double Trajectory2d::calculateCurvature(const Position2d& p1,
                                        const Position2d& p2,
                                        const Position2d& p3,
                                        bool backward) const
  //      |b-a| |c-a| |b-c|
  // r = ------------------
  //       | bx-ax  by-ay |
  //     2 | cx-ax  cy-ay |
  const double numerator = std::sqrt((p2-p1).squaredNorm()
                                     * (p3-p1).squaredNorm()
                                     * (p2-p3).squaredNorm());
  const double denominator = 2.0 * (((p2.x()-p1.x())*(p3.y()-p1.y()))
                                    - ((p3.x()-p1.x())*(p2.y()-p1.y())));
  const double curvature = denominator / numerator;
  return backward ? -curvature : curvature;
Exemple #2
double Trajectory2d::squaredLineDistance(const Position2d &p1, const Position2d &p2, const Position2d &p3)
    //inspired by the pSimpl lib
    //make a vector of the line
    Position2d line = p2-p1;
    //make a vector to the test point from p1
    Position2d testPoint = p3-p1;
    //projection on the line
    double dotLineTestPoint = line.x()*testPoint.x()+line.y()*testPoint.y();
    //line is before p1
    if(dotLineTestPoint<=0 )
        return (p1.x()-p3.x())*(p1.x()-p3.x())+(p1.y()-p3.y())*(p1.y()-p3.y());
    //calculate squared length
    double lengthLine = line.x()*line.x()+line.y()*line.y();
   // dotLineTestPoint/lengthLine = relative point between p1 and p2
    //projection is outside the line defined by p1 and p2 (after p2)
        //return distance to p2
        return (p2.x()-p3.x())*(p2.x()-p3.x())+(p2.y()-p3.y())*(p2.y()-p3.y());
    //the projection is between p1 and p2
    //calculate projection point
    Position2d projectionPoint = (line*(dotLineTestPoint/lengthLine));
    //return distance between projection point and test point
    return (projectionPoint.x()-testPoint.x())*(projectionPoint.x()-testPoint.x())+(projectionPoint.y()-testPoint.y())*(projectionPoint.y()-testPoint.y());

Exemple #3
void Trajectory2d::toGnuplot(const std::string& filename_without_suffix) const
  const std::string gnuplot_filename = filename_without_suffix + ".gpl";
  const std::string pose_filename = filename_without_suffix + ".gpldata";
  const std::string curvature_filename = filename_without_suffix + "_curve.gpldata";

  // -- data formatting --

  std::ofstream pose_file(pose_filename.c_str());

  pose_file << "# Trajectory data set containing "<< m_trajectory.size() << " sets of position and orientation information." << std::endl;
  pose_file << "# To draw the poses the orientation is coded as two vectors in gnuplot from-delta style." << std::endl;
  pose_file << "# from: x  y  | delta: x  y" << std::endl;
  pose_file << "# "<< std::endl;
  pose_file << "# "<< std::endl;
  pose_file << "# The trajectory is for "
            << (this->isForwardTrajectory() ? "FORWARD" : "BACKWARD")
            << " motion." << std::endl;

  for (std::size_t i=0; i<m_trajectory.size(); ++i)
    const Position2d from(m_trajectory[i].getPosition());
    const Position2d delta = m_trajectory[i].getOrientation() * Position2d::UnitX() * 0.02;

    pose_file << from.x()  << "  " << from.y() << "  ";
    if (velocityAvailable())
      pose_file << m_trajectory[i].getVelocity() << "  ";
    pose_file << delta.x() << "  " << delta.y() << "  ";
    if (velocityAvailable())
      pose_file << 0.;
    pose_file << std::endl;

  pose_file << std::endl;

  // curvature plots
  if (curvatureAvailable())
    std::ofstream curve_file(curvature_filename.c_str());

    for (std::size_t i=0; i<m_trajectory.size(); ++i)
      // start for curvature lines
      const Position2d from(m_trajectory[i].getPosition());
      // end point for curvature lines
      const double curvature = m_trajectory[i].getCurvature() * 0.5; // apply scale for better visualization
      const double yaw = m_trajectory[i].getYaw();
      Position2d to;
      to.x() = from.x() - std::sin(yaw) * curvature;
      to.y() = from.y() + std::cos(yaw) * curvature;

      curve_file << from.x() << "  " << from.y();
      if (velocityAvailable())
        curve_file << "  0.";
      curve_file << std::endl;
      curve_file << to.x()   << "  " << to.y();
      if (velocityAvailable())
        curve_file << "  0.";
      curve_file << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl; // apply empty line to separate plot


  // -- the plot itself --

  std::ofstream gnuplot_file(gnuplot_filename.c_str(), std::ios::out);

  std::string plot_type = "plot";
  velocityAvailable() ? plot_type = "splot" : plot_type = "plot";

  gnuplot_file << "# Gnuplot file. Draw with gnuplot -p "<< pose_filename << std::endl;
  gnuplot_file << "set mapping cartesian" << std::endl;
  gnuplot_file << "set mouse" << std::endl;
  gnuplot_file << "set size ratio -1" << std::endl;
  gnuplot_file << plot_type + " '"<< pose_filename << "' using 1:2:3:4";
  if (velocityAvailable())
    gnuplot_file << ":5:6";
  gnuplot_file << " with vector";
  if (curvatureAvailable())
    gnuplot_file << ", " << "'" << curvature_filename << "' using 1:2";
    if (velocityAvailable())
      gnuplot_file << ":3";
    gnuplot_file << " w l";
  gnuplot_file << std::endl;
  std::cout << "GnuPlot file written to " << gnuplot_filename << std::endl;