Exemple #1
void QNodePrivate::propertyChanged(int propertyIndex)
    // Bail out early if we can to avoid the cost below
    if (m_blockNotifications)


    const QMetaProperty property = q->metaObject()->property(propertyIndex);

    const QVariant data = property.read(q);
    if (data.canConvert<QNode*>()) {
        QNode *node = data.value<QNode*>();

        // Ensure the node has issued a node creation change. We can end
        // up here if a newly created node with a parent is immediately set
        // as a property on another node. In this case the deferred call to
        // _q_postConstructorInit() will not have happened yet as the event
        // loop will still be blocked. So force it here and we catch this
        // eventuality in the _q_postConstructorInit() function so that we
        // do not repeat the creation and new child scene change events.
        if (node)

        const QNodeId id = node ? node->id() : QNodeId();
        notifyPropertyChange(property.name(), QVariant::fromValue(id));
    } else {
        notifyPropertyChange(property.name(), data);
Exemple #2
 * \internal
 * Reparents the public QNode to \a parent. If the new parent is nullptr then this
 * QNode is no longer part of the scene and so we notify the backend of its removal
 * from its parent's list of children, and then send a QNodeDestroyedChange to the
 * aspects so that the corresponding backend node is destroyed.
 * If \a parent is not null, then we must tell its new parent about this QNode now
 * being a child of it on the backend. If this QNode did not have a parent upon
 * entry to this function, then we must first send a QNodeCreatedChange to the backend
 * prior to sending the QPropertyNodeAddedChange to its parent.
 * Note: This function should never be called from the ctor directly as the type may
 * not be fully created yet and creating creation changes involves calling a virtual
 * function on QNode. The function _q_notifyCreationAndChildChanges() is used
 * for sending initial notification when a parent is passed to the QNode ctor.
 * That function does a subset of this function with the assumption that the new object
 * had no parent before (must be true as it is newly constructed).
void QNodePrivate::_q_setParentHelper(QNode *parent)
    QNode *oldParentNode = q->parentNode();

    // We may get the situation where the QML engine has set the QObject
    // parent but we have not yet set up the QNode parent requirements.
    // This check handles this and means we propagate the scene and arbiter
    // from the parent in the code below.
    const bool needsSceneInit = !oldParentNode
            || (oldParentNode && m_parentId != oldParentNode->id());

    // If we had a parent, we let him know that we are about to change
    // parent
    if (oldParentNode && m_hasBackendNode) {

        // If we have an old parent but the new parent is null
        // the backend node needs to be destroyed
        if (!parent)

    // Flag that we need to notify any new parent
    m_notifiedParent = false;

    // Basically QObject::setParent but for QObjectPrivate
    QNode *newParentNode = q->parentNode();

    if (newParentNode) {
        // If we had no parent but are about to set one,
        // we need to send a QNodeCreatedChange
        if (needsSceneInit) {
            QNodePrivate *newParentPrivate = QNodePrivate::get(newParentNode);

            // Set the scene helper / arbiter
            if (newParentPrivate->m_scene) {
                QNodeVisitor visitor;
                visitor.traverse(q, newParentNode->d_func(), &QNodePrivate::setSceneHelper);

            // We want to make sure that subTreeRoot is always created before
            // child.
            // Given a case such as below
            // QEntity *subTreeRoot = new QEntity(someGlobalExisitingRoot)
            // QEntity *child = new QEntity();
            // child->setParent(subTreeRoot)
            // We need to take into account that subTreeRoot needs to be
            // created in the backend before the child.
            // Therefore we only call notifyCreationChanges if the parent
            // hasn't been created yet as we know that when the parent will be
            // fully created, it will also send the changes for all of its
            // children

            if (QNodePrivate::get(newParentNode)->m_hasBackendNode)

        // If we have a valid new parent, we let him know that we are its child