void slm_client::readMessagefromBuddy(QString incomingMessage, QHostAddress peerAddress) { QDateTime currentTime; QString shownMessage; //decrypt the message incomingMessage = encryptionObject.dencrypt(incomingMessage, "qweertesdjhfgjhsdfsmg2008xbnxcvbnxvashgdahgdhafdajhfdvsbdcvgsdvf"); qDebug() << "Decrypted Text :: " << incomingMessage; // check if the message gui is open or not and open if it is not. if(this->getGuiKey() == 0) { this->show(); this->setGuiKey(1);// set the gui key to one to indicate it is opened } else { this->activateWindow();// if it is already opened, activate it before writing the message } //show the message to the user by adding current data and time shownMessage = currentTime.currentDateTime().toString() + " From " + peerAddress.toString() + ": " + "\n" + "\n" + incomingMessage + "\n"; m_ui->slm_clientIncomingTextArea->append(shownMessage); }
void AdvancedSettings::updateInterfaceAddressCombo() { // Try to get the currently selected interface name const QString ifaceName = comboBoxInterface.itemData(comboBoxInterface.currentIndex()).toString(); // Empty string for the first element const QString currentAddress = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->networkInterfaceAddress(); // Clear all items and reinsert them, default to all comboBoxInterfaceAddress.clear(); comboBoxInterfaceAddress.addItem(tr("All addresses")); comboBoxInterfaceAddress.setCurrentIndex(0); auto populateCombo = [this, ¤tAddress](const QString &ip, const QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol &protocol) { Q_ASSERT((protocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) || (protocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol)); // Only take ipv4 for now? if ((protocol != QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) && (protocol != QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol)) return; comboBoxInterfaceAddress.addItem(ip); //Try to select the last added one if (ip == currentAddress) comboBoxInterfaceAddress.setCurrentIndex(comboBoxInterfaceAddress.count() - 1); }; if (ifaceName.isEmpty()) { for (const QHostAddress &ip : asConst(QNetworkInterface::allAddresses())) populateCombo(ip.toString(), ip.protocol()); } else { const QNetworkInterface iface = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(ifaceName); const QList<QNetworkAddressEntry> addresses = iface.addressEntries(); for (const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry : addresses) { const QHostAddress ip = entry.ip(); populateCombo(ip.toString(), ip.protocol()); } } }
void ServerDiscoveryModel::addService(KDNSSD::RemoteService::Ptr service) { QUrl url; url.setScheme("drawpile"); QHostAddress hostname = KDNSSD::ServiceBrowser::resolveHostName(service->hostName()); url.setHost(hostname.isNull() ? service->hostName() : hostname.toString()); if(service->port() != DRAWPILE_PROTO_DEFAULT_PORT) url.setPort(service->port()); QDateTime started = QDateTime::fromString(service->textData()["started"], Qt::ISODate); started.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); DiscoveredServer s { url, service->serviceName(), service->textData()["title"], service->textData()["protocol"], started }; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), _servers.size(), _servers.size()); _servers.append(s); endInsertRows(); }
void NetworkMonitor::processPendingDatagrams() { while( socket.hasPendingDatagrams() ) { QByteArray datagram; QHostAddress sender; datagram.resize( socket.pendingDatagramSize() ); socket.readDatagram( datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &sender ); if( QString( datagram.data() ) == QString( broadcastPing.data() ) && datagram.size() == broadcastPing.size() ) break; QString socketKey = sender.toString( ); if( !connectedDevices.contains( socketKey ) ) { PacketUdp* device = new PacketUdp( ); connectedDevices.insert( socketKey, device ); // stick it in our own list of boards we know about device->setRemoteHostInfo( &sender, listenPort ); device->setKey( socketKey ); device->setInterfaces( messageInterface, this ); device->open( ); // post it to the UI BoardArrivalEvent* event = new BoardArrivalEvent( Board::Udp ); event->pUdp.append( device ); application->postEvent( mainWindow, event ); } if( connectedDevices.contains( socketKey ) ) // pass the packet through to the packet interface { connectedDevices.value( socketKey )->incomingMessage( datagram ); connectedDevices.value( socketKey )->processPacket( ); connectedDevices.value( socketKey )->resetTimer( ); } } }
bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port) { #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect() to %s :: %i", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port); #endif struct sockaddr_in sockAddrIPv4; qt_sockaddr_in6 sockAddrIPv6; struct sockaddr *sockAddrPtr = 0; QT_SOCKLEN_T sockAddrSize = 0; qt_socket_setPortAndAddress(socketDescriptor, &sockAddrIPv4, &sockAddrIPv6, port, address, &sockAddrPtr, &sockAddrSize); forever { int connectResult = ::WSAConnect(socketDescriptor, sockAddrPtr, sockAddrSize, 0,0,0,0); if (connectResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err = WSAGetLastError(); WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err); switch (err) { case WSANOTINITIALISED: //### break; case WSAEISCONN: socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState; break; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: { // If WSAConnect returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK on the second // connection attempt, we have to check SO_ERROR's // value to detect ECONNREFUSED. If we don't get // ECONNREFUSED, we'll have to treat it as an // unfinished operation. int value = 0; QT_SOCKLEN_T valueSize = sizeof(value); if (::getsockopt(socketDescriptor, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *) &value, &valueSize) == 0) { if (value == WSAECONNREFUSED) { setError(QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionRefusedErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; } if (value == WSAETIMEDOUT) { setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, ConnectionTimeOutErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; } if (value == WSAEHOSTUNREACH) { setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, HostUnreachableErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; } if (value == WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL) { setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, AddressNotAvailableErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; } } // fall through } case WSAEINPROGRESS: setError(QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError, InvalidSocketErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState; break; case WSAEADDRINUSE: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, AddressInuseErrorString); break; case WSAECONNREFUSED: setError(QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionRefusedErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case WSAETIMEDOUT: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, ConnectionTimeOutErrorString); break; case WSAEACCES: setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError, AccessErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case WSAEHOSTUNREACH: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, HostUnreachableErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case WSAENETUNREACH: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, NetworkUnreachableErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case WSAEINVAL: case WSAEALREADY: setError(QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError, InvalidSocketErrorString); break; default: break; } if (socketState != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(%s, %i) == false (%s)", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port, socketState == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState ? "Connection in progress" : socketErrorString.toLatin1().constData()); #endif return false; } } break; } #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(%s, %i) == true", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port); #endif socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState; return true; }
void RDStation::setAddress(QHostAddress addr) const { SetRow("IPV4_ADDRESS",addr.toString()); }
void RaspberryPiDebugWidget::setIp(QHostAddress ip) { ui->labIp->setText(ip.toString()); }
QHostInfo QHostInfoAgent::fromName(const QString &hostName) { QHostInfo results; #if defined(QHOSTINFO_DEBUG) qDebug("QHostInfoAgent::fromName(%s) looking up...", hostName.toLatin1().constData()); #endif // Load res_init on demand. static volatile bool triedResolve = false; if (!triedResolve) { QMutexLocker locker(QMutexPool::globalInstanceGet(&local_res_init)); if (!triedResolve) { resolveLibrary(); triedResolve = true; } } // If res_init is available, poll it. if (local_res_init) local_res_init(); QHostAddress address; if (address.setAddress(hostName)) { // Reverse lookup // Reverse lookups using getnameinfo are broken on darwin, use gethostbyaddr instead. #if !defined (QT_NO_GETADDRINFO) && !defined (Q_OS_DARWIN) sockaddr_in sa4; #ifndef QT_NO_IPV6 sockaddr_in6 sa6; #endif sockaddr *sa = 0; QT_SOCKLEN_T saSize = 0; if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { sa = (sockaddr *)&sa4; saSize = sizeof(sa4); memset(&sa4, 0, sizeof(sa4)); sa4.sin_family = AF_INET; sa4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(address.toIPv4Address()); } #ifndef QT_NO_IPV6 else { sa = (sockaddr *)&sa6; saSize = sizeof(sa6); memset(&sa6, 0, sizeof(sa6)); sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(sa6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, address.toIPv6Address().c, sizeof(sa6.sin6_addr.s6_addr)); } #endif char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST]; if (sa && getnameinfo(sa, saSize, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), 0, 0, 0) == 0) results.setHostName(QString::fromLatin1(hbuf)); #else in_addr_t inetaddr = qt_safe_inet_addr(hostName.toLatin1().constData()); struct hostent *ent = gethostbyaddr((const char *)&inetaddr, sizeof(inetaddr), AF_INET); if (ent) results.setHostName(QString::fromLatin1(ent->h_name)); #endif if (results.hostName().isEmpty()) results.setHostName(address.toString()); results.setAddresses(QList<QHostAddress>() << address); return results; } // IDN support QByteArray aceHostname = QUrl::toAce(hostName); results.setHostName(hostName); if (aceHostname.isEmpty()) { results.setError(QHostInfo::HostNotFound); results.setErrorString(hostName.isEmpty() ? QCoreApplication::translate("QHostInfoAgent", "No host name given") : QCoreApplication::translate("QHostInfoAgent", "Invalid hostname")); return results; } #if !defined (QT_NO_GETADDRINFO) // Call getaddrinfo, and place all IPv4 addresses at the start and // the IPv6 addresses at the end of the address list in results. addrinfo *res = 0; struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; #ifdef Q_ADDRCONFIG hints.ai_flags = Q_ADDRCONFIG; #endif int result = getaddrinfo(aceHostname.constData(), 0, &hints, &res); # ifdef Q_ADDRCONFIG if (result == EAI_BADFLAGS) { // if the lookup failed with AI_ADDRCONFIG set, try again without it hints.ai_flags = 0; result = getaddrinfo(aceHostname.constData(), 0, &hints, &res); } # endif if (result == 0) { addrinfo *node = res; QList<QHostAddress> addresses; while (node) { #ifdef QHOSTINFO_DEBUG qDebug() << "getaddrinfo node: flags:" << node->ai_flags << "family:" << node->ai_family << "ai_socktype:" << node->ai_socktype << "ai_protocol:" << node->ai_protocol << "ai_addrlen:" << node->ai_addrlen; #endif if (node->ai_family == AF_INET) { QHostAddress addr; addr.setAddress(ntohl(((sockaddr_in *) node->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); if (!addresses.contains(addr)) addresses.append(addr); } #ifndef QT_NO_IPV6 else if (node->ai_family == AF_INET6) { QHostAddress addr; sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = (sockaddr_in6 *) node->ai_addr; addr.setAddress(sa6->sin6_addr.s6_addr); if (sa6->sin6_scope_id) addr.setScopeId(QString::number(sa6->sin6_scope_id)); if (!addresses.contains(addr)) addresses.append(addr); } #endif node = node->ai_next; } if (addresses.isEmpty() && node == 0) { // Reached the end of the list, but no addresses were found; this // means the list contains one or more unknown address types. results.setError(QHostInfo::UnknownError); results.setErrorString(tr("Unknown address type")); } results.setAddresses(addresses); freeaddrinfo(res); } else if (result == EAI_NONAME || result == EAI_FAIL #ifdef EAI_NODATA // EAI_NODATA is deprecated in RFC 3493 || result == EAI_NODATA #endif ) { results.setError(QHostInfo::HostNotFound); results.setErrorString(tr("Host not found")); } else { results.setError(QHostInfo::UnknownError); results.setErrorString(QString::fromLocal8Bit(gai_strerror(result))); } #else // Fall back to gethostbyname for platforms that don't define // getaddrinfo. gethostbyname does not support IPv6, and it's not // reentrant on all platforms. For now this is okay since we only // use one QHostInfoAgent, but if more agents are introduced, locking // must be provided. QMutexLocker locker(::getHostByNameMutex()); hostent *result = gethostbyname(aceHostname.constData()); if (result) { if (result->h_addrtype == AF_INET) { QList<QHostAddress> addresses; for (char **p = result->h_addr_list; *p != 0; p++) { QHostAddress addr; addr.setAddress(ntohl(*((quint32 *)*p))); if (!addresses.contains(addr)) addresses.prepend(addr); } results.setAddresses(addresses); } else { results.setError(QHostInfo::UnknownError); results.setErrorString(tr("Unknown address type")); } #if !defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS) } else if (h_errno == HOST_NOT_FOUND || h_errno == NO_DATA || h_errno == NO_ADDRESS) { results.setError(QHostInfo::HostNotFound); results.setErrorString(tr("Host not found")); #endif } else { results.setError(QHostInfo::UnknownError); results.setErrorString(tr("Unknown error")); } #endif // !defined (QT_NO_GETADDRINFO) #if defined(QHOSTINFO_DEBUG) if (results.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) { qDebug("QHostInfoAgent::fromName(): error #%d %s", h_errno, results.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); } else { QString tmp; QList<QHostAddress> addresses = results.addresses(); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.count(); ++i) { if (i != 0) tmp += ", "; tmp += addresses.at(i).toString(); } qDebug("QHostInfoAgent::fromName(): found %i entries for \"%s\": {%s}", addresses.count(), hostName.toLatin1().constData(), tmp.toLatin1().constData()); } #endif return results; }
void ServerPool::SelectDefaultListen(bool force) { if (!force) { QReadLocker rlock(&naLock); if (!naList_4.isEmpty() || !naList_6.isEmpty()) // lists are already populated, do nothing return; } QWriteLocker wlock(&naLock); naList_4.clear(); naList_6.clear(); // populate stored IPv4 and IPv6 addresses QHostAddress config_v4(gCoreContext->resolveSettingAddress( "BackendServerIP", QString(), gCoreContext->ResolveIPv4, true)); bool v4IsSet = config_v4.isNull() ? true : false; #if !defined(QT_NO_IPV6) QHostAddress config_v6(gCoreContext->resolveSettingAddress( "BackendServerIP6", QString(), gCoreContext->ResolveIPv6, true)); bool v6IsSet = config_v6.isNull() ? true : false; #endif bool allowLinkLocal = gCoreContext->GetNumSetting("AllowLinkLocal", true) > 0; // loop through all available interfaces QList<QNetworkInterface> IFs = QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces(); QList<QNetworkInterface>::const_iterator qni; for (qni = IFs.begin(); qni != IFs.end(); ++qni) { if ((qni->flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning) == 0) continue; QList<QNetworkAddressEntry> IPs = qni->addressEntries(); QList<QNetworkAddressEntry>::iterator qnai; for (qnai = IPs.begin(); qnai != IPs.end(); ++qnai) { QHostAddress ip = qnai->ip(); #if !defined(QT_NO_IPV6) if (ip.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { #endif if (naList_4.contains(*qnai)) // already defined, skip continue; else if (!config_v4.isNull() && (ip == config_v4)) { // IPv4 address is defined, add it LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding BackendServerIP to address list.")); naList_4.append(*qnai); v4IsSet = true; } else if (ip == QHostAddress::LocalHost) { // always listen on LocalHost LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding IPv4 loopback to address list.")); naList_4.append(*qnai); if (!v4IsSet && (config_v4 == ip)) v4IsSet = true; } else if (ip.isInSubnet(kLinkLocal) && allowLinkLocal) { // optionally listen on linklocal // the next clause will enable it anyway if no IP address // has been set LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding link-local '%1' to address list.") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); naList_4.append(*qnai); } else if (config_v4.isNull()) { // IPv4 address is not defined, populate one // restrict autoconfiguration to RFC1918 private networks static QPair<QHostAddress, int> privNet1 = QHostAddress::parseSubnet(""), privNet2 = QHostAddress::parseSubnet(""), privNet3 = QHostAddress::parseSubnet(""); if (ip.isInSubnet(privNet1) || ip.isInSubnet(privNet2) || ip.isInSubnet(privNet3)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding '%1' to address list.") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); naList_4.append(*qnai); } else if (ip.isInSubnet(kLinkLocal)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding link-local '%1' to address list.") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); naList_4.append(*qnai); } else LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Skipping " "non-private address during IPv4 autoselection: %1") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); } else LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Skipping address: %1") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); #if !defined(QT_NO_IPV6) } else { if (ip.isInSubnet(kLinkLocal6)) { // set scope id for link local address ip.setScopeId(qni->name()); qnai->setIp(ip); } if (naList_6.contains(*qnai)) // already defined, skip continue; else if ((!config_v6.isNull()) && (ip == config_v6)) { // IPv6 address is defined, add it LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding BackendServerIP6 to address list.")); naList_6.append(*qnai); v6IsSet = true; } else if (ip == QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6) { // always listen on LocalHost LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding IPv6 loopback to address list.")); naList_6.append(*qnai); if (!v6IsSet && (config_v6 == ip)) v6IsSet = true; } else if (ip.isInSubnet(kLinkLocal6) && allowLinkLocal) { // optionally listen on linklocal // the next clause will enable it anyway if no IP address // has been set LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding link-local '%1' to address list.") .arg(ip.toString())); naList_6.append(*qnai); } else if (config_v6.isNull()) { if (ip.isInSubnet(kLinkLocal6)) LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding link-local '%1' to address list.") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); else LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Adding '%1' to address list.") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); naList_6.append(*qnai); } else LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Skipping address: %1") .arg(PRETTYIP_(ip))); } #endif } } if (!v4IsSet && (config_v4 != QHostAddress::LocalHost) && !naList_4.isEmpty()) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_CRIT, LOC + QString("Host is configured to listen " "on %1, but address is not used on any local network " "interfaces.").arg(config_v4.toString())); } #if !defined(QT_NO_IPV6) if (!v6IsSet && (config_v6 != QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6) && !naList_6.isEmpty()) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_CRIT, LOC + QString("Host is configured to listen " "on %1, but address is not used on any local network " "interfaces.").arg(PRETTYIP_(config_v6))); } #endif // NOTE: there is no warning for the case where both defined addresses // are localhost, and neither are found. however this would also // mean there is no configured network at all, and should be // sufficiently rare a case as to not worry about it. }
void VisionReceiver::run() { QUdpSocket socket; // Create vision socket if (simulation) { // The simulator doesn't multicast its vision. Instead, it sends to two // different ports. // Try to bind to the first one and, if that fails, use the second one. if (!socket.bind(SimVisionPort)) { if (!socket.bind(SimVisionPort + 1)) { throw runtime_error( "Can't bind to either simulated vision port"); } } } else { // Receive multicast packets from shared vision. if (!socket.bind(port, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress)) { throw runtime_error("Can't bind to shared vision port"); } multicast_add(&socket, SharedVisionAddress); } // There should be at most four packets: one for each camera on each of two // frames, assuming some clock skew between this // computer and the vision computer. _packets.reserve(4); _running = true; while (_running) { char buf[65536]; // Wait for a UDP packet if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(500)) { // Time out once in a while so the thread has a chance to exit continue; } QHostAddress host; quint16 portNumber = 0; qint64 size = socket.readDatagram(buf, sizeof(buf), &host, &portNumber); if (size < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "VisionReceiver: %s\n", (const char*)socket.errorString().toLatin1()); // See Processor for why we can't use QThread::msleep() ::usleep(100 * 1000); continue; } // FIXME - Verify that it is from the right host, in case there are // multiple visions on the network // Parse the protobuf message VisionPacket* packet = new VisionPacket; packet->receivedTime = timestamp(); if (!packet->wrapper.ParseFromArray(buf, size)) { fprintf(stderr, "VisionReceiver: got bad packet of %d bytes from %s:%d\n", (int)size, (const char*)host.toString().toLatin1(), portNumber); continue; } // Add to the vector of packets _mutex.lock(); _packets.push_back(packet); _mutex.unlock(); } }
bool JDnsShared::addInterface(const QHostAddress &addr) { if(shutting_down) return false; QString str; int index = instances.count(); str = QString("attempting to use interface %1").arg(addr.toString()); if(db) db->addDebug(dbname + QString::number(index), QStringList() << str); QJDns *jdns; if(mode == UnicastInternet || mode == UnicastLocal) { jdns = new QJDns(this); jdns_link(jdns); if(!jdns->init(QJDns::Unicast, addr)) { doDebug(jdns, index); delete jdns; return false; } if(mode == UnicastLocal) { QJDns::NameServer host; host.address = QHostAddress(""); host.port = 5353; jdns->setNameServers(QList<QJDns::NameServer>() << host); } } else { // only one instance supported for now (see more in the // comment below) if(!instances.isEmpty()) return false; jdns = new QJDns(this); jdns_link(jdns); // instead of binding to the requested address, we'll bind // to "Any". this is because QJDns doesn't support // multiple interfaces. however, if that ever changes, // we can update the code here and things should be mostly // transparent to the user of JDnsShared. //if(!jdns->init(QJDns::Multicast, addr)) if(!jdns->init(QJDns::Multicast, QHostAddress::Any)) { doDebug(jdns, index); delete jdns; return false; } } Instance *i = new Instance; i->jdns = jdns; i->addr = addr; instances += i; if(mode == UnicastInternet) applyNameServers(i); str = QString("interface ready"); if(db) db->addDebug(dbname + QString::number(index), QStringList() << str); return true; }
void Widget::udpProcessPendingDatagrams() { while (udpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QHostAddress rAddr; quint16 rPort; QByteArray datagram; qint64 dataRead = 0; int datagramSize = udpSocket->pendingDatagramSize(); datagram.resize(datagramSize); while(dataRead < datagram.size()) { qint64 readNow = udpSocket->readDatagram(datagram.data()+dataRead, datagramSize, &rAddr, &rPort); // le +dataRead sur un tableau, ça décale le pointeur d'un offset de taille dataRead ! if(readNow != -1) { dataRead += readNow; // Remember the total number of bytes read, so we know when to stop if (datagramSize > (datagram.size() - dataRead)) // Make sure we don't overflow datagramSize = (datagram.size() - dataRead); } else { logStatusMessage(QString("Socket error : ").arg(udpSocket->errorString())); return; } } // Add player on connection if ((unsigned char)datagram[0]==MsgConnect && (unsigned char)datagram[1]==0 && (unsigned char)datagram[2]==0 && datagram.size()>=22) { QString name = dataToString(datagram.right(datagram.size()-22)); int nameFullSize = getVUint32Size(datagram.right(datagram.size()-22))+name.size(); QString sesskey = dataToString(datagram.right(datagram.size()-22-nameFullSize)); //logMessage(QString("UDP: Connect detected with name : ")+name); //logMessage(QString("UDP: Connect detected with sesskey : ")+sesskey); //logMessage(QString("UDP: Datagram was : ")+datagram.toHex()); bool is_sesskey_valid = true; if (enableSessKeyValidation) { is_sesskey_valid = QCryptographicHash::hash(QString(sesskey.right(40) + saltPassword).toLatin1(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex() == sesskey.left(32); } if (is_sesskey_valid) { //logMessage("Sesskey token accepted"); // Create new player if needed, else just update player Player* newPlayer = Player::findPlayer(udpPlayers, rAddr.toString(),rPort); if (newPlayer->IP != rAddr.toString()) // IP:Port not found in player list { newPlayer->resetNetwork(); //newPlayer->connected = true; // Not really connected until we finish the handshake newPlayer->name = name; newPlayer->IP = rAddr.toString(); newPlayer->port = rPort; // Check if we have too many players connected int n=0; for (int i=0;i<udpPlayers.size();i++) if (udpPlayers[i]->connected) n++; if (n>=maxConnected) { sendMessage(newPlayer, MsgDisconnect, "Error : Too many players connected. Try again later."); } else // If not add the player udpPlayers << newPlayer; } else // IP:Port found in player list { if (newPlayer->connected) // TODO: Error, player already connected { sendMessage(newPlayer, MsgDisconnect, "Error : Player already connected."); return; } // Check if we have too many players connected int n=0; for (int i=0;i<udpPlayers.size();i++) if (udpPlayers[i]->connected) n++; if (n>=maxConnected) { sendMessage(newPlayer, MsgDisconnect, "Error : Too many players connected. Try again later."); } newPlayer->resetNetwork(); newPlayer->name = name; newPlayer->IP = rAddr.toString(); newPlayer->port = rPort; //newPlayer->connected = true; // We're not really connected until we finish the handshake } } else { QString badHash = QCryptographicHash::hash((QString(sesskey.right(40)) +saltPassword).toLatin1(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex(); logMessage("UDP: Sesskey rejected: got '"+badHash+"' instead of '"+sesskey.left(32) +"', passhash was '"+QString(sesskey.right(40))); Player* newPlayer = new Player; newPlayer->IP = rAddr.toString(); newPlayer->port = rPort; sendMessage(newPlayer, MsgDisconnect, "Error : Wrong sesskey hash."); return; } } Player* player = Player::findPlayer(udpPlayers, rAddr.toString(), rPort); if (player->IP == rAddr.toString() && player->port == rPort) { // Acquire datas player->receivedDatas->append(datagram); // Process data receiveMessage(player); } else // You need to connect with TCP first { logMessage("UDP: Request from unknown peer rejected : "+rAddr.toString()+":"+QString().setNum(rPort)); // Send disconnect message manually QString data("You're not connected, please login first. (aka the server has no idea who the hell you are)"); QByteArray msg(6,0); msg[0] = MsgDisconnect; msg[3] = (quint8)(((data.size()+1)*8)&0xFF); msg[4] = (quint8)((((data.size()+1)*8)>>8)&0xFF); msg[5] = (quint8)data.size(); msg += data; win.udpSocket->writeDatagram(msg,rAddr,rPort); } } }
#include "DdeFaceTracker.h" #include "FaceshiftConstants.h" #include "InterfaceLogging.h" #include "Menu.h" static const QHostAddress DDE_SERVER_ADDR(""); static const quint16 DDE_SERVER_PORT = 64204; static const quint16 DDE_CONTROL_PORT = 64205; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) static const QString DDE_PROGRAM_PATH = "/dde/dde.exe"; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) static const QString DDE_PROGRAM_PATH = "/dde.app/Contents/MacOS/dde"; #endif static const QStringList DDE_ARGUMENTS = QStringList() << "--udp=" + DDE_SERVER_ADDR.toString() + ":" + QString::number(DDE_SERVER_PORT) << "--receiver=" + QString::number(DDE_CONTROL_PORT) << "--headless"; static const int NUM_EXPRESSIONS = 46; static const int MIN_PACKET_SIZE = (8 + NUM_EXPRESSIONS) * sizeof(float) + sizeof(int); static const int MAX_NAME_SIZE = 31; // There's almost but not quite a 1-1 correspondence between DDE's 46 and Faceshift 1.3's 48 packets. // The best guess at mapping is to: // - Swap L and R values // - Skip two Faceshift values: JawChew (22) and LipsLowerDown (37) static const int DDE_TO_FACESHIFT_MAPPING[] = { 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8, 11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14, 16, 18, 17,
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QHostAddress address = QHostAddress::Broadcast; unsigned short port = 6948; QString message = kMessage; bool verbose = false; if (a.argc() == 0) { printHelp(); return GENERIC_EXIT_OK; } for (int argpos = 1; argpos < a.argc(); ++argpos) { QString arg = a.argv()[argpos]; if (arg.startsWith("-h") || arg.startsWith("--help")) { printHelp(); return GENERIC_EXIT_OK; } } for (int argpos = 1; argpos < a.argc(); ++argpos) { QString arg = a.argv()[argpos]; if (arg.startsWith("--help") || arg.startsWith("--template")) continue; if (arg.startsWith("--verbose")) { verbose = true; continue; } if (arg.startsWith("--udpport")) { port = arg.section("=", 1).toUShort(); if (port == 0) port = 6948; continue; } if (arg.startsWith("--bcastaddr")) { QString newaddr = arg.section("=", 1); if (!newaddr.isEmpty()) address.setAddress(newaddr); continue; } QString name = arg.section("=", 0, 0); name.replace("--", ""); QString value = QString::fromLocal8Bit( arg.section("=", 1).toLocal8Bit()); if (verbose) { QByteArray tmp_name = name.toLocal8Bit(); QByteArray tmp_value = value.toLocal8Bit(); cerr << "name: " << tmp_name.constData() << " -- value: " << tmp_value.constData() << endl; } name.append("%"); name.prepend("%"); message.replace(name, value); } if (verbose) { QByteArray tmp_message = message.toLocal8Bit(); cout << "output:\n" << tmp_message.constData() << endl; } QUdpSocket *sock = new QUdpSocket(); QByteArray utf8 = message.toUtf8(); int size = utf8.length(); if (sock->writeDatagram(utf8.constData(), size, address, port) < 0) { VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "Failed to send UDP/XML packet"); } else { cout << "Sent UDP/XML packet to IP " << address.toString().toLocal8Bit().constData() << " and port: " << port << endl; } sock->deleteLater(); return GENERIC_EXIT_OK; }
const QByteArray Auth::calculateAuthKey() { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database ( m_db ); bool ok = false; QSqlQuery query(db); ok = query.exec( QString("SELECT Value from Config where Name = 'ZM_AUTH_HASH_SECRET'") ); if (!ok || !query.next()) { qDebug("Hash Error: error getting zm_auth_hash_secret from db %s", qPrintable(query.lastError().text())); return QByteArray(); } QString auth_key = query.value(0).toString(); // HASH Secret ok = query.exec( QString("SELECT Value from Config where Name = 'ZM_AUTH_HASH_IPS'") ); if (!ok || !query.next()) { qDebug("Hash Error: error getting zm_auth_hash_ips from db %s", qPrintable(query.lastError().text())); return QByteArray(); } bool use_remote_addr = query.value(0).toBool(); // Include remote addr? ok = query.exec( QString("SELECT now()") ); if (!ok || !query.next()) { qDebug("Hash Error: Can not read Server Time. now() function doesn't work %s", qPrintable(query.lastError().text())); return QByteArray(); } QDateTime dateTime = query.value(0).toDateTime(); auth_key += m_userName; auth_key += m_hashPassword; if ( use_remote_addr ) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost( db.hostName(), ConnectionManager::connectionWebPort( m_db ), QIODevice::ReadOnly ); //if we can get ip address from the socket in 3000 ms if ( socket.waitForConnected( 3000 ) ){ auth_key += socket.localAddress().toString(); } else { //else try with HostInfo QHostInfo hinfo = QHostInfo::fromName ( QHostInfo::localHostName() ); QHostInfo checkLocalHost = QHostInfo::fromName ( db.hostName() ); if ( ! checkLocalHost.addresses().isEmpty() ) if ( checkLocalHost.addresses().first().toString() == "" ) hinfo = checkLocalHost; if ( !hinfo.addresses().isEmpty() ) { //TODO: fix this. Use the correct interface address and not the first QHostAddress address = hinfo.addresses().first(); auth_key += address.toString(); } } } dateTime = dateTime.toTimeSpec( Qt::LocalTime ); auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.time().hour() ); //hour auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.date().day() ); //day of month auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.date().month() -1 ); //month auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.date().year() - 1900 ); //years since 1900 qDebug ( qPrintable("authkey: " + auth_key) ); QByteArray ret = QCryptographicHash::hash( auth_key.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); //qDebug ( qPrintable(QString (auth_key.toUtf8())) ); qDebug ( qPrintable("authkey hex: " + ret.toHex()) ); m_authKey = ret.toHex(); return m_authKey; }
bool Servent::startListening( QHostAddress ha, bool upnp, int port, Tomahawk::Network::ExternalAddress::Mode mode, int defaultPort, bool autoDetectExternalIp, const QString& externalHost, int externalPort ) { Q_D( Servent ); d->externalAddresses = QList<QHostAddress>(); d->port = port; // Listen on both the selected port and, if not the same, the default port -- the latter sometimes necessary for zeroconf // TODO: only listen on both when zeroconf sip is enabled // TODO: use a real zeroconf system instead of a simple UDP broadcast? if ( !listen( ha, d->port ) ) { if ( d->port != defaultPort ) { if ( !listen( ha, defaultPort ) ) { tLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Failed to listen on both port" << d->port << "and port" << defaultPort; tLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Error string is:" << errorString(); return false; } else d->port = defaultPort; } } d->externalListenAll = false; if ( ha == QHostAddress::Any || ha == QHostAddress::AnyIPv6 ) { // We are listening on all available addresses, so we should send a SipInfo for all of them. d->externalAddresses = QNetworkInterface::allAddresses(); cleanAddresses( d->externalAddresses ); tLog( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Listening to" << d->externalAddresses; d->externalListenAll = true; } else if ( ( ha.toString() != "" ) && ( ha.toString() != "::1" ) && ( ha.toString() != "::7F00:1" ) ) { // We listen only to one specific Address, only announce this. d->externalAddresses.append( ha ); } // If we only accept connections via localhost, we'll announce nothing. tLog( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Servent listening on port" << d->port << "using address" << ha.toString() << "- servent thread:" << thread() << "- address mode:" << (int)( mode ); switch ( mode ) { case Tomahawk::Network::ExternalAddress::Static: d->externalPort = externalPort; if ( autoDetectExternalIp ) { QNetworkReply* reply = Tomahawk::Utils::nam()->get( QNetworkRequest( QUrl( "http://toma.hk/?stat=1" ) ) ); connect( reply, SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( ipDetected() ) ); // Not emitting ready here as we are not done. } else { d->externalHostname = externalHost; d->ready = true; // All setup is made, were done. emit ready(); } break; case Tomahawk::Network::ExternalAddress::Lan: // Nothing has to be done here. d->ready = true; emit ready(); break; case Tomahawk::Network::ExternalAddress::Upnp: if ( upnp ) { // upnp could be turned off on the cli with --noupnp tLog( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "External address mode set to upnp..."; d->portfwd = QPointer< PortFwdThread >( new PortFwdThread( d->port ) ); Q_ASSERT( d->portfwd ); connect( d->portfwd.data(), SIGNAL( externalAddressDetected( QHostAddress, unsigned int ) ), SLOT( setExternalAddress( QHostAddress, unsigned int ) ) ); d->portfwd.data()->start(); } else { d->ready = true; emit ready(); } break; }
bool Myth::SendNotification( bool bError, const QString &Type, const QString &sMessage, const QString &sOrigin, const QString &sDecription, const QString &sImage, const QString &sExtra, const QString &sProgressText, float fProgress, int Duration, bool bFullscreen, uint Visibility, uint Priority, const QString &sAddress, int udpPort ) { bool bResult = false; if (sMessage.isEmpty()) return bResult; if (Duration < 0 || Duration > 999) Duration = -1; QString xmlMessage = "<mythnotification version=\"1\">\n" " <text>" + sMessage + "</text>\n" " <origin>" + (sOrigin.isNull() ? tr("MythServices") : sOrigin) + "</origin>\n" " <description>" + sDecription + "</description>\n" " <timeout>" + QString::number(Duration) + "</timeout>\n" " <image>" + sImage + "</image>\n" " <extra>" + sExtra + "</extra>\n" " <progress_text>" + sProgressText + "</progress_text>\n" " <progress>" + QString::number(fProgress) + "</progress>\n" " <fullscreen>" + (bFullscreen ? "true" : "false") + "</fullscreen>\n" " <visibility>" + QString::number(Visibility) + "</visibility>\n" " <priority>" + QString::number(Priority) + "</priority>\n" " <type>" + (bError ? "error" : Type) + "</type>\n" "</mythnotification>"; QHostAddress address = QHostAddress::Broadcast; unsigned short port = 6948; if (!sAddress.isEmpty()) address.setAddress(sAddress); if (udpPort != 0) port = udpPort; QUdpSocket *sock = new QUdpSocket(); QByteArray utf8 = xmlMessage.toUtf8(); int size = utf8.length(); if (sock->writeDatagram(utf8.constData(), size, address, port) < 0) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("Failed to send UDP/XML packet (Notification: %1 " "Address: %2 Port: %3") .arg(sMessage).arg(sAddress).arg(port)); } else { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, QString("UDP/XML packet sent! (Notification: %1 Address: %2 Port: %3") .arg(sMessage) .arg(address.toString().toLocal8Bit().constData()).arg(port)); bResult = true; } sock->deleteLater(); return bResult; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("mythmessage"); QHostAddress address = QHostAddress::Broadcast; unsigned short port = 6948; QString message = kMessage; bool verbose = false; MythMessageCommandLineParser cmdline; if (!cmdline.Parse(argc, argv)) { cmdline.PrintHelp(); return GENERIC_EXIT_INVALID_CMDLINE; } if (cmdline.toBool("showhelp")) { cmdline.PrintHelp(); return GENERIC_EXIT_OK; } if (cmdline.toBool("showversion")) { cmdline.PrintVersion(); return GENERIC_EXIT_OK; } if (cmdline.toBool("printtemplate")) { cerr << kMessage.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl; return GENERIC_EXIT_OK; } if (cmdline.toBool("verbose")) verbose = true; if (cmdline.toBool("port")) port = (unsigned short)cmdline.toUInt("port"); if (cmdline.toBool("addr")) address.setAddress(cmdline.toString("addr")); QMap<QString,QString>::const_iterator i; QMap<QString,QString> extras = cmdline.GetExtra(); for (i = extras.begin(); i != extras.end(); ++i) { QString name = i.key(); QString value = i.value(); name.replace("--", ""); if (verbose) cerr << "name: " << name.toLocal8Bit().constData() << " -- value: " << value.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl; name.append("%"); name.prepend("%"); message.replace(name, value); } if (verbose) cout << "output:\n" << message.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl; QUdpSocket *sock = new QUdpSocket(); QByteArray utf8 = message.toUtf8(); if (sock->writeDatagram(utf8, address, port) < 0) { cout << "Failed to send UDP/XML packet" << endl; } else { cout << "Sent UDP/XML packet to IP " << address.toString().toLocal8Bit().constData() << " and port: " << port << endl; } sock->deleteLater(); return GENERIC_EXIT_OK; }
bool QtUdpSocket::init(QtUdpSocketType type, const QHostAddress &address) { struct in_addr iface_addr; struct ip_mreq mreq; bool boolean = true; quint8 ttl = 4; int res; /* Enable broadcasting */ res = setsockopt(socketDescriptor(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &boolean, sizeof(boolean)); if(res == -1) return false; /* TTL */ res = setsockopt(socketDescriptor(), IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)); if(res == -1) return false; res = inet_aton(address.toString().toAscii().data(), &iface_addr); if(res == 0) return false; /* Set up additional things according to the type of socket desired */ if(type == Multicast) { /* Enable multicast loopback */ res = setsockopt(socketDescriptor(), IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, &boolean, sizeof(boolean)); if(res == -1) return false; /* Set the interface */ res = setsockopt(socketDescriptor(), IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, &iface_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); if(res == -1) return false; /* Subscribe to multicast channel */ res = inet_aton(SSDP_ADDR, &(mreq.imr_multiaddr)); if(res == 0) return false; memcpy(&(mreq.imr_interface), &iface_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); res = setsockopt(socketDescriptor(), IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); if(res == -1) return false; /* Bind to SSDP multicast port and address */ /* Allow multiple sockets to use the same PORT number */ if(!(bind(QHostAddress(SSDP_ADDR), SSDP_PORT, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress))) return false; } else { /* Bind to selected host address, system allocates the port number*/ if(!(bind(address, 0))) return false; } return true; }
void ARControlConnection::onReadyRead() { Q_D(ARControlConnection); while(d->d2c->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QHostAddress remoteAddr; quint16 remotePort; // If we've not received enough data, then return and wait for more. if(d->d2c->pendingDatagramSize() < ARNETWORK_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE) break; QByteArray datagram(d->d2c->pendingDatagramSize(), 0x00); quint32 offset = 0; d->d2c->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &remoteAddr, &remotePort); while(offset < datagram.size()) { ARControlFrame frame; frame.type = static_cast<quint8>(datagram[offset + 0]); frame.id = static_cast<quint8>(datagram[offset + 1]); frame.seq = static_cast<quint8>(datagram[offset + 2]); frame.size = qFromLittleEndian(*((quint32*)(datagram.constData() + offset + 3))); // Copy datagram data to frame if the frame size is larger than just the header. if(frame.size > ARNETWORK_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE) { const char *data = datagram.constData(); frame.payload.insert(0, data + offset + ARNETWORK_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE, frame.size - ARNETWORK_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE); } // Output comms debug info (if it's not a video data frame). if(frame.id != ARNET_D2C_VIDEO_DATA_ID) { DEBUG_T(QString("<< %1:%2 [%3]") .arg(remoteAddr.toString()) .arg(remotePort) .arg(QString(datagram.toHex()))); } // Process frame depending on buffer id. if(frame.id == ARNET_D2C_PING_ID) { onPing(frame); } else if(frame.id == ARNET_D2C_EVENT_ID || frame.id == ARNET_D2C_NAVDATA_ID) { onNavdata(frame); } else if(frame.id == ARNET_D2C_VIDEO_DATA_ID) { onVideoData(frame); } else { WARNING_T(QString("Unhandled frame id: %1").arg(frame.id)); } // Increment datagram offset to continue processing next frame. offset += frame.size; } } }
bool UPnPRouter::forward(const QHostAddress & host, quint16 port, QAbstractSocket::SocketType proto) { qDebug() << "Forwarding port " << host.toString() << port << " (" << (proto == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket ? "TCP" : "UDP") << ")" << endl; if (service.ready) { // add all the arguments for the command QList<SOAP::Arg> args; SOAP::Arg a; a.element = "NewRemoteHost"; args.append(a); // the external port a.element = "NewExternalPort"; a.value = QString::number(port); args.append(a); // the protocol a.element = "NewProtocol"; a.value = proto == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket ? "TCP" : "UDP"; args.append(a); // the local port a.element = "NewInternalPort"; a.value = QString::number(port); args.append(a); // the local IP address a.element = "NewInternalClient"; a.value = host.toString(); args.append(a); a.element = "NewEnabled"; a.value = '1'; args.append(a); a.element = "NewPortMappingDescription"; a.value = QString("Konversation UPNP"); args.append(a); a.element = "NewLeaseDuration"; a.value = '0'; args.append(a); QString action = "AddPortMapping"; QString comm = SOAP::createCommand(action,service.servicetype,args); Forwarding *forward = new Forwarding; forward->port = port; forward->host = host; forward->proto = proto; if (KJob *req = sendSoapQuery(comm,service.servicetype + '#' + action,service.controlurl)) { // erase old forwarding if one exists // The UPnP spec states if an IGD receives a forward request that matches an existing request that it must accept it. QListIterator<Forwarding*> itr(forwards); while (itr.hasNext()) { Forwarding *check = itr.next(); if (check->port == forward->port && check->host == forward->host && check->proto == forward->proto) { forwards.removeAll(check); delete check; } } forwards.append(forward); pending_forwards[req] = forward; return true; } qDebug() << "Forwarding Failed: Failed to send SOAP query."; delete forward; } qDebug() << "Forwarding Failed: No UPnP Service."; return false; }
void E131Controller::processPendingPackets() { while (m_UdpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QByteArray datagram; QHostAddress senderAddress; datagram.resize(m_UdpSocket->pendingDatagramSize()); m_UdpSocket->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &senderAddress); if (senderAddress != m_ipAddr) { qDebug() << "Received packet with size: " << datagram.size() << ", host: " << senderAddress.toString(); if (m_packetizer->checkPacket(datagram) == true) { QByteArray dmxData; quint32 universe; if (this->type() == Input) { m_packetReceived++; if (m_packetizer->fillDMXdata(datagram, dmxData, universe) == true) { if (universe >= (quint32)m_inputRefCount) break; quint32 uniAddr = universe << 9; for (quint32 i = 0; i < (quint32)dmxData.length(); i++) { if (m_dmxValues.at(uniAddr + i) != dmxData.at(i)) { m_dmxValues[uniAddr + i] = dmxData[i]; emit valueChanged(universe, m_line, i, (uchar)dmxData.at(i)); } } } } } } } }
void Settings::ShowIP(QHostAddress IP) { ui->lbIP->setText(QString("Ваш IP: %1").arg(IP.toString())); }
QString CreateUdpDataReceiverMapKey(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port) { return address.toString() + QString(":") + QString::number(port); }
void UDPServer::sendAnswer( pAnswer & _pa, QHostAddress src_host, uint id ) { char data[65536]; int len; _pa.getDatagram(data, &len); QByteArray datagram(data, len); m_pobjUDPOutSocket->writeDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), src_host, m_mapClientsInfo[id].m_mapAddrs[ src_host.toString() ] ); }
bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(const QHostAddress &addr, quint16 port) { struct sockaddr_in sockAddrIPv4; struct sockaddr *sockAddrPtr = 0; QT_SOCKLEN_T sockAddrSize = 0; #if !defined(QT_NO_IPV6) struct sockaddr_in6 sockAddrIPv6; if (addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { memset(&sockAddrIPv6, 0, sizeof(sockAddrIPv6)); sockAddrIPv6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sockAddrIPv6.sin6_port = htons(port); #ifndef QT_NO_IPV6IFNAME sockAddrIPv6.sin6_scope_id = ::if_nametoindex(addr.scopeId().toLatin1().data()); #else sockAddrIPv6.sin6_scope_id = addr.scopeId().toInt(); #endif Q_IPV6ADDR ip6 = addr.toIPv6Address(); memcpy(&sockAddrIPv6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, &ip6, sizeof(ip6)); sockAddrSize = sizeof(sockAddrIPv6); sockAddrPtr = (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddrIPv6; } else #if 0 {} #endif #endif if (addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { memset(&sockAddrIPv4, 0, sizeof(sockAddrIPv4)); sockAddrIPv4.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddrIPv4.sin_port = htons(port); sockAddrIPv4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(addr.toIPv4Address()); sockAddrSize = sizeof(sockAddrIPv4); sockAddrPtr = (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddrIPv4; } else { // unreachable } int connectResult = QT_SOCKET_CONNECT(socketDescriptor, sockAddrPtr, sockAddrSize); if (connectResult == -1) { switch (errno) { case EISCONN: socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState; break; case ECONNREFUSED: case EINVAL: setError(QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionRefusedErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case ETIMEDOUT: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, ConnectionTimeOutErrorString); break; case EHOSTUNREACH: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, HostUnreachableErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case ENETUNREACH: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, NetworkUnreachableErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case EADDRINUSE: setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, AddressInuseErrorString); break; case EINPROGRESS: case EALREADY: setError(QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError, InvalidSocketErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState; break; case EAGAIN: setError(QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError, InvalidSocketErrorString); setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketResourceError, ResourceErrorString); break; case EACCES: case EPERM: setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError, AccessErrorString); socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; break; case EAFNOSUPPORT: case EBADF: case EFAULT: case ENOTSOCK: socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; default: break; } if (socketState != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(%s, %i) == false (%s)", addr.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port, socketState == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState ? "Connection in progress" : socketErrorString.toLatin1().constData()); #endif return false; } } #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(%s, %i) == true", addr.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port); #endif socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState; return true; }
UDTTest::UDTTest(int& argc, char** argv) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv) { qInstallMessageHandler(LogHandler::verboseMessageHandler); parseArguments(); // randomize the seed for packet size randomization srand(time(NULL)); _socket.bind(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, _argumentParser.value(PORT_OPTION).toUInt()); qDebug() << "Test socket is listening on" << _socket.localPort(); if (_argumentParser.isSet(TARGET_OPTION)) { // parse the IP and port combination for this target QString hostnamePortString = _argumentParser.value(TARGET_OPTION); QHostAddress address { hostnamePortString.left(hostnamePortString.indexOf(':')) }; quint16 port { (quint16) hostnamePortString.mid(hostnamePortString.indexOf(':') + 1).toUInt() }; if (address.isNull() || port == 0) { qCritical() << "Could not parse an IP address and port combination from" << hostnamePortString << "-" << "The parsed IP was" << address.toString() << "and the parsed port was" << port; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "quit", Qt::QueuedConnection); } else { _target = HifiSockAddr(address, port); qDebug() << "Packets will be sent to" << _target; } } if (_argumentParser.isSet(PACKET_SIZE)) { // parse the desired packet size _minPacketSize = _maxPacketSize = _argumentParser.value(PACKET_SIZE).toInt(); if (_argumentParser.isSet(MIN_PACKET_SIZE) || _argumentParser.isSet(MAX_PACKET_SIZE)) { qCritical() << "Cannot set a min packet size or max packet size AND a specific packet size."; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "quit", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } else { bool customMinSize = false; if (_argumentParser.isSet(MIN_PACKET_SIZE)) { _minPacketSize = _argumentParser.value(MIN_PACKET_SIZE).toInt(); customMinSize = true; } if (_argumentParser.isSet(MAX_PACKET_SIZE)) { _maxPacketSize = _argumentParser.value(MAX_PACKET_SIZE).toInt(); // if we don't have a min packet size we should make it 1, because we have a max if (customMinSize) { _minPacketSize = 1; } } if (_maxPacketSize < _minPacketSize) { qCritical() << "Cannot set a max packet size that is smaller than the min packet size."; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "quit", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } if (_argumentParser.isSet(MAX_SEND_BYTES)) { _maxSendBytes = _argumentParser.value(MAX_SEND_BYTES).toInt(); } if (_argumentParser.isSet(MAX_SEND_PACKETS)) { _maxSendPackets = _argumentParser.value(MAX_SEND_PACKETS).toInt(); } if (_argumentParser.isSet(UNRELIABLE_PACKETS)) { _sendReliable = false; } if (_argumentParser.isSet(ORDERED_PACKETS)) { _sendOrdered = true; } if (_argumentParser.isSet(MESSAGE_SIZE)) { if (_argumentParser.isSet(ORDERED_PACKETS)) { static const double BYTES_PER_MEGABYTE = 1000000; _messageSize = (int) _argumentParser.value(MESSAGE_SIZE).toInt() * BYTES_PER_MEGABYTE; qDebug() << "Message size for ordered packet sending is" << QString("%1MB").arg(_messageSize / BYTES_PER_MEGABYTE); } else { qWarning() << "message-size has no effect if not sending ordered - it will be ignored"; } } // in case we're an ordered sender or receiver setup our random number generator now static const int FIRST_MESSAGE_SEED = 742272; int messageSeed = FIRST_MESSAGE_SEED; if (_argumentParser.isSet(MESSAGE_SEED)) { messageSeed = _argumentParser.value(MESSAGE_SEED).toInt(); } // seed the generator with a value that the receiver will also use when verifying the ordered message _generator.seed(messageSeed); if (!_target.isNull()) { sendInitialPackets(); } else { // this is a receiver - in case there are ordered packets (messages) being sent to us make sure that we handle them // so that they can be verified _socket.setMessageHandler( [this](std::unique_ptr<udt::Packet> packet) { auto messageNumber = packet->getMessageNumber(); auto it = _pendingMessages.find(messageNumber); if (it == _pendingMessages.end()) { auto message = std::unique_ptr<Message>(new Message { messageNumber, packet->readAll() }); message->data.reserve(_messageSize); if (packet->getPacketPosition() == udt::Packet::ONLY) { handleMessage(std::move(message)); } else { _pendingMessages[messageNumber] = std::move(message); } } else { auto& message = it->second; message->data.append(packet->readAll()); if (packet->getPacketPosition() == udt::Packet::LAST) { handleMessage(std::move(message)); _pendingMessages.erase(it); } } }); } _socket.setMessageFailureHandler( [this](HifiSockAddr from, udt::Packet::MessageNumber messageNumber) { _pendingMessages.erase(messageNumber); } ); // the sender reports stats every 100 milliseconds, unless passed a custom value if (_argumentParser.isSet(STATS_INTERVAL)) { _statsInterval = _argumentParser.value(STATS_INTERVAL).toInt(); } QTimer* statsTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(statsTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &UDTTest::sampleStats); statsTimer->start(_statsInterval); }
bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port) { struct sockaddr_in sockAddrIPv4; struct sockaddr *sockAddrPtr = 0; QT_SOCKLEN_T sockAddrSize = 0; #if !defined(QT_NO_IPV6) struct sockaddr_in6 sockAddrIPv6; if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { memset(&sockAddrIPv6, 0, sizeof(sockAddrIPv6)); sockAddrIPv6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sockAddrIPv6.sin6_port = htons(port); #ifndef QT_NO_IPV6IFNAME sockAddrIPv6.sin6_scope_id = ::if_nametoindex(address.scopeId().toLatin1().data()); #else sockAddrIPv6.sin6_scope_id = address.scopeId().toInt(); #endif Q_IPV6ADDR tmp = address.toIPv6Address(); memcpy(&sockAddrIPv6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); sockAddrSize = sizeof(sockAddrIPv6); sockAddrPtr = (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddrIPv6; } else #endif if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { memset(&sockAddrIPv4, 0, sizeof(sockAddrIPv4)); sockAddrIPv4.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddrIPv4.sin_port = htons(port); sockAddrIPv4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(address.toIPv4Address()); sockAddrSize = sizeof(sockAddrIPv4); sockAddrPtr = (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddrIPv4; } else { // unreachable } int bindResult = QT_SOCKET_BIND(socketDescriptor, sockAddrPtr, sockAddrSize); if (bindResult < 0) { switch(errno) { case EADDRINUSE: setError(QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError, AddressInuseErrorString); break; case EACCES: setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError, AddressProtectedErrorString); break; case EINVAL: setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError, OperationUnsupportedErrorString); break; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAddressNotAvailableError, AddressNotAvailableErrorString); break; default: break; } #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(%s, %i) == false (%s)", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port, socketErrorString.toLatin1().constData()); #endif return false; } #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(%s, %i) == true", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port); #endif socketState = QAbstractSocket::BoundState; return true; }
bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(const QHostAddress &a, quint16 port) { QHostAddress address = a; switch (address.protocol()) { case QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol: if (address.toIPv6Address()[0] == 0xff) { // binding to a multicast address address = QHostAddress(QHostAddress::AnyIPv6); } break; case QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol: if ((address.toIPv4Address() & 0xffff0000) == 0xefff0000) { // binding to a multicast address address = QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any); } break; default: break; } struct sockaddr_in sockAddrIPv4; qt_sockaddr_in6 sockAddrIPv6; struct sockaddr *sockAddrPtr = 0; QT_SOCKLEN_T sockAddrSize = 0; qt_socket_setPortAndAddress(socketDescriptor, &sockAddrIPv4, &sockAddrIPv6, port, address, &sockAddrPtr, &sockAddrSize); int bindResult = ::bind(socketDescriptor, sockAddrPtr, sockAddrSize); if (bindResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err = WSAGetLastError(); WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err); switch (err) { case WSANOTINITIALISED: //### break; case WSAEADDRINUSE: case WSAEINVAL: setError(QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError, AddressInuseErrorString); break; case WSAEACCES: setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError, AddressProtectedErrorString); break; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAddressNotAvailableError, AddressNotAvailableErrorString); break; default: break; } #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(%s, %i) == false (%s)", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port, socketErrorString.toLatin1().constData()); #endif return false; } #if defined (QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG) qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(%s, %i) == true", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port); #endif socketState = QAbstractSocket::BoundState; return true; }
/** * @brief Add a dns entry to the system's list of DNS resolvers. * @param resolver The IP address of teh resolver to add to the system * @param index resolver sequence (1..n) */ int OpenNICSystem::updateResolver(QHostAddress& resolver,int index,QString& output) { int rc; QEventLoop loop; QString program = "netsh"; QStringList arguments; if ( ++index == 1 ) /* on windows(tm) index starts at 1 */ { arguments << "interface" << "ip" << "set" << "dns" << "Local Area Connection" << "static" << resolver.toString(); } else { arguments << "interface" << "ip" << "add" << "dns" << "Local Area Connection" << resolver.toString() << "index="+QString::number(index); } QProcess* process = new QProcess(); process->start(program, arguments); while (process->waitForFinished(10000)) { loop.processEvents(); } output = process->readAllStandardOutput().trimmed() + "\n"; rc = process->exitCode(); delete process; return rc; }