Exemple #1
// Construct a BLOb to contain the Hirise main line suffix and prefix data
void SaveHiriseAncillaryData (ProcessImportPds &process, Cube *ocube) {

  vector<int> ConvertCalibrationPixels (int samples,
                                        Isis::PixelType pixelType,
                                        unsigned char *data);

  // Setup a Table to hold the main image prefix/suffix data
  TableField gap("GapFlag", TableField::Integer);
  TableField line("LineNumber", TableField::Integer);
  TableField buffer("BufferPixels", TableField::Integer, 12);
  TableField dark("DarkPixels", TableField::Integer, 16);

  TableRecord rec;
  rec += gap;
  rec += line;
  rec += buffer;
  rec += dark;

  Table table("HiRISE Ancillary", rec);
  table.SetAssociation (Table::Lines);

  // Loop through all the prefix and suffix data and construct the table records
  // In the case of HiRISE there is only one band so the outside vector
  // only contains one entry. The inside vector contains nl entries.
  vector<vector<char *> > pre = process.DataPrefix();
  vector<vector<char *> > suf = process.DataSuffix();
  vector<char *> prefix = pre.at(0);
  vector<char *> suffix = suf.at(0);

  Progress progress;
  progress.SetText("Saving ancillary data");

  for (unsigned int l=0; l<prefix.size(); l++) {

    unsigned char *linePrefix = (unsigned char *)(prefix[l]);

    // Pull out the gap byte (in byte 0)
    rec[0] = (int)(linePrefix[0]);

    // Pull out the line number (bytes 3-5 3=MSB, 5=LSB)
    int lineCounter = 0;
    lineCounter += ((int)(linePrefix[3])) << 16;
    lineCounter += ((int)(linePrefix[4])) << 8;
    lineCounter += ((int)(linePrefix[5]));
    rec[1] = lineCounter;

    // Pull the 12 buffer pixels (same type as image data)
    // from the image prefix area
    linePrefix += 6;
    section = 3;
    rec[2] = ConvertCalibrationPixels (12, process.PixelType(),linePrefix);
    linePrefix += 12 * SizeOf(process.PixelType());

    // Pull the 16 dark pixels (same type as image data)
    // from the image suffix area
    unsigned char *lineSuffix = (unsigned char *)(suffix[l]);
    section = 5;
    rec[3] = ConvertCalibrationPixels (16, process.PixelType(),lineSuffix);
    lineSuffix += 16 * SizeOf(process.PixelType());

    // Add this record to the table
    table += rec;

    // Report the progress

  // Add the table to the output cube
Exemple #2
 * This program imports Mars Express HRSC files
 *  This works by first determining whether or not the input file
 *    has prefix data.
 *  If there is prefix data, a StartProcess is called with the
 *    IgnoreData() function callback in order to get the import class to
 *    collect prefix data. Once the prefix data is populated, we go ahead
 *    and look for "gaps" - HRSC files can give us a time and exposure duration
 *    for each line, we look for where the time + exposure duration != next line's time.
 *    We populate a table (LineScanTimes) with the prefix data and lineInFile with whether or not
 *    a gap should be inserted.
 *  For all files, we now process the data using the WriteOutput callback. If there were gaps,
 *    WriteOutput will put them in their proper places. Finally, we translate the labels and put
 *    the LineScanTimes (if necessary) in the output cube.
 *   This is a two-pass system for files with prefix data, one-pass for files without.
 *   The Isis2 equivalent to this program is mex2isis.pl. It is worth noting that regardless of the
 *     input file's byte order, the prefix data byte order is always LSB.
void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  try {
    Pvl temp(ui.GetFileName("FROM"));
    // Check for HRSC file
    if(temp["INSTRUMENT_ID"][0] != "HRSC") throw IException();
  catch(IException &e) {
    IString msg = "File [" + ui.GetFileName("FROM") +
                  "] does not appear to be a Mars Express HRSC image.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  ProcessImportPds p;
  Pvl label;
  numLinesSkipped = 0;

  p.SetPdsFile(ui.GetFileName("FROM"), "", label);

  CubeAttributeOutput outAtt(ui.GetFileName("TO"));
  outCube = new Cube();

  outCube->setLabelsAttached(outAtt.labelAttachment() == AttachedLabel);

    * Isis2 mex2isis.pl:
    *   if (index($detector_id,"MEX_HRSC_SRC") < 0 &&
    *   $processing_level_id < 3)
  bool hasPrefix = (label["DETECTOR_ID"][0] != "MEX_HRSC_SRC" && (int)label["PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID"] < 3);

  TableField ephTimeField("EphemerisTime", TableField::Double);
  TableField expTimeField("ExposureTime", TableField::Double);
  TableField lineStartField("LineStart", TableField::Integer);

  TableRecord timesRecord;
  timesRecord += ephTimeField;
  timesRecord += expTimeField;
  timesRecord += lineStartField;

  Table timesTable("LineScanTimes", timesRecord);

  if(hasPrefix) {

    p.Progress()->SetText("Reading Prefix Data");

    // The prefix data is always in LSB format, regardless of the overall file format
    EndianSwapper swapper("LSB");

    std::vector<double> ephemerisTimes;
    std::vector<double> exposureTimes;
    std::vector< std::vector<char *> > prefix = p.DataPrefix();

    for(int line = 0; line < p.Lines(); line++) {
      double ephTime = swapper.Double((double *)prefix[0][line]);
      double expTime = swapper.Float((float *)(prefix[0][line] + 8)) / 1000.0;

      if(line > 0) {
         * We know how many skipped lines with this equation. We take the
         *   difference in the current line and the last line's time, which will
         *   ideally be equal to the last line's exposure duration. We divide this by
         *   the last line's exposure duration, and the result is the 1-based count of
         *   how many exposures there were between the last line and the current line.
         *   We subtract one in order to remove the known exposure, and the remaining should
         *   be the 1-based count of how many lines were skipped. Add 0.5 to round up.
        int skippedLines = (int)((ephTime - ephemerisTimes.back()) / exposureTimes.back() - 1.0 + 0.5);

        for(int i = 0; i < skippedLines; i++) {
          ephemerisTimes.push_back(ephemerisTimes.back() + exposureTimes.back());


    double lastExp = 0.0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ephemerisTimes.size(); i++) {
      if(lastExp != exposureTimes[i]) {
        lastExp = exposureTimes[i];
        timesRecord[0] = ephemerisTimes[i];
        timesRecord[1] = exposureTimes[i];
        timesRecord[2] = (int)i + 1;
        timesTable += timesRecord;

    outCube->setDimensions(p.Samples(), lineInFile.size(), p.Bands());
  else {
    //Checks if in file is rdr
    FileName inFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
    QString msg = "[" + inFile.name() + "] appears to be an rdr file.";
    msg += " Use pds2isis.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);


  if(hasPrefix) {

  // Get as many of the other labels as we can
  Pvl otherLabels;

  //p.TranslatePdsLabels (otherLabels);
  TranslateHrscLabels(label, otherLabels);

  if(otherLabels.hasGroup("Mapping") &&
      (otherLabels.findGroup("Mapping").keywords() > 0)) {

  if(otherLabels.hasGroup("Instrument") &&
      (otherLabels.findGroup("Instrument").keywords() > 0)) {

  if(otherLabels.hasGroup("BandBin") &&
      (otherLabels.findGroup("BandBin").keywords() > 0)) {

  if(otherLabels.hasGroup("Archive") &&
      (otherLabels.findGroup("Archive").keywords() > 0)) {

  if(otherLabels.hasGroup("Kernels") &&
      (otherLabels.findGroup("Kernels").keywords() > 0)) {


  delete outCube;
  outCube = NULL;