
   struct timeval start, end;
   long seconds, useconds;
   double timeMS_classic;
   double timeMS_cpu;
   double timeMS_gpu;

   int n_eq = cpu_inst_hom.n_eq;
   int dim = cpu_inst_hom.dim;

      std::cout << "Default number of path" << std::endl;
      n_path = 1000;
   int n_predictor = workspace_cpu.n_predictor;
   std::cout << "n_path = " << n_path << std::endl;
   CT* sol = new CT[n_path*dim*(n_predictor+1)];
   CT* sol_tmp = sol;
   for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
      for(int pred_idx=0; pred_idx<n_predictor+1; pred_idx++)
         for(int x_idx=0; x_idx<dim; x_idx++)
            int r = rand();
            T1 tmp = T1(r);
            // sol_tmp[x_idx] = CT(sin(tmp),cos(tmp));
            sol_tmp[x_idx] = CT(x_idx+1,0.0);
            // sol_tmp[x_idx] = CT(1,0.0);
         sol_tmp += dim;
   CT* t_mult = new CT[n_path*(n_predictor+1)];
   for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path*(n_predictor+1); sol_idx++)
      double r = 1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX;
      // t_mult[sol_idx] = CT(r,0.0);
      t_mult[sol_idx] = CT(1,0.0);
   int* x_t_idx = new int[n_path];
   for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
      x_t_idx[sol_idx] = rand()%(n_predictor+1);
   std::cout << "----- CPU Evaluation ----" << std::endl;
   Workspace* workspace_cpu_all = new Workspace[n_path];
   for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
   gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
   for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
      CT* tmp_sol = sol+sol_idx*dim*(n_predictor+1)+dim*x_t_idx[sol_idx];
      CT* t_tmp = t_mult+sol_idx*(n_predictor+1)+x_t_idx[sol_idx];
      cpu_inst_hom.eval(workspace_cpu_all[sol_idx], tmp_sol, *t_tmp);
   gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
   seconds  = end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec;
   useconds = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
   timeMS_cpu = seconds*1000 + useconds/1000.0;

   bool classic_check = false;
      std::cout << "----- Class Evaluation ----" << std::endl;
      CT* workspace_classic = new CT[n_path*n_eq*(dim+1)];
      CT** f_val = new CT*[n_path];
      CT* tmp_workspace = workspace_classic;
      CT*** deri_val = new CT**[n_path];
      CT** deri_space = new CT*[n_path*n_eq];

      for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
         f_val[sol_idx] = tmp_workspace;
         tmp_workspace += n_eq;
         deri_val[sol_idx] = deri_space + sol_idx*n_eq;
         for(int i=0; i<n_eq; i++)
            deri_val[sol_idx][i] = tmp_workspace;
            tmp_workspace += dim;
      gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
      for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
         CT* tmp_sol = sol+sol_idx*dim*(n_predictor+1)+dim*x_t_idx[sol_idx];
         Classic_Sys.eval(tmp_sol, f_val[sol_idx], deri_val[sol_idx]);
      gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
      seconds  = end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec;
      useconds = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
      timeMS_classic = seconds*1000 + useconds/1000.0;

      // Check two CPU method
      std::cout << "----- Classic Evaluation Check ----" << std::endl;
      for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
            workspace_cpu_all[sol_idx].matrix, n_eq, dim);
      delete[] workspace_classic;
      delete[] f_val;
      delete[] deri_val;
      delete[] deri_space;
   std::cout << "----- GPU Evaluation ----" << std::endl;
   CT** gpu_workspace_all;
   CT** gpu_matrix_all;
   gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
      x_t_idx, n_predictor);
   gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
   seconds  = end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec;
   useconds = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
   timeMS_gpu = seconds*1000 + useconds/1000.0;
   std::cout << "----- CPU vs GPU Evaluation Check----" << std::endl;
   T1 err = 0;
   for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
      // std::cout << "sol_idx = " << sol_idx << std::endl;
      T1 err_tmp = eval_compare(cpu_inst_hom,gpu_workspace_all[sol_idx],
      if(err_tmp > err)
         err = err_tmp;
      // std::cout << "err = " << err_tmp << std::endl;
   delete[] x_t_idx;
   delete[] t_mult;
   delete[] sol;

   for(int sol_idx=0; sol_idx<n_path; sol_idx++)
      delete[] gpu_workspace_all[sol_idx];
      delete[] gpu_matrix_all[sol_idx];
   delete[] gpu_workspace_all;
   delete[] gpu_matrix_all;

   std::cout << "err = " << err << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Classic Eval time " << timeMS_classic << std::endl;
   std::cout << "CPU     Eval time " << timeMS_cpu << std::endl;
   std::cout << "GPU     Eval time " << timeMS_gpu << std::endl;

   return err;
Exemple #3
void ada_read_sys ( int verbose, PolySys& sys )
   int fail,nbsym;

   fail = syscon_number_of_symbols(&nbsym);

   if(verbose > 0)
      std::cout << "the system is .." << std::endl;
      fail = syscon_write_dobldobl_system();
      std::cout << "the number of symbols : " << nbsym << std::endl;
   int s_dim = 80*nbsym;
   char *s = (char*) calloc(s_dim,sizeof(char));
   fail = syscon_string_of_symbols(&s_dim, s);

   string* x_names;
   int dim = 0;
   var_name(s, s_dim, x_names, dim);
   int i = 1;
   if(verbose > 0) std::cout << "dim = " << dim << std::endl;

   double c[4]; /* two consecutive double doubles are real and imag parts */
   int d[dim];

   int n_eq = 0;
   fail = syscon_number_of_dobldobl_polynomials(&n_eq);

   sys.n_eq = n_eq;
   sys.dim  = dim;
   sys.eq_space = new PolyEq[n_eq];
   sys.pos_var = x_names;

   PolyEq* tmp_eq = sys.eq_space;

   for(int i=1; i<n_eq+1; i++)
      int nt;
      fail = syscon_number_of_dobldobl_terms(i,&nt);
      if(verbose > 0)
         std::cout << " #terms in polynomial " << i << " : " << nt << std::endl;
      tmp_eq->n_mon = nt;
      tmp_eq->dim = dim;
      for(int j=1; j<=nt; j++)
         fail = syscon_retrieve_dobldobl_term(i,j,dim,d,c);
         if(verbose > 0)
            std::cout << c[0] << " " << c[2] << std::endl;
            for (int k=0; k<dim; k++) std::cout << " " << d[k];
            std::cout << std::endl;
         bool constant_term = true;
         for(int k=0; k<dim; k++)
            if(d[k]!=0) constant_term = false;

            tmp_eq->constant += CT(c[0],c[2]);
            T1 cffs[2];
            T1 realpcff;
            T1 imagpcff;
            realpcff.x[0] = c[0];
            realpcff.x[1] = c[1];
            imagpcff.x[0] = c[2];
            imagpcff.x[1] = c[3];
            cffs[0] = realpcff;
            cffs[1] = imagpcff;
            PolyMon* a = new PolyMon(dim,d,cffs);
      if(verbose > 0) tmp_eq->print(x_names);
   if(verbose > 0)
      std::cout << "End" << std::endl;