Exemple #1
 virtual QString typeToName(const QApplicationArgument &argument) const
     if(argument.name() == QLatin1String("param"))
         return QLatin1String("name=value");
     else if(argument.name() == QLatin1String("output"))
         return QLatin1String("local file");
         return QApplicationArgumentParser::typeToName(argument);
Exemple #2
    virtual QVariant convertToValue(const QApplicationArgument &arg,
                                    const QString &input) const
        if(arg.name() == QLatin1String("param"))
            const int assign = input.indexOf(QLatin1Char('='));

            if(assign == -1)
                message(QXmlPatternistCLI::tr("Each binding must contain an equal sign."));
                return QVariant();

            const QString name(input.left(assign));
            const QString value(input.mid(assign + 1));

                message(QXmlPatternistCLI::tr("The variable name must be a valid NCName, which %1 isn't.").arg(name));
                return QVariant();

            /* The value.isNull() check ensures we can bind variables whose value is an empty string. */
            return QVariant::fromValue(Parameter(name, value.isNull() ? QString(QLatin1String("")) : value ));
        else if(arg.name() == QLatin1String("output"))
            QFile *const f = new QFile(input);

                return QVariant::fromValue(static_cast<QIODevice *>(f));
                message(QXmlPatternistCLI::tr("Failed to open file %1 for writing: %2").arg(f->fileName(), f->errorString()));
                return QVariant();
        else if(arg.name() == QLatin1String("initial-template"))
            const QXmlName name(QXmlName::fromClarkName(input, m_namePool));
                message(QXmlPatternistCLI::tr("%1 is an invalid Clark Name").arg(input));
                return QVariant();
                return QVariant::fromValue(name);
            return QApplicationArgumentParser::convertToValue(arg, input);
Exemple #3
    virtual QVariant defaultValue(const QApplicationArgument &argument) const
        if(argument.name() == QLatin1String("output"))
            QFile *const out = new QFile();

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
            /* If we don't open stdout in "binary" mode on Windows, it will translate
             * 0xA into 0xD 0xA. */
            _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
            m_stdout = _wfdopen(_fileno(stdout), L"wb");
            out->open(m_stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
            out->open(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly);

            return QVariant::fromValue(static_cast<QIODevice *>(out));
            return QApplicationArgumentParser::defaultValue(argument);
 \relates QApplicationArgument

 Computes a hash key on \a argument's name and returns it.
uint qHash(const QApplicationArgument &argument)
    return qHash(argument.name());
 Returns true if this QApplicationArgument instance is equal to \a other.

 Equalness is defined to only consider name(). If for instance the type() differs
 but the names are equal, this operator will return \c true.
bool QApplicationArgument::operator==(const QApplicationArgument &other) const
    return name() == other.name();