HRGN qt_pm_bitmapToRegion( const QBitmap& bitmap )
    HRGN region = 0;
    QImage image = bitmap.convertToImage();
    const int maxrect = 256;
    RECTL rects[maxrect];
    HPS hps = qt_display_ps();

#define FlushSpans \
    { \
        HRGN r = GpiCreateRegion( hps, n, rects ); \
	if ( region ) { \
	    GpiCombineRegion( hps, region, region, r, CRGN_OR ); \
	    GpiDestroyRegion( hps, r ); \
	} else { \
	    region = r; \
	} \

#define AddSpan \
    { \
        rects[n].xLeft = prev1; \
        rects[n].yBottom = -(y+1); \
        rects[n].xRight = x-1+1; \
        rects[n].yTop = -y; \
        n++; \
        if ( n == maxrect ) { \
            FlushSpans \
            n = 0; \
        } \

    int n = 0;
    int zero = 0x00;

    int x, y;
    for ( y = 0; y < image.height(); y++ ) {
	uchar *line = image.scanLine(y);
	int w = image.width();
	uchar all = zero;
	int prev1 = -1;
	for ( x = 0; x < w; ) {
	    uchar byte = line[x/8];
	    if ( x > w-8 || byte != all ) {
		for ( int b = 8; b > 0 && x < w; b-- ) {
		    if ( !(byte & 0x80) == !all ) {
			// More of the same
		    } else {
			// A change.
			if ( all != zero ) {
			    all = zero;
			} else {
			    prev1 = x;
			    all = ~zero;
		    byte <<= 1;
	    } else {
		x += 8;
	if ( all != zero ) {
    if ( n ) {

    if ( !region )
        region = GpiCreateRegion( hps, 0, NULL );

    return region;
Region qt_x11_bitmapToRegion(const QBitmap& bitmap)
    Region region = XCreateRegion();
    QImage image = bitmap.convertToImage();

    XRectangle xr;

#define AddSpan \
	{ \
	    xr.x = prev1; \
	    xr.y = y; \
	    xr.width = x-prev1-1; \
	    xr.height = 1; \
	    XUnionRectWithRegion( &xr, region, region ); \

    // deal with 0<->1 problem (not on X11 anymore)
    int zero=0;//(qGray(image.color(0)) < qGray(image.color(1)) ? 0x00 : 0xff);
    bool little = image.bitOrder() == QImage::LittleEndian;

    int x, y;
    for (y=0; y<image.height(); y++) {
	uchar *line = image.scanLine(y);
	int w = image.width();
	uchar all=zero;
	int prev1 = -1;
	for (x=0; x<w; ) {
	    uchar byte = line[x/8];
	    if ( x>w-8 || byte!=all ) {
		if ( little ) {
		    for ( int b=8; b>0 && x<w; b-- ) {
			if ( !(byte&0x01) == !all ) {
			    // More of the same
			} else {
			    // A change.
			    if ( all!=zero ) {
				all = zero;
			    } else {
				prev1 = x;
				all = ~zero;
			byte >>= 1;
		} else {
		    for ( int b=8; b>0 && x<w; b-- ) {
			if ( !(byte&0x80) == !all ) {
			    // More of the same
			} else {
			    // A change.
			    if ( all!=zero ) {
				all = zero;
			    } else {
				prev1 = x;
				all = ~zero;
			byte <<= 1;
	    } else {