ISCORE_LIB_BASE_EXPORT std::pair<QString, iscore::Plugin_QtInterface*> PluginLoader::loadPlugin( const QString &fileName, const std::vector<iscore::Plugin_QtInterface*>& availablePlugins) { #if !defined(ISCORE_STATIC_QT) auto blacklist = pluginsBlacklist(); QPluginLoader loader {fileName}; if(QObject* plugin = loader.instance()) { auto iscore_plugin = dynamic_cast<iscore::Plugin_QtInterface*>(plugin); if(!iscore_plugin) { qDebug() << "Warning: plugin" << plugin->metaObject()->className() << "is not an i-score plug-in."; return {}; } // Check if the plugin is not already loaded auto plug_it = find_if(availablePlugins, [&] (iscore::Plugin_QtInterface* obj) { return obj->key() == iscore_plugin->key(); }); if(plug_it != availablePlugins.end()) { qDebug() << "Warning: plugin" << plugin->metaObject()->className() << "was already loaded. Not reloading."; return std::make_pair(fileName, nullptr); } // Check if it is blacklisted if(blacklist.contains(fileName)) { plugin->deleteLater(); return std::make_pair(fileName, nullptr); } // We can load the plug-in return std::make_pair(fileName, iscore_plugin); } else { QString s = loader.errorString(); if(!s.contains("Plugin verification data mismatch") && !s.contains("is not a Qt plugin")) qDebug() << "Error while loading" << fileName << ": " << loader.errorString(); return {}; } #endif return {}; }
void PluginLoaderThread::run() { if (m_queue.empty() || m_targetThread == 0) { qCritical() << "Invalid plugin loading parameters"; return; } while (!m_queue.isEmpty()) { QPluginLoader * loader = new QPluginLoader (); loader->setFileName (m_queue.takeFirst()); loader->setLoadHints (QLibrary::ExportExternalSymbolsHint); if (loader->load()) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!m_abort) { loader->moveToThread(m_targetThread); //loader->setParent(parent()); } else { qDebug() << "Plugin loading aborted, exiting loader thread"; delete loader; loader = 0; break; } } else { qCritical() << "Failed to load plugin:" << loader->errorString(); delete loader; loader = 0; } Q_EMIT(pluginLoaded(loader, m_queue.isEmpty())); } }
void loadMySqlDriver() { QPluginLoader loader; loader.setFileName("/opt/qtsdk-2010.04/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/"); qDebug()<<loader.load(); qDebug()<<loader.errorString(); }
static QList<VirtualKeyboardFactory *> getVKBFactories() { QList<VirtualKeyboardFactory *> list; QString path("/usr/lib/luna"); qDebug() << "\033[1;33;45m" << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Searching for VKB plugins in" << path << "\033[0m"; QDir plugindir = QDir(path); QStringList files = plugindir.entryList(QDir::Files); qDebug() << "\033[1;33;45m" << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Found" << files.count() << "files" << "\033[0m"; QPluginLoader loader; QStringList::const_iterator it = files.constBegin(); while (it != files.constEnd()) { qDebug() << "\033[1;33;40m" << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Checking" << (*it) << "\033[0m"; loader.setFileName(plugindir.absoluteFilePath(*it)); VirtualKeyboardFactory *factory = qobject_cast<VirtualKeyboardFactory *>(loader.instance()); if (factory) { qDebug() << "\033[1;32;40m" << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Loaded plugin" << (*it) << "successfully" << "\033[0m"; list.append(factory); } else { qWarning() << "\033[1;31;40m" << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Failed to load" << (*it) << "\n" << loader.errorString() << "\033[0m"; } ++it; } return list; }
void PluginManager::loadPlugin(QString const & path) { qDebug() << "Load plugin: " << path; Q_ASSERT(mPluginLoaders.find(path) == mPluginLoaders.end()); QPluginLoader * loader = new QPluginLoader(path, this); if (!loader->load()) { qDebug() << loader->errorString(); qDebug() << QString("Can't load plugin '%1'").arg(path); } // process instances PluginInterface *plugInterface = qobject_cast<PluginInterface*>(loader->instance()); if (plugInterface != 0) { mPluginLoaders[path] = loader; processLoadPlugin(plugInterface); }else { delete loader; qDebug() << QString("There are no plugin interface in '%1'").arg(path); } }
void AbstractPluginLoader::loadPlugins(const QRegExp& fileRx, QVector<QString>* errors) { Q_D(AbstractPluginLoader); const QDir pluginsFolder(this->loadingFolder()); QStringList entries(pluginsFolder.entryList(QDir::Files)); foreach (const QString& entry, entries) { if (fileRx.indexIn(entry) != -1 && ::isLibrary(entry)) { // Try to load the plugin #ifdef DEBUG_ABSTRACT_PLUGIN_LOADER qDebug() << "try to load" << entry; #endif // DEBUG_ABSTRACT_PLUGIN_LOADER QPluginLoader* pluginLoader = new QPluginLoader(pluginsFolder.absoluteFilePath(entry)); QObject* plugin = pluginLoader->instance(); // Is the plugin compatible ? if (this->isPluginCompatible(plugin)) { d->m_plugins.append(plugin); d->m_pluginLoaders.append(pluginLoader); d->m_pluginFilenames.insert(plugin, entry); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ABSTRACT_PLUGIN_LOADER qDebug() << " not added"; #endif // DEBUG_ABSTRACT_PLUGIN_LOADER if (errors != NULL) //: %1 holds the path to a plugin (DLL) //: %2 holds an error description errors->append(QObject::tr("Failed to load plugin (maybe wrong interface) %1 : %2") .arg(pluginLoader->fileName()) .arg(pluginLoader->errorString())); pluginLoader->unload(); delete pluginLoader; } // end if (this->isPluginCompatible(plugin)) } // end if (fileRx.indexIn(entry) != -1) } // end foreach () }
void suiPluginManager::loadPlugin(const QString &fileName) { qDebug() << "Load plugin: " << fileName; if (mPluginLoaders.find(fileName) != mPluginLoaders.end()) SuiExcept(SuiExceptionDuplicateItem, QString("Plugin '%1' already loaded").arg(fileName), "void suiPluginManager::loadPlugin(const QString &fileName)"); QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(fileName, this); if (!loader->load()) { qDebug() << loader->errorString(); SuiExcept(SuiExceptionInternalError, QString("Can't load plugin '%1'").arg(fileName), "void suiPluginManager::loadPlugin(const QString &fileName)"); } // process instances UiPluginInterface *plugInterface = qobject_cast<UiPluginInterface*>(loader->instance()); if (plugInterface != 0) { mPluginLoaders[fileName] = loader; processLoadPlugin(plugInterface); }else { delete loader; SuiExcept(SuiExceptionInternalError, QString("There are no plugin interface in '%1'").arg(fileName), "void suiPluginManager::loadPlugin(const QString &fileName)"); } }
void GLWidget::loadPlugins(const QStringList& list) { QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); while(it != list.constEnd()) { QString name = *it; QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(name); if (! loader->load()) { qDebug() << "Could not load plugin " << name << "\n"; qDebug() << loader->errorString() << "\n"; } if (loader->isLoaded()) { qDebug() << "Loaded plugin: " << loader->fileName(); // << endl; QObject *plugin = loader->instance(); if (plugin) { plugins.push_back(loader); BasicPlugin *plugin = qobject_cast<BasicPlugin *>(loader->instance()); // initialize plugin if (plugin) { plugin->setWidget(this); plugin->setArgs(mainArgs); plugin->onPluginLoad(); if (plugin->drawScene()) // overrides drawScene? drawPlugin = plugin; } } } else { qDebug() << "Load error: " << name << endl; delete loader; } ++it; } // make sure all plugins know about the latest plugin that overrides drawScene for (unsigned int i=0; i<plugins.size(); ++i) { BasicPlugin *plugin = qobject_cast<BasicPlugin *>(plugins[i]->instance()); if (plugin) plugin->setDrawPlugin(drawPlugin); else { qDebug() << "Error: the plugin must implement the BasicPlugin interface" << endl << " Example: " << endl << " Q_INTERFACES(BasicPlugin)" << endl; } } resetCamera(); }
QObject *PluginLoader::createForName(const QString &name) { if (!mPluginInfos.contains(name)) { qCWarning(AKONADICORE_LOG) << "plugin name \"" << name << "\" is unknown to the plugin loader." << endl; return 0; } PluginMetaData &info = mPluginInfos[name]; //First try to load it staticly foreach (QObject *plugin, QPluginLoader::staticInstances()) { if (QLatin1String(plugin->metaObject()->className()) == info.className) { info.loaded = true; return plugin; break; } } if (!info.loaded) { QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(info.library); if (loader->fileName().isEmpty()) { qCWarning(AKONADICORE_LOG) << loader->errorString(); delete loader; return 0; } mPluginLoaders.insert(name, loader); info.loaded = true; } QPluginLoader *loader = mPluginLoaders.value(name); Q_ASSERT(loader); QObject *object = loader->instance(); if (!object) { qCWarning(AKONADICORE_LOG) << "unable to load plugin" << info.library << "for plugin name" << name << "."; qCWarning(AKONADICORE_LOG) << "Error was:\"" << loader->errorString() << "\"."; return 0; } return object; }
void PluginManagerPrivate::loadPlugins() { if (m_pluginsLoaded) { return; } QTime t; t.start(); mDebug() << "Starting to load Plugins."; QStringList pluginFileNameList = MarbleDirs::pluginEntryList( "", QDir::Files ); MarbleDirs::debug(); Q_ASSERT( m_renderPluginTemplates.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_positionProviderPluginTemplates.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_searchRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_reverseGeocodingRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_routingRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_parsingRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); foreach( const QString &fileName, pluginFileNameList ) { // mDebug() << fileName << " - " << MarbleDirs::pluginPath( fileName ); QString const path = MarbleDirs::pluginPath( fileName ); QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader( path ); QObject * obj = loader->instance(); if ( obj ) { bool isPlugin = appendPlugin<RenderPlugin, RenderPluginInterface> ( obj, loader, m_renderPluginTemplates ); isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<PositionProviderPlugin, PositionProviderPluginInterface> ( obj, loader, m_positionProviderPluginTemplates ); isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<SearchRunnerPlugin, SearchRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_searchRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin, ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_reverseGeocodingRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<RoutingRunnerPlugin, RoutingRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_routingRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<ParseRunnerPlugin, ParseRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_parsingRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U if ( !isPlugin ) { qWarning() << "Ignoring the following plugin since it couldn't be loaded:" << path; mDebug() << "Plugin failure:" << path << "is a plugin, but it does not implement the " << "right interfaces or it was compiled against an old version of Marble. Ignoring it."; delete loader; } } else { qWarning() << "Ignoring to load the following file since it doesn't look like a valid Marble plugin:" << path << endl << "Reason:" << loader->errorString(); delete loader; } }
void PluginManagerPrivate::loadPlugins() { if (m_pluginsLoaded) { return; } QTime t; t.start(); mDebug() << "Starting to load Plugins."; QStringList pluginFileNameList = MarbleDirs::pluginEntryList( "", QDir::Files ); MarbleDirs::debug(); qDeleteAll( m_renderPluginTemplates ); m_renderPluginTemplates.clear(); qDeleteAll( m_networkPluginTemplates ); m_networkPluginTemplates.clear(); qDeleteAll( m_positionProviderPluginTemplates ); m_positionProviderPluginTemplates.clear(); // No need to delete runner plugins foreach( const QString &fileName, pluginFileNameList ) { // mDebug() << fileName << " - " << MarbleDirs::pluginPath( fileName ); QString const path = MarbleDirs::pluginPath( fileName ); QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader( path ); QObject * obj = loader->instance(); if ( obj ) { bool isPlugin = appendPlugin<RenderPlugin, RenderPluginInterface> ( obj, loader, m_renderPluginTemplates ); isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<NetworkPlugin, NetworkPluginInterface> ( obj, loader, m_networkPluginTemplates ); isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<PositionProviderPlugin, PositionProviderPluginInterface> ( obj, loader, m_positionProviderPluginTemplates ); isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<RunnerPlugin, RunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_runnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U if ( !isPlugin ) { mDebug() << "Plugin failure:" << fileName << "is a plugin, but it does not implement the " << "right interfaces or it was compiled against an old version of Marble. Ignoring it."; delete loader; } } else { mDebug() << "Plugin failure:" << fileName << "is not a valid Marble Plugin:" << loader->errorString(); } }
// looking for dynamic plugins foreach(const QFileInfo & fileName, files) { emit log((int)LogDebug, MODULENAME, QString("Loading plugin: %1").arg(fileName.fileName()), ""); QPluginLoader loader; loader.setLoadHints(QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint|QLibrary::ExportExternalSymbolsHint); loader.setFileName( fileName.absoluteFilePath()); if (!loader.load()) { qCritical() << loader.errorString(); continue; } QObject *plugin = loader.instance(); if (plugin && qobject_cast<PropertyInterface*>(plugin)) m_plugins.push_back(qobject_cast<PropertyInterface*>(plugin)); else emit log((int)LogWarning, MODULENAME, QString("It\'s not a PropertyEditor plugin: %1").arg(fileName.fileName()), ""); }
void QAudioPluginLoader::load() { if (!m_plugins.isEmpty()) return; QStringList plugins = pluginList(); for (int i=0; i < plugins.count(); i++) { QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader(; QObject *o = loader->instance(); if (o != 0 && o->qt_metacast(m_iid) != 0) m_plugins.append(loader); else { qWarning() << "QAudioPluginLoader: Failed to load plugin: " << << loader->errorString(); } } }
bool EditorManager::unloadPlugin(QString const &pluginName) { QPluginLoader *loader = mLoaders[mPluginFileName[pluginName]]; if (loader != NULL) { mLoaders.remove(mPluginFileName[pluginName]); mPluginIface.remove(pluginName); mPluginFileName.remove(pluginName); mPluginsLoaded.removeAll(pluginName); if (!loader->unload()) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("error"), tr("Plugin unloading failed: ") + loader->errorString()); delete loader; return false; } delete loader; return true; } return false; }
QString PluginManagerImplementation::unloadPlugin(QString const &pluginName) { QPluginLoader *loader = mLoaders[pluginName]; if (loader) { mLoaders.remove(pluginName); if (!loader->unload()) { QString const error = loader->errorString(); delete loader; return error; } delete loader; return QString(); } return QString("Plugin was not found"); }
PluginInterface *Agros2D::loadPlugin(const QString &pluginName) { QPluginLoader *loader = NULL; #ifdef Q_WS_X11 if (QFile::exists(QString("%1/libs/").arg(datadir()).arg(pluginName))) loader = new QPluginLoader(QString("%1/libs/").arg(datadir()).arg(pluginName)); if (!loader) { if (QFile::exists(QString("/usr/local/lib/").arg(pluginName))) loader = new QPluginLoader(QString("/usr/local/lib/").arg(pluginName)); else if (QFile::exists(QString("/usr/lib/").arg(pluginName))) loader = new QPluginLoader(QString("/usr/lib/").arg(pluginName)); } #endif #ifdef Q_WS_WIN if (QFile::exists(QString("%1/libs/agros2d_plugin_%2.dll").arg(datadir()).arg(pluginName))) loader = new QPluginLoader(QString("%1/libs/agros2d_plugin_%2.dll").arg(datadir()).arg(pluginName)); #endif if (!loader) { throw AgrosPluginException(QObject::tr("Could not find 'agros2d_plugin_%1'").arg(pluginName)); } if (!loader->load()) { QString error = loader->errorString(); delete loader; throw AgrosPluginException(QObject::tr("Could not load 'agros2d_plugin_%1' (%2)").arg(pluginName).arg(error)); } assert(loader->instance()); PluginInterface *plugin = qobject_cast<PluginInterface *>(loader->instance()); // loader->unload(); delete loader; return plugin; }
bool EditorManager::loadPlugin(QString const &pluginName) { QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(mPluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(pluginName)); loader->load(); QObject *plugin = loader->instance(); if (plugin) { EditorInterface *iEditor = qobject_cast<EditorInterface *>(plugin); if (iEditor) { mPluginsLoaded += iEditor->id(); mPluginFileName.insert(iEditor->id(), pluginName); mPluginIface[iEditor->id()] = iEditor; mLoaders.insert(pluginName, loader); return true; } } QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("error"), tr("Plugin loading failed: ") + loader->errorString()); loader->unload(); delete loader; return false; }
// read forms void readCustomForms(QMenu *menu) { QDir dir(datadir() + "/libs/"); QStringList filter; filter << "*agros2d_forms_*"; QStringList list = dir.entryList(filter); foreach (QString filename, list) { QString fn = QString("%1/%2").arg(dir.absolutePath()).arg(filename); if (QFile::exists(fn)) { QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(fn); if (!loader) { throw AgrosException(QObject::tr("Could not find '%1'").arg(fn)); } if (!loader->load()) { qDebug() << loader->errorString(); delete loader; throw AgrosException(QObject::tr("Could not load '%1'. %2").arg(fn).arg(loader->errorString())); } assert(loader->instance()); FormInterface *form = qobject_cast<FormInterface *>(loader->instance()); delete loader; if (form) { qDebug() << QString("Form '%1' loaded.").arg(form->formId()); menu->addAction(form->action()); } } }
EditorManager::EditorManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { mPluginsDir = QDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); while (!mPluginsDir.isRoot() && !mPluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Dirs).contains("plugins")) { mPluginsDir.cdUp(); }"plugins"); foreach (QString const &fileName, mPluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(mPluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName)); QObject *plugin = loader->instance(); if (plugin) { EditorInterface *iEditor = qobject_cast<EditorInterface *>(plugin); if (iEditor) { mPluginsLoaded += iEditor->id(); mPluginFileName.insert(iEditor->id(), fileName); mPluginIface[iEditor->id()] = iEditor; mLoaders.insert(fileName, loader); } else { // TODO: Just does not work under Linux. Seems to be memory corruption when // loading, unloading, and then loading .so file again. // To reproduce, uncomment this, build VisualInterpreter, and try to launch QReal. // With some tool plugins, like MetaEditorSupport or Exterminatus, works fine, // also works fine on Windows. Investigation required. // loader->unload(); delete loader; } } else { qDebug() << "Plugin loading failed: " << loader->errorString(); loader->unload(); delete loader; } } }
QPair<QObject *, QString> PluginManagerImplementation::pluginLoadedByName(QString const &pluginName) { QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(mPluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(pluginName)); loader->load(); QObject *plugin = loader->instance(); if (plugin) { mFileNameAndPlugin.insert(pluginName, plugin); return qMakePair(plugin, QString()); } QString const loaderError = loader->errorString(); // Unloading of plugins is currently (Qt 5.3) broken due to a bug in metatype system: calling Q_DECLARE_METATYPE // from plugin registers some data from plugin address space in Qt metatype system, which is not being updated // when plugin is unloaded and loaded again. Any subsequent calls to QVariant or other template classes/methods // which use metainformation will result in a crash. It is likely (but not verified) that qRegisterMetaType leads // to the same issue. Since we can not guarantee that plugin does not use Q_DECLARE_METATYPE or qRegisterMetaType // we shall not unload plugin at all, to be safe rather than sorry. // // But it seems also that metainformation gets deleted BEFORE plugins are unloaded on application exit, so we can // not call any metainformation-using code in destructors that get called on unloading. Since Qt classes themselves // are using such calls (QGraphicsViewScene, for example), random crashes on exit may be a symptom of this problem. // // EditorManager is an exception, because it really needs to unload editor plugins, to be able to load new versions // compiled by metaeditor. Editor plugins are generated, so we can guarantee to some extent that there will be no // metatype registrations. // // See: // // (and // delete loader; return qMakePair(nullptr, loaderError); }
void tst_QPluginLoader::errorString() { #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) // On WinCE we need an QCoreApplication object for current dir int argc = 0; QCoreApplication app(argc,0); #endif const QString unknown(QLatin1String("Unknown error")); { QPluginLoader loader; // default constructed bool loaded = loader.load(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(loaded, false); QCOMPARE(loader.errorString(), unknown); QObject *obj = loader.instance(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(obj, static_cast<QObject*>(0)); QCOMPARE(loader.errorString(), unknown); bool unloaded = loader.unload(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(unloaded, false); QCOMPARE(loader.errorString(), unknown); } { QPluginLoader loader( sys_qualifiedLibraryName("tst_qpluginloaderlib")); //not a plugin bool loaded = loader.load(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(loaded, false); QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); QObject *obj = loader.instance(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(obj, static_cast<QObject*>(0)); QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); bool unloaded = loader.unload(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(unloaded, false); QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); } { QPluginLoader loader( sys_qualifiedLibraryName("nosuchfile")); //not a file bool loaded = loader.load(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(loaded, false); QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); QObject *obj = loader.instance(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(obj, static_cast<QObject*>(0)); QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); bool unloaded = loader.unload(); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QCOMPARE(unloaded, false); QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); } #if !defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined Q_OS_MAC && !defined Q_OS_HPUX && !defined Q_OS_SYMBIAN && !defined Q_OS_QNX { QPluginLoader loader( sys_qualifiedLibraryName("almostplugin")); //a plugin with unresolved symbols loader.setLoadHints(QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint); QCOMPARE(loader.load(), false); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); QCOMPARE(loader.instance(), static_cast<QObject*>(0)); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); QCOMPARE(loader.unload(), false); #ifdef SHOW_ERRORS qDebug() << loader.errorString(); #endif QVERIFY(loader.errorString() != unknown); } #endif { QPluginLoader loader( sys_qualifiedLibraryName("theplugin")); //a plugin QCOMPARE(loader.load(), true); QCOMPARE(loader.errorString(), unknown); QVERIFY(loader.instance() != static_cast<QObject*>(0)); QCOMPARE(loader.errorString(), unknown); // Make sure that plugin really works PluginInterface* theplugin = qobject_cast<PluginInterface*>(loader.instance()); QString pluginName = theplugin->pluginName(); QCOMPARE(pluginName, QLatin1String("Plugin ok")); QCOMPARE(loader.unload(), true); QCOMPARE(loader.errorString(), unknown); } }
void PluginManager::loadAllPlugins(EnvisionManager& envisionManager) { int lastCountLoaded = -1; // Holds the ids of plugins which are not yet loaded. QStringList plugins; for (auto p_meta : pluginMetaData) plugins.append(; QTextStream out(stdout); while ( lastCountLoaded != loadedPlugins.length() && loadedPlugins.length() < pluginMetaData.length() ) { lastCountLoaded = loadedPlugins.length(); for (int i = plugins.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { QList<PluginDependency> depList = idToMetaDataMap.value(>dependencies; bool allDependenciesLoaded = true; for (QList<PluginDependency>::iterator dep = depList.begin(); dep != depList.end(); dep++) { // Check if this dependency is already loaded if ( idToPluginLoaderMap.contains(dep->id) == false ) { allDependenciesLoaded = false; break; } // Check if the version of the non-dependent plugin matches the version the current plugin depends on if ( !idToMetaDataMap.value(dep->id)->version.startsWith(dep->majorVersion + ".", Qt::CaseSensitive) ) throw EnvisionException("Plugin " + + " depends on version " + dep->majorVersion + " of " + dep->id + " but a different version is installed."); } if ( allDependenciesLoaded ) { out << "Loading plug-in " << << "... " << endl; QPluginLoader* plugin = new QPluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(getLibraryFileName(; plugin->setLoadHints(QLibrary::ExportExternalSymbolsHint); plugin->load(); if ( plugin->isLoaded() == false ) throw EnvisionException("Could not load plugin: " + plugin->errorString()); EnvisionPlugin* p = qobject_cast<EnvisionPlugin*> (plugin->instance()); p->initialize(envisionManager); out << << " loaded OK" << endl; loadedPlugins.append(plugin); idToPluginLoaderMap.insert(, plugin); plugins.removeAt(i); } } } // Check if there are any plug-ins with unmet dependencies if (plugins.size() > 0) { out<< "Warning: The following plug-ins have not been loaded because their dependencies are not satisfied" << endl; for (int i = 0; i< plugins.size(); ++i) out << " " << << endl; } else out << "All plug-ins loaded." << endl; }
void PluginManagerPrivate::loadPlugins() { if (m_pluginsLoaded) { return; } QTime t; t.start(); mDebug() << "Starting to load Plugins."; QStringList pluginFileNameList = MarbleDirs::pluginEntryList( "", QDir::Files ); MarbleDirs::debug(); Q_ASSERT( m_renderPluginTemplates.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_positionProviderPluginTemplates.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_searchRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_reverseGeocodingRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_routingRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( m_parsingRunnerPlugins.isEmpty() ); bool foundPlugin = false; foreach( const QString &fileName, pluginFileNameList ) { QString const baseName = QFileInfo(fileName).baseName(); if (!m_whitelist.isEmpty() && !m_whitelist.contains(baseName)) { mDebug() << "Ignoring non-whitelisted plugin " << fileName; continue; } if (m_blacklist.contains(baseName)) { mDebug() << "Ignoring blacklisted plugin " << fileName; continue; } // mDebug() << fileName << " - " << MarbleDirs::pluginPath( fileName ); QString const path = MarbleDirs::pluginPath( fileName ); #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID QFileInfo targetFile( path ); if ( !m_pluginPaths.contains( targetFile.canonicalFilePath() ) ) { // @todo Delete the file here? qDebug() << "Ignoring file " << path << " which is not among the currently installed plugins"; continue; } #endif QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader( path ); QObject * obj = loader->instance(); if ( obj ) { bool isPlugin = appendPlugin<RenderPlugin, RenderPluginInterface> ( obj, loader, m_renderPluginTemplates ); isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<PositionProviderPlugin, PositionProviderPluginInterface> ( obj, loader, m_positionProviderPluginTemplates ); isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<SearchRunnerPlugin, SearchRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_searchRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin, ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_reverseGeocodingRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<RoutingRunnerPlugin, RoutingRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_routingRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U isPlugin = isPlugin || appendPlugin<ParseRunnerPlugin, ParseRunnerPlugin> ( obj, loader, m_parsingRunnerPlugins ); // intentionally T==U if ( !isPlugin ) { qWarning() << "Ignoring the following plugin since it couldn't be loaded:" << path; mDebug() << "Plugin failure:" << path << "is a plugin, but it does not implement the " << "right interfaces or it was compiled against an old version of Marble. Ignoring it."; delete loader; } else { foundPlugin = true; } } else { qWarning() << "Ignoring to load the following file since it doesn't look like a valid Marble plugin:" << path << endl << "Reason:" << loader->errorString(); delete loader; } }
void Core::ExtensionLoad() { QString path_ = Configuration::GetExtensionsRootPath(); if (QDir().exists(path_)) { QDir d(path_); QStringList extensions = d.entryList(); int xx = 0; while (xx < extensions.count()) { QString name =; if (name.endsWith(".so") || name.endsWith(".dll")) { name = QString(path_) +; QPluginLoader *extension = new QPluginLoader(name); if (extension->load()) { QObject* root = extension->instance(); if (root) { iExtension *interface = qobject_cast<iExtension*>(root); if (!interface) { Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("Unable to cast the library to extension"); }else { if (interface->RequestNetwork()) { interface->Networking = Query::NetworkManager; } if (interface->RequestConfiguration()) { interface->Configuration = Configuration::HuggleConfiguration; } if (interface->RequestCore()) { interface->HuggleCore = Core::HuggleCore; } if (interface->Register()) { Core::Extensions.append(interface); Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("Successfully loaded: " +; } else { Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("Unable to register: " +; } } } } else { Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("Failed to load (reason: " + extension->errorString() + "): " +; delete extension; } } else if (name.endsWith(".py")) { #ifdef PYTHONENGINE name = QString(path_) +; if (Core::Python->LoadScript(name)) { Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("Loaded python script: " + name); } else { Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("Failed to load a python script: " + name); } #endif } xx++; } } else { Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("There is no extensions folder, skipping load"); } Huggle::Syslog::HuggleLogs->Log("Extensions: " + QString::number(Core::Extensions.count())); }
void TransferEnginePrivate::enabledPluginsCheck() { Q_Q(TransferEngine); if (m_fileWatcherTimer->isActive()) { m_fileWatcherTimer->stop(); } if (m_infoObjects.count() > 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Already quering account info" << m_infoObjects.count(); return; } // First clear old data m_enabledPlugins.clear(); qDeleteAll(m_infoObjects); m_infoObjects.clear(); QPluginLoader loader; loader.setLoadHints(QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint | QLibrary::ExportExternalSymbolsHint); // Handle the case if all the plugins have been removed. QStringList plugins = pluginList(); if (plugins.isEmpty()) { emit q->transferMethodListChanged(); return; } // We have plugins Q_FOREACH(QString plugin, plugins) { loader.setFileName(plugin); TransferPluginInterface *interface = qobject_cast<TransferPluginInterface*>(loader.instance()); if (interface && interface->enabled()) { TransferPluginInfo *info = interface->infoObject(); if (!info) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "NULL Info object!"; continue; } if (info->ready()) { if (info->info().count() > 0) { m_enabledPlugins << info->info(); } else { // Plugin has nothing to provide, just ignore it delete info; } } else { // These object will be cleaned in pluginInfoReady() slot. m_infoObjects << info; connect(info, SIGNAL(infoReady()), this, SLOT(pluginInfoReady())); connect(info, SIGNAL(infoError(QString)), this, SLOT(pluginInfoError(QString))); info->query(); } } if (!interface) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << loader.errorString(); } }
/*! * This function will do the basic loading/unloading tests on the applet. */ void Ft_AppletLoader::DoAppletTest (const char *soname, bool hasBrief) { QPluginLoader loader; loader.setFileName (QString (APPLET_PATH) + QString (soname)); loader.setLoadHints (QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint); /* * Getting the DcpAppletIf applet interface object. Checking if the applet * loaded, the type of the applet interface is right. */ QVERIFY2 (loader.load (), qPrintable (loader.errorString ())); DcpAppletIf *applet = qobject_cast<DcpAppletIf *>(loader.instance ()); QVERIFY (applet != 0); /* * Do initialization... in the same way how controlpanel doing: */ applet->init (); #ifndef TEST_NEW_TITLE_METHODS QVERIFY (! applet->title ().isEmpty ()); #endif /* * Checking if the applet brief is constructed. */ DcpBrief *brief = applet->constructBrief (); if (hasBrief) { QVERIFY2(brief, "Error when creating brief widget"); #ifdef TEST_NEW_TITLE_METHODS /* * Checking if the applet has a non-empty title string. */ QVERIFY (! brief->titleText ().isEmpty ()); #endif } else QVERIFY2(!brief, "This applet should not have a Brief"); /* * Checking if the the main view (the applet widget) is constructed. FIXME: * We should call the getMainWidgetId here, but I'm not sure how it is done * after the refactoring. */ DcpWidget *widget = applet->constructWidget (0); QVERIFY2 (widget, "Error when creating applet's main widget"); #ifdef TEST_NEW_TITLE_METHODS /* * Check if the applet widget has a non-empty title string. */ QVERIFY (! widget->title ().isEmpty ()); #endif QTest::qWait (1000); // loader.unload (); // delete widget; // delete brief; }
//! //! Loads the XML description of a widget type from the file with the given //! name. //! //! \param filename The name of an XML file describing a widget type. //! bool WidgetFactory::registerType ( const QString &filename ) { QFile file (filename); if (!file.exists()) { Log::error(QString("widget plugin file not found: \"%1\"").arg(filename), "WidgetFactory::registerType"); return false; } if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { Log::error(QString("Error loading widget plugin file \"%1\".").arg(filename), "WidgetFactory::registerType"); return false; } // read the content of the file using a simple XML reader QDomDocument description; QXmlInputSource source (&file); QXmlSimpleReader xmlReader; QString errorMessage; int errorLine = 0; int errorColumn = 0; if (!description.setContent(&source, &xmlReader, &errorMessage, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { Log::error(QString("Error parsing \"%1\": %2, line %3, char %4").arg(filename).arg(errorMessage).arg(errorLine).arg(errorColumn), "WidgetFactory::registerType"); return false; } // obtain node type information from attributes QDomElement rootElement = description.documentElement(); QString PluginName = rootElement.attribute("name"); QString PluginDLL = rootElement.attribute("plugin"); QString PluginCall = rootElement.attribute("call"); //// decode the full filename into its path and base file name QString filePath = file.fileName().mid(0, file.fileName().lastIndexOf('/') + 1); QString baseFilename = file.fileName().mid(file.fileName().lastIndexOf('/') + 1); Log::debug(QString("Parsing \"%1\"...").arg(baseFilename), "WidgetFactory::registerType"); // load plugin if a plugin filename is given if (filename != "") { QString pluginFilename = filePath + PluginDLL; #ifdef _DEBUG // adjust the plugin filename to load the debug version of the DLL pluginFilename = pluginFilename.replace(".dll", "_d.dll"); #endif if (QFile::exists(pluginFilename)) { Log::debug(QString("Loading plugin \"%1\"...").arg(pluginFilename), "WidgetFactory::registerType"); QPluginLoader loader (pluginFilename); WidgetTypeInterface *widgetTypeInterface = qobject_cast<WidgetTypeInterface *>(loader.instance()); if (!widgetTypeInterface) { Log::error(QString("Plugin \"%1\" could not be loaded: %2").arg(pluginFilename).arg(loader.errorString()), "WidgetFactory::registerType"); return false; } if(!m_widgetTypeMap.contains(PluginCall)){ m_widgetTypeMap[PluginCall] = widgetTypeInterface; } } else { Log::error(QString("Plugin file \"%1\" could not be found.").arg(pluginFilename), "WidgetFactory::registerType"); return false; } } return true; }