Exemple #1
 * Decrypts a text using cipher text and cipher key
 * Chooses between a permanent or a individual password using the preferences
void MainWindow::on_actionDecrypt_triggered()
    if (passwordUsed)
        query.prepare("SELECT `Password` FROM `password`;");
        QString passwordBase;
        while ( query.next() ) {
            passwordBase = query.value(0).toString();
        QByteArray passwordTemp = QByteArray::fromBase64( passwordBase.toUtf8() );
        password = QString(passwordTemp);

        Regex regex;
        QRegExp rePassword( regex.getPassword() );

        if ( !password.isEmpty() && password.contains(rePassword) )
            decrypted = decrypt(password);
            ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->setHtml( QString(decrypted) );
        } else
            QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("An error has ocurred. Please revise your entries and note the following:\n"
                                                        "A Password must contain at least one upper case letter.\n"
                                                        "A Password must contain at least one lower case letter.\n"
                                                        "A Password must contain at least one numeric digit."));
            qDebug() << "Data could not be decrypted because the password requirements were not met.";
    } else
        bool ok = false;

        QInputDialog* inputDialog = new QInputDialog();
        inputDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);


        password = inputDialog->getText(NULL ,tr("Decryption"),
                                                  tr("Password:"******"", &ok);

        if (ok)
            Regex regex;
            QRegExp rePassword( regex.getPassword() );

            if ( !password.isEmpty() && password.contains(rePassword) )
                decrypted = decrypt(password);
                ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->setHtml( QString(decrypted) );
            } else
                QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("An error has ocurred. Please revise your entries and note the following:\n"
                                                            "A Password must contain at least one upper case letter.\n"
                                                            "A Password must contain at least one lower case letter.\n"
                                                            "A Password must contain at least one numeric digit."));
                qDebug() << "Data could not be decrypted because the password requirements were not met.";
        } else
