PxVec3 EmitterGeomSphereShellImpl::randomPosInFullVolume(const PxMat44& pose, QDSRand& rand) const
	float hemisphere = 2.0f * *mHemisphere - 1.0f;

	bool moreThanHalf = true;

	if (*mHemisphere > 0.5f)
		moreThanHalf = false;

	// There are two cases here - 1-st for hemisphere cut above the center of the sphere
	// and 2-nd for hemisphere cut below the center of the sphere.
	// The reason for this is that in case very high hemisphere cut is set, so the area
	// of the actual emitter is very small in compare to the whole sphere emitter, it would take too
	// much time [on average] to generate suitable point using randomPointOnUnitSphere
	// function, so in this case it is more efficient to use another method.
	// in case we have at least half of the sphere shell present the randomPointOnUnitSphere should
	// be sufficient.
	PxVec3 pos;
		// 1-st case :
		// * generate random unit vector within a cone
		// * clamp to big radius
		const float sphereCapBaseHeight = -1.0f + 2 * (*mHemisphere);
		const float phi = rand.getScaled(0.0f, PxTwoPi);
		const float cos_theta = sphereCapBaseHeight;
		const float z = rand.getScaled(cos_theta, 1.0f);
		const float oneMinusZSquared = PxSqrt(1.0f - z * z);
		pos = PxVec3(oneMinusZSquared * PxCos(phi), z, oneMinusZSquared * PxSin(phi));
		// 2-nd case :
		// * get random pos on unit sphere, until its height is above hemisphere cut
			pos = randomPointOnUnitSphere(rand);
		} while(pos.y < hemisphere);

	// * add negative offset withing the thickness
	// * solve edge case [for the 1-st case] - regenerate offset from the previous step
	// in case point is below hemisphere cut	

	PxVec3 tmp;
	const float sphereCapBaseHeight = -(*mRadius + *mShellThickness) + 2 * (*mRadius + *mShellThickness) * (*mHemisphere);
		float thickness = rand.getScaled(0, *mShellThickness);
		tmp = pos * (*mRadius + *mShellThickness - thickness);
	} while(tmp.y < sphereCapBaseHeight);

	pos = tmp;
	pos += pose.getPosition();

	return pos;
void EmitterGeomSphereShellImpl::visualize(const PxTransform& pose, RenderDebugInterface& renderDebug)
	using RENDER_DEBUG::DebugColors;


	// outer sphere
	RENDER_DEBUG_IFACE(&renderDebug)->debugSphere(PxVec3(0.0f), *mRadius);

	// intter sphere
	RENDER_DEBUG_IFACE(&renderDebug)->debugSphere(PxVec3(0.0f), *mRadius + *mShellThickness);

	const float radius = *mRadius + *mShellThickness;
	const float radiusSquared = radius * radius;
	const float hemisphere = *mHemisphere;
	const float sphereCapBaseHeight = -radius + 2 * radius * hemisphere;
	const float sphereCapBaseRadius = PxSqrt(radiusSquared - sphereCapBaseHeight * sphereCapBaseHeight);
	// cone depicting the hemisphere
	if(hemisphere > 0.0f) 
		PxMat44 circlePose = PxMat44(PxIdentity);
		circlePose.setPosition(PxVec3(0.0f, sphereCapBaseHeight, 0.0f));
		RENDER_DEBUG_IFACE(&renderDebug)->debugCircle(PxVec3(0.0f), sphereCapBaseRadius, 3);
		RENDER_DEBUG_IFACE(&renderDebug)->debugLine(circlePose.getPosition(), circlePose.getPosition() + PxVec3(0.0f, radius - sphereCapBaseHeight, 0.0f));
		for(float t = 0.0f; t < 2 * PxPi; t += PxPi / 3)
			PxVec3 offset(PxSin(t) * sphereCapBaseRadius, 0.0f, PxCos(t) * sphereCapBaseRadius);
			RENDER_DEBUG_IFACE(&renderDebug)->debugLine(circlePose.getPosition() + offset, circlePose.getPosition() + PxVec3(0.0f, radius - sphereCapBaseHeight, 0.0f));

static void outputConvexToStream(PxShape* convexShape, const PxRigidActor* actor, const PxTransform& absPose_, IntArray& geomStream, TriArray& worldTriangles, IntArray& triIndicesArray,
								 const PxExtendedVec3& origin, const PxBounds3& tmpBounds, const CCTParams& params, Cm::RenderBuffer* renderBuffer, PxU16& nbTessellation)
	PX_ASSERT(convexShape->getGeometryType() == PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH);
	PxConvexMeshGeometry cg;

	// Do AABB-mesh query

	PxU32* TF;

	// Collide AABB against current mesh
	// The overlap function doesn't exist for convexes so let's just dump all tris
	PxConvexMesh& cm = *cg.convexMesh;

	// PT: convex triangles are not exposed anymore so we need to access convex polygons & triangulate them

	// PT: TODO: this is copied from "DrawObjects", move this to a shared place. Actually a helper directly in PxConvexMesh would be useful.
	PxU32 Nb = 0;
		const PxU32 nbPolys = cm.getNbPolygons();
		const PxU8* polygons = cm.getIndexBuffer();

		for(PxU32 i=0;i<nbPolys;i++)
			PxHullPolygon data;
			cm.getPolygonData(i, data);
			Nb += data.mNbVerts - 2;

		// PT: revisit this code. We don't use the polygon offset?
		TF = (PxU32*)PxAlloca(sizeof(PxU32)*Nb*3);
		PxU32* t = TF;
		for(PxU32 i=0;i<nbPolys;i++)
			PxHullPolygon data;
			cm.getPolygonData(i, data);

			const PxU32 nbV = data.mNbVerts;

			const PxU32 nbTris = nbV - 2;
			const PxU8 vref0 = *polygons;
			for(PxU32 j=0;j<nbTris;j++)
				const PxU32 vref1 = polygons[(j+1)%nbV];
				const PxU32 vref2 = polygons[(j+2)%nbV];
				*t++ = vref0;
				*t++ = vref1;
				*t++ = vref2;
			polygons += nbV;

	// PT: you can't use PxTransform with a non-uniform scaling
	const PxMat33 rot = PxMat33(absPose_.q) * cg.scale.toMat33();
	const PxMat44 absPose(rot, absPose_.p);

	const PxVec3 p = absPose.getPosition();
	const PxVec3 MeshOffset(float(p.x - origin.x), float(p.y - origin.y), float(p.z - origin.z));	// LOSS OF ACCURACY

	const PxVec3 offset(float(-origin.x), float(-origin.y), float(-origin.z));

	TouchedMesh* touchedMesh			= (TouchedMesh*)reserve(geomStream, sizeof(TouchedMesh)/sizeof(PxU32));
	touchedMesh->mType					= TouchedGeomType::eMESH;
	touchedMesh->mTGUserData			= convexShape;
	touchedMesh->mActor					= actor;
	touchedMesh->mOffset				= origin;
	touchedMesh->mIndexWorldTriangles	= worldTriangles.size();

	const PxVec3* verts = cm.getVertices();
	// Loop through touched triangles
		const PxBoxGeometry boxGeom(tmpBounds.getExtents());
		const PxBounds3 cullingBox = PxBounds3::centerExtents(tmpBounds.getCenter() + offset, boxGeom.halfExtents);

		PxU32 nbCreatedTris = 0;
			// Compute triangle in world space, add to array
			PxTriangle currentTriangle;

			const PxU32 vref0 = *TF++;
			const PxU32 vref1 = *TF++;
			const PxU32 vref2 = *TF++;

			currentTriangle.verts[0] = MeshOffset + absPose.rotate(verts[vref0]);
			currentTriangle.verts[1] = MeshOffset + absPose.rotate(verts[vref1]);
			currentTriangle.verts[2] = MeshOffset + absPose.rotate(verts[vref2]);

			PxU32 nbNewTris = 0;
			tessellateTriangle(nbNewTris, currentTriangle, PX_INVALID_U32, worldTriangles, triIndicesArray, cullingBox, params, nbTessellation);
			nbCreatedTris += nbNewTris;
		touchedMesh->mNbTris = nbCreatedTris;
		// Reserve memory for incoming triangles
		PxTriangle* TouchedTriangles = reserve(worldTriangles, Nb);

		touchedMesh->mNbTris = Nb;
			// Compute triangle in world space, add to array
			PxTriangle& currentTriangle = *TouchedTriangles++;

			const PxU32 vref0 = *TF++;
			const PxU32 vref1 = *TF++;
			const PxU32 vref2 = *TF++;

			currentTriangle.verts[0] = MeshOffset + absPose.rotate(verts[vref0]);
			currentTriangle.verts[1] = MeshOffset + absPose.rotate(verts[vref1]);
			currentTriangle.verts[2] = MeshOffset + absPose.rotate(verts[vref2]);

		visualizeTouchedTriangles(touchedMesh->mNbTris, touchedMesh->mIndexWorldTriangles, &worldTriangles[0], renderBuffer, offset, params.mUpDirection);