bool QIODeviceProto::waitForReadyRead(int msecs) { QIODevice *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QIODevice*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->waitForReadyRead(msecs); return false; }
RKGraphicsDataStreamReadGuard () { RKGraphicsDeviceBackendTransmitter::mutex.lock (); have_lock = true; rkd_waiting_for_reply = true; QIODevice* connection = RKGraphicsDeviceBackendTransmitter::connection; BEGIN_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS { while (connection->bytesToWrite ()) { if (!connection->waitForBytesWritten (10)) { checkHandleError (); } if (connection->bytesToWrite ()) RKREventLoop::processX11Events (); } while (!RKGraphicsDeviceBackendTransmitter::streamer.readInBuffer ()) { RKREventLoop::processX11Events (); if (!connection->waitForReadyRead (10)) { if (checkHandleInterrupt (connection)) break; checkHandleError (); } } if (R_interrupts_pending) { if (have_lock) { RKGraphicsDeviceBackendTransmitter::mutex.unlock (); have_lock = false; // Will d'tor still be called? We don't rely on it. } rkd_waiting_for_reply = false; } } END_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS; }
void KoImageDataPrivate::copyToTemporary(QIODevice &device) { delete temporaryFile; temporaryFile = new KTemporaryFile(); temporaryFile->setPrefix("KoImageData"); if (!temporaryFile->open()) { kWarning(30006) << "open temporary file for writing failed"; errorCode = KoImageData::StorageFailed; return; } QCryptographicHash md5(QCryptographicHash::Md5); char buf[8096]; while (true) { device.waitForReadyRead(-1); qint64 bytes =, sizeof(buf)); if (bytes <= 0) break; // done! md5.addData(buf, bytes); do { bytes -= temporaryFile->write(buf, bytes); } while (bytes > 0); } key = KoImageDataPrivate::generateKey(md5.result()); temporaryFile->close(); //QFileInfo fi(*temporaryFile); dataStoreState = StateNotLoaded; }
void KoImageDataPrivate::copyToTemporary(QIODevice &device) { delete temporaryFile; temporaryFile = new QTemporaryFile(QDir::tempPath() + "/" + qAppName() + QLatin1String("_XXXXXX")); if (!temporaryFile->open()) { warnFlake << "open temporary file for writing failed"; errorCode = KoImageData::StorageFailed; return; } QCryptographicHash md5(QCryptographicHash::Md5); char buf[8096]; while (true) { device.waitForReadyRead(-1); qint64 bytes =, sizeof(buf)); if (bytes <= 0) break; // done! md5.addData(buf, bytes); do { bytes -= temporaryFile->write(buf, bytes); } while (bytes > 0); } key = KoImageDataPrivate::generateKey(md5.result()); temporaryFile->close(); dataStoreState = StateNotLoaded; }
static qint64 streamReadData(QIODevice &source, char *data, qint64 bytesTotal) { qint64 bytesRead = 0; qint64 bytesLeft = bytesTotal; int result; while (bytesLeft > 0) { result =, bytesLeft); if (result < 0) { qDebug() << "Source had error:" << source.errorString(); return result; } if (result == 0) { if (!source.waitForReadyRead(-1)) { qDebug() << "Source is done, closing"; break; } } if (result > bytesTotal) { qDebug() << "Very bad. Wanted " << bytesTotal << ", but got " << result; } bytesRead += result; data += result; if (bytesLeft - result < 0) { qDebug() << "That was a really strange read"; } bytesLeft -= result; } if (bytesLeft < 0) { qDebug() << "How could bytesLeft (" << bytesLeft << ") be less than zero?"; } return bytesRead; }
void VideoData::copyToTemporary(QIODevice &device) { delete d; d = new VideoDataPrivate(); d->temporaryFile = new KTemporaryFile(); d->refCount.ref(); d->temporaryFile->setPrefix("KoVideoData"); if (!d->temporaryFile->open()) { kWarning(30006) << "open temporary file for writing failed"; d->errorCode = VideoData::StorageFailed; delete d; d = 0; return; } QCryptographicHash md5(QCryptographicHash::Md5); char buf[8192]; while (true) { device.waitForReadyRead(-1); qint64 bytes =, sizeof(buf)); if (bytes <= 0) break; // done! md5.addData(buf, bytes); do { bytes -= d->temporaryFile->write(buf, bytes); } while (bytes > 0); } d->key = VideoData::generateKey(md5.result()); d->temporaryFile->close(); QFileInfo fi(*(d->temporaryFile)); d->dataStoreState = StateSpooled; }
bool RkCommand::waitAnAnswer(Request &req, QIODevice &io) { if(io.isOpen()){ QByteArray answer; if(io.waitForReadyRead(100)){ int cnt=0; answer+=io.readAll(); while(io.waitForReadyRead(10)) { answer+=io.readAll(); cnt++;if(cnt>=maxCnt) break; } } req.updateRdData(answer); if(answer.count()) {return true;} } return false; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tst_QIODevice::constructing_QTcpSocket() { #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && defined(WINCE_EMULATOR_TEST) QSKIP("Networking tests in a WinCE emulator are unstable", SkipAll); #endif QTcpSocket socket; QIODevice *device = &socket; QVERIFY(!device->isOpen()); socket.connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143); QVERIFY(socket.waitForConnected(5000)); QVERIFY(device->isOpen()); while (!device->canReadLine()) QVERIFY(device->waitForReadyRead(5000)); char buf[1024]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); qlonglong lineLength = device->readLine(buf, sizeof(buf)); QVERIFY(lineLength > 0); QCOMPARE(socket.pos(), qlonglong(0)); socket.close(); socket.connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143); QVERIFY(socket.waitForConnected(5000)); QVERIFY(device->isOpen()); while (!device->canReadLine()) QVERIFY(device->waitForReadyRead(5000)); char buf2[1024]; memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); QCOMPARE(socket.readLine(buf2, sizeof(buf2)), lineLength); char *c1 = buf; char *c2 = buf2; while (*c1 && *c2) { QCOMPARE(*c1, *c2); ++c1; ++c2; } QCOMPARE(*c1, *c2); }
bool RkCommand::waitAnAnswer(Request &req, QIODevice &io) { static const int maxCnt = 500; // ограничение ожидания ответа при длительном входящем потоке данных if(io.isOpen()) { QByteArray answer; if(io.waitForReadyRead(100)) { int cnt=0; answer+=io.readAll(); while(io.waitForReadyRead(10)) { answer+=io.readAll(); cnt++; if(cnt>=maxCnt) break; } } req.updateRdData(answer); if(answer.count()) return true; } return false; }
bool LimitedSocket::readCycle() { QByteArray buffer; bool bProblem = false; QIODevice* pRemote = getRemote(); if(m_timer.isNull()) { m_prevBytes = 0; m_timer.start(); } int limit = m_nSpeedLimit; do { QByteArray buf; qint64 available; available = pRemote->bytesAvailable(); if(!available && !pRemote->waitForReadyRead(10000)) { bProblem = true; break; } qint64 toread = (limit) ? limit/2 : available; if(m_nToTransfer && m_nToTransfer-m_nTransfered < toread) toread = m_nToTransfer-m_nTransfered; buf = pRemote->read(toread); buffer += buf; m_nTransfered += buf.size(); if(m_nTransfered >= m_nToTransfer && m_nToTransfer) break; } while(buffer.size() < 1024); m_file.write(buffer); if(bProblem) { /*if(m_pSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) // timeout m_strError = tr ( "Timeout" ); else if(m_pSocket->error() == QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError) { if(m_nToTransfer > m_nTransfered && m_nToTransfer) { qDebug() << "Remote host closed the connection"; m_strError = tr ( "Connection lost" ); } } else { m_strError = m_pSocket->errorString(); if ( m_strError.isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "Connection lost!"; m_strError = tr ( "Connection lost" ); } }*/ } else if(!m_bAbort) { // QTime now = QTime::currentTime(); qulonglong bnow = m_nTransfered; int msecs; qulonglong bytes = bnow - m_prevBytes; if((msecs = m_timer.elapsed()) > 1000) { m_statsLock.lockForWrite(); m_stats << QPair<int,qulonglong> ( m_timer.restart(), bytes ); if(m_stats.size() > SPEED_SAMPLES) m_stats.removeFirst(); m_statsLock.unlock(); m_prevBytes = bnow; } if(limit > 0 && bytes) { int sleeptime = bytes/ ( limit/1000 ) - msecs; if(sleeptime > 0) msleep(sleeptime*2); } } return !bProblem; }