static JSValueRef getTotalTime(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef thisObject, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef* exception)
    KJS::JSLock lock(false);

    if (!JSValueIsObjectOfClass(ctx, thisObject, ProfileNodeClass()))
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);

    ProfileNode* profileNode = static_cast<ProfileNode*>(JSObjectGetPrivate(thisObject));
    return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, profileNode->totalTime());
// The console.ProfileGenerator that started this ProfileGenerator will be the first child.
void ProfileGenerator::removeProfileStart()
    ProfileNode* currentNode = 0;
    for (ProfileNode* next = m_head.get(); next; next = next->firstChild())
        currentNode = next;

    if (currentNode->callIdentifier().m_name != "profile")

    // Attribute the time of the node aobut to be removed to the self time of its parent
    currentNode->parent()->setSelfTime(currentNode->parent()->selfTime() + currentNode->totalTime());
// The console.profileEnd that stopped this ProfileGenerator will be the last child.
void ProfileGenerator::removeProfileEnd()
    ProfileNode* currentNode = 0;
    for (ProfileNode* next = m_head.get(); next; next = next->lastChild())
        currentNode = next;

    if (currentNode->callIdentifier().functionName() != "profileEnd")

    // Attribute the time of the node aobut to be removed to the self time of its parent
    currentNode->parent()->setSelfTime(currentNode->parent()->selfTime() + currentNode->totalTime());

    ASSERT(currentNode->callIdentifier() == (currentNode->parent()->children()[currentNode->parent()->children().size() - 1])->callIdentifier());