Exemple #1
bool Type::isNativeMemberPure(bool ignoreStaticMembers)
    //if (!attr.isNative)
    //	return false;

    for (UTsize i = 0; i < members.size(); i++)
        MemberInfo *memberInfo = members.at(i);

        if (ignoreStaticMembers && memberInfo->isStatic())

        if (memberInfo->isConstructor())
            ConstructorInfo *cinfo = (ConstructorInfo *)memberInfo;
            if (cinfo->defaultConstructor)

        if (memberInfo->isConstructor() || memberInfo->isMethod())
            if (!((MethodBase *)memberInfo)->isNative())
                return false;

        if (memberInfo->isProperty())
            PropertyInfo *pinfo = (PropertyInfo *)memberInfo;
            if (pinfo->getGetMethod() && !pinfo->getGetMethod()->isNative())
                return false;
            if (pinfo->getSetMethod() && !pinfo->getSetMethod()->isNative())
                return false;

        if (memberInfo->isField())
            if (!memberInfo->getOrdinal())
                return false;

    if (baseType)
        return baseType->isNativeMemberPure();

    return true;
bool DataBus::GetClientPropertyInfoResponsePacket::create(const quint8 source,
                                                          const quint8 destination,
                                                          const quint8 packetId,
                                                          const PropertyInfo &propertyInfo,
                                                          Packet *packet)
    // Check parameters
    if ((source == 0) ||
        (propertyInfo.isValid() == false) ||
        (packet == 0))
        // Error, invalid parameters
        return false;

    // Create Header

    // Create Payload
    QByteArray data;



    // Success
    return true;
Exemple #3
void Type::findMembers(const MemberTypes& memberTypes,
                       utArray<MemberInfo *>& membersOut, bool includeBases, bool includePropertyGetterSetters)
    if (!includeBases)

    for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++)
        MemberInfo *m = members.at((int)i);

        if (m->isConstructor() && memberTypes.constructor)

        if (m->isMethod() && memberTypes.method)

        if (m->isField() && memberTypes.field)

        if (m->isProperty() && memberTypes.property)

            if (includePropertyGetterSetters)
                PropertyInfo *p = (PropertyInfo *)m;

                if (p->getter && (p->getter->getDeclaringType() == p->getDeclaringType()))

                if (p->setter && (p->setter->getDeclaringType() == p->getDeclaringType()))

    if (baseType && includeBases)
        baseType->findMembers(memberTypes, membersOut, true, includePropertyGetterSetters);
void SettingsPropertyMapper::initilizeEditorValue(PropertyInfo& propertyInfo)
	QVariant propertyValue = propertyInfo.valueGetter(propertyInfo.group, propertyInfo.propertyName, propertyInfo.defaultValue);

	if (propertyInfo.uiSetter != NULL)
		propertyInfo.uiSetter(propertyInfo.editor, propertyInfo.editorType, propertyInfo.propertyType, propertyValue);
		qCritical() << "Setter not set for " << propertyInfo.group << propertyInfo.propertyName;
void SettingsPropertyMapper::ResetToCurrentValues()
	for (int i = 0; i < m_propertyInfos.size(); i++)
		PropertyInfo propertyInfo = m_propertyInfos[i];
		QVariant propertyValue = propertyInfo.valueGetter(propertyInfo.group, propertyInfo.propertyName, propertyInfo.defaultValue);

		if (propertyInfo.uiSetter != NULL)
			propertyInfo.uiSetter(propertyInfo.editor, propertyInfo.editorType, propertyInfo.propertyType, propertyValue);
			qCritical() << "Setter not set for " << propertyInfo.group << propertyInfo.propertyName;
Exemple #6
 // Properly working breakpoints on windows with msvc10 and cdb inside static-function-inside-class-inside-function?
 // Qt-Creator: "No, not heard."
 static void* Helper(rapidjson::Document::ValueType* document, char *nextName)
     bool isObject = document->IsObject();
     TypeInfo *typeInfo = TypeInfo::GetTypeInfo(nextName);
     void *next = typeInfo->New();
     for (rapidjson::Document::ValueType::MemberIterator i = document->MemberBegin(); i != document->MemberEnd(); ++i)
         std::string propertyName = i->name.GetString();
         PropertyInfo *prop = typeInfo->FindProperty(propertyName);
         if (i->value.IsObject())
             prop->SetValue(next, Helper(&(i->value), prop->TypeName()));
         else if( i->value.IsArray())
             for (int j = 0; j < i->value.Size(); j++)
                 TypeInfo *tempTypeInfo = TypeInfo::GetTypeInfo(prop->TypeName());
                 void *temp = tempTypeInfo->New();
                 tempTypeInfo->SetString(temp, i->value[j].GetString());
                 prop->PushValue(next, temp);
                 delete temp;
             TypeInfo *tempTypeInfo = TypeInfo::GetTypeInfo(prop->TypeName());
             void *temp = tempTypeInfo->New();
             tempTypeInfo->SetString(temp, i->value.GetString());
             prop->SetValue(next, temp);
             delete temp;
     return next;
PropertyInfo *PropertyInfoReader::deserializePropertyInfo(Type   *declaringType,
                                                          json_t *json)
    PropertyInfo *pi = new PropertyInfo();

    MemberInfoReader::deserialize(pi, json);

    // handle attr
    json_t *marray = json_object_get(json, "propertyattributes");

    for (size_t i = 0; i < json_array_size(marray); i++)
        utString modifier = json_string_value(json_array_get(marray, i));

        if (modifier == "static")
            pi->attr.isStatic = true;
        else if (modifier == "public")
            pi->attr.isPublic = true;
        else if (modifier == "private")
            pi->attr.isPrivate = true;
        else if (modifier == "protected")
            pi->attr.isProtected = true;
        else if (modifier == "native")
            pi->attr.isNative = true;

    utString stype = json_string_value(json_object_get(json, "type"));
    if (stype.size() > 0)
        // a shortcut?
        pi->type =

    json_t *getter = json_object_get(json, "getter");
    json_t *setter = json_object_get(json, "setter");

    if (getter)
        MethodBase *m = NULL;
        m = MethodReader::deserializeMethodInfo(declaringType, getter);
        pi->getter = (MethodInfo *)m;


    if (setter)
        MethodBase *m = NULL;
        m = MethodReader::deserializeMethodInfo(declaringType, setter);
        pi->setter = (MethodInfo *)m;


    json_t *ttypes = json_object_get(json, "templatetypes");
    if (ttypes && json_is_object(ttypes))
        TemplateInfo *info = MemberInfoReader::readTemplateTypeInfo(ttypes);

    return pi;
void ExternalExtractor::extract(ExtractionResult* result)

    QJsonDocument writeData;
    QJsonObject writeRootObject;
    QByteArray output;
    QByteArray errorOutput;

    writeRootObject[QStringLiteral("path")] = QJsonValue(result->inputUrl());
    writeRootObject[QStringLiteral("mimetype")] = result->inputMimetype();

    QProcess extractorProcess;
    extractorProcess.start(d->mainPath, QIODevice::ReadWrite);

    output = extractorProcess.readAll();
    errorOutput = extractorProcess.readAllStandardError();

    if (extractorProcess.exitStatus()) {
        qDebug() << errorOutput;

    // now we read in the output (which is a standard json format) into the
    // ExtractionResult

    QJsonDocument extractorData = QJsonDocument::fromJson(output);
    if (!extractorData.isObject()) {
    QJsonObject rootObject = extractorData.object();
    QJsonObject propertiesObject = rootObject[QStringLiteral("properties")].toObject();

    Q_FOREACH(auto key, propertiesObject.keys()) {
        if (key == QStringLiteral("typeInfo")) {
            TypeInfo info = TypeInfo::fromName(propertiesObject.value(key).toString());

        // for plaintext extraction
        if (key == QStringLiteral("text")) {

        PropertyInfo info = PropertyInfo::fromName(key);
        if (info.name() != key) {
        result->add(info.property(), propertiesObject.value(key).toVariant());

    if (rootObject[QStringLiteral("status")].toString() != QStringLiteral("OK")) {
        qDebug() << rootObject[QStringLiteral("error")].toString();
void DynamicObjectsTest::allTests()
	QString dbname = "testdynamic";

	Classes::addClass( "Test", DynamicObject::createInstance, 0 );
	ClassInfo *ci = Classes::classInfo( "Test" );
	ci->addObject( "Customer", "Customer_Test", &Customer::createInstance );
	ci->addCollection( "Article", "Article_Test" );

	PropertyInfo *p;
	p = new PropertyInfo();
	p->setName( "Property1" );
	p->setType( QVariant::String );
	ci->addProperty( p );
	p = new PropertyInfo();
	p->setName( "Property2" );
	p->setType( QVariant::ULongLong );
	ci->addProperty( p );


	// Drop the database if already exists
	KProcess *proc = new KProcess;
	*proc << "dropdb";
	*proc << dbname;
	delete proc;

	// Create the database
	proc = new KProcess;
	*proc << "createdb";
	*proc << dbname;
	CHECK( proc->start(), true );
	if ( ! proc->normalExit() || proc->exitStatus() != 0 ) {
		CHECK( true, false );
		delete proc;
	delete proc;

	QSqlDatabase *db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QPSQL7" );
	db->setDatabaseName( dbname );
	db->setUserName( "ak213" );
	db->setPassword( "ak" );
	db->setHostName( "localhost" );
	if ( ! db->open() ) {
		kdDebug() << "Failed to open database: " << db->lastError().text() << endl;
	DbBackendIface *backend = new SqlDbBackend( db );

	m_manager = new Manager( backend );
	m_manager->setMaxObjects( 1 );

	ObjectRef<Customer> customer = Customer::create();
	customer->setCustomerName( "Name of the customer" );

	ObjectRef<Article> a1 = Article::create();
	a1->setCode( "00001" );
	ObjectRef<Article> a2 = Article::create();
	a2->setCode( "00002" );

	ObjectRef<Object> obj = Classes::classInfo( "Test" )->create();
	CHECK( obj->property( "Property1" ).type(), QVariant::String );
	CHECK( obj->property( "Property2" ).type(), QVariant::ULongLong );
	CHECK( obj->containsObject( "Customer_Test" ), true );
	CHECK( obj->containsCollection( "Article_Test" ), true );
	obj->setProperty( "Property1", "Property number one" );
	obj->setProperty( "Property2", 2 );
	CHECK( obj->property( QString( "Property1" ) ).value().toString(), QString( "Property number one" ) );
	CHECK( obj->property( QString( "Property2" ) ).value().toULongLong(), 2 );
	obj->setObject( "Customer_Test", customer );
	obj->collection( "Article_Test" )->add( a1 );
	obj->collection( "Article_Test" )->add( a2 );


	CHECK( obj->property( "Property1" ).value().toString(), QString( "Property number one" ) );

	delete m_manager;
bool SqlDbBackend::createSchema()
	QStringList tables;
	QStringList constraints;
	QString exec;
	PropertyInfo *prop;
	uint i;

	// This sequence is incremented every time a new object is created
	m_db->exec( "CREATE SEQUENCE seq_dboid;" );

	// This sequence is incremented every time a record is created or modified and is used in the dbseq field that will be created in each table.
	m_db->exec( "CREATE SEQUENCE seq_dbseq;" );

	// Create the tables. Iterate creating the classes that
	// have inheritance first.
	QStringList classList( Classes::parentsFirst() );
	QStringList::const_iterator it( classList.constBegin() );
	QStringList::const_iterator end( classList.constEnd() );
	ClassInfo *currentClass;
	for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
		currentClass = Classes::classInfo( *it );

		exec = "CREATE TABLE " +  currentClass->name().lower() + " ( " + oidFieldName() + " BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, " + sequenceFieldName() + " BIGINT NOT NULL, ";

		// Create properties fields
		PropertiesInfoConstIterator pIt( currentClass->propertiesBegin() );
		PropertiesInfoConstIterator pEnd( currentClass->propertiesEnd() );
		for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) {
			prop = *pIt;
			if ( prop->readOnly() == false )
				exec += prop->name() + " " + sqlType( prop ) + ", ";

		// Create related objects fields
		// For 1-1 relations only create the field in one of the two tables.
		// We assume that both classes have relation to each other.
		RelationInfosConstIterator oIt( currentClass->relationsBegin() );
		RelationInfosConstIterator oEnd( currentClass->relationsEnd() );
		RelationInfo *rObj;
		for ( ; oIt != oEnd; ++oIt ) {
			rObj = *oIt;
			// needs to be >= to consider cases where the parent and related class(table) are the same
			if ( ! rObj->isOneToOne() || rObj->relatedClassInfo()->name() >= rObj->parentClassInfo()->name() ) {
				exec += rObj->name().lower() + " BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ";
				constraints << currentClass->name() + "-" + rObj->name() + "-" + rObj->relatedClassInfo()->name();

		// Search in all the classes if they have N - 1 relations with the current class
		ClassInfoIterator cIt( Classes::begin() );
		ClassInfoIterator cEnd( Classes::end() );
		ClassInfo *cInfo;
		for ( ; cIt != cEnd; ++cIt ) {
			cInfo = *cIt;
			CollectionInfosIterator colIt( cInfo->collectionsBegin() );
			CollectionInfosIterator colEnd( cInfo->collectionsEnd() );
			CollectionInfo *rCol;
			for ( ; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt ) {
				rCol = *colIt;
				if ( rCol->childrenClassInfo()->name() == currentClass->name() && rCol->isNToOne() && constraints.grep( rCol->name() ).count() == 0 ) {
					exec += rCol->name().lower() + " BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ";
					constraints << currentClass->name() + "-" + rCol->name() + "-" + rCol->parentClassInfo()->name();

		CollectionInfosIterator colIt( currentClass->collectionsBegin() );
		CollectionInfosIterator colEnd( currentClass->collectionsEnd() );
		CollectionInfo *col;
		for ( ; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt ) {
			col = *colIt;
			if ( ! tables.grep( col->name() ).count() > 0 && ! col->isNToOne() ) {
				tables << col->name() + "-"  + filterFieldName( col ) + "-" + idFieldName( col );

		// Take off the colon and space
		exec = exec.left( exec.length() - 2 );
		exec += ")";
		if ( currentClass->parent() != 0 )
			exec += " INHERITS ( " + currentClass->parent()->name() + ")";

		m_db->exec( exec );

		if ( m_db->lastError().type() != QSqlError::None ) {
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << exec << endl;
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << m_db->lastError().text()  << endl;

	As PostgreSQL doesn't properly support foreign keys to inherited tables we will create
	foreign keys (references) only when the refered class hasn't any inherited classes.

	// Create relation tables (for N-M relations)
	QStringList list;
	for ( i = 0; i < tables.count(); ++i ) {
		list = QStringList::split( QString( "-" ), tables[ i ] );
		exec = "CREATE TABLE " + list[ 0 ].lower() + " ( " + list[ 1 ].lower() + " BIGINT NOT NULL ";
		if ( Classes::classInfo( list[ 1 ] )->children().count() == 0 )
			exec += " REFERENCES " + list[ 1 ].lower() + " DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED";
		exec += ", " + list[ 2 ].lower() + " BIGINT NOT NULL ";
		if ( Classes::classInfo( list[2] )->children().count() == 0 )
			exec += " REFERENCES " + list[ 2 ].lower() + " DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED";
		exec += ", " + sequenceFieldName() + " BIGINT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY( " + list[1].lower() + " , " + list[2].lower() + " ) );";

		m_db->exec( exec );
		if ( m_db->lastError().type() != QSqlError::None ) {
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << exec << endl;
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << m_db->lastError().text() << endl;

	// Create foreign keys in class tables
	for ( i = 0; i < constraints.count(); ++i ) {
		list = QStringList::split( QString( "-" ), constraints[ i ] );
		// If the related class  doesn't have children we can use a normal
		// foreign key in PostgreSQL. Otherwise we have to use our own trigger.
		kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "'" << list[ 2 ] << "'" << endl;
		if ( Classes::classInfo( list[ 2 ] )->children().count() == 0 )
			exec = "ALTER TABLE " + list[ 0 ].lower() + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + list[ 1 ].lower() + ") REFERENCES " + list[ 2 ].lower() + "( " + oidFieldName() + " ) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED";
		//	exec = "CREATE DDL!!!";
		m_db->exec( exec );
		if ( m_db->lastError().type() != QSqlError::None ) {
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << exec << endl;
			kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " -> " << m_db->lastError().text() << endl;
	return true;