void QLineChangePanel::paint(QPainter *p, QEditor *e)
	if ( !e || !e->document() )

	const QFontMetrics fm( e->document()->font() );

	int n, posY,
//		maxCount = 0,
		as = fm.ascent(),
		ls = fm.lineSpacing(),
		pageBottom = e->viewport()->height(),
		contentsY = e->verticalOffset();

	QString txt;

	QDocument *d = e->document();
	n = d->lineNumber(contentsY);
	posY = 2 + d->y(n) - contentsY;

	for ( ; ; ++n )
		//qDebug("n = %i; pos = %i", n, posY);
		QDocumentLine line = d->line(n);

		if ( line.isNull() || ((posY - as) > pageBottom) )

		if ( line.isHidden() )

		int span = line.lineSpan();

		if ( d->isLineModified(line) )
			p->fillRect(1, posY, 2, ls * span, Qt::yellow);
		} else if ( d->hasLineEverBeenModified(line) ) {
			p->fillRect(1, posY, 2, ls * span, Qt::green);

		posY += ls * span;
Exemple #2
bool QLineChangePanel::paint(QPainter *p, QEditor *e)
	if ( !e || !e->document() )
		return true;

	int n, posY,
		as = QFontMetrics(e->document()->font()).ascent(),
		ls = e->document()->getLineSpacing(),
		pageBottom = e->viewport()->height(),
		contentsY = e->verticalOffset();

	QString txt;

	QDocument *d = e->document();
	n = d->lineNumber(contentsY);
	posY = 2 + d->y(n) - contentsY;

	for ( ; ; ++n )
		//qDebug("n = %i; pos = %i", n, posY);
		QDocumentLine line = d->line(n);

		if ( line.isNull() || ((posY - as) > pageBottom) )

		if ( line.isHidden() )

		int span = line.lineSpan();

		if ( d->isLineModified(line) )
			p->fillRect(1, posY, 2, ls * span, QColor(255, 216, 0)); // yellow
		} else if ( d->hasLineEverBeenModified(line) ) {
			p->fillRect(1, posY, 2, ls * span, QColor(70, 191, 0)); // green

		posY += ls * span;
	return true;
Exemple #3

void QFoldPanel::paint(QPainter *p, QEditor *e)
	QDocument *doc = editor()->document();
	QLanguageDefinition *def = e->languageDefinition();
	if ( !def || !doc )
	bool bVisible = false; //,
	//	inCursorBlock = false;
	QDocumentLine block;
	const QFontMetrics fm(doc->font());
	int n,
		depth = 0,
		max = doc->lines(),
		h = fm.height(),
		ls = fm.lineSpacing(),
		pageBottom = e->viewport()->height(),
		contentsY = e->verticalOffset();
	pos = - contentsY;
	//qDebug("beg pos : %i", pos);
	for ( n = 0; n < max; ++n )
		if ( pos > pageBottom )
		block = doc->line(n);
		if ( block.isHidden() )
		int len = ls * block.lineSpan();
		int flags = def->blockFlags(doc, n, depth);
		short open = QCE_FOLD_OPEN_COUNT(flags);
		short close = QCE_FOLD_CLOSE_COUNT(flags);
		bVisible = ((pos + len) >= 0);
		int oldDepth = depth;
		depth -= close;
		if ( depth < 0 )
			depth = 0;
		depth += open;
		if ( open )
			if ( flags & QLanguageDefinition::Collapsed )
				int bound = (ls - 8) / 2;
				int mid = pos + len - ls / 6;
				// outermost block folded : none of the opening is actually opened
				depth -= open;
				if ( bVisible )
					// draw icon
					if ( bound > 0 && oldDepth > 0 )
						p->drawLine(7, pos, 7, pos + bound);
					if ( close )
						p->drawLine(7, pos + 8 + bound, 7, mid);
						p->drawLine(7, mid, 12, mid);
					m_lines << n;
					m_rects << drawIcon(p, e, 3, pos + bound, true);
				int sub = open;
				//qDebug("%i : +%i", n, open);
				while ( sub > 0 && ((n + 1) < max) )
					block = doc->line(n);
					if ( !block.isHidden() )
						if ( bVisible )
							p->drawLine(7, pos + 8 + bound, 7, pos + len);
					int sflags = def->blockFlags(doc, n, depth + 1);
					short sopen = QCE_FOLD_OPEN_COUNT(sflags);
					short sclose = QCE_FOLD_CLOSE_COUNT(sflags);
					sub -= sclose;
					if ( sub <= 0 )
					sub += sopen;
				depth += sub;
				if ( bVisible && depth > 0 )
					if ( close )
						p->drawLine(7, mid, 7, pos + len);
						p->drawLine(7, pos + 8 + bound, 7, pos + len);
			} else {
				if ( bVisible )
					int bound = (ls - 8) / 2;
					if ( oldDepth > 0 && bound > 0 )
						p->drawLine(7, pos, 7, pos + bound);
					m_lines << n;
					m_rects << drawIcon(p, e, 3, pos + bound, false);
					int mid = pos + len - ls / 6;
					if ( close )
						p->drawLine(7, mid, 12, mid);
					if ( bound > 0 )
						p->drawLine(7, pos + 8 + bound, 7, pos + len);
		} else if ( (oldDepth > 0) && bVisible ) {
			if ( close )
				int mid = pos + len - ls / 6;
				p->drawLine(7, pos, 7, mid);
				p->drawLine(7, mid, 12, mid);
				if ( depth > 0 )
					p->drawLine(7, pos, 7, pos + len);
			} else  {
				p->drawLine(7, pos, 7, pos + len);
		pos += len;

bool QLineNumberPanel::paint(QPainter *p, QEditor *e)
		possible Unicode caracter for wrapping arrow :
	QFont f(font());
	const QFontMetrics sfm(f);
	#ifndef WIN32
	static const QChar wrappingArrow(0x2937);
	const QFontMetrics specialSfm(sfm);
	// 0xC4 gives a decent wrapping arrow in Wingdings fonts, availables on all windows systems
	// this is a hackish fallback to workaround Windows issues with Unicode...
	static const QChar wrappingArrow(0xC4);
	QFont specialFont(font());
	const QFontMetrics specialSfm(specialFont);
	const int max = e->document()->lines();
	const int panelWidth = sfm.width(QString::number(max)) + 5;
	const QFontMetrics fm( e->document()->font() );
	int n, posY,
		as = fm.ascent(),
		ls = fm.lineSpacing(),
		pageBottom = e->viewport()->height(),
		contentsY = e->verticalOffset();
	QString txt;
	QDocument *d = e->document();
	const int cursorLine = e->cursor().lineNumber();
	n = d->lineNumber(contentsY);
	posY = as + 2 + d->y(n) - contentsY;
	//qDebug("first = %i; last = %i", first, last);
	//qDebug("beg pos : %i", posY);
	for ( ; ; ++n )
		//qDebug("n = %i; pos = %i", n, posY);
		QDocumentLine line = d->line(n);
		if ( line.isNull() || ((posY - as) > pageBottom) )
		if ( line.isHidden() )
		bool draw = true;
		if ( !m_verbose )
			draw = !((n + 1) % 10) || !n || line.marks().count();
		txt = QString::number(n + 1);
		if ( n == cursorLine )
			draw = true;
			QFont f = p->font();
		if ( draw )
			p->drawText(width() - 2 - sfm.width(txt),
		} else {
			int yOff = posY - (as + 1) + ls / 2;
			if ( (n + 1) % 5 )
				p->drawPoint(width() - 5, yOff);
				p->drawLine(width() - 7, yOff, width() - 2, yOff);
		if ( line.lineSpan() > 1 )
			#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
			specialFont.setBold(n == cursorLine); //todo: only get bold on the current wrapped line

			for ( int i = 1; i < line.lineSpan(); ++i )
				// draw line wrapping indicators
				//p->drawText(width() - 2 - sfm.width(wrappingArrow), posY + i * ls, wrappingArrow);
				p->drawText(width() - 1 - specialSfm.width(wrappingArrow), posY + i * ls, wrappingArrow);
			#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
		if ( n == cursorLine )
		posY += ls * line.lineSpan();
	//p->drawLine(width()-1, 0, width()-1, pageBottom);
	//setFixedWidth(sfm.width(txt) + 5);
	return true;