void VVimCmdLineEdit::setInputMethodEnabled(bool p_enabled) { if (m_enableInputMethod != p_enabled) { m_enableInputMethod = p_enabled; QInputMethod *im = QGuiApplication::inputMethod(); im->reset(); // Ask input method to query current state, which will call inputMethodQuery(). im->update(Qt::ImEnabled); } }
static PyObject *meth_QInputMethod_reset(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs) { PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL; { QInputMethod *sipCpp; if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "B", &sipSelf, sipType_QInputMethod, &sipCpp)) { sipCpp->reset(); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QInputMethod, sipName_reset, doc_QInputMethod_reset); return NULL; }