Exemple #1
void QgsSnapper::cleanResultList( QMultiMap<double, QgsSnappingResult>& list, const QList<QgsPoint>& excludeList ) const
  QgsPoint currentResultPoint;
  QgsSnappingResult currentSnappingResult;
  QList<double> keysToRemove;

  QMultiMap<double, QgsSnappingResult>::iterator result_it = list.begin();
  for ( ; result_it != list.end(); ++result_it )
    currentSnappingResult = result_it.value();
    if ( currentSnappingResult.snappedVertexNr != -1 )
      currentResultPoint = currentSnappingResult.snappedVertex;
      if ( excludeList.contains( currentResultPoint ) )
        keysToRemove.push_back( result_it.key() );

  QList<double>::const_iterator remove_it = keysToRemove.constBegin();
  for ( ; remove_it != keysToRemove.constEnd(); ++remove_it )
    list.remove( *remove_it );
void ChatSearchFromController::rebuildRows() {
	auto ms = getms();
	auto wasEmpty = !delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount();

	auto now = unixtime();
	QMultiMap<int32, UserData*> ordered;
	if (_chat->noParticipantInfo()) {
	} else if (!_chat->participants.isEmpty()) {
		for (auto i = _chat->participants.cbegin(), e = _chat->participants.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
			auto user = i.key();
			ordered.insertMulti(App::onlineForSort(user, now), user);
	for_const (auto user, _chat->lastAuthors) {
		if (user->isInaccessible()) continue;
		if (!ordered.isEmpty()) {
			ordered.remove(App::onlineForSort(user, now), user);
	if (!ordered.isEmpty()) {
		for (auto i = ordered.cend(), b = ordered.cbegin(); i != b;) {
// +-----------------------------------------------------------
QString ft::Utils::shortenPath(const QString &sPath, int iMaxLen)
	// If the string is not long enough, simply return it
	if(sPath.length() <= iMaxLen)
		return QDir::toNativeSeparators(sPath);

	QFileInfo oFile = QFileInfo(sPath);
	QString sPathOnly = oFile.path();
	QString sFileName = QDir::separator() + oFile.fileName();
	QString sDriveLetter = ""; // In case it is running on a Windows OS

    // Firstly, split the path (only) into parts (for the drive letter and/or each subfolder)
    QRegExp oRegex("([\\\\\\/][\\w -\\.]*)");
    QStringList lsParts;
	QMultiMap<int, int> mpSortedParts;
    QString sPart;

    bool bFirst = true;
    int iPos = 0;
    while((iPos = oRegex.indexIn(sPathOnly, iPos)) != -1)
            sDriveLetter = sPathOnly.left(iPos);
            bFirst = false;
        sPart = oRegex.cap(1);
		mpSortedParts.insert(sPart.length(), lsParts.count() - 1);
        iPos += oRegex.matchedLength();

	// Then, iteratively remove the larger parts while the path is bigger than
	// the maximum number of characters desired
	QString sNewPath;
		sNewPath = "";

		// Rebuild the path replacing the so far larger part for "..."
		QMapIterator<int, int> oSorted(mpSortedParts);
			int iLength = oSorted.peekPrevious().key();
			int iIndex = oSorted.peekPrevious().value();
			mpSortedParts.remove(iLength, iIndex);

			lsParts.replace(iIndex, QDir::separator() + QString("..."));
			for(QStringList::iterator it = lsParts.begin(); it != lsParts.end(); ++it)
				sNewPath += *it;
	} while(sNewPath.length() > 0 && QString(sDriveLetter + sNewPath + sFileName).length() > iMaxLen);

	if(sNewPath.length() == 0)
		sNewPath = QDir::separator() + QString("...");

	return QDir::toNativeSeparators(sDriveLetter + sNewPath + sFileName);