int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); a.setStyle("cleanlooks"); #if 0 if (!QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical ( 0, QObject::tr("Systray"), QObject::tr("There is no system tray on this system.") ); return 1; } QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); #endif #if 0 Allegrex::create_instructions_directory(); Allegrex::create_interpreter_directory(); Allegrex::create_disassembler_directory(); QPspe4all w;; #else if (true/*emulator.check_integrity()*/) { QPspe4all w;; psp::memw(0x00010000) = 0xDEADBEEF; psp::memw(0x04000000) = 0xDEADC0DE; psp::memw(0x08000000) = 0xE117C0DE; QStringList list; #define IDEF(n, m, s, x) list.append(QString("%1/%2 : %3").arg(uint(s), 8, 16, QChar('0')).arg(uint(m), 8, 16, QChar('0')).arg(Allegrex::decode_instruction(s)->opcode_name())); #include "emulator/allegrex/allegrex.def" #undef IDEF QListWidget l; l.setFont(QFont("Terminal")); l.insertItems(0, list);; return a.exec(); } #endif return a.exec(); return 1; }
void CMainWnd::createView(XMLConfig *pXMLConfig, const DOMNode *pNode) { QWidget *pTab; QListWidget *pListWidget = 0; pTab = new QWidget(m_pTabContainer); pListWidget = new QListWidget(pTab); pListWidget->setGeometry(QRect(5, 5, pXMLConfig->gattr("view:width").toUInt() - 32, pXMLConfig->gattr("view:height").toUInt() - 56)); pListWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::NoSelection); pListWidget->setFont(QFont("courier new", 9)); m_pTabContainer->insertTab(0, pTab, pXMLConfig->attr(pNode, "caption")); QString sTmp = pXMLConfig->attr(pNode, "id"); m_mViews[sTmp.right(sTmp.length() - 1).toUShort()] = pListWidget; }
static mpdm_t kde4_drv_form(mpdm_t a, mpdm_t ctxt) { int n; mpdm_t widget_list; QWidget *qlist[100]; mpdm_t r; KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(window); dialog->setModal(true); dialog->setButtons(KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel); widget_list = mpdm_aget(a, 0); KVBox *vb = new KVBox(dialog); dialog->setMainWidget(vb); for (n = 0; n < mpdm_size(widget_list); n++) { mpdm_t w = mpdm_aget(widget_list, n); wchar_t *type; mpdm_t t; KHBox *hb = new KHBox(vb); type = mpdm_string(mpdm_hget_s(w, L"type")); if ((t = mpdm_hget_s(w, L"label")) != NULL) { QLabel *ql = new QLabel(hb); ql->setText(str_to_qstring(mpdm_gettext(t))); } t = mpdm_hget_s(w, L"value"); if (wcscmp(type, L"text") == 0) { mpdm_t h; QComboBox *ql = new QComboBox(hb); ql->setEditable(true); ql->setMinimumContentsLength(30); ql->setMaxVisibleItems(8); if (t != NULL) ql->setEditText(str_to_qstring(t)); qlist[n] = ql; if ((h = mpdm_hget_s(w, L"history")) != NULL) { int i; /* has history; fill it */ h = mp_get_history(h); for (i = mpdm_size(h) - 1; i >= 0; i--) ql->addItem(str_to_qstring(mpdm_aget(h, i))); } } else if (wcscmp(type, L"password") == 0) { QLineEdit *ql = new QLineEdit(hb); ql->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); qlist[n] = ql; } else if (wcscmp(type, L"checkbox") == 0) { QCheckBox *qc = new QCheckBox(hb); if (mpdm_ival(t)) qc->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); qlist[n] = qc; } else if (wcscmp(type, L"list") == 0) { int i; QListWidget *ql = new QListWidget(hb); ql->setMinimumWidth(480); /* use a monospaced font */ ql->setFont(QFont(QString("Mono"))); mpdm_t l = mpdm_hget_s(w, L"list"); for (i = 0; i < mpdm_size(l); i++) ql->addItem(str_to_qstring(mpdm_aget(l, i))); ql->setCurrentRow(mpdm_ival(t)); qlist[n] = ql; } if (n == 0) qlist[n]->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason); } n = dialog->exec(); if (!n) return NULL; r = MPDM_A(mpdm_size(widget_list)); /* fill the return values */ for (n = 0; n < mpdm_size(widget_list); n++) { mpdm_t w = mpdm_aget(widget_list, n); mpdm_t v = NULL; wchar_t *type; type = mpdm_string(mpdm_hget_s(w, L"type")); if (wcscmp(type, L"text") == 0) { mpdm_t h; QComboBox *ql = (QComboBox *) qlist[n]; v = qstring_to_str(ql->currentText()); /* if it has history, add to it */ if ((h = mpdm_hget_s(w, L"history")) != NULL && v != NULL && mpdm_cmp_s(v, L"") != 0) { h = mp_get_history(h); if (mpdm_cmp(v, mpdm_aget(h, -1)) != 0) mpdm_push(h, v); } } else if (wcscmp(type, L"password") == 0) { QLineEdit *ql = (QLineEdit *) qlist[n]; v = qstring_to_str(ql->text()); } else if (wcscmp(type, L"checkbox") == 0) { QCheckBox *qb = (QCheckBox *) qlist[n]; v = MPDM_I(qb->checkState() == Qt::Checked); } else if (wcscmp(type, L"list") == 0) { QListWidget *ql = (QListWidget *) qlist[n]; v = MPDM_I(ql->currentRow()); } mpdm_aset(r, v, n); } return r; }