bool SafeApiFactory::authUser(QString login, QString password) { QEventLoop loop; auto api = new SafeApi(this->host); bool success; connect(api, &SafeApi::authUserComplete, [&](ulong id, QString user_id){ qDebug() << "Authentication complete (user id:" << user_id << ")"; this->sharedState = api->state(); this->m_login = login; this->password = password; success = true; loop.exit(); }); connect(api, &SafeApi::errorRaised, [&](ulong id, quint16 code, QString text){ this->sharedState.clear(); api = NULL; qWarning() << "Authentication error:" << text; loop.exit(); }); api->authUser(login, password); loop.exec(); return success; }
TCmdButton waitForProjectorsStateOrCancel(QList<ProjectorQuery*> &pqList, TProjState stateWaitFor) { QMap<int, QString> projStateName; projStateName[onState] = "On"; projStateName[offState] = "Off"; projStateName[coolingState] = "Cooling"; projStateName[warmUpState] = "WarmUp"; extern CommandController cmdCtl; QEventLoop el; QMetaObject::Connection m_conn1, m_conn2; m_conn1 = QObject::connect(&cmdCtl, &CommandController::buttonCancel, [&el]() { el.exit(cmdButtonCancel); }); TCmdButton ret; foreach (ProjectorQuery* pq, pqList) { TProjState ps = pq->getState(); if(ps == stateWaitFor){ ret = cmdFinished; qInfo() << "proj" << pq->ip << "in state"<< projStateName[ps] <<". Nothing to do."; } else{ qInfo() << "proj" << pq->ip << "in state"<< projStateName[ps] <<". Changing state."; if(stateWaitFor == offState) pq->off(); else if(stateWaitFor == onState) pq->on(); } }
QPair<bool, QByteArray> blockDownloadExtractData(QNetworkReply & reply) { QEventLoop pause; QObject::connect(&reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [&pause]() { pause.exit(); }); QProgressDialog progress("Network Operation…", "Abort", 0, 100, state->mainWindow); progress.setModal(true); QObject::connect(&progress, &QProgressDialog::canceled, &reply, &QNetworkReply::abort); auto processProgress = [&progress](qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal){ progress.setRange(0, bytesTotal); progress.setValue(bytesReceived); }; QObject::connect(&reply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, processProgress); QObject::connect(&reply, &QNetworkReply::uploadProgress, processProgress); QTimer::singleShot(400, &progress, &QProgressDialog::show); pause.exec(); if (reply.error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { qDebug() << reply.errorString(); } reply.deleteLater(); return {reply.error() == QNetworkReply::NoError, reply.readAll()}; }
/*! Tells the thread's event loop to exit with a return code. After calling this function, the thread leaves the event loop and returns from the call to QEventLoop::exec(). The QEventLoop::exec() function returns \a returnCode. By convention, a \a returnCode of 0 means success, any non-zero value indicates an error. Note that unlike the C library function of the same name, this function \e does return to the caller -- it is event processing that stops. This function does nothing if the thread does not have an event loop. \sa quit() QEventLoop */ void QThread::exit(int returnCode) { Q_D(QThread); QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex); d->data->quitNow = true; for (int i = 0; i < d->data->eventLoops.size(); ++i) { QEventLoop *eventLoop = d->data->; eventLoop->exit(returnCode); } }
TCmdButton waitForTimeoutOrCancelCmd(int secTimeout) { extern CommandController cmdCtl; QEventLoop el; QMetaObject::Connection m_conn1, m_conn2; m_conn1 = QObject::connect(&cmdCtl, &CommandController::buttonCancel, [&el]() { el.exit(cmdButtonCancel); }); QTimer timer; timer.setSingleShot(true); timer.setInterval(secTimeout * 1000); m_conn2 = QObject::connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, [&el]() { el.exit(cmdTimeout); }); timer.start(); TCmdButton ret = (TCmdButton)el.exec(); QObject::disconnect(m_conn1); QObject::disconnect(m_conn2); return ret; }
/* exit from url loop */ void url_exit(void) { QEventLoop loop; loop.exit(); foreach (QSocketNotifier *notifier, gReadNotifiers) { delete notifier; } foreach (QSocketNotifier *notifier, gWriteNotifiers) { delete notifier; } QApplication::quit(); }
std::pair<int, int> Network::checkOnlineMags(const QUrl & url) { int lowestAvailableMag = NUM_MAG_DATASETS; int highestAvailableMag = 0; int maxMagCount = int_log(NUM_MAG_DATASETS) + 1; QProgressDialog progress("Network Operation…", "Abort", 0, 100, state->mainWindow); progress.setModal(true); std::vector<qint64> bytesReceivedAll(maxMagCount); std::vector<qint64> bytesTotalAll(maxMagCount); std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QNetworkReply>> replies(maxMagCount); QTimer::singleShot(400, &progress, &QProgressDialog::show); QEventLoop pause; for (int currMag = 1; currMag <= NUM_MAG_DATASETS; currMag *= 2) { QUrl magUrl = url; magUrl.setPath(QString("%1/mag%2/knossos.conf").arg(url.path()).arg(currMag)); auto * replyPtr = manager.get(QNetworkRequest{magUrl}); replies[int_log(currMag)] = decltype(replies)::value_type{replyPtr}; QObject::connect(replyPtr, &QNetworkReply::finished, [magUrl, &pause, &maxMagCount, currMag, replyPtr, &lowestAvailableMag, &highestAvailableMag]() { auto & reply = *replyPtr; if (reply.error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { lowestAvailableMag = std::min(lowestAvailableMag, currMag); highestAvailableMag = std::max(highestAvailableMag, currMag); } if (--maxMagCount == 0) { pause.exit(); } }); auto processProgress = [&progress, currMag, &bytesReceivedAll, &bytesTotalAll](qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal){ bytesReceivedAll[int_log(currMag)] = bytesReceived; bytesTotalAll[int_log(currMag)] = bytesTotal; const auto received = std::accumulate(std::begin(bytesReceivedAll), std::end(bytesReceivedAll), qint64{0}); const auto total = std::accumulate(std::begin(bytesTotalAll), std::end(bytesTotalAll), qint64{0}); progress.setRange(0, total); progress.setValue(received); }; QObject::connect(replyPtr, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, processProgress); QObject::connect(replyPtr, &QNetworkReply::uploadProgress, processProgress); QObject::connect(&progress, &QProgressDialog::canceled, replyPtr, &QNetworkReply::abort); } pause.exec(); if (lowestAvailableMag > highestAvailableMag) { throw std::runtime_error{"no mags detected"}; } return {lowestAvailableMag, highestAvailableMag}; }
void behaviorOfPendingTimeouts() { QEventLoop eventloop; TpTimer timer; timer.setPassedTimepointsTrigger(true); /* allow startToTimePoint(tp) to take timepoints lying in the past - these will cause the timer to fire immediately */ timer.startToTimePoint(TpTimer::nowTimePoint()-1000); // timepoint in the past QObject::connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, [&]() { std::cout << "millisSinceEpoch planned-alarm: " << timer.expiryTimePoint() << "\n" "actual: " << TpTimer::nowTimePoint() << '\n' << std::endl; eventloop.exit(); }); eventloop.exec(); }
TCmdButton waitForBut1CmdOrBut2Cmd() { extern CommandController cmdCtl; QEventLoop el; QMetaObject::Connection m_conn1, m_conn2; m_conn1 = QObject::connect(&cmdCtl, &CommandController::button1, [&el]() { el.exit(cmdButton1); }); m_conn2 = QObject::connect(&cmdCtl, &CommandController::button2, [&el]() { el.exit(cmdButton2); }); TCmdButton ret = (TCmdButton)el.exec(); QObject::disconnect(m_conn1); QObject::disconnect(m_conn2); return ret; }
void OsmAnd::OnlineMapRasterTileProvider_P::replyFinishedHandler( QNetworkReply* reply, const std::shared_ptr<TileEntry>& tileEntry, QEventLoop& eventLoop, QNetworkAccessManager& networkAccessManager ) { auto redirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); if(!redirectUrl.isEmpty()) { reply->deleteLater(); QNetworkRequest newRequest; newRequest.setUrl(redirectUrl); newRequest.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "OsmAnd Core"); auto newReply = networkAccessManager.get(newRequest); QObject::connect(newReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [this, newReply, tileEntry, &eventLoop, &networkAccessManager]() { replyFinishedHandler(newReply, tileEntry, eventLoop, networkAccessManager); }); return; } // Remove current download and process pending queue { QMutexLocker scopedLock(&_currentDownloadsCounterMutex); _currentDownloadsCount--; } // Enqueue other downloads _tiles.obtainTileEntries(nullptr, [this](const std::shared_ptr<TileEntry>& entry, bool& cancel) -> bool { if(_currentDownloadsCount == owner->maxConcurrentDownloads) { cancel = true; return false; } if(entry->state == TileState::EnqueuedForDownload) obtainTileDeffered(entry); return false; }); handleNetworkReply(reply, tileEntry); reply->deleteLater(); eventLoop.exit(); }
//0 - exit on finish, 1 - exit on cancel TCmdButton waitForFinishPlayOrCancel(QProcess *videoPlayer) { //extern QProcess videoPlayer; extern CommandController cmdCtl; QEventLoop el; QMetaObject::Connection m_conn1, m_conn2; m_conn1 = QObject::connect(&cmdCtl, &CommandController::buttonCancel, [&el]() { el.exit(cmdButtonCancel); }); //QObject::connect((QObject*)&videoPlayer, &QProcess::finished, [&el]() { el.exit(0); }); m_conn2 = QObject::connect(videoPlayer, static_cast<void(QProcess::*)(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)>(&QProcess::finished), [&el](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus){ qDebug() <<"video finished signal exit code " << exitCode; el.exit(cmdFinished); }); TCmdButton ret = (TCmdButton)el.exec(); QObject::disconnect(m_conn1); QObject::disconnect(m_conn2); return ret; }
/** * Take the WebKit HTML and transform it into ENML * */ void EnmlFormatter::rebuildNoteEnml() { QLOG_INFO() << "===== Rebuilding note ENML"; QLOG_DEBUG_FILE("fmt-html-input.html", getContent()); // list of referenced LIDs resources.clear(); tidyHtml(HtmlCleanupMode::Tidy); if (isFormattingError()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Got no output from tidy - cleanup failed"; return; } removeHtmlHeader(); //QRegularExpression reInput("<!--.*-->"); //content.replace(reInput, ""); content.prepend(DEFAULT_HTML_HEAD); content.prepend(DEFAULT_HTML_TYPE); // Tidy puts this in place, but we don't really need it. content.replace("<form>", ""); content.replace("</form>", ""); content = fixEncryptionTags(content); QLOG_DEBUG_FILE("fmt-pre-dt-check.html", getContent()); if (global.guiAvailable) { QWebPage page; QEventLoop loop; page.mainFrame()->setContent(getContentBytes()); QObject::connect(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), &loop, SLOT(quit())); loop.exit(); QWebElement elementRoot = page.mainFrame()->documentElement(); QStringList tags = findAllTags(elementRoot); for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { QString tag = tags[i]; QLOG_DEBUG() << "== processing tag " << tag; QWebElementCollection anchors = page.mainFrame()->findAllElements(tag); foreach(QWebElement element, anchors) { QString tagname = element.tagName().toLower(); if (tagname == "input") { fixInputNode(element); } else if (tagname == "a") { fixANode(element); } else if (tagname == "object") { fixObjectNode(element); } else if (tagname == "img") { fixImgNode(element); } else if (tagname == "span") { fixSpanNode(element); } else if (tagname == "div") { fixDivNode(element); } else if (tagname == "pre") { fixPreNode(element); } else if (!isElementValid(element)) { QLOG_DEBUG() << "Removing element: " << tagname; element.removeFromDocument(); } } }
/*! * \brief Handle doc translation */ void Translator::fileTranslate(QString filePath) { QDir outputDocDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation)); QString dirName = tr("Apertium Translated Documents"); outputDocDir.mkdir(dirName); if (! { emit fileTranslateRejected(); return; } QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX auto multiPart = new QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType); QHttpPart filePart; filePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; filename=\"" + fileInfo.fileName() + "\"; name=\"file\"")); auto file = new QFile(filePath); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { emit fileTranslateRejected(); return; } filePart.setBodyDevice(file); file->setParent(multiPart); multiPart->append(filePart); QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem("langpair", parent->getCurrentSourceLang() + "|" + parent->getCurrentTargetLang()); QUrl url("http://localhost:2737/translateDoc?"); QNetworkRequest request(QUrl(url.url() + query.query())); QNetworkAccessManager mngr; QEventLoop loop; QNetworkReply *reply =, multiPart); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [&]() { loop.exit(); if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { qDebug() << reply->errorString(); emit fileTranslateRejected(); return; } QFile outDoc(outputDocDir.absoluteFilePath(fileInfo.baseName() + "_" + parent->getCurrentSourceLang() + "-" + parent->getCurrentTargetLang() + "." + fileInfo.completeSuffix())); if (! | QIODevice::Truncate)) { emit fileTranslateRejected(); reply->deleteLater(); return; } outDoc.write(reply->readAll()); outDoc.close(); emit fileTranslated(outDoc.fileName()); reply->deleteLater(); }); loop.exec(); #else if (fileInfo.suffix() == "txt") translateTxt(filePath, outputDocDir); else if (fileInfo.suffix() == "docx") translateDocx(filePath, outputDocDir); else if (fileInfo.suffix() == "pptx") translatePptx(filePath, outputDocDir); else if (fileInfo.suffix() == "xlsx") translateXlsx(filePath, outputDocDir); else if (fileInfo.suffix() == "html") translateHtml(filePath, outputDocDir); else if (fileInfo.suffix() == "rtf") translateRtf(filePath, outputDocDir); #endif }
void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didFinishLoading(ResourceHandle*, double) { if (!m_replyFinished) m_eventLoop.exit(); }
void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didFail(ResourceHandle*, const ResourceError& error) { m_error = error; if (!m_replyFinished) m_eventLoop.exit(); }
void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didFail(ResourceHandle*, const ResourceError& error) { m_error = error; m_eventLoop.exit(); }
void WebCoreSynchronousLoader::didFinishLoading(ResourceHandle*) { m_eventLoop.exit(); }