int main( int aCount, const char ** aArgs ) { char lDeviceAddress[1024]; char lMulticastAddress[1024]; char lLocalAddress[1024]; memset( lLocalAddress, 0, 1024 ); sprintf( lMulticastAddress, "" ); memset( lDeviceAddress, 0, 1024 ); bool lPassive = true; PvUInt32 lChannel = 0; PvUInt16 lHostPort = 1042; PvResult lResult; for ( int i=1; i<aCount; i++ ) { std::string lString = aArgs[i]; if ( lString.find( "--hostport" ) != std::string::npos ) { sscanf( aArgs[i], "--hostport=%d", &lHostPort ); } else if ( lString.find( "--localaddress" ) != std::string::npos ) { sscanf( aArgs[i], "--localaddress=%s", lLocalAddress ); } else if ( lString.find( "--multicastaddress" ) != std::string::npos ) { sscanf( aArgs[i], "--multicastaddress=%s", lMulticastAddress ); } else if ( lString.find( "--deviceaddress" ) != std::string::npos ) { sscanf( aArgs[i], "--deviceaddress=%s", lDeviceAddress ); } else if ( lString.find( "--unicast" ) != std::string::npos ) { memset( lMulticastAddress, 0, 1024 ); } else if ( lString.find( "--connectdevice" ) != std::string::npos ) { lPassive = false; } else if ( lString.find( "--channel" ) != std::string::npos ) { sscanf( aArgs[i], "--channel=%d", &lChannel ); } else if ( lString.find( "--help" ) != std::string::npos ) { PrintHelp(); return 0; } else { printf( "Did not recognize argument %s\n", aArgs[i] ); PrintHelp(); return 1; } } if ( strlen( lDeviceAddress ) == 0 ) { // No device address specified. Prompt with the device finder. PvDeviceFinderWnd lWnd; if ( !lWnd.ShowModal().IsOK() ) { printf( "No GEV device selected.\n" ); return 1; } PvDeviceInfo* lInfo = lWnd.GetSelected(); sprintf( lDeviceAddress, "%s", lInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() ); } PvStream lStream; if ( strlen( lMulticastAddress ) == 0 ) { lResult = lStream.Open( lDeviceAddress, lHostPort, lChannel, lLocalAddress ); printf( "Receiving from device %s on interface %s:%d\n", lDeviceAddress, lStream.GetLocalIPAddress().GetAscii(), lStream.GetLocalPort() ); } else { lResult = lStream.Open( lDeviceAddress, lMulticastAddress, lHostPort, lChannel, lLocalAddress ); printf( "Receiving from multicast address %s:%d (device %s) on interface %s:%d\n", lMulticastAddress, lHostPort, lDeviceAddress, lStream.GetLocalIPAddress().GetAscii(), lStream.GetLocalPort() ); } if ( !lResult.IsOK() ) { printf( "Failed opening the incoming stream: %s\n", lResult.GetDescription().GetAscii() ); return 1; } PvPipeline lPipeline( &lStream ); PvDevice lDevice; PvGenParameterArray *lDeviceParams = NULL; if ( !lPassive ) { lResult = lDevice.Connect( lDeviceAddress ); if ( !lResult.IsOK() ) { printf( "Failed connecting to the device to set its destination and initiate an AcquisitionStart: %s\n", lResult.GetDescription().GetAscii() ); printf( "If the eBUS Transmitter to receive from doesn't have full device capabilities, add the --passive command line option and initiate streaming manually.\n" ); return 1; } lDevice.SetStreamDestination( lStream.GetLocalIPAddress(), lStream.GetLocalPort(), lChannel ); // Get device parameters need to control streaming lDeviceParams = lDevice.GetGenParameters(); // Reading payload size from device. Otherwise, the pipeline may miss the first several images. PvInt64 lReceivePayloadSize = 0; lDeviceParams->GetIntegerValue( "PayloadSize", lReceivePayloadSize ); // Set the Buffer size and the Buffer count lPipeline.SetBufferSize( static_cast<PvUInt32>( lReceivePayloadSize ) ); } lPipeline.SetBufferCount( 16 ); // Increase for high frame rate without missing block IDs lPipeline.Start(); if ( !lPassive ) { // TLParamsLocked is optional but when present, it MUST be set to 1 // before sending the AcquisitionStart command lDeviceParams->SetIntegerValue( "TLParamsLocked", 1 ); lDeviceParams->ExecuteCommand( "GevTimestampControlReset" ); // The pipeline is already "armed", we just have to tell the device // to start sending us images lDeviceParams->ExecuteCommand( "AcquisitionStart" ); } // Get stream parameters/stats PvGenParameterArray *lStreamParams = lStream.GetParameters(); printf( "Press any key to stop receiving. \n" ); char lDoodle[] = "|\\-|-/"; int lDoodleIndex = 0; PvInt64 lImageCountVal = 0; double lFrameRateVal = 0.0; double lBandwidthVal = 0.0; while ( !PvKbHit() ) { PvBuffer *lBuffer = NULL; PvResult lOperationResult; PvResult lResult = lPipeline.RetrieveNextBuffer( &lBuffer, 1000, &lOperationResult ); if ( lResult.IsOK() ) { if ( lOperationResult.IsOK() ) { // // We now have a valid buffer. This is where you would typically process the buffer. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ... lStreamParams->GetIntegerValue( "ImagesCount", lImageCountVal ); lStreamParams->GetFloatValue( "AcquisitionRateAverage", lFrameRateVal ); lStreamParams->GetFloatValue( "BandwidthAverage", lBandwidthVal ); printf( "%c BlockID: %016llX %.01f FPS %.01f Mb/s\r", lDoodle[ lDoodleIndex ], lBuffer->GetBlockID(), lFrameRateVal, lBandwidthVal / 1000000.0 ); } // We have an image - do some processing (...) and VERY IMPORTANT, // release the buffer back to the pipeline lPipeline.ReleaseBuffer( lBuffer ); } else { printf( "%c Timeout\r", lDoodle[ lDoodleIndex ] ); } ++lDoodleIndex %= 6; } }
bool AcquireImages() { PvResult lResult; PvDeviceInfo *lDeviceInfo = NULL; PvSystem lSystem; PvStream lStream; lSystem.SetDetectionTimeout( 20000 ); lResult = lSystem.Find(); if( !lResult.IsOK() ) { cout << "PvSystem::Find Error: " << lResult.GetCodeString().GetAscii(); return -1; } PvUInt32 lInterfaceCount = lSystem.GetInterfaceCount(); for( PvUInt32 x = 0; x < lInterfaceCount; x++ ) { PvInterface * lInterface = lSystem.GetInterface( x ); cout << "Ethernet Interface " << endl; cout << "IP Address: " << lInterface->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl; cout << "Subnet Mask: " << lInterface->GetSubnetMask().GetAscii() << endl << endl; PvUInt32 lDeviceCount = lInterface->GetDeviceCount(); for( PvUInt32 y = 0; y < lDeviceCount ; y++ ) { lDeviceInfo = lInterface->GetDeviceInfo( y ); cout << "ThermoCam " << endl; cout << "IP Address: " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl; } } if( lDeviceInfo != NULL ) { cout << "Connecting to " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl; PvDevice lDevice; lResult = lDevice.Connect( lDeviceInfo ); if ( !lResult.IsOK() ) { cout << "Unable to connect to " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl; } else { cout << "Successfully connected to " << lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress().GetAscii() << endl; lResult = lDevice.NegotiatePacketSize( ); if ( !lResult.IsOK() ) { cout << endl; cout << " Failed to negotiate a packet size setting GevSCPSPacketSize to original value"; PvSleepMs( 2500 ); } cout << endl; cout << "3. Open stream......"; lResult = lStream.Open( lDeviceInfo->GetIPAddress() ); if ( !lResult.IsOK() ) { cout << endl; cout << " Failed to open stream"; return 0; } lDevice.SetStreamDestination( lStream.GetLocalIPAddress(), lStream.GetLocalPort() ); PvInt64 lPayloadSize; lDevice.GetGenParameters()->GetIntegerValue( "PayloadSize", lPayloadSize ); PvBuffer * lBuffer = new PvBuffer(); lBuffer->Alloc( static_cast<PvUInt32>( lPayloadSize ) ); PvBuffer *lPtr = NULL; PvImage *lImage = NULL; cout << endl; cout << "5. Grab one image" << endl; lStream.QueueBuffer( lBuffer ); lDevice.GetGenParameters()->SetIntegerValue( "TLParamsLocked", 1 ); lDevice.GetGenParameters()->ExecuteCommand( "AcquisitionStart" ); PvResult lStreamResult; lResult = lStream.RetrieveBuffer( &lPtr, &lStreamResult, 10000 ); lDevice.GetGenParameters()->ExecuteCommand( "AcquisitionStop" ); lDevice.GetGenParameters()->SetIntegerValue( "TLParamsLocked", 0 ); PvInt64 lWidth = 0, lHeight = 0; PvGenParameterArray *lDeviceParams = lDevice.GetGenParameters(); lDeviceParams->GetIntegerValue( "Width", lWidth); lDeviceParams->GetIntegerValue( "Height", lHeight); cvNamedWindow("OpenCV: ThermoCam",CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); cv::Mat raw_lImage(cv::Size(lWidth,lHeight),CV_8U); if ( lResult.IsOK() ) { if ( lStreamResult.IsOK() ) { cout << endl; cout << "6. Using RGB Filter"; lImage=lPtr->GetImage(); lPtr->GetImage()->Alloc(lImage->GetWidth(),lImage->GetHeight(),PvPixelMono8); cout << " a. Save the original image into ImageOriginal.bmp"; PvBufferWriter lBufferWriter; lBufferWriter.Store(lPtr,"ThermoCam.bmp",PvBufferFormatBMP); } lImage->Attach(,lImage->GetWidth(),lImage->GetHeight(),PvPixelMono8); //cv::imshow("OpenCV: ThermoCam",raw_lImage); cv::FileStorage fs("ThermoCam.xml",cv::FileStorage::WRITE); fs << "raw_lImage" << raw_lImage; fs.release(); //if(cv::waitKey(1000) >= 0) break; lPtr->Free(); } lBuffer->Free(); lDevice.ResetStreamDestination(); lStream.Close(); lDevice.Disconnect(); return true; } } else { cout << "No device found" << endl; } return 0; }