Exemple #1
AnimationController* _3dsLoader::loadFromFile(const string &fileName) const
	PropertyBag xml;
	bool truespaceModel = false;
	string skin;

	TRACE(string("Loading 3DS model from \"") + fileName + string("\""));

	AnimationController* controller = new AnimationController();

	xml.get_optional("Truespace", truespaceModel);
	xml.get_optional("forceSkin", skin);

	for(size_t i=0, numAnimations=xml.count("animation"); i<numAnimations; ++i)
		PropertyBag animation;
		string name;
		float fps = 0.0;
		bool looping = false;
		float priority = 0.0f;

		xml.get("animation", animation, i);

		animation.get("name", name);
		animation.get_optional("fps", fps);
		animation.get_optional("looping", looping);
		animation.get_optional("priority", priority);

		// Load all the keyframes
		vector<KeyFrame> keyFrames;
		const size_t length=animation.count("keyframe");
		for(size_t j=0; j<length; ++j)
			string keyFrameFile;

			animation.get("keyframe", keyFrameFile, j);

			Model keyFrame = loadKeyFrame(keyFrameFile);


			if(!skin.empty()) forceSkin(keyFrame, skin);

			if(truespaceModel) fixTrueSpaceVertices(keyFrame);


		TRACE(string("Adding 3DS animation \"") + name + string("\" from ") + fileName);

		// Add it to the controller
		AnimationSequence animationSequence(keyFrames, name, priority, looping, 0, length, fps);

	return controller;
Exemple #2
void Monster::load(const PropertyBag &xml)

	if(xml.exists("preferredSpell")) {
		xml.get_optional("preferredSpell", preferredSpell);
	} else {
		preferredSpell = 0;

	case 0: spell = new SpellFireBall	(&getZone(), m_ID, "data/spells/fireball.xml");		break; // Fireball
	case 1: spell = new SpellFireBall	(&getZone(), m_ID, "data/spells/arctic-wind.xml");	break; // Arctic Wind
	case 2: spell = new SpellIncinerate	(&getZone(), m_ID, "data/spells/incinerate.xml");		break; // Incinerate
	case 3: spell = new SpellFireBall	(&getZone(), m_ID, "data/spells/chill.xml");		break; // Chill
	case 4: spell = new SpellHeal		(&getZone(), m_ID, "data/spells/heal.xml");			break; // Heal
	case 5: spell = new SpellFireBall	(&getZone(), m_ID, "data/spells/ice-blast.xml");		break; // Ice Blast
	case 6: spell = 0; break; // Reserved for "Resurrect" Spell
	default: spell = 0; break;

		spell->available = true;