Exemple #1
float MapScale::getScreenRotation(float angle, const atools::geo::Pos& position, float zoomDistanceMeter) const
  if(viewport != nullptr && viewport->projection() == Marble::Spherical && zoomDistanceMeter > 50)
    // Get screen coordinates or origin
    Marble::GeoDataCoordinates coords(position.getLonX(), position.getLatY(), 0., GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    bool globeHidesPoint = false, globeHidesPointEnd = false;
    double x = 0., y = 0., xEnd = 0., yEnd = 0.;
    bool visible = viewport->screenCoordinates(coords, x, y, globeHidesPoint);

    if(globeHidesPoint || !visible)
      // Not visible
      return map::INVALID_COURSE_VALUE;

    // Use a tenth of the zoom distance which results in a screen length of 15 - 30 pixel
    // Calculate endpoint in global coordinate system
    Pos end = position.endpoint(zoomDistanceMeter / 10.f, angle);

    // Calculate screen coordinates of endpoint
    Marble::GeoDataCoordinates endcoords(end.getLonX(), end.getLatY(), 0., GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    viewport->screenCoordinates(endcoords, xEnd, yEnd, globeHidesPointEnd);

      QLineF line(x, y, xEnd, yEnd);
      // qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << line.length();

      if(line.length() > 5.)
        angle = atools::geo::normalizeCourse(
        return map::INVALID_COURSE_VALUE;
      // Hide if endpoint is not visible
      return map::INVALID_COURSE_VALUE;
  return angle;