void mythfile_open_register_callback(const char *pathname, void* object, callback_t func) { m_callbackLock.lock(); QString path(pathname); if (m_fileOpenCallbacks.contains(path)) { // if we already have a callback registered for this path with this // object then remove the callback and return (i.e. end callback) QMutableHashIterator<QString,Callback> it(m_fileOpenCallbacks); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (object == it.value().m_object) { it.remove(); VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("Removing fileopen callback for %1").arg(path)); VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("%1 callbacks remaining") .arg(m_fileOpenCallbacks.size())); m_callbackLock.unlock(); return; } } } Callback new_callback(object, func); m_fileOpenCallbacks.insert(path, new_callback); VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("Added fileopen callback for %1").arg(path)); VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + QString("%1 callbacks open") .arg(m_fileOpenCallbacks.size())); m_callbackLock.unlock(); }
bool ProjectCollection::addProject(const QString& name, const QString& author, const QString& description, const QMultiHash<int, QString> & users) { if (!k->db->exists(name)) { if (!k->projects.contains(name)) { QMultiHash<SProject::UserType, QString> newusers; foreach (int type, users.uniqueKeys()) { foreach (QString login, users.values(type)) newusers.insert( SProject::UserType(type), login); } if (newusers.values(SProject::Owner).empty()) return false; SProject *project = new SProject( kAppProp->cacheDir() +"/"+ k->db->nextFileName()); project->setProjectName(name); project->setAuthor(author); project->setDescription(description); bool okAddProject = false; project->setUsers(newusers); bool okSaveProject = project->save(); if (okSaveProject) okAddProject = k->db->addProject(project); delete project; return okAddProject; } }
void tst_QVersitDocument::testRemoveProperty() { // Remove an empty property. QCOMPARE(mVersitDocument->properties().count(), 0); QVersitProperty property; mVersitDocument->addProperty(property); mVersitDocument->removeProperty(property); QCOMPARE(mVersitDocument->properties().count(), 0); // A full property. property.setName(QLatin1String("TEL")); property.setGroups(QStringList(QLatin1String("HOME"))); QMultiHash<QString, QString> params; params.insert(QLatin1String("TYPE"), QLatin1String("HOME")); property.setParameters(params); property.setValue(QLatin1String("123")); mVersitDocument->addProperty(property); QCOMPARE(mVersitDocument->properties().count(), 1); QVersitProperty property2; property2.setName(QLatin1String("TEL")); // Remove with a partial property fails. mVersitDocument->removeProperty(property2); QCOMPARE(mVersitDocument->properties().count(), 1); property2.setGroups(QStringList(QLatin1String("HOME"))); property2.setParameters(params); property2.setValue(QLatin1String("123")); // Remove with a fully specified property succeeds. mVersitDocument->removeProperty(property2); QCOMPARE(mVersitDocument->properties().count(), 0); }
void XKCommon::saveClusters(QDataStream&stream,SuperVoxelClusters&clusters) { QMultiHash<uint32_t,QByteArray> qClusters; foreach (SuperVoxelClusters::value_type v, clusters) { QByteArray data; QDataStream stream(&data,QIODevice::WriteOnly); saveSuperVoxel(stream,*v.second); qClusters.insert(v.first,data); }
bool LimitedNodeList::packetVersionMatch(const udt::Packet& packet) { PacketType headerType = NLPacket::typeInHeader(packet); PacketVersion headerVersion = NLPacket::versionInHeader(packet); if (headerVersion != versionForPacketType(headerType)) { static QMultiHash<QUuid, PacketType> sourcedVersionDebugSuppressMap; static QMultiHash<HifiSockAddr, PacketType> versionDebugSuppressMap; bool hasBeenOutput = false; QString senderString; if (NON_SOURCED_PACKETS.contains(headerType)) { const HifiSockAddr& senderSockAddr = packet.getSenderSockAddr(); hasBeenOutput = versionDebugSuppressMap.contains(senderSockAddr, headerType); if (!hasBeenOutput) { versionDebugSuppressMap.insert(senderSockAddr, headerType); senderString = QString("%1:%2").arg(senderSockAddr.getAddress().toString()).arg(senderSockAddr.getPort()); } } else { QUuid sourceID = NLPacket::sourceIDInHeader(packet); hasBeenOutput = sourcedVersionDebugSuppressMap.contains(sourceID, headerType); if (!hasBeenOutput) { sourcedVersionDebugSuppressMap.insert(sourceID, headerType); senderString = uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(sourceID.toString()); } } if (!hasBeenOutput) { qCDebug(networking) << "Packet version mismatch on" << headerType << "- Sender" << senderString << "sent" << qPrintable(QString::number(headerVersion)) << "but" << qPrintable(QString::number(versionForPacketType(headerType))) << "expected."; emit packetVersionMismatch(headerType); } return false; } else { return true; } }
SessionsManagerDialog::SessionsManagerDialog(QWidget *parent) : Dialog(parent), m_ui(new Ui::SessionsManagerDialog) { m_ui->setupUi(this); m_ui->openInExistingWindowCheckBox->setChecked(SettingsManager::getValue(SettingsManager::Sessions_OpenInExistingWindowOption).toBool()); const QStringList sessions(SessionsManager::getSessions()); QMultiHash<QString, SessionInformation> information; for (int i = 0; i < sessions.count(); ++i) { const SessionInformation session(SessionsManager::getSession(sessions.at(i))); information.insert((session.title.isEmpty() ? tr("(Untitled)") : session.title), session); } QStandardItemModel *model(new QStandardItemModel(this)); model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList({tr("Title"), tr("Identifier"), tr("Windows")})); const QList<SessionInformation> sorted(information.values()); const QString currentSession(SessionsManager::getCurrentSession()); int row(0); for (int i = 0; i < sorted.count(); ++i) { int windows(0); for (int j = 0; j < sorted.at(i).windows.count(); ++j) { windows += sorted.at(i).windows.at(j).windows.count(); } if (sorted.at(i).path == currentSession) { row = i; } QList<QStandardItem*> items({new QStandardItem(sorted.at(i).title.isEmpty() ? tr("(Untitled)") : sorted.at(i).title), new QStandardItem(sorted.at(i).path), new QStandardItem(tr("%n window(s) (%1)", "", sorted.at(i).windows.count()).arg(tr("%n tab(s)", "", windows)))}); items[0]->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); items[1]->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); items[2]->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); model->appendRow(items); } m_ui->sessionsViewWidget->setModel(model); connect(m_ui->openButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openSession())); connect(m_ui->deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteSession())); connect(m_ui->sessionsViewWidget, SIGNAL(needsActionsUpdate()), this, SLOT(updateActions())); m_ui->sessionsViewWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_ui->sessionsViewWidget->getIndex(row, 0)); }
void MainWindow::menuSessionsAboutToShow() { if (m_sessionsGroup) { m_sessionsGroup->deleteLater(); QAction *saveSessionAction = m_ui->menuSessions->actions().at(0); saveSessionAction->setParent(this); QAction *manageSessionsAction = m_ui->menuSessions->actions().at(1); manageSessionsAction->setParent(this); m_ui->menuSessions->clear(); m_ui->menuSessions->addAction(saveSessionAction); m_ui->menuSessions->addAction(manageSessionsAction); m_ui->menuSessions->addSeparator(); } m_sessionsGroup = new QActionGroup(this); m_sessionsGroup->setExclusive(true); const QStringList sessions = SessionsManager::getSessions(); QMultiHash<QString, SessionInformation> information; for (int i = 0; i < sessions.count(); ++i) { const SessionInformation session = SessionsManager::getSession(sessions.at(i)); information.insert((session.title.isEmpty() ? tr("(Untitled)") : session.title), session); } const QList<SessionInformation> sorted = information.values(); const QString currentSession = SessionsManager::getCurrentSession(); for (int i = 0; i < sorted.count(); ++i) { int windows = 0; for (int j = 0; j < sorted.at(i).windows.count(); ++j) { windows += sorted.at(i).windows.at(j).windows.count(); } QAction *action = m_ui->menuSessions->addAction(tr("%1 (%n tab(s))", "", windows).arg(sorted.at(i).title.isEmpty() ? tr("(Untitled)") : QString(sorted.at(i).title).replace(QLatin1Char('&'), QLatin1String("&&")))); action->setData(sorted.at(i).path); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(sorted.at(i).path == currentSession); m_sessionsGroup->addAction(action); } }
bool PtDrugDatatabaseStep::createDatabase() { Q_EMIT progressLabelChanged(tr("Preparing raw source files")); Q_EMIT progressRangeChanged(0, 1); Q_EMIT progress(0); if (!DrugsDB::Tools::createMasterDrugInteractionDatabase()) return false; QMultiHash<QString, QVariant> labels; labels.insert("fr","Base de données thérapeutique du portugaise"); labels.insert("en","Portuguese therapeutic database"); labels.insert("de","Portugiesische Therapeutische Datenbank"); if (DrugsDB::Tools::createNewDrugsSource(Core::Constants::MASTER_DATABASE_NAME, PT_DRUGS_DATABASE_NAME, labels) == -1) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to create the PT drugs sources"); return false; } LOG(QString("Database schema created")); Q_EMIT progress(1); return true; }
bool operator()(SceneNode *n, const glm::mat4 &v) { if(!n->m_properties) return true; for (GroupProperty_Data &prop : *n->m_properties) { if(prop.propName == "SpawnLocation") { //qCDebug(logPlayerSpawn) << "Spawner:" << prop.propValue << prop.propertyType; m_targets->insert(prop.propValue, v); return false; } } return true; }
SessionsManagerDialog::SessionsManagerDialog(QWidget *parent) : Dialog(parent), m_ui(new Ui::SessionsManagerDialog) { m_ui->setupUi(this); m_ui->openInExistingWindowCheckBox->setChecked(SettingsManager::getValue(QLatin1String("Sessions/OpenInExistingWindow")).toBool()); const QStringList sessions = SessionsManager::getSessions(); QMultiHash<QString, SessionInformation> information; for (int i = 0; i < sessions.count(); ++i) { const SessionInformation session = SessionsManager::getSession(sessions.at(i)); information.insert((session.title.isEmpty() ? tr("(Untitled)") : session.title), session); } const QList<SessionInformation> sorted = information.values(); const QString currentSession = SessionsManager::getCurrentSession(); int index = 0; m_ui->sessionsWidget->setRowCount(sorted.count()); for (int i = 0; i < sorted.count(); ++i) { int windows = 0; for (int j = 0; j < sorted.at(i).windows.count(); ++j) { windows += sorted.at(i).windows.at(j).windows.count(); } if (sorted.at(i).path == currentSession) { index = i; } m_ui->sessionsWidget->setItem(i, 0, new QTableWidgetItem(sorted.at(i).title.isEmpty() ? tr("(Untitled)") : sorted.at(i).title)); m_ui->sessionsWidget->setItem(i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(sorted.at(i).path)); m_ui->sessionsWidget->setItem(i, 2, new QTableWidgetItem(QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(sorted.at(i).windows.count()).arg(windows))); } connect(m_ui->openButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openSession())); connect(m_ui->deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteSession())); connect(m_ui->sessionsWidget, SIGNAL(currentCellChanged(int,int,int,int)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(int))); m_ui->sessionsWidget->setCurrentCell(index, 0); }
// Add the given name/value pair to the current class info hash. PyObject *qpycore_ClassInfo(const char *name, const char *value) { PyFrameObject *frame = PyEval_GetFrame(); // We need the frame we were called from, not the current one. if (frame) frame = frame->f_back; if (!frame) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "no current frame"); return 0; } class_info_hash.insert(frame, ClassInfo(QByteArray(name), QByteArray(value))); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
void IcecastService::ParseDirectoryFinished( QFuture<IcecastBackend::StationList> future) { IcecastBackend::StationList all_stations = future.result(); sort(all_stations.begin(), all_stations.end(), StationSorter<IcecastBackend::Station>()); // Remove duplicates by name. These tend to be multiple URLs for the same // station. IcecastBackend::StationList::iterator it = unique(all_stations.begin(), all_stations.end(), StationEquality<IcecastBackend::Station>()); all_stations.erase(it, all_stations.end()); // Cluster stations by genre. QMultiHash<QString, IcecastBackend::Station*> genres; // Add stations. for (int i = 0; i < all_stations.count(); ++i) { IcecastBackend::Station& s = all_stations[i]; genres.insert(s.genre, &s); } QSet<QString> genre_set = genres.keys().toSet(); // Merge genres with only 1 or 2 stations into "Other". for (const QString& genre : genre_set) { if (genres.count(genre) < 3) { const QList<IcecastBackend::Station*>& small_genre = genres.values(genre); for (IcecastBackend::Station* s : small_genre) { s->genre = "Other"; } } } backend_->ClearAndAddStations(all_stations); app_->task_manager()->SetTaskFinished(load_directory_task_id_); load_directory_task_id_ = 0; }
bool OsmAnd::MapRendererTiledSymbolsResource::uploadToGPU() { typedef std::pair< std::shared_ptr<MapSymbol>, std::shared_ptr<const GPUAPI::ResourceInGPU> > SymbolResourceEntry; bool ok; bool anyUploadFailed = false; const auto link_ = link.lock(); const auto collection = static_cast<MapRendererTiledSymbolsResourcesCollection*>(&link_->collection); // Unique QMultiHash< std::shared_ptr<GroupResources>, SymbolResourceEntry > uniqueUploaded; for (const auto& groupResources : constOf(_uniqueGroupsResources)) { for (const auto& symbol : constOf(groupResources->group->symbols)) { // Prepare data and upload to GPU std::shared_ptr<const GPUAPI::ResourceInGPU> resourceInGPU; ok = resourcesManager->uploadSymbolToGPU(symbol, resourceInGPU); // If upload have failed, stop if (!ok) { LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Error, "Failed to upload unique symbol in %dx%d@%d tile", tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom); anyUploadFailed = true; break; } // Mark this symbol as uploaded uniqueUploaded.insert(groupResources, qMove(SymbolResourceEntry(symbol, resourceInGPU))); } if (anyUploadFailed) break; } // Shared QMultiHash< std::shared_ptr<GroupResources>, SymbolResourceEntry > sharedUploaded; QMultiHash< std::shared_ptr<GroupResources>, SymbolResourceEntry > sharedReferenced; for (const auto& groupResources : constOf(_referencedSharedGroupsResources)) { if (groupResources->group->symbols.isEmpty()) continue; // This check means "continue if shared symbols were uploaded by other resource" // This check needs no special handling, since all GPU resources work is done from same thread. if (!groupResources->resourcesInGPU.isEmpty()) { for (const auto& entryResourceInGPU : rangeOf(constOf(groupResources->resourcesInGPU))) { const auto& symbol = entryResourceInGPU.key(); auto& resourceInGPU = entryResourceInGPU.value(); sharedReferenced.insert(groupResources, qMove(SymbolResourceEntry(symbol, resourceInGPU))); } continue; } for (const auto& symbol : constOf(groupResources->group->symbols)) { // Prepare data and upload to GPU std::shared_ptr<const GPUAPI::ResourceInGPU> resourceInGPU; ok = resourcesManager->uploadSymbolToGPU(symbol, resourceInGPU); // If upload have failed, stop if (!ok) { LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Error, "Failed to upload unique symbol in %dx%d@%d tile", tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom); anyUploadFailed = true; break; } // Mark this symbol as uploaded sharedUploaded.insert(groupResources, qMove(SymbolResourceEntry(symbol, resourceInGPU))); } if (anyUploadFailed) break; } // If at least one symbol failed to upload, consider entire tile as failed to upload, // and unload its partial GPU resources if (anyUploadFailed) { uniqueUploaded.clear(); sharedUploaded.clear(); return false; } // All resources have been uploaded to GPU successfully by this point, // so it's safe to walk across symbols and remove bitmaps: // Unique for (const auto& entry : rangeOf(constOf(uniqueUploaded))) { const auto& groupResources = entry.key(); const auto& symbol = entry.value().first; auto& resource = entry.value().second; // Unload GPU data from symbol, since it's uploaded already resourcesManager->releaseGpuUploadableDataFrom(symbol); // Add GPU resource reference _symbolToResourceInGpuLUT.insert(symbol, resource); #if OSMAND_LOG_MAP_SYMBOLS_TO_GPU_RESOURCES_MAP_CHANGES LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "Inserted GPU resource %p for map symbol %p in %p (uploadToGPU-uniqueUploaded)", resource.get(), symbol.get(), this); #endif // OSMAND_LOG_MAP_SYMBOLS_TO_GPU_RESOURCES_MAP_CHANGES groupResources->resourcesInGPU.insert(qMove(symbol), qMove(resource)); } // Shared (uploaded) for (const auto& entry : rangeOf(constOf(sharedUploaded))) { const auto& groupResources = entry.key(); auto symbol = entry.value().first; auto& resource = entry.value().second; // Unload GPU data from symbol, since it's uploaded already resourcesManager->releaseGpuUploadableDataFrom(symbol); // Add GPU resource reference _symbolToResourceInGpuLUT.insert(symbol, resource); #if OSMAND_LOG_MAP_SYMBOLS_TO_GPU_RESOURCES_MAP_CHANGES LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "Inserted GPU resource %p for map symbol %p in %p (uploadToGPU-sharedUploaded)", resource.get(), symbol.get(), this); #endif // OSMAND_LOG_MAP_SYMBOLS_TO_GPU_RESOURCES_MAP_CHANGES groupResources->resourcesInGPU.insert(qMove(symbol), qMove(resource)); } // Shared (referenced) for (const auto& entry : rangeOf(constOf(sharedReferenced))) { const auto& groupResources = entry.key(); auto symbol = entry.value().first; auto& resource = entry.value().second; // Add GPU resource reference _symbolToResourceInGpuLUT.insert(symbol, resource); #if OSMAND_LOG_MAP_SYMBOLS_TO_GPU_RESOURCES_MAP_CHANGES LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "Inserted GPU resource %p for map symbol %p in %p (uploadToGPU-sharedReferenced)", resource.get(), symbol.get(), this); #endif // OSMAND_LOG_MAP_SYMBOLS_TO_GPU_RESOURCES_MAP_CHANGES } return true; }
bool UnicodeTournamentTrie::Preprocess( IImporter* importer, QString dir ) { QString filename = fileInDirectory( dir, "Unicode Tournament Trie" ); QFile subTrieFile( filename + "_sub" ); QFile wayFile( filename + "_ways" ); if ( !openQFile( &subTrieFile, QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) return false; if ( !openQFile( &wayFile, QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) return false; std::vector< IImporter::Place > inputPlaces; std::vector< IImporter::Address > inputAddress; std::vector< UnsignedCoordinate > inputWayBuffer; std::vector< QString > inputWayNames; if ( !importer->GetAddressData( &inputPlaces, &inputAddress, &inputWayBuffer, &inputWayNames ) ) return false; Timer time; std::sort( inputAddress.begin(), inputAddress.end() ); qDebug() << "Unicode Tournament Trie: sorted addresses by importance:" << time.restart() << "ms"; std::vector< UnsignedCoordinate > wayBuffer; std::vector< utt::Node > trie( 1 ); unsigned address = 0; // build address name index QMultiHash< unsigned, unsigned > addressByName; for ( ; address < inputAddress.size(); address++ ) { addressByName.insert( inputAddress[address].name, address ); } // compute way lengths QList< unsigned > uniqueNames = addressByName.uniqueKeys(); std::vector< std::pair< double, unsigned > > wayLengths; for ( unsigned name = 0; name < ( unsigned ) uniqueNames.size(); name++ ) { QList< unsigned > segments = addressByName.values( uniqueNames[name] ); double distance = 0; for( unsigned segment = 0; segment < ( unsigned ) segments.size(); segment++ ) { const IImporter::Address segmentAddress = inputAddress[segment]; for ( unsigned coord = 1; coord < segmentAddress.pathLength; ++coord ) { GPSCoordinate sourceGPS = inputWayBuffer[segmentAddress.pathID + coord - 1].ToProjectedCoordinate().ToGPSCoordinate(); GPSCoordinate targetGPS = inputWayBuffer[segmentAddress.pathID + coord].ToProjectedCoordinate().ToGPSCoordinate(); distance += sourceGPS.ApproximateDistance( targetGPS ); } } wayLengths.push_back( std::pair< double, unsigned >( distance, name ) ); } // sort ways by aggregate lengths std::sort( wayLengths.begin(), wayLengths.end() ); std::vector< unsigned > wayImportance( uniqueNames.size() ); for ( unsigned way = 0; way < wayLengths.size(); way++ ) wayImportance[wayLengths[way].second] = way; wayLengths.clear(); std::vector< utt::Node > subTrie( 1 ); for ( unsigned name = 0; name < ( unsigned ) uniqueNames.size(); name++ ) { QList< unsigned > segments = addressByName.values( uniqueNames[name] ); // build edge connector data structures std::vector< EdgeConnector< UnsignedCoordinate>::Edge > connectorEdges; std::vector< unsigned > resultSegments; std::vector< unsigned > resultSegmentDescriptions; std::vector< bool > resultReversed; for ( unsigned segment = 0; segment < ( unsigned ) segments.size(); segment++ ) { const IImporter::Address& segmentAddress = inputAddress[segments[segment]]; EdgeConnector< UnsignedCoordinate >::Edge newEdge; newEdge.source = inputWayBuffer[segmentAddress.pathID]; newEdge.target = inputWayBuffer[segmentAddress.pathID + segmentAddress.pathLength - 1]; newEdge.reverseable = true; connectorEdges.push_back( newEdge ); } EdgeConnector< UnsignedCoordinate >::run( &resultSegments, &resultSegmentDescriptions, &resultReversed, connectorEdges ); // string places with the same name together unsigned nextID = 0; for ( unsigned segment = 0; segment < resultSegments.size(); segment++ ) { utt::Data subEntry; subEntry.start = wayBuffer.size(); for ( unsigned description = 0; description < resultSegments[segment]; description++ ) { unsigned segmentID = resultSegmentDescriptions[nextID + description]; const IImporter::Address& segmentAddress = inputAddress[segments[segmentID]]; std::vector< UnsignedCoordinate > path; for ( unsigned pathID = 0; pathID < segmentAddress.pathLength; pathID++ ) path.push_back( inputWayBuffer[pathID + segmentAddress.pathID]); if ( resultReversed[segmentID] ) std::reverse( path.begin(), path.end() ); int skipFirst = description == 0 ? 0 : 1; assert( skipFirst == 0 || wayBuffer.back() == path.front() ); wayBuffer.insert( wayBuffer.end(), path.begin() + skipFirst, path.end() ); } utt::PlaceData placeData; placeData.name = inputPlaces[inputAddress[segments[resultSegmentDescriptions[nextID]]].nearPlace].name; subEntry.length = wayBuffer.size() - subEntry.start; insert( &subTrie, wayImportance[name], inputWayNames[uniqueNames[name]], subEntry, placeData ); nextID += resultSegments[segment]; } } writeTrie( &subTrie, subTrieFile ); assert( address == inputAddress.size() ); qDebug() << "Unicode Tournament Trie: build tries and tournament trees:" << time.restart() << "ms"; for ( std::vector< UnsignedCoordinate >::const_iterator i = wayBuffer.begin(), e = wayBuffer.end(); i != e; ++i ) { wayFile.write( ( char* ) &i->x, sizeof( i->x ) ); wayFile.write( ( char* ) &i->y, sizeof( i->y ) ); } qDebug() << "Unicode Tournament Trie: wrote ways:" << time.restart() << "ms"; return true; }
void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::doUpdateConfigurations(QList<Maemo::IcdScanResult> scanned) { /* Contains all known iap_ids from storage */ QList<QString> knownConfigs = accessPointConfigurations.keys(); /* Contains all known WLAN network ids (like ssid) from storage */ QMultiHash<QByteArray, SSIDInfo* > notDiscoveredWLANConfigs; QList<QString> all_iaps; Maemo::IAPConf::getAll(all_iaps); foreach (const QString &iap_id, all_iaps) { QByteArray ssid; Maemo::IAPConf saved_ap(iap_id); bool is_temporary = saved_ap.value("temporary").toBool(); if (is_temporary) { #ifdef BEARER_MANAGEMENT_DEBUG qDebug() << "IAP" << iap_id << "is temporary, skipping it."; #endif continue; } QString iap_type = saved_ap.value("type").toString(); if (iap_type.startsWith(QLatin1String("WLAN"))) { ssid = saved_ap.value("wlan_ssid").toByteArray(); if (ssid.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Cannot get ssid for" << iap_id; continue; } QString security_method = saved_ap.value("wlan_security").toString(); SSIDInfo *info = new SSIDInfo; info->iap_id = iap_id; info->wlan_security = security_method; notDiscoveredWLANConfigs.insert(ssid, info); } else if (iap_type.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "IAP" << iap_id << "network type is not set! Skipping it"; continue; } else { #ifdef BEARER_MANAGEMENT_DEBUG qDebug() << "IAP" << iap_id << "network type is" << iap_type; #endif ssid.clear(); } if (!accessPointConfigurations.contains(iap_id)) { QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* cpPriv = new QNetworkConfigurationPrivate(); cpPriv->name = saved_ap.value("name").toString(); if (cpPriv->name.isEmpty()) { if (!ssid.isEmpty() && ssid.size() > 0) cpPriv->name = ssid.data(); else cpPriv->name = iap_id; } cpPriv->isValid = true; cpPriv->id = iap_id; cpPriv->network_id = ssid; cpPriv->network_attrs = getNetworkAttrs(true, iap_id, iap_type, QString()); cpPriv->iap_type = iap_type; cpPriv->service_id = saved_ap.value("service_id").toString(); cpPriv->service_type = saved_ap.value("service_type").toString(); cpPriv->type = QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint; cpPriv->state = QNetworkConfiguration::Defined; cpPriv->manager = this; QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> ptr(cpPriv); accessPointConfigurations.insert(iap_id, ptr); #ifdef BEARER_MANAGEMENT_DEBUG qDebug("IAP: %s, name: %s, ssid: %s, added to known list", iap_id.toAscii().data(), cpPriv->name.toAscii().data(), !ssid.isEmpty() ? ssid.data() : "-"); #endif } else { knownConfigs.removeOne(iap_id); #ifdef BEARER_MANAGEMENT_DEBUG qDebug("IAP: %s, ssid: %s, already exists in the known list", iap_id.toAscii().data(), !ssid.isEmpty() ? ssid.data() : "-"); #endif } }
static QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<int, float> > createChannelNameMap() { QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<QByteArray, float> > blendshapeMap; blendshapeMap.insert("EyeBlink_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Blink_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeBlink_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Blink_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsD_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsDown_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsD_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsDown_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsIn_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsIn_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsOuterLower_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsOuterLower_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsU_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsUp_Left", 10.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsU_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::BrowsUp_Right", 10.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeOpen_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::EyesWide_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeOpen_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::EyesWide_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthFrown_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Frown_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthFrown_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Frown_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("JawLeft", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Jaw_RotateY_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("JawRight", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Jaw_RotateY_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsLowerDown", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::LowerLipDown_Left", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsLowerDown", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::LowerLipDown_Right", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::LowerLipIn", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::LowerLipOut", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthLeft", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Midmouth_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthRight", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Midmouth_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::MouthDown", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::MouthNarrow_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::MouthNarrow_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("JawOpen", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::MouthOpen", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::MouthUp", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsPucker", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::MouthWhistle_NarrowAdjust_Left", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsPucker", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::MouthWhistle_NarrowAdjust_Right", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("Sneer", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::NoseScrunch_Left", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("Sneer", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::NoseScrunch_Right", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthSmile_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Smile_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthSmile_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Smile_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeSquint_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Squint_Left", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeSquint_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::Squint_Right", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::UpperLipIn", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("...", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::UpperLipOut", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsUpperUp", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::UpperLipUp_Left", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsUpperUp", QPair<QByteArray, float>("Mix::UpperLipUp_Right", 0.5f)); QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<int, float> > channelNameMap; for (int i = 0;; i++) { QByteArray blendshape = FACESHIFT_BLENDSHAPES[i]; if (blendshape.isEmpty()) { break; } for (QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<QByteArray, float> >::const_iterator it = blendshapeMap.constFind(blendshape); it != blendshapeMap.constEnd() && it.key() == blendshape; it++) { channelNameMap.insert(it.value().first, QPair<int, float>(i, it.value().second)); } } return channelNameMap; }
void TcDatabase::loadEngine(const QString& filename) { m_sqls.clear(); if ( m_handle.isOpen() ) { if ( dbType() == SQLSERVER ) { // 取出存储过程名 QSqlQuery procedures_query = QSqlQuery(m_handle); QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery(m_handle); if ( procedures_query.exec("exec sp_procedures_rowset2") ) { while(procedures_query.next()) { QSqlRecord procedures = procedures_query.record(); QSqlField fieldSchema = procedures.field("PROCEDURE_SCHEMA"); if ( fieldSchema.isValid() && fieldSchema.value() != "sys" ) { QSqlField field = procedures.field("PROCEDURE_NAME"); if ( field.isValid() ) { SQLContext cnt; QString procedureID = field.value().toString().toLower(); int index = procedureID.indexOf(";"); if ( index >= 0 ) { procedureID = procedureID.left(index); } cnt.id = procedureID; QString paramsLine; if ( query.exec("exec sp_procedure_params_rowset '"+procedureID+"'") ) { while(query.next()) { QSqlRecord paramField = query.record(); QSqlField paramName = paramField.field("PARAMETER_NAME"); QString pname = paramName.value().toString(); if ( pname.compare("@RETURN_VALUE", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0 ) { QSqlField paramType = paramField.field("TYPE_NAME"); pname.remove(0, 1); QString ptype = paramType.value().toString().toLower(); if ( ptype == "nvarchar" ) { ptype = "string"; } cnt.params.insert(pname, ptype); paramsLine += ", :" + pname; } } query.finish(); if ( ! paramsLine.isEmpty() ) { paramsLine.remove(0, 2); } } cnt.text = "exec " + procedureID + " " + paramsLine; m_sqls[procedureID] = cnt; Q_EMIT dbiLoading(m_sqls.count(), procedureID); } } } procedures_query.finish(); } }else if ( dbType() == MYSQL ) { // 取出存储过程名 QString sql = "SELECT `name`, `param_list`, `body`, `returns` FROM `mysql`.`proc` WHERE `language` = 'SQL' AND `db` = '"+dbName()+"';"; QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery(m_handle); if ( query.exec(sql) ) { QSqlField field; while(query.next()) { QSqlRecord procedures = query.record(); QString param_line; SQLContext cnt; cnt.id = procedures.field("name").value().toString(); cnt.params = getParamList(param_line, procedures.field("param_list").value().toString()); cnt.text = "call " + cnt.id + "(" + param_line + ");"; //cnt.text = procedures.field("body").value().toString(); m_sqls[cnt.id] = cnt; Q_EMIT dbiLoading(m_sqls.count(), cnt.id); Q_EMIT dbiLoading(m_sqls.count(), cnt.text); } query.finish(); } }else if ( dbType() == POSTGRESQL ) { // 取出存储过程名 QSqlQuery storedproc_query = QSqlQuery(m_handle); QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery(m_handle); if ( storedproc_query.exec("SELECT specific_name" " , routine_name" " FROM information_schema.routines" " WHERE specific_schema = 'public'" " AND routine_schema = 'public'" " AND routine_type = 'FUNCTION';") ) { while(storedproc_query.next()) { QSqlRecord storedprocs = storedproc_query.record(); QSqlField fieldspecific = storedprocs.field("specific_name"); QSqlField fieldsqlid = storedprocs.field("routine_name" ); if ( fieldspecific.isValid() && fieldsqlid.isValid() ) { SQLContext cnt; cnt.id = fieldsqlid.value().toString().toLower(); QString paramsLine; if ( query.exec("SELECT parameter_name" " , udt_name" " FROM information_schema.parameters" " WHERE specific_schema = 'public'" " AND specific_name = '"+fieldspecific.value().toString()+"'" " AND parameter_mode = 'IN'" " ORDER BY ordinal_position;") ) { while(query.next()) { QSqlRecord fields = query.record(); QSqlField paramName = fields.field("parameter_name"); QSqlField paramType = fields.field("udt_name" ); if ( paramName.isValid() && paramType.isValid() ) { cnt.params.insert(paramName.value().toString(), paramType.value().toString()); paramsLine += ", :" + paramName.value().toString(); } } query.finish(); if ( ! paramsLine.isEmpty() ) { paramsLine.remove(0, 2); } } cnt.text = "SELECT * FROM " + cnt.id + "(" + paramsLine + ");"; m_sqls[cnt.id] = cnt; Q_EMIT dbiLoading(m_sqls.count(), cnt.id); } } storedproc_query.finish(); } } } QStringList filenames; QDir dir(filename); if ( dir.exists() ) { filenames = dir.entryList(QStringList(), QDir::Files, QDir::Name); for( int i=0; i<filenames.count(); i++ ) { QString ddlfile = filenames.at(i); filenames[i] = dir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + ddlfile; } }else { QFileInfo sqlsInfo(filename); if ( sqlsInfo.exists() ) { filenames.append(filename); } } foreach(QString ddlfile, filenames) { QFile f(ddlfile); if ( f.open(QFile::Text | QFile::ReadOnly) ) { m_engineFile = ddlfile; QTextStream in(&f); int rdType = 0; QString sqlId; QString sqlText; QMultiHash<QString, QString> sqlParams; while(!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine().trimmed(); clearComment(line); if ( line.isEmpty() ) { }else if ( line.startsWith("SQL:", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { if ( ! sqlId.isEmpty() && ! sqlText.isEmpty() ) { sqlText.replace("@", ":"); SQLContext cnt; cnt.id = sqlId; cnt.text = sqlText; cnt.params = sqlParams; m_sqls[sqlId] = cnt; Q_EMIT dbiLoading(m_sqls.count(), sqlId); } sqlId = line.mid(4).trimmed().toLower(); sqlText.clear(); sqlParams.clear(); rdType = 1; }else if ( line.startsWith("Params:", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { rdType = 2; }else if ( ! sqlId.isEmpty() ) { switch(rdType) { case 1: sqlText += line + "\n"; break; case 2: { QString paramName; QString paramType = "string"; int pos; if ( (pos=line.indexOf(" ")) >0 ) { paramName = line.left(pos); line = line.remove(0, pos).trimmed(); if ( (pos=line.indexOf(" ")) >0 ) { paramType = line.left(pos); }else { paramType = line; } }else { paramName = line; } QChar c = paramName.at(0); if ( c == ':' || c == '@' ) { paramName.remove(0, 1); } sqlParams.insert(paramName, paramType.toLower()); break; } } } } f.close(); if ( ! sqlId.isEmpty() && ! sqlText.isEmpty() ) { SQLContext cnt; cnt.id = sqlId; cnt.text = sqlText; cnt.params = sqlParams; m_sqls[sqlId] = cnt; Q_EMIT dbiLoading(m_sqls.count(), sqlId); } } }
/** Applies the current network configuration settings to Tor. If * <b>errmsg</b> is specified and an error occurs while applying the settings, * it will be set to a string describing the error. */ bool NetworkSettings::apply(QString *errmsg) { QMultiHash<QString, QString> conf; quint32 torVersion = torControl()->getTorVersion(); conf.insert(SETTING_REACHABLE_ADDRESSES, (getFascistFirewall() ? localValue(SETTING_REACHABLE_ADDRESSES).toStringList().join(",") : "")); QString socks4, socks5, http, https; QString addr, user, pass, auth; addr = localValue(SETTING_PROXY_ADDRESS).toString(); user = localValue(SETTING_PROXY_USERNAME).toString(); pass = localValue(SETTING_PROXY_PASSWORD).toString(); if (!user.isEmpty() || !pass.isEmpty()) auth = QString("%1:%2").arg(user).arg(pass); switch (getProxyType()) { case NoProxy: break; case Socks4Proxy: socks4 = addr; break; case Socks5Proxy: socks5 = addr; break; case HttpHttpsProxy: http = addr; https = http; break; } if (torVersion >= 0x020201) { /* SOCKS support was implemented in */ conf.insert(SETTING_SOCKS4_PROXY, socks4); conf.insert(SETTING_SOCKS5_PROXY, socks5); conf.insert(SETTING_SOCKS5_USERNAME, user); conf.insert(SETTING_SOCKS5_PASSWORD, pass); } conf.insert(SETTING_HTTPS_PROXY, https); conf.insert(SETTING_HTTPS_PROXY_AUTH, auth); if (getUseBridges()) { /* We want to always enable TunnelDirConns and friends when using * bridge relays. */ conf.insert(SETTING_TUNNEL_DIR_CONNS, "1"); conf.insert(SETTING_PREFER_TUNNELED_DIR_CONNS, "1"); } else if (torVersion <= 0x020021) { /* TunnelDirConns is enabled by default on Tor >=, so don't * disable it if our Tor is recent enough. */ conf.insert(SETTING_TUNNEL_DIR_CONNS, "0"); conf.insert(SETTING_PREFER_TUNNELED_DIR_CONNS, "0"); } if (torVersion >= 0x020003) { /* Do the bridge stuff only on Tor >= */ QStringList bridges = localValue(SETTING_BRIDGE_LIST).toStringList(); if (getUseBridges() && !bridges.isEmpty()) { conf.insert(SETTING_USE_BRIDGES, "1"); conf.insert(SETTING_UPDATE_BRIDGES, "1"); foreach (QString bridge, bridges) { conf.insert(SETTING_BRIDGE_LIST, bridge); }
QMultiHash<int, SceneValue> FixtureManager::setFixtureCapabilities(quint32 fxID, bool enable) { int capDelta = 1; bool hasDimmer = false, hasColor = false, hasPosition = false; QMultiHash<int, SceneValue> channelsMap; Fixture *fixture = m_doc->fixture(fxID); if (fixture == NULL) return channelsMap; if (enable == false) capDelta = -1; for (quint32 ch = 0; ch < fixture->channels(); ch++) { const QLCChannel* channel(fixture->channel(ch)); if(channel == NULL) continue; int chType = channel->group(); switch (channel->group()) { case QLCChannel::Intensity: { QLCChannel::PrimaryColour col = channel->colour(); switch (col) { case QLCChannel::NoColour: hasDimmer = true; break; case QLCChannel::Red: case QLCChannel::Green: case QLCChannel::Blue: case QLCChannel::Cyan: case QLCChannel::Magenta: case QLCChannel::Yellow: case QLCChannel::White: hasColor = true; break; default: break; } chType = col; } break; case QLCChannel::Pan: case QLCChannel::Tilt: hasPosition = true; break; default: break; } if (hasDimmer) { QQuickItem *dimmerCapItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(m_view->rootObject()->findChild<QObject *>("capIntensity")); dimmerCapItem->setProperty("counter", dimmerCapItem->property("counter").toInt() + capDelta); } if (hasColor) { QQuickItem *colorCapItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(m_view->rootObject()->findChild<QObject *>("capColor")); colorCapItem->setProperty("counter", colorCapItem->property("counter").toInt() + capDelta); } if (hasPosition) { QQuickItem *positionCapItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(m_view->rootObject()->findChild<QObject *>("capPosition")); positionCapItem->setProperty("counter", positionCapItem->property("counter").toInt() + capDelta); } channelsMap.insert(chType, SceneValue(fxID, ch)); } return channelsMap; }
void SwitchWindow::makeMenu() { m_menu->clear(); Plasma::DataEngine *tasks = dataEngine("tasks"); if (!tasks->isValid()) { return; } QMultiHash<int, QAction*> desktops; //make all the window actions foreach (const QString &source, tasks->sources()) { Plasma::DataEngine::Data window = tasks->query(source); if (window.value("startup").toBool()) { //kDebug() << "skipped fake task" << source; continue; } if (!window.value("onCurrentActivity").toBool()) { continue; } QString name = window.value("visibleNameWithState").toString(); if (name.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "failed source" << source; continue; } QAction *action = new QAction(name, m_menu); action->setIcon(window.value("icon").value<QIcon>()); action->setData(source); desktops.insert(window.value("desktop").toInt(), action); } //sort into menu if (m_mode == CurrentDesktop) { int currentDesktop = KWindowSystem::currentDesktop(); m_menu->addTitle(i18n("Windows")); m_menu->addActions(desktops.values(currentDesktop)); m_menu->addActions(desktops.values(-1)); } else { int numDesktops = KWindowSystem::numberOfDesktops(); if (m_mode == AllFlat) { for (int i = 1; i <= numDesktops; ++i) { if (desktops.contains(i)) { QString name = KWindowSystem::desktopName(i); name = QString("%1: %2").arg(i).arg(name); m_menu->addTitle(name); m_menu->addActions(desktops.values(i)); } } if (desktops.contains(-1)) { m_menu->addTitle(i18n("All Desktops")); m_menu->addActions(desktops.values(-1)); } } else { //submenus for (int i = 1; i <= numDesktops; ++i) { if (desktops.contains(i)) { QString name = KWindowSystem::desktopName(i); name = QString("%1: %2").arg(i).arg(name); KMenu *subMenu = new KMenu(name, m_menu); subMenu->addActions(desktops.values(i)); m_menu->addMenu(subMenu); } } if (desktops.contains(-1)) { KMenu *subMenu = new KMenu(i18n("All Desktops"), m_menu); subMenu->addActions(desktops.values(-1)); m_menu->addMenu(subMenu); } } } m_menu->adjustSize(); }
bool QIcnsIconEnginePrivate::loadIcnsData(QIODevice *dev, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state) { QByteArray id, data; qint32 length; QDataStream ds(dev); ds.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); id = dev->read(4); if (!id.startsWith("icns")) return false; ds >> length; if (dev->isSequential() && length != dev->size()) return false; while (! dev->atEnd()) { int npixels = 0; id = dev->read(4); ds >> length; data = dev->read(length - 8); if (id == "ic09") /* 512x512 JPEG2000 */ npixels = 512; else if (id == "ic08") /* 256x256 JPEG2000 */ npixels = 256; else if (id == "it32") /* 128x128 24-bit RGB */ npixels = 128; else if (id == "ih32") /* 48x48 24-bit RGB */ npixels = 48; else if (id == "il32") /* 32x32 24-bit RGB */ npixels = 32; else if (id == "is32") /* 16x16 24-bit RGB */ npixels = 16; else continue; /* * JPEG2000-based icons. */ if (npixels > 128) { QList<QByteArray> formats = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); if (!formats.contains(QByteArray("jp2"))) continue; } else { /* * Apparently, the 128x128 image can have 4 extra bytes prepended * to them. GDK-pixbuf does this, too. */ if (npixels == 128) { if (data.startsWith("\0\0\0\0")) { data.remove(0, 4); } } QByteArray rgb = decompressIconData(data, npixels); /* * Determine if there is an alpha channel for this image in * the stream. */ id = dev->peek(4); if (id == "t8mk" || id == "h8mk" || id == "l8mk" || id == "s8mk") { id = dev->read(4); ds >> length; data = dev->read(length - 8); int length = data.length(); if (length != npixels*npixels) { qWarning("QIcnsIconEnginePrivate::loadIcnsData: mask" " size mismatch"); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) rgb[i*4 + 3] = data[i]; } imageBuffers.insert(hashKey(mode, state, QSize(npixels, npixels)), rgb); iconSizes.insert(hashKey(mode, state), QSize(npixels, npixels)); } }
QString timetrackerstorage::buildTaskView( const KTimeTracker::KTTCalendar::Ptr &calendar, TaskView *view ) // makes *view contain the tasks out of *rc. { kDebug(5970) << "Entering function"; QString err; KCalCore::Todo::List todoList; KCalCore::Todo::List::ConstIterator todo; QMultiHash< QString, Task* > map; QVector<QString> runningTasks; QVector<QDateTime> startTimes; // remember tasks that are running and their start times QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( view ); while ( *it ) { Task *task = static_cast< Task* >( *it ); if ( task->isRunning() ) { runningTasks.append( task->uid() ); startTimes.append( task->startTime() ); } ++it; } view->clear(); todoList = calendar->rawTodos(); for ( todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo ) { Task* task = new Task(*todo, view); task->setWhatsThis(0,i18n("The task name is what you call the task, it can be chosen freely.")); task->setWhatsThis(1,i18n("The session time is the time since you last chose \"start new session.\"")); map.insert( (*todo)->uid(), task ); view->setRootIsDecorated(true); task->setPixmapProgress(); } // 1.1. Load each task under it's parent task. for( todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo ) { Task* task = map.value( (*todo)->uid() ); // No relatedTo incident just means this is a top-level task. if ( !(*todo)->relatedTo().isEmpty() ) { Task* newParent = map.value( (*todo)->relatedTo() ); // Complete the loading but return a message if ( !newParent ) err = i18n("Error loading \"%1\": could not find parent (uid=%2)", task->name(), (*todo)->relatedTo()); else task->move( newParent ); } } view->clearActiveTasks(); // restart tasks that have been running with their start times for ( int i=0; i<view->count(); i++) { for ( int n = 0; n < runningTasks.count(); ++n ) { if ( runningTasks[n] == view->itemAt(i)->uid() ) { view->startTimerFor( view->itemAt(i), startTimes[n] ); } } } view->refresh(); return err; }
QString VideoMetaDataUtil::GetArtPath(const QString &pathname, const QString &type) { QString basename = pathname.section('/', -1); if (basename == pathname) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_WARNING, LOC + "Programmer Error: Cannot determine art path\n\t\t\t" "until the ProgramInfo pathname has been fully resolved."); return QString(); } art_path_map_lock.lockForRead(); ArtList ret(art_path_map.values(basename)); art_path_map_lock.unlock(); for (ArtList::const_iterator i = ret.begin(); i != ret.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).first == type) return (*i).second; } QString fn = basename; fn.prepend("%"); QString dbcolumn; if (type == "Coverart") dbcolumn = "coverfile"; else if (type == "Fanart") dbcolumn = "fanart"; else if (type == "Banners") dbcolumn = "banner"; else if (type == "Screenshots") dbcolumn = "screenshot"; QString querystr = QString("SELECT %1 " "FROM videometadata WHERE filename " "LIKE :FILENAME").arg(dbcolumn); MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare(querystr); query.bindValue(":FILENAME", fn); QString artpath; if (query.exec() && query.next()) artpath = query.value(0).toString(); if (!artpath.startsWith('/') && pathname.startsWith("myth://")) { QString workURL = pathname; QUrl baseURL(workURL); baseURL.setUserName(type); QString finalURL = baseURL.toString(QUrl::RemovePath) + '/' + artpath; artpath = finalURL; } ArtPair ins(type, artpath); art_path_map_lock.lockForWrite(); art_path_map.insert(basename, ins); art_path_map_lock.unlock(); return artpath; }
static QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<int, float> > createActionUnitNameMap() { QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<QByteArray, float> > blendshapeMap; blendshapeMap.insert("JawFwd", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_jaw_z_push", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("JawLeft", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_jaw_x_push", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("JawOpen", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_jaw_drop", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsLowerDown", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_lower_lip_drop", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsUpperOpen", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_upper_lip_raiser", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsStretch_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_lip_stretcher_left", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthSmile_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_lip_corner_depressor", -1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("MouthSmile_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_lip_corner_depressor", -1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsU_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_left_outer_brow_raiser", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsU_C", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_left_inner_brow_raiser", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsD_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_left_brow_lowerer", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeBlink_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_leye_closed", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeBlink_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_reye_closed", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeOpen_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_upper_lid_raiser", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("EyeOpen_R", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_upper_lid_raiser", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipLowerOpen", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_lower_lip_x_push", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("LipsStretch_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_lip_stretcher_right", 0.5f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsU_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_right_outer_brow_raiser", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsU_C", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_right_inner_brow_raiser", 1.0f)); blendshapeMap.insert("BrowsD_L", QPair<QByteArray, float>("au_right_brow_lowerer", 1.0f)); QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<int, float> > actionUnitNameMap; for (int i = 0;; i++) { QByteArray blendshape = FACESHIFT_BLENDSHAPES[i]; if (blendshape.isEmpty()) { break; } if (blendshape == "EyeBlink_L") { leftEyeBlinkIndex = i; } else if (blendshape == "EyeBlink_R") { rightEyeBlinkIndex = i; } for (QMultiHash<QByteArray, QPair<QByteArray, float> >::const_iterator it = blendshapeMap.constFind(blendshape); it != blendshapeMap.constEnd() && it.key() == blendshape; it++) { actionUnitNameMap.insert(it.value().first, QPair<int, float>(i, it.value().second)); } } return actionUnitNameMap; }
QString timetrackerstorage::load(TaskView* view, const QString &fileName) // loads data from filename into view. If no filename is given, filename from preferences is used. // filename might be of use if this program is run as embedded konqueror plugin. { Q_UNUSED(fileName); // TODO: receive changes from akonadi kDebug(5970) << "Entering function"; QString err; KEMailSettings settings; // If file doesn't exist, create a blank one to avoid ResourceLocal load // error. We make it user and group read/write, others read. This is // masked by the users umask. (See man creat) if ( d->mCalendar ) closeStorage(); // Create local file resource and add to resources d->mICalFile = ""; d->mCalendar = KTTCalendar::createInstance(); QObject::connect( d->mCalendar.data(), SIGNAL(calendarChanged()), view, SLOT(iCalFileModified()) ); d->mCalendar->setTimeSpec( KSystemTimeZones::local() ); d->mCalendar->reload(); // Claim ownership of iCalendar file if no one else has. KCalCore::Person::Ptr owner = d->mCalendar->owner(); if ( owner && owner->isEmpty() ) { // TODO d->mCalendar->setOwner( KCalCore::Person::Ptr( new KCalCore::Person( settings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::RealName ), settings.getSetting( KEMailSettings::EmailAddress ) ) ) ); } // TODO // Build task view from iCal data if (!err.isEmpty()) { KCalCore::Todo::List todoList; KCalCore::Todo::List::ConstIterator todo; QMultiHash< QString, Task* > map; // Build dictionary to look up Task object from Todo uid. Each task is a // QListViewItem, and is initially added with the view as the parent. todoList = d->mCalendar->rawTodos(); kDebug(5970) << "timetrackerstorage::load" << "rawTodo count (includes completed todos) =" << todoList.count(); for (todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo) { Task* task = new Task(*todo, view); map.insert( (*todo)->uid(), task ); view->setRootIsDecorated(true); task->setPixmapProgress(); } // Load each task under it's parent task. for (todo = todoList.constBegin(); todo != todoList.constEnd(); ++todo) { Task* task = map.value( (*todo)->uid() ); // No relatedTo incident just means this is a top-level task. if ( !(*todo)->relatedTo().isEmpty() ) { Task *newParent = map.value( (*todo)->relatedTo() ); // Complete the loading but return a message if ( !newParent ) err = i18n("Error loading \"%1\": could not find parent (uid=%2)", task->name(), (*todo)->relatedTo() ); if (!err.isEmpty()) task->move( newParent ); } } kDebug(5970) << "timetrackerstorage::load - loaded" << view->count() << "tasks from" << d->mICalFile; } if ( view ) buildTaskView(d->mCalendar->weakPointer(), view); this->save(view); // FIXME ? return err; }
bool QgsGeometryAnalyzer::eventLayer( QgsVectorLayer* lineLayer, QgsVectorLayer* eventLayer, int lineField, int eventField, QgsFeatureIds &unlocatedFeatureIds, const QString& outputLayer, const QString& outputFormat, int locationField1, int locationField2, int offsetField, double offsetScale, bool forceSingleGeometry, QgsVectorDataProvider* memoryProvider, QProgressDialog* p ) { if ( !lineLayer || !eventLayer || !lineLayer->isValid() || !eventLayer->isValid() ) { return false; } //create line field / id map for line layer QMultiHash< QString, QgsFeature > lineLayerIdMap; //1:n possible (e.g. several linear reference geometries for one feature in the event layer) QgsFeatureIterator fit = lineLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() << lineField ) ); QgsFeature fet; while ( fit.nextFeature( fet ) ) { lineLayerIdMap.insert( fet.attribute( lineField ).toString(), fet ); } //create output datasource or attributes in memory provider QgsVectorFileWriter* fileWriter = nullptr; QgsFeatureList memoryProviderFeatures; if ( !memoryProvider ) { QgsWkbTypes::Type memoryProviderType = QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString; if ( locationField2 == -1 ) { memoryProviderType = forceSingleGeometry ? QgsWkbTypes::Point : QgsWkbTypes::MultiPoint; } else { memoryProviderType = forceSingleGeometry ? QgsWkbTypes::LineString : QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString; } fileWriter = new QgsVectorFileWriter( outputLayer, eventLayer->dataProvider()->encoding(), eventLayer->fields(), memoryProviderType, lineLayer->crs(), outputFormat ); } else { memoryProvider->addAttributes( eventLayer->fields().toList() ); } //iterate over eventLayer and write new features to output file or layer fit = eventLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry ) ); QgsGeometry lrsGeom; double measure1, measure2 = 0.0; int nEventFeatures = eventLayer->featureCount(); int featureCounter = 0; int nOutputFeatures = 0; //number of output features for the current event feature if ( p ) { p->setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal ); p->setMinimum( 0 ); p->setMaximum( nEventFeatures ); p->show(); } while ( fit.nextFeature( fet ) ) { nOutputFeatures = 0; //update progress dialog if ( p ) { if ( p->wasCanceled() ) { break; } p->setValue( featureCounter ); ++featureCounter; } measure1 = fet.attribute( locationField1 ).toDouble(); if ( locationField2 != -1 ) { measure2 = fet.attribute( locationField2 ).toDouble(); if ( qgsDoubleNear(( measure2 - measure1 ), 0.0 ) ) { continue; } } QList<QgsFeature> featureIdList = lineLayerIdMap.values( fet.attribute( eventField ).toString() ); QList<QgsFeature>::iterator featureIdIt = featureIdList.begin(); for ( ; featureIdIt != featureIdList.end(); ++featureIdIt ) { if ( locationField2 == -1 ) { lrsGeom = locateAlongMeasure( measure1, featureIdIt->geometry() ); } else { lrsGeom = locateBetweenMeasures( measure1, measure2, featureIdIt->geometry() ); } if ( !lrsGeom.isEmpty() ) { ++nOutputFeatures; addEventLayerFeature( fet, lrsGeom, featureIdIt->geometry(), fileWriter, memoryProviderFeatures, offsetField, offsetScale, forceSingleGeometry ); } } if ( nOutputFeatures < 1 ) { unlocatedFeatureIds.insert( fet.id() ); } } if ( p ) { p->setValue( nEventFeatures ); } if ( memoryProvider ) { memoryProvider->addFeatures( memoryProviderFeatures ); } delete fileWriter; return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // FUNCTION: invalidate [ public ] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void csvFilterProxyModel::invalidate() { m_filterMapping.clear(); if (!m_filterModel) return; // Make a hash of all the groups in the filter QMultiHash<size_t, int> groups; std::set<int> unusedFilterColumns; for (int filterCol = 0; filterCol < m_filterModel->columnCount(); ++filterCol) { unusedFilterColumns.insert(filterCol); size_t group = m_filterModel->data(m_filterModel->index(1, filterCol)).toULongLong(); groups.insert(group, filterCol); } // filter in column order, but each group aside from 0 should be filtered using logical 'and' with all group members for (auto itr = unusedFilterColumns.begin(); itr != unusedFilterColumns.end(); ++itr) { int filterCol = *itr; QString columnName = m_filterModel->headerData(filterCol, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); size_t group = m_filterModel->data(m_filterModel->index(1, filterCol)).toULongLong(); size_t numInGroup = (group == 0 ? 1 : groups.count(group)); QList<QString> filterColumnNames; // make a list of filter values, i.e. all the things in the filter column auto filterColumns = groups.values(group); qSort(filterColumns); if (group != 0) { // for each filter in the group for (auto groupColumnItr = filterColumns.begin(); groupColumnItr != filterColumns.end(); ++groupColumnItr) { int column = *groupColumnItr; filterColumnNames.push_back(m_filterModel->headerData(column, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); // erase other columns that are part of this group so we don't check them twice if (groupColumnItr != filterColumns.begin()) unusedFilterColumns.erase(column); } } else { filterColumnNames.push_back(columnName); filterColumns.clear(); filterColumns.push_back(filterCol); } // find the corresponding column in this spreadsheet QList<int> masterColumns; for (int i = 0; i < filterColumnNames.size(); ++i) { for (int masterColumn = 0; masterColumn < sourceModel()->columnCount(); masterColumn++) { QString masterColunName = sourceModel()->headerData(masterColumn, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); if (masterColunName == filterColumnNames.at(i)) { masterColumns.push_back(masterColumn); break; } } } // add the mappings to the mapping table QList<QPair<int, int>> filterMapping; for (int i = 0; i < filterColumns.size(); ++i) { filterMapping.push_back(QPair<int, int>(filterColumns.at(i), masterColumns.at(i))); } m_filterMapping.push_back(filterMapping); } QSortFilterProxyModel::invalidate(); }
bool QxtRPCServiceIntrospector::addSignal(QObject* obj, const char* signature, const QString& rpcFunction) { const QMetaObject* meta = obj->metaObject(); QByteArray norm = QxtMetaObject::methodSignature(signature); QxtRPCServicePrivate::MetaMethodDef signal = qMakePair(meta, norm); int sigID, methodID; if(!signalIDs.count(signal)) { // This signal hasn't been encountered before, so read the metaobject and cache the results. methodID = meta->indexOfMethod(norm.constData()); if(methodID < 0) { // indexOfMethod() returns -1 if the signal was not found, so report a warning and return an error. qWarning() << "QxtRPCService::attachSignal: " << obj << "::" << signature << " does not exist"; return false; } // Look up the signal's parameter list, ensure each parameter is queueable, and cache the type IDs. QList<QByteArray> types = meta->method(methodID).parameterTypes(); QList<int> typeIDs; int ct = types.count(); for(int i = 0; i < ct; i++) { int typeID = QMetaType::type(types.value(i).constData()); if(typeID <= 0) { qWarning() << "QxtRPCService::attachSignal: cannot queue arguments of type " << types.value(i); return false; } typeIDs.append(typeID); } // Cache the looked-up parameter list, associate the list with the signal definition, and cache the signal's // QMetaObject method index. int nextSignalID = signalParameters.count(); signalParameters.append(typeIDs); signalIDs[signal] = nextSignalID; methodIDs[signal] = methodID; // And finally, set the signal ID for the connect call below. sigID = nextSignalID; } else { // Use the cached values from before. sigID = signalIDs.value(signal); methodID = methodIDs.value(signal); } // Use an undocumented function from QMetaObject to connect the incoming signal to the next dynamic slot. bool success = QMetaObject::connect(obj, methodID, this, nextSlotID); if(!success) { // Presumedly connect() will output its own warning. // The remaining setup is unnecessary if the connection failed. return false; } // Associate the signal and source object with the dynamic slot. signalToId.insert(qMakePair(obj, norm), nextSlotID); // Associate the new dynamic slot with an RPC message, or use the signal signature as the default message. idToRpc.insert(nextSlotID, rpcFunction.isEmpty() ? norm : rpcFunction); // Associate the new dynamic slot with the parameter list definition. idToParams[nextSlotID] = sigID; do { // This variable is perfectly allowed to wrap around; it's terribly unlikely to have four billion // concurrent connections but a particularly long-lived object with a lot of disconnects and // reconnects might survive to see a wraparound. nextSlotID++; // But of course we need to make sure the next ID isn't in use. } while(nextSlotID < quint32(QObject::staticMetaObject.methodCount()) || idToParams.contains(nextSlotID)); return true; }
void tst_QVCard30Writer::testEncodeParameters() { QByteArray encodedParameters; QBuffer buffer(&encodedParameters); mWriter->setDevice(&buffer); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QString typeParameterName(QString::fromAscii("TYPE")); QString encodingParameterName(QString::fromAscii("ENCODING")); // No parameters QMultiHash<QString,QString> parameters; mWriter->encodeParameters(parameters); QCOMPARE(encodedParameters, QByteArray("")); // One TYPE parameter parameters.insert(typeParameterName,QString::fromAscii("HOME")); mWriter->writeCrlf(); // so it doesn't start folding buffer.close(); encodedParameters.clear(); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); mWriter->encodeParameters(parameters); QCOMPARE(encodedParameters, QByteArray(";TYPE=HOME")); // Two TYPE parameters parameters.insert(typeParameterName,QString::fromAscii("VOICE")); mWriter->writeCrlf(); // so it doesn't start folding buffer.close(); encodedParameters.clear(); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); mWriter->encodeParameters(parameters); QCOMPARE(encodedParameters, QByteArray(";TYPE=VOICE,HOME")); // One ENCODING parameter parameters.clear(); parameters.insert(encodingParameterName,QString::fromAscii("8BIT")); mWriter->writeCrlf(); // so it doesn't start folding buffer.close(); encodedParameters.clear(); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); mWriter->encodeParameters(parameters); QCOMPARE(encodedParameters, QByteArray(";ENCODING=8BIT")); // Two parameters parameters.insert(QString::fromAscii("X-PARAM"),QString::fromAscii("VALUE")); mWriter->writeCrlf(); // so it doesn't start folding buffer.close(); encodedParameters.clear(); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); mWriter->encodeParameters(parameters); QCOMPARE(encodedParameters, QByteArray(";X-PARAM=VALUE;ENCODING=8BIT")); // Parameter with characters that require backslash escaping parameters.clear(); parameters.insert(QString::fromAscii("X-P;ARAM"),QString::fromAscii("VA,LUE")); mWriter->writeCrlf(); // so it doesn't start folding buffer.close(); encodedParameters.clear(); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); mWriter->encodeParameters(parameters); QCOMPARE(encodedParameters, QByteArray(";X-P\\;ARAM=VA\\,LUE")); }
void SwitchWindow::makeMenu() { qDeleteAll(m_actions); m_actions.clear(); if (m_tasksModel->rowCount() == 0) { return; } QMultiHash<int, QAction*> desktops; //make all the window actions for (int i = 0; i < m_tasksModel->rowCount(); ++i) { if (m_tasksModel->data(m_tasksModel->index(i, 0), LegacyTaskManager::TasksModel::IsStartup).toBool()) { qDebug() << "skipped fake task"; continue; } QString name = m_tasksModel->data(m_tasksModel->index(i, 0), Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); if (name.isEmpty()) { continue; } QAction *action = new QAction(name, this); action->setIcon(m_tasksModel->data(m_tasksModel->index(i, 0), Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>()); action->setData(m_tasksModel->data(m_tasksModel->index(i, 0), LegacyTaskManager::TasksModel::Id).toString()); desktops.insert(m_tasksModel->data(m_tasksModel->index(i, 0), LegacyTaskManager::TasksModel::Desktop).toInt(), action); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, [=]() { switchTo(action); }); } //sort into menu if (m_mode == CurrentDesktop) { int currentDesktop = KWindowSystem::currentDesktop(); QAction *a = new QAction(i18nc("plasma_containmentactions_switchwindow", "Windows"), this); a->setSeparator(true); m_actions << a; m_actions << desktops.values(currentDesktop); m_actions << desktops.values(-1); } else { int numDesktops = KWindowSystem::numberOfDesktops(); if (m_mode == AllFlat) { for (int i = 1; i <= numDesktops; ++i) { if (desktops.contains(i)) { QString name = KWindowSystem::desktopName(i); name = QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(i).arg(name); QAction *a = new QAction(name, this); a->setSeparator(true); m_actions << a; m_actions << desktops.values(i); } } if (desktops.contains(-1)) { QAction *a = new QAction(i18nc("plasma_containmentactions_switchwindow", "All Desktops"), this); a->setSeparator(true); m_actions << a; m_actions << desktops.values(-1); } } else { //submenus for (int i = 1; i <= numDesktops; ++i) { if (desktops.contains(i)) { QString name = KWindowSystem::desktopName(i); name = QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(i).arg(name); QMenu *subMenu = new QMenu(name); subMenu->addActions(desktops.values(i)); QAction *a = new QAction(name, this); a->setMenu(subMenu); m_actions << a; } } if (desktops.contains(-1)) { QMenu *subMenu = new QMenu(i18nc("plasma_containmentactions_switchwindow", "All Desktops")); subMenu->addActions(desktops.values(-1)); QAction *a = new QAction(i18nc("plasma_containmentactions_switchwindow", "All Desktops"), this); a->setMenu(subMenu); m_actions << a; } } } }