BorderDrawerInterface * BorderDrawersLoader::getDrawerFromSvg(QDomElement & drawerElement) { QMap<QString,QString> properties; QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = drawerElement.attributes(); for (int j = attributes.count()-1; j >= 0; --j) { QDomAttr attr = attributes.item(j).toAttr(); if (attr.isNull()) continue; properties.insert(, attr.value()); } QString drawerName = properties.take("name"); if (!instance()->registeredDrawers().contains(drawerName)) return 0; BorderDrawerInterface * drawer = getDrawerByName(drawerName); const QMetaObject * meta = drawer->metaObject(); int count = meta->propertyCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { QMetaProperty p = meta->property(i); QString value = properties.take(; if (value.isEmpty()) continue; p.write(drawer, QVariant(QByteArray::fromBase64(value.toAscii()))); } return drawer; }
void CRouteGraph::ShowRoute(const QList<SRouteEntry>& Entrys) { CUInt128 MaxDistance; uint64 StartTime = ULLONG_MAX; uint64 MaxTime = 0; // Nodes BEGIN QMap<CUInt128, CRouteNode*> Nodes = m_Nodes; foreach(const SRouteEntry& Entry, Entrys) { CRouteNode* Node = Nodes.take(Entry.ID); if(!Node) { ASSERT(!m_Nodes.contains(Entry.ID)); Node = new CRouteNode(); m_Nodes.insert(Entry.ID, Node); scene()->addItem(Node); Node->setScale(m_ScaleFactor); } Node->SetColor(Entry.Color); Node->setToolTip(Entry.Tipp); if(Entry.Distance > MaxDistance) MaxDistance = Entry.Distance; if(Entry.Time > MaxTime) MaxTime = Entry.Time; if(Entry.Time < StartTime) StartTime = Entry.Time; }
// Fills in the various bits of information the tracker // needs to keep around void MainWindow::setupTracker(Backend *newBug, QMap<QString, QString> info) { newBug->setId(info["id"]); newBug->setName(info["name"]); newBug->setUsername(info["username"]); newBug->setPassword(info["password"]); newBug->setLastSync(info["last_sync"]); newBug->setVersion(info["version"]); if (!info["monitored_components"].isEmpty()) newBug->setMonitorComponents(info["monitored_components"].split(",")); connect(newBug, SIGNAL(bugsUpdated()), this, SLOT(bugsUpdated())); connect(newBug, SIGNAL(backendError(QString)), this, SLOT(backendError(QString))); // If this was called after the user used the Add Tracker window, // insert the data into the DB if (info["id"] == "-1") { info.take("id"); info["auto_cache_comments"] = newBug->autoCacheComments(); int tracker = SqlUtilities::simpleInsert("trackers", info); newBug->setId(QString("%1").arg(tracker)); mSyncPosition = mBackendList.size() + 1; connect(newBug, SIGNAL(fieldsFound()), this, SLOT(fieldsChecked())); newBug->checkFields(); } else { addTrackerToList(newBug, false); } }
void AddJobDialog::loadTemplateList(void) { ui->cbxTemplate->addItem(tr("<Default>"), QVariant::fromValue<const void*>(m_defaults)); ui->cbxTemplate->setCurrentIndex(0); QMap<QString, OptionsModel*> templates = OptionsModel::loadAllTemplates(m_sysinfo); QStringList templateNames = templates.keys(); templateNames.sort(); for(QStringList::ConstIterator current = templateNames.constBegin(); current != templateNames.constEnd(); current++) { OptionsModel *currentTemplate = templates.take(*current); ui->cbxTemplate->addItem(*current, QVariant::fromValue<const void*>(currentTemplate)); if(currentTemplate->equals(m_options)) { ui->cbxTemplate->setCurrentIndex(ui->cbxTemplate->count() - 1); } } if((ui->cbxTemplate->currentIndex() == 0) && (!m_options->equals(m_defaults))) { qWarning("Not the default -> recently used!"); ui->cbxTemplate->insertItem(1, tr("<Recently Used>"), QVariant::fromValue<const void*>(m_options)); ui->cbxTemplate->setCurrentIndex(1); } }
static gboolean qt_input_remove(guint handle) { int toReturn = 0; QPurpleIONotifier *tmp = notifierMap.take(handle); if (!tmp->defaultConstructed) { toReturn = 1; delete tmp; } return toReturn; }
void VS_CC frameDoneCallback(void *userData, const VSFrameRef *f, int n, VSNodeRef *, const char *errorMsg) { completedFrames++; if (f) { reorderMap.insert(n, f); while (reorderMap.contains(outputFrames)) { const VSFrameRef *frame = reorderMap.take(outputFrames); if (!outputError) { if (y4m) { if (!fwrite("FRAME\n", 6, 1, outFile)) { errorMessage = "Error: fwrite() call failed"; totalFrames = requestedFrames; outputError = true; } } if (!outputError) { const VSFormat *fi = vsapi->getFrameFormat(frame); for (int p = 0; p < fi->numPlanes; p++) { int stride = vsapi->getStride(frame, p); const uint8_t *readPtr = vsapi->getReadPtr(frame, p); int rowSize = vsapi->getFrameWidth(frame, p) * fi->bytesPerSample; int height = vsapi->getFrameHeight(frame, p); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (!fwrite(readPtr, rowSize, 1, outFile)) { errorMessage = "Error: fwrite() call failed"; totalFrames = requestedFrames; outputError = true; p = 100; // break out of the outer loop break; } readPtr += stride; } } } } vsapi->freeFrame(frame); outputFrames++; } } else { outputError = true; totalFrames = requestedFrames; if (errorMsg) errorMessage = QString("Error: Failed to retrieve frame ") + n + QString(" with error: ") + QString::fromUtf8(errorMsg); else errorMessage = QString("Error: Failed to retrieve frame ") + n; } if (requestedFrames < totalFrames) { vsapi->getFrameAsync(requestedFrames, node, frameDoneCallback, NULL); requestedFrames++; } if (totalFrames == completedFrames) { QMutexLocker lock(&mutex); condition.wakeOne(); } }
void MarksDB::addMark(QString email,int lessonId, int mark) { if (!markMap.contains(email)) { markMap.insert(email,QMap<int,int>()); } QMap<int, int> map = markMap.take(email); if (!map.contains(lessonId)) { map.insert(lessonId,mark); } else { map.take(lessonId); map.insert(lessonId,mark); } markMap.insert(email,map); }
static gboolean qt_timer_remove(guint handle) { int toReturn = 0; QPurpleTimer *tmp = timerMap.take(handle); if (!tmp->defaultConstructed) { // we removed something toReturn = 1; delete tmp; } return toReturn; }
bool QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::unregisterShortcut(quint32 nativeKey, quint32 nativeMods) { Identifier id(nativeMods, nativeKey); if (!keyIDs.contains(id)) return false; EventHotKeyRef ref = keyRefs.take(keyIDs[id]); keyIDs.remove(id); return !UnregisterEventHotKey(ref); }
void tst_QMap::take() { QMap<int, QString> map; map.insert(2, "zwei"); map.insert(3, "drei"); QVERIFY(map.take(3) == "drei"); QVERIFY(!map.contains(3)); }
/*! * \brief Universe::Remove Helper function * \param serverConnectionHandlerID the connection id of the server * \param clientID the client id on the current tab */ void Universe::Remove(uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID, anyID clientID) { if (!(UniverseMap.contains(serverConnectionHandlerID))) return; QMap<anyID,TsVR*>* ConnectionHandlerUniverse = UniverseMap.value(serverConnectionHandlerID); if (!(ConnectionHandlerUniverse->contains(clientID))) return; delete ConnectionHandlerUniverse->take(clientID); }
void PersistantConfig::AddAndroidHosts() { QMap<rdcstr, RemoteHost *> oldHosts; for(int i = RemoteHosts.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(RemoteHosts[i]->IsADB()) { RemoteHost *host = RemoteHosts.takeAt(i); oldHosts[host->hostname] = host; } } QString androidSDKPath = QFile::exists(Android_SDKPath) ? QString(Android_SDKPath) : QString(); SetConfigSetting("androidSDKPath", androidSDKPath); QString androidJDKPath = QFile::exists(Android_JDKPath) ? QString(Android_JDKPath) : QString(); SetConfigSetting("androidJDKPath", androidJDKPath); SetConfigSetting("MaxConnectTimeout", QString::number(Android_MaxConnectTimeout)); rdcstr androidHosts; RENDERDOC_EnumerateAndroidDevices(&androidHosts); for(const QString &hostName : QString(androidHosts).split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { RemoteHost *host = NULL; if(oldHosts.contains(hostName)) host = oldHosts.take(hostName); else host = new RemoteHost(); host->hostname = hostName; rdcstr friendly; RENDERDOC_GetAndroidFriendlyName(hostName.toUtf8().data(), friendly); host->friendlyName = friendly; // Just a command to display in the GUI and allow Launch() to be called. host->runCommand = lit("Automatically handled"); RemoteHosts.push_back(host); } // delete any leftovers QMapIterator<rdcstr, RemoteHost *> i(oldHosts); while(i.hasNext()) {; delete i.value(); } }
/*! * \brief Universe::Remove Helper function * \param serverConnectionHandlerID the connection id of the server */ void Universe::Remove(uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID) { if (!(UniverseMap.contains(serverConnectionHandlerID))) return; QMap<anyID,TsVR*>* ConnectionHandlerUniverse = UniverseMap.take(serverConnectionHandlerID); QMutableMapIterator<anyID,TsVR*> i(*ConnectionHandlerUniverse); while (i.hasNext()) {; delete ConnectionHandlerUniverse->take(i.key()); } UniverseMap.remove(serverConnectionHandlerID); }
void set_write_handler(int fd, void (*cb)(void *opaque), void *opaque) { if (gWriteNotifiers.contains(fd)) { QSocketNotifier *notifier = gWriteNotifiers.take(fd); notifier->setEnabled(false); delete notifier; } if (cb == nullptr) { return; } QSocketNotifier *notifier = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Write); QObject::connect(notifier, &QSocketNotifier::activated, std::bind(cb, opaque) ); }
void CP2PServers::SyncServers(const QVariantMap& Response) { QMap<QString, SServer*> OldServers = m_Servers; foreach (const QVariant& vServer,Response["Servers"].toList()) { QVariantMap Server = vServer.toMap(); QString Url = Server["Url"].toString(); SServer* pServer = OldServers.take(Url); if(!pServer) { pServer = new SServer(); pServer->pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(); m_pServerTree->addTopLevelItem(pServer->pItem); pServer->pItem->setText(eUrl, Url); m_Servers.insert(Url, pServer); } QFont Font = pServer->pItem->font(eUrl); if(Font.bold() != Server["IsStatic"].toBool()) { Font.setBold(Server["IsStatic"].toBool()); pServer->pItem->setFont(eUrl, Font); } pServer->pItem->setText(eName, Server["Name"].toString()); pServer->pItem->setData(eName, Qt::UserRole, Server["IsStatic"]); pServer->pItem->setText(eVersion, Server["Version"].toString()); pServer->pItem->setText(eStatus, Server["Status"].toString()); pServer->pItem->setData(eStatus, Qt::UserRole, Server["Status"]); pServer->pItem->setText(eUsers, Server["UserCount"].toString() + "(" + Server["LowIDCount"].toString() + ")/" + Server["UserLimit"].toString()); pServer->pItem->setText(eFiles, Server["FileCount"].toString() + "|" + Server["HardLimit"].toString() + "(" + Server["SoftLimit"].toString() + ")"); pServer->pItem->setText(eDescription, Server["Description"].toString()); } foreach(SServer* pServer, OldServers) { m_Servers.remove(OldServers.key(pServer)); delete pServer->pItem; delete pServer; }
void set_branch( const QList< uint * > &touching, const BillonTpl< tlabel > *labelSkel, const BillonTpl< tlabelbranch > *labelBranch, QMap< tlabelbranch, tlabel > &NewLabelBranch, const QList< tlabel > &Labels, QMap< tlabel, QList<tlabel> > &edges ) { QList< uint * >::const_iterator iterVoxel = touching.begin(), iterVoxelEnd = touching.end() ; bool bDiscard ; QList< tlabelbranch > bridges ; while ( iterVoxel != iterVoxelEnd ) { tlabelbranch idBranch = (*labelBranch)( (*iterVoxel)[1], (*iterVoxel)[0], (*iterVoxel)[2] ) ; tlabel idComp = (*labelSkel)( (*iterVoxel)[1], (*iterVoxel)[0], (*iterVoxel)[2] ) ; bDiscard = false ; if ( !Labels.isEmpty() ) { bDiscard = ( !Labels.contains( idComp ) ); } if ( !bDiscard ) { if ( !NewLabelBranch.contains( idBranch ) ) NewLabelBranch.insert( idBranch, idComp ) ; else if (NewLabelBranch[idBranch] != idComp ) { bridges.append( idBranch ) ; if ( !edges.contains( idComp ) ) edges.insert( idComp, QList<tlabel>() ) ; if ( !edges.contains( NewLabelBranch[idBranch] ) ) edges.insert( NewLabelBranch[idBranch], QList<tlabel>() ) ; edges[ idComp ].append( NewLabelBranch[idBranch] ) ; //edges[ idComp ].append( idBranch ) ; edges[ NewLabelBranch[idBranch] ].append( idComp ) ; //edges[ NewLabelBranch[idBranch] ].append( idBranch ) ; /// it is this value that is the edge between the two } } else if ( NewLabelBranch.contains( idBranch ) ) { bridges.append( idBranch ) ; } iterVoxel++ ; } /// component that get their identifier in bridges are connected to at least two components qSort( bridges.begin(), bridges.end(), qLess< tlabelbranch >() ) ; while ( !bridges.isEmpty() ) { NewLabelBranch.take( bridges.takeFirst() ) ; } for ( QMap<tlabel,QList<tlabel> >::ConstIterator e_source_it = edges.begin() ; e_source_it != edges.end() ; e_source_it++ ) { std::cout<<(int)e_source_it.key()<<" connected to "; for ( QList<tlabel>::ConstIterator e_target_it = e_source_it.value().begin() ; e_target_it != e_source_it.value().end() ; e_target_it++ ) std::cout<<(int)*e_target_it<<" " ; std::cout<<std::endl; } }
void MarksDB::deleteLesson(int lessonId) { QList<QString> listStudents = markMap.uniqueKeys(); for (int i=0; i<listStudents.size(); i++) { QString name =; QMap<int,int> tempMap = markMap.take(name); if (tempMap.contains(lessonId)) { tempMap.remove(lessonId); } if (tempMap.size() > 0) { markMap.insert(name,tempMap); } } }
QList<ProcessorInputPortWidget*> ProcessorInputsWidget::updatePorts(QList<FilterGroupPort> portList) { QMap<PortId, ProcessorInputPortWidget*> ports = mPorts; foreach(FilterGroupPort port, portList) { PortId id(port.filterId,; ProcessorInputPortWidget* portWidget; if(ports.contains(id)) portWidget = ports.take(id); else { portWidget = new ProcessorInputPortWidget(port, false, this); connect(portWidget, SIGNAL(startConnect(FilterPortWidget*)), SIGNAL(startConnect(FilterPortWidget*))); connect(portWidget, SIGNAL(startDisconnect(FilterPortWidget*)), SIGNAL(startDisconnect(FilterPortWidget*))); if(port.port.isMainType) ui->leftOutputs->addWidget(portWidget); else ui->rightOutputs->addWidget(portWidget); mPorts[id] = portWidget; } portWidget->setNewName(; }
void CWebTaskView::SyncWebTasks(const QVariantMap& Response) { QMap<uint64, QTreeWidgetItem*> OldWebTasks; for(int i = 0; i < m_pWebTaskTree->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_pWebTaskTree->topLevelItem(i); uint64 ID = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toULongLong(); Q_ASSERT(!OldWebTasks.contains(ID)); OldWebTasks.insert(ID,pItem); } QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> NewItems; foreach (const QVariant vWebTask, Response["Tasks"].toList()) { QVariantMap WebTask = vWebTask.toMap(); uint64 SubID = WebTask["ID"].toULongLong(); QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = OldWebTasks.take(SubID); if(!pItem) { pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(); pItem->setData(eUrl, Qt::UserRole, SubID); NewItems.append(pItem); } pItem->setText(eUrl, WebTask["Url"].toString()); pItem->setText(eEntry, WebTask["Entry"].toString()); pItem->setText(eStatus, WebTask["Status"].toString()); } m_pWebTaskTree->addTopLevelItems(NewItems); foreach(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, OldWebTasks) delete pItem; }
bool HsMenuClientPrivate::add(const QVariantMap &entryPreference) { bool result = false; QMap<QString, QVariant> pref = entryPreference; CaIconDescription iconDesc; if(pref.contains(hsItemId)) { QSharedPointer<CaEntry> update_entry = CaService::instance()->getEntry(pref.take(hsItemId).toInt()); if(pref.contains(hsItemLocName)) { update_entry->setText(pref.take(hsItemLocName).toString(),true); } else { update_entry->setText(pref.take(hsItemName).toString()); } if(pref.contains(hsItemLocDescription)) { update_entry->setDescription(pref.take(hsItemLocDescription).toString(), true); } else { update_entry->setDescription(pref.take(hsItemDescription).toString()); } iconDesc.setFilename(pref.take(hsIconFileName).toString()); iconDesc.setSkinId(pref.take(hsIconName).toString()); iconDesc.setApplicationId(pref.take(hsIconApplicationId).toString()); update_entry->setIconDescription(iconDesc); QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> k(pref); while (k.hasNext()) {; update_entry->setAttribute(k.key(),k.value().toString()); } result = CaService::instance()->updateEntry(*update_entry); } else if ((pref.contains(hsItemName) || pref.contains(hsItemLocName)) && pref.contains(hsitemLaunchUri) && pref.contains(hsitemPublisherId)) { CaEntry add_entry(ItemEntryRole); add_entry.setEntryTypeName(Hs::templatedApplicationTypeName); // mandatory values if(pref.contains(hsItemLocName)) { add_entry.setText(pref.take(hsItemLocName).toString(),true); } else { add_entry.setText(pref.take(hsItemName).toString()); } iconDesc.setFilename(pref.take(hsIconFileName).toString()); iconDesc.setSkinId(pref.take(hsIconName).toString()); iconDesc.setApplicationId(pref.take(hsIconApplicationId).toString()); add_entry.setIconDescription(iconDesc); if(pref.contains(hsItemLocDescription)) { add_entry.setDescription(pref.take(hsItemLocDescription).toString(), true); } else { add_entry.setDescription(pref.take(hsItemDescription).toString()); } QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> k(pref); while (k.hasNext()) {; add_entry.setAttribute(k.key(),k.value().toString()); } add_entry.setFlags(add_entry.flags() & ~RemovableEntryFlag); QSharedPointer<CaEntry> entry = CaService::instance()->createEntry(add_entry); if (!entry.isNull()) { result = true; } } else { return false; } return result; }
QgsVectorLayerExporter::ExportError QgsVectorLayerExporter::exportLayer( QgsVectorLayer *layer, const QString &uri, const QString &providerKey, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destCRS, bool onlySelected, QString *errorMessage, const QMap<QString, QVariant> &options, QgsFeedback *feedback ) { QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem outputCRS; QgsCoordinateTransform ct; bool shallTransform = false; if ( !layer ) return ErrInvalidLayer; if ( destCRS.isValid() ) { // This means we should transform outputCRS = destCRS; shallTransform = true; } else { // This means we shouldn't transform, use source CRS as output (if defined) outputCRS = layer->crs(); } bool overwrite = false; bool forceSinglePartGeom = false; QMap<QString, QVariant> providerOptions = options; if ( !options.isEmpty() ) { overwrite = providerOptions.take( QStringLiteral( "overwrite" ) ).toBool(); forceSinglePartGeom = providerOptions.take( QStringLiteral( "forceSinglePartGeometryType" ) ).toBool(); } QgsFields fields = layer->fields(); QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = layer->wkbType(); // Special handling for Shapefiles if ( layer->providerType() == QLatin1String( "ogr" ) && layer->storageType() == QLatin1String( "ESRI Shapefile" ) ) { // convert field names to lowercase for ( int fldIdx = 0; fldIdx < fields.count(); ++fldIdx ) { fields[fldIdx].setName( fldIdx ).name().toLower() ); } if ( !forceSinglePartGeom ) { // convert wkbtype to multipart (see #5547) switch ( wkbType ) { case QgsWkbTypes::Point: wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::MultiPoint; break; case QgsWkbTypes::LineString: wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString; break; case QgsWkbTypes::Polygon: wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::MultiPolygon; break; case QgsWkbTypes::Point25D: wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::MultiPoint25D; break; case QgsWkbTypes::LineString25D: wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString25D; break; case QgsWkbTypes::Polygon25D: wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::MultiPolygon25D; break; default: break; } } } QgsVectorLayerExporter *writer = new QgsVectorLayerExporter( uri, providerKey, fields, wkbType, outputCRS, overwrite, providerOptions ); // check whether file creation was successful ExportError err = writer->errorCode(); if ( err != NoError ) { if ( errorMessage ) *errorMessage = writer->errorMessage(); delete writer; return err; } if ( errorMessage ) { errorMessage->clear(); } QgsFeature fet; QgsFeatureRequest req; if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry ) req.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry ); if ( onlySelected ) req.setFilterFids( layer->selectedFeatureIds() ); QgsFeatureIterator fit = layer->getFeatures( req ); // Create our transform if ( destCRS.isValid() ) { Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_PUSH ct = QgsCoordinateTransform( layer->crs(), destCRS ); Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_POP }
int OracleImporter::importTextSpoiler(CardSet *set, const QVariant &data) { int cards = 0; QListIterator<QVariant> it(data.toList()); QVariantMap map; QString cardName; QString cardCost; QString cardType; QString cardPT; QString cardText; int cardId; int cardLoyalty; QMap<int, QVariantMap> splitCards; while (it.hasNext()) { map =; if(0 == QString::compare(map.value("layout").toString(), QString("split"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // Split card handling cardId = map.contains("multiverseid") ? map.value("multiverseid").toInt() : 0; if(splitCards.contains(cardId)) { // merge two split cards QVariantMap tmpMap = splitCards.take(cardId); QVariantMap * card1 = 0, * card2 = 0; // same cardid cardId = map.contains("multiverseid") ? map.value("multiverseid").toInt() : 0; // this is currently an integer; can't accept 2 values cardLoyalty = 0; // determine which subcard is the first one in the split QStringList names=map.contains("names") ? map.value("names").toStringList() : QStringList(""); if(names.count()>0 && map.contains("name") && 0 == QString::compare(map.value("name").toString(), { // map is the left part of the split card, tmpMap is right part card1 = ↦ card2 = &tmpMap; } else { //tmpMap is the left part of the split card, map is right part card1 = &tmpMap; card2 = ↦ } // add first card's data cardName = card1->contains("name") ? card1->value("name").toString() : QString(""); cardCost = card1->contains("manaCost") ? card1->value("manaCost").toString() : QString(""); cardType = card1->contains("type") ? card1->value("type").toString() : QString(""); cardPT = card1->contains("power") || card1->contains("toughness") ? card1->value("power").toString() + QString('/') + card1->value("toughness").toString() : QString(""); cardText = card1->contains("text") ? card1->value("text").toString() : QString(""); // add second card's data cardName += card2->contains("name") ? QString(" // ") + card2->value("name").toString() : QString(""); cardCost += card2->contains("manaCost") ? QString(" // ") + card2->value("manaCost").toString() : QString(""); cardType += card2->contains("type") ? QString(" // ") + card2->value("type").toString() : QString(""); cardPT += card2->contains("power") || card2->contains("toughness") ? QString(" // ") + card2->value("power").toString() + QString('/') + card2->value("toughness").toString() : QString(""); cardText += card2->contains("text") ? QString("\n\n---\n\n") + card2->value("text").toString() : QString(""); } else { // first card od a pair; enqueue for later merging splitCards.insert(cardId, map); continue; } } else { // normal cards handling cardName = map.contains("name") ? map.value("name").toString() : QString(""); cardCost = map.contains("manaCost") ? map.value("manaCost").toString() : QString(""); cardType = map.contains("type") ? map.value("type").toString() : QString(""); cardPT = map.contains("power") || map.contains("toughness") ? map.value("power").toString() + QString('/') + map.value("toughness").toString() : QString(""); cardText = map.contains("text") ? map.value("text").toString() : QString(""); cardId = map.contains("multiverseid") ? map.value("multiverseid").toInt() : 0; cardLoyalty = map.contains("loyalty") ? map.value("loyalty").toInt() : 0; } CardInfo *card = addCard(set->getShortName(), cardName, false, cardId, cardCost, cardType, cardPT, cardLoyalty, cardText.split("\n")); if (!set->contains(card)) { card->addToSet(set); cards++; } } return cards; }
void CServicesWidget::UpdateTree() { bool bAccOnly = m_pAccountsOnly->isChecked(); QString Filter = m_pHostFilter->text(); QMap<QString, SHoster*> OldHosters = m_Hosters; foreach (const QVariantMap& Hoster, m_Services.values(m_Mode)) { QString Name = Hoster["HostName"].toString(); QVariantList Logins = Hoster["Logins"].toList(); if(bAccOnly && Logins.isEmpty()) continue; if(!Filter.isEmpty() && !Name.contains(Filter)) continue; SHoster* pHoster = OldHosters.take(Name); if(!pHoster) { pHoster = new SHoster(); pHoster->pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(); m_pHosterTree->addTopLevelItem(pHoster->pItem); pHoster->pItem->setText(eName, Name); m_Hosters.insert(Name, pHoster); } if(pHoster->pItem->icon(eName).isNull()) pHoster->pItem->setIcon(eName, theGUI->GetHosterIcon(Name, false)); QFont Font = pHoster->pItem->font(eName); if(Font.bold() != !Logins.isEmpty()) { Font.setBold(!Logins.isEmpty()); pHoster->pItem->setFont(eName, Font); } pHoster->pItem->setText(eStatus, Hoster["Status"].toString()); pHoster->pItem->setText(eAPIs, Hoster["APIs"].toStringList().join(", ")); // logins: QMap<QString, QTreeWidgetItem*> OldAccounts; for(int i = 0; i < pHoster->pItem->childCount(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = pHoster->pItem->child(i); QString Login = pItem->text(eName); Q_ASSERT(!OldAccounts.contains(Login)); OldAccounts.insert(Login,pItem); } foreach (const QVariant vLogin, Logins) { QVariantMap Login = vLogin.toMap(); QString Account = Login["UserName"].toString(); QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = OldAccounts.take(Account); if(!pItem) { pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(); pHoster->pItem->addChild(pItem); pHoster->pItem->setExpanded(true); pItem->setText(eName, Account); } pItem->setText(eStatus, Login["Status"].toString() + (Login["Free"].toBool() ? tr(" (Free)") : "")); } foreach(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, OldAccounts) delete pItem; }