Exemple #1
void ClusterView::customEvent(QCustomEvent* event){
 if(event->type() == QEvent::User + 700){
  ComputeEvent* computeEvent = (ComputeEvent*) event;
  //Get the polygon
  QPointArray polygon = computeEvent->polygon();
  QRegion selectionArea;
  QPointArray reviewPolygon;
  long Xdimension = 0;
  long Ydimension = 0;

   //The QRegion uses rectangles to define its area and the number of rectangles
   //increases with the height of the region (y axis). The more rectangles the longer
   //the search of one point in the region will take. With a dimension like the time
   //the height has an order of the millon (at least 5 going to 80 or more) given a huge amount
   //of rectangles. A way of speeding the search of points is to reduce the number of rectangles.
   //To do so, if the y dimension is the time, x and y axis are inverted.
   //Caution: in Qt graphical coordinate system, the Y axis is inverted (increasing downwards),
   //thus a point (x,y) is drawn as (x,-y), before creating the region the points are reset to there raw value (x,y).
  if(view.ordinateDimension() != timeDimension){
    for(uint i = 0; i< polygon.size();++i){
     reviewPolygon.putPoints(i, 1,polygon.point(i).x(),-polygon.point(i).y());
     Xdimension = dimensionX;
     Ydimension = dimensionY;    
    for(uint i = 0; i< polygon.size();++i){
     reviewPolygon.putPoints(i, 1,-polygon.point(i).y(),polygon.point(i).x());

     Xdimension = dimensionY;
     Ydimension = dimensionX;         
  //Create a QRegion with the new selection area in order to use the research facilities offer by a QRegion.  
  selectionArea = QRegion(reviewPolygon);
    //Call any appropriate method
     case DELETE_NOISE:
     case NEW_CLUSTER:
     case NEW_CLUSTERS:
     case ZOOM:
       break; //nothing to do   
Exemple #2
QPointArray KoChild::oldPointArray( const QWMatrix &matrix )
  QPointArray arr = d->m_old;

  for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
      arr.setPoint( i, matrix.map( arr.point( i ) ) );

  return arr;
Exemple #3
QPointArray QWMatrix::map( const QPointArray &a ) const
    QPointArray result = a.copy();
    int x, y;
    for ( int i=0; i<(int)result.size(); i++ ) {
	result.point( i, &x, &y );
	map( x, y, &x, &y );
	result.setPoint( i, x, y );
    return result;
void QwtCurve::closePolyline(const QwtDiMap &xMap, const QwtDiMap &yMap,
    QPointArray &pa) const
    const int sz = pa.size();
    if ( sz < 2 )

    pa.resize(sz + 2);

    if ( d_options & QwtCurve::Xfy )
            xMap.transform(d_ref), pa.point(sz - 1).y());
        pa.setPoint(sz + 1,
            xMap.transform(d_ref), pa.point(0).y());
            pa.point(sz - 1).x(), yMap.transform(d_ref));
        pa.setPoint(pa.size() - 1,
            pa.point(0).x(), yMap.transform(d_ref));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void QmvCanvasGrid::drawEllipses( const QPointArray & pa,
                                  int w, int h, const QPen & pen )

    QPainter pt;
    pt.setPen( pen );
        // we want the centre at pa.point
    for ( int i = 0; i < pa.count(); i++ )
        pt.drawEllipse( pa.point(i).x() - w/2,
                        pa.point(i).y() - h/2, w, h );
    updateGridImage( work_pixmap );
	void KviCanvasView::dragPolygon(KviCanvasPolygon * it,const QPoint &p)
			case All:
				it->move(p.x() - m_dragBegin.x(),p.y() - m_dragBegin.y());
			case SinglePoint:
				QPointArray pnt = it->internalPoints();
				pnt.setPoint(m_dragPointIndex,(int)((p.x() - it->x()) / it->scaleFactor()),(int)((p.y() - it->y()) / it->scaleFactor()));
			case Scale:
				double dDistance = ssm_hypot(p.x() - it->x(),p.y() - it->y());
				double dOriginal = ssm_hypot(m_dragBegin.x(),m_dragBegin.y());
				if(dOriginal < 1)dOriginal = 1;
				if(dDistance < 0.1)dDistance = 0.1;
				it->setScaleFactor(m_dragScaleFactor * dDistance / dOriginal);
			case Rotate:
				QPoint act((int)(p.x() - it->x()),(int)(p.y() - it->y()));
				double dAngle = ssm_2d_rotationAngle(m_dragBegin.x(),m_dragBegin.y(),act.x(),act.y());
	//			qDebug("%d,%d %d,%d %f",m_dragBegin.x(),m_dragBegin.y(),act.x(),act.y(),dAngle);
				QPointArray thePoints = m_dragPointArray.copy();
				for(unsigned int i=0;i<thePoints.size();i++)
					QPoint tmp = thePoints.point(i);
					double dx = tmp.x();
					double dy = tmp.y();
	void KviCanvasView::beginDragPolygon(KviCanvasPolygon * it,const QPoint &p,bool bShift,bool bCtrl)
		m_dragBegin = QPoint((int)(p.x() - it->x()),(int)(p.y() - it->y()));

		QPointArray pa = it->areaPoints();

		for(unsigned int i=0;i<pa.size();i++)
			QPoint pnt = pa.point(i);
			double dX = pnt.x() - p.x();
			double dY = pnt.y() - p.y();
			double dHypot = sqrt((dX * dX) + (dY * dY));
			if(dHypot < 3.0)
				// We're dragging a point
				m_dragMode = SinglePoint;
				m_dragPointIndex = i;

			m_dragMode = Scale;
			m_dragScaleFactor = it->scaleFactor();

			m_dragMode = Rotate;
			m_dragPointArray = it->internalPoints();
	//		qDebug("Here");

		m_dragMode = All;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void QmvCanvasGrid::drawText( const QPointArray & pa,
                              const QPen & pen, const QFont font, QString text, int w, int h )

    QPainter pt;
    pt.setPen( pen );
    pt.setFont( font );
        // we want the centre at pa.point
    int x, y;
    for ( int i = 0; i < pa.count(); i++ )
        x = pa.point(i).x() - w/2;
        y = pa.point(i).y() - h/2;
        pt.drawText( x, y, w, h,
                     AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter,
                     text, text.length() );
    updateGridImage( work_pixmap );
void KDChartLinesPainter::specificPaintData( QPainter* painter,
                                             const QRect& /*ourClipRect*/,
                                             KDChartTableDataBase* data,
                                             KDChartDataRegionList* regions,
                                             const KDChartAxisParams* ordinatePara,
                                             bool /*bNormalMode*/,
                                             uint chart,
                                             double logWidth,
                                             double /*areaWidthP1000*/,
                                             double logHeight,
                                             double axisYOffset,
                                             double minColumnValue,
                                             double maxColumnValue,
                                             double columnValueDistance,
                                             uint /*chartDatasetStart*/,
                                             uint /*chartDatasetEnd*/,
                                             uint datasetStart,
                                             uint datasetEnd )
    if( !data ) return;

    abscissaInfos ai;
    ai.bCenterThePoints = mCenterThePoints;
    calculateAbscissaInfos( *params(), *data,
                            datasetStart, datasetEnd,
                            logWidth, _dataRect,
                            ai );
    mCenterThePoints = ai.bCenterThePoints;

    bool bOrdinateDecreasing = ordinatePara
        ? ordinatePara->axisValuesDecreasing()
        : false;
    bool bOrdinateIsLogarithmic
        = ordinatePara
        ? (KDChartAxisParams::AxisCalcLogarithmic == ordinatePara->axisCalcMode())
        : false;

    //const double ordinatePixelsPerUnit = logHeight / columnValueDistance;
    const double ordinatePixelsPerUnit
        = (    ordinatePara
               && (0.0 != ordinatePara->trueAxisDeltaPixels())
               && (0.0 != ordinatePara->trueAxisDelta()))
        ? ordinatePara->trueAxisDeltaPixels() / ordinatePara->trueAxisDelta()
        : logHeight / columnValueDistance;;
    //qDebug("ordinatePixelsPerUnit: %f",ordinatePixelsPerUnit);

    const bool showThreeDLines = !mIsArea && params()->threeDLines();

    enum { Normal, Stacked, Percent } mode = Normal;
    if (    (    ( mChartType                   == KDChartParams::Line )
                 && ( params()->lineChartSubType() == KDChartParams::LineNormal ) )
            || (    ( mChartType                   == KDChartParams::Area )
                    && ( params()->areaChartSubType() == KDChartParams::AreaNormal ) ) )
        mode = Normal;
    else if (    (    ( mChartType                   == KDChartParams::Line )
                      && ( params()->lineChartSubType() == KDChartParams::LineStacked ) )
                 || (    ( mChartType                   == KDChartParams::Area )
                         && ( params()->areaChartSubType() == KDChartParams::AreaStacked ) ) )
        mode = Stacked;
    else if (    (    ( mChartType                   == KDChartParams::Line )
                      && ( params()->lineChartSubType() == KDChartParams::LinePercent ) )
                 || (    ( mChartType                   == KDChartParams::Area )
                         && ( params()->areaChartSubType() == KDChartParams::AreaPercent ) ) )
        mode = Percent;
        qDebug( "Internal error in KDChartLinesPainter::paintDataInternal(): Unknown subtype" );

    QMap < int, double > currentValueSums;
    if ( mode == Stacked || mode == Percent ) {
        // this array is only used for stacked and percent lines, no need
        // to waste time initializing it for normal types
        for ( int value = 0; value < ai.numValues; ++value )
            currentValueSums[ value ] = 0.0;
    QMap < int, double > totalValueSums;

    // compute the position of the 0 axis
    double zeroXAxisI;
    if ( mode == Percent ) {
        if ( minColumnValue == 0.0 )
            zeroXAxisI = logHeight + axisYOffset;
        else if( maxColumnValue == 0.0 )
            zeroXAxisI = _dataRect.y() + axisYOffset;
            zeroXAxisI = logHeight / 2.0 + _dataRect.y();
    } else
        zeroXAxisI = ordinatePara->axisZeroLineStartY() - _dataRect.y();

    // compute how to shift of the points in case we want them in the
    // middle of their respective columns
    int xShift = mCenterThePoints ? static_cast < int > ( ai.pointDist * 0.5 ) : 0;

    // calculate all points' positions
    // ===============================
    int arrayNumDatasets = 0;
    int arrayNumValues   = ai.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues
        ? data->cols()
        : ai.numValues;
    int dataset;
    for( dataset = datasetEnd;
         ( dataset >= static_cast < int > ( datasetStart ) && dataset >= 0 );
         --dataset )
#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
    QValueVector<MyPoint> allPoints(
    QArray<MyPoint> allPoints(
                              arrayNumDatasets * arrayNumValues );
    KDChartPropertySet curPropSet;
    int curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
    for( dataset = datasetEnd; ( dataset >= (int)datasetStart && dataset >= 0 ); --dataset ) {
        int prevPointX = -1;
        int prevPointY = -1;
        const KDChartParams::LineMarkerStyle
            defaultMarkerStyle = params()->lineMarkerStyle( dataset );
        const QPen default2DPen(   params()->lineColor().isValid()
                                   ? params()->lineColor()
                                   : params()->dataColor( dataset ),
                                   params()->lineStyle( dataset ) );

        if( ai.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues )
            ai.numValues = data->cols();

        QVariant vValY;
        QVariant vValX;
        int cellPropID;
        for( int value = 0; value < ai.numValues; ++value ) {
            //if ( mode == Percent )
            //    valueTotal = data->colAbsSum( value );
            double valueTotal = 0.0; // Will only be used for Percent
            if( mode == Percent ) {
                valueTotal = 0.0;
                // iterate over datasets of this axis only:
                for ( uint dataset2  = datasetStart;
                      dataset2 <= datasetEnd;
                      ++dataset2 ) {
                    if( data->cellCoord( dataset2, value, vValY, 1 ) &&
                        QVariant::Double == vValY.type() )
                        valueTotal += vValY.toDouble();

            if( data->cellContent( dataset, value, vValY, vValX, cellPropID ) &&
                QVariant::Double == vValY.type() &&
                ( !ai.bCellsHaveSeveralCoordinates || QVariant::Invalid != vValX.type() ) ){
                //qDebug("a. cellPropID: %i",cellPropID);

                // calculate Ordinate axis value
                // -----------------------------
                double cellValue = vValY.toDouble();
                double drawValue = 0.0;
                // PENDING(kalle) This does not work for AreaPercent yet
                if ( mode == Stacked )
                    drawValue = ( cellValue + currentValueSums[ value ] ) * ordinatePixelsPerUnit;
                else if ( mode == Percent )
                    drawValue = ( ( cellValue + currentValueSums[ value ] ) / valueTotal ) * 100.0 * ordinatePixelsPerUnit;
                else {
                    // LineNormal or AreaNormal
                    if( bOrdinateIsLogarithmic ){
                        if( 0.0 < cellValue )
                            drawValue = log10( cellValue ) * ordinatePixelsPerUnit;
                            drawValue = -10250.0;
                        //qDebug("\nlogarithmic calc  -  cellValue: %f   drawValue: %f",
                        //        cellValue, drawValue );
                        drawValue = cellValue * ordinatePixelsPerUnit * (bOrdinateDecreasing ? -1.0 : 1.0);
                        //qDebug("\nlinear calc  -  cellValue: %f\n             -  drawValue: %f",
                        //        cellValue, drawValue );

                // calculate Abscissa axis value
                // -----------------------------
                double xValue;
                bool skipMe = !calculateAbscissaAxisValue( vValX, ai, value,
                                                           xValue );

                // calculate and store the point and region / draw the marker
                // ----------------------------------------------------------
                if( !skipMe ){
                    // prevent the point from being toooo far
                    // below the bottom (or above the top, resp.)
                    // of the cliprect
                    double pY = QMIN( zeroXAxisI - drawValue,
                                      (logHeight + axisYOffset) * 3 );
                    pY = QMAX( pY, -(logHeight + axisYOffset) * 3 );
                    // specify the Point
                    int myPointX = static_cast < int > ( xValue ) + xShift;
                    int myPointY = static_cast < int > ( pY );

                    if( cellPropID == curPropSetId &&
                        myPointX == prevPointX &&
                        myPointY == prevPointY ){
                        allPoints[   static_cast < int > ( datasetEnd-dataset )
                                     * arrayNumValues + value ].setSkipThis( true );
                        skipMe = true;
                        // use typecast to make it compile on windows using qt232
                        allPoints[   static_cast < int > ( datasetEnd-dataset )
                                     * arrayNumValues + value ].set( myPointX, myPointY, cellValue );
                    if( !skipMe ){
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // determine any 'extra' properties assigned to this cell
                        // by traversing the property set chain (if necessary)
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        if( cellPropID != curPropSetId ){
                            //qDebug("b. ( curPropSetId: %i )",curPropSetId);
                            //qDebug("b. cellPropID: %i",cellPropID);
                            if( cellPropID != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID &&
                                params()->calculateProperties( cellPropID,
                                                               curPropSet ) ){
                                curPropSetId = cellPropID;
                                //qDebug("c. curPropSetId: %i",curPropSetId);
                                curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
                        // make sure any extra horiz. and/or vert. lines and/or markers
                        // are drawn *before* the data lines and/or markers are painted
                        if( mChartType == KDChartParams::Line ){
                            if( curPropSetId != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ){
                                                         myPointX, myPointY,
                                                         false );
                        prevPointX = myPointX;
                        prevPointY = myPointY;
                // calculate running sum for stacked and percent
                if ( mode == Stacked || mode == Percent ) {
                    if( cellValue == KDCHART_POS_INFINITE )
                        currentValueSums[ value ] = KDCHART_POS_INFINITE;
                    else if( currentValueSums[ value ] != KDCHART_POS_INFINITE )
                        currentValueSums[ value ] += cellValue;

    QPointArray previousPoints; // no vector since only areas need it,
    // and these do not support 3d yet

    // Store some (dataset-independend) default values
    // to be used unless other properties
    // have been specified for the respective data cell:
    const bool defaultDrawMarkers = mDrawMarkers;

    for ( dataset = datasetEnd; ( dataset >= (int)datasetStart && dataset >= 0 ); --dataset ) {

        // Store some (dataset-dependend) default values
        // to be used unless other properties
        // have been specified for the respective data cell:
        const QPen default2DPen(   params()->lineColor().isValid()
                                   ? params()->lineColor()
                                   : params()->dataColor( dataset ),
                                   params()->lineStyle( dataset ) );
        bool currentDrawMarkers = defaultDrawMarkers;
        const KDChartParams::LineMarkerStyle markerStyle = params()->lineMarkerStyle( dataset );

        // the +2 is for the areas (if any)
        QPtrVector< QPointArray > points( 2 );
        points.setAutoDelete( true );
        /* Pending Michel - we need to keep track of the 
         * non rotated points for 3D lines
        QPtrVector< QPointArray > oripoints( 2 );
        oripoints.setAutoDelete( true );
        int i = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
            points.insert( i, new QPointArray( ai.numValues + 2 ) );
            oripoints.insert( i, new QPointArray( ai.numValues + 2 ) );

        if( ai.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues )
            ai.numValues = data->cols();

        int point = 0;

        for ( int value = 0; value < ai.numValues; ++value ) {

            // determine and store marker properties assigned to this cell
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            currentDrawMarkers = defaultDrawMarkers;
            int cellPropID;
            if( data->cellProp( dataset, value, cellPropID ) &&
                cellPropID != curPropSetId ){
                if( cellPropID != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID &&
                    params()->calculateProperties( cellPropID,
                                                   curPropSet ) )
                    curPropSetId = cellPropID;
                    curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
            if( curPropSetId != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ){
                // we can safely call the following functions and ignore their
                // return values since they will touch the parameters' values
                // if the propSet *contains* corresponding own values only.
                int iDummy;
                curPropSet.hasOwnShowMarker( iDummy, currentDrawMarkers );

            int iVec = static_cast < int > ( datasetEnd-dataset ) * arrayNumValues + value;
            if( allPoints[ iVec ].bValid && !allPoints[ iVec ].bSkipThis ){
                const MyPoint& mp = allPoints[iVec];

                //qDebug("\np.x() %i        p.y() %i", p.x(), p.y() );
                // For 3D lines, we need two points (that lie
                // behind each other on the Z axis). For 2D lines and
                // areas, we need only one point.
                if( showThreeDLines ) {
                    points[0]->setPoint( point, project( mp.p.x(), mp.p.y(),
                                                         (datasetStart+dataset)*params()->threeDLineDepth() ) );
                    points[1]->setPoint( point, project( mp.p.x(), mp.p.y(),
                                                         (datasetStart+dataset + 1)*params()->threeDLineDepth() ) );
                    oripoints[0]->setPoint( point,  mp.p.x(), mp.p.y() );
                    oripoints[1]->setPoint( point,  mp.p.x() -  (datasetStart+dataset + 1)*params()->threeDLineDepth(), 
                                            mp.p.y() -  (datasetStart+dataset + 1)*params()->threeDLineDepth() );
                } else
                    // 2D lines or areas
                    points[0]->setPoint( point, mp.p );

                int x = mp.p.x();
                int y = QMAX(QMIN(mp.p.y(),
                                  static_cast < int > (logHeight +axisYOffset)),
                bool markerIsOutside = y != mp.p.y();
                // draw the marker and store the region
                if ( currentDrawMarkers ){
                    uint   theAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter;
                    bool   hasOwnSize = false;
                    int    theWidth  = 0;
                    int    theHeight = 0;
                    QColor theColor(params()->dataColor( dataset ));
                    int    theStyle = markerStyle;
                    if( curPropSetId != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ){
                        // we can safely call the following functions and ignore their
                        // return values since they will touch the parameters' values
                        // if the propSet *contains* corresponding own values only.
                        int iDummy;
                        curPropSet.hasOwnMarkerAlign( iDummy, theAlignment );
                        curPropSet.hasOwnMarkerColor( iDummy, theColor );
                        curPropSet.hasOwnMarkerStyle( iDummy, theStyle );
                        QSize size(theWidth, theHeight);
                        hasOwnSize = curPropSet.hasOwnMarkerSize(iDummy, size);
                        if( hasOwnSize ){
                            theWidth  = size.width();
                            theHeight = size.height();

                    drawMarker( painter,
                                _areaWidthP1000, _areaHeightP1000,
                                ? KDChartParams::LineMarker1Pixel
                                : theStyle,
                                dataset, value, chart, regions,
                                hasOwnSize ? &theWidth  : 0,
                                hasOwnSize ? &theHeight : 0,
                                theAlignment );

                // store the region
                else if( regions ) {
                    QRect rect(
                        QPoint( x-params()->lineWidth()-1, y-params()->lineWidth()-1 ),
                        QPoint( x+params()->lineWidth()+1, y+params()->lineWidth()+1 )
                    rect.moveBy( _dataRect.x(), _dataRect.y() );
                                    new KDChartDataRegion(dataset, value, chart, rect) );

        if ( point ) {
            bool bDrawLines = (0 != params()->lineWidth());
            if ( mIsArea ) {
                // first draw with the fill brush, no pen, with the
                // zero axis points or upper border points added for the first
                // dataset or with the previous points reversed for all other
                // datasets.
                painter->setPen( QPen( Qt::NoPen ) );
                const QBrush datasetBrush( params()->dataColor( dataset ), Qt::SolidPattern );
                painter->setBrush( datasetBrush );
                QBrush currentBrush( datasetBrush );

                if ( mode == Normal || dataset == (int)datasetEnd ) {
                    /// first dataset (or any dataset in normal mode, where
                    /// the datasets overwrite each other)

                    // no 3d handling for areas yet
                    QPoint lastPoint = points[0]->point( point - 1 );

                    // zeroXAxisI can be too far below the abscissa, but it's
                    // the only thing we have. Likewise can 0 be too far above
                    // the upper boundary, but again it's the only thing we
                    // have, at the rest is clipped anyway.
                    int yCoord;
                    if ( params()->areaLocation() == KDChartParams::AreaBelow ||
                         mode == Percent )
                        yCoord = static_cast<int>(zeroXAxisI);
                        yCoord = static_cast<int>(axisYOffset);

                    // old: draw the complete area in on go:
                    // no 3d handling for areas yet
                    points[0]->setPoint( point, lastPoint.x(), yCoord );

                    QPoint firstPoint = points[0]->point( 0 );
                    points[0]->setPoint( point, firstPoint.x(), yCoord );

                    painter->drawPolygon( *points[0], false, 0, point );

                    // new: draw individual area segments:
                    curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
                    for( int value = 0; value < point-1; ++value ) {

                        int cellPropID;
                        if( data->cellProp( dataset, value, cellPropID ) &&
                            cellPropID != curPropSetId ){

                            if( cellPropID != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID &&
                                params()->calculateProperties( cellPropID,
                                                               curPropSet ) ){
                                curPropSetId = cellPropID;
                                curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
                            // preset with default value
                            QBrush theAreaBrush = datasetBrush;

                            if( curPropSetId != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ){
                                // we can safely call the following functions and ignore their
                                // return values since they will touch the parameters' values
                                // if the propSet *contains* corresponding own values only.
                                int iDummy;
                                curPropSet.hasOwnAreaBrush( iDummy, theAreaBrush );
                            painter->setBrush( theAreaBrush );

                        QPointArray segment( 4 );
                        segment.setPoint( 0, points[0]->point( value                 ) );
                        segment.setPoint( 1, points[0]->point( value+1               ) );
                        segment.setPoint( 2, points[0]->point( value+1 ).x(), yCoord );
                        segment.setPoint( 3, points[0]->point( value   ).x(), yCoord );                        
                        painter->drawPolygon( segment );

                    // old: draw the complete area in on go:
                    // remove the last two points added
                    point -= 2;
                } //  if ( mode == Normal || dataset == (int)datasetEnd )
                else {
                    // don't mess around with the original array; we'll need
                    // that for the next time through.

                    // no 3d handling for areas yet
                    QPointArray thisSection = points[0]->copy();

                    thisSection.resize( point + previousPoints.size() );
                    // append the previous array (there is guaranteed to be
                    // one because we are at least the second time through
                    // here) in reverse order
                    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < previousPoints.size(); ++i ) {
                        thisSection.setPoint( point + i,
                                              previousPoints.point( previousPoints.size() - i - 1 ) );
                        //qDebug("\nx: %i",previousPoints.point( previousPoints.size() - i - 1 ).x());
                        //qDebug("y: %i",previousPoints.point( previousPoints.size() - i - 1 ).y());
                    painter->drawPolygon( thisSection );
                // draw the line with no brush and outline color
                painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
                painter->setPen( QPen( params()->outlineDataColor(),
                                       params()->outlineDataLineWidth() ) );
            } else {
                // line
                if( showThreeDLines ) {
                    // This is a 3D line:
                    // We draw the line with the data color brush
                    //                   and the outline data pen.
                    painter->setBrush( params()->dataColor( dataset ) );
                    painter->setPen( QPen( params()->outlineDataColor(),
                                           params()->outlineDataLineWidth() ) );
                } else {
                    // This is a 2D line:
                    // We draw the line with the no brush
                    // and the data color if no special line color was specified.
                    painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
                    painter->setPen( default2DPen );

            // Neither draw the contour line if this is a pure Point chart
            // nor draw it for the last row of a percent area chart.
            if( bDrawLines &&
                ( (mode != Percent) || !mIsArea || (dataset != (int)datasetEnd) ) ){
                if( showThreeDLines ) {
                    // A 3D line needs to be drawn piece-wise
                    for ( int value = 0; value < point-1; ++value ) {
                        //          if( data->cell( dataset, value ).hasValue() &&
                        //              data->cell( dataset, value+1 ).hasValue() ) {
                        //      qDebug( "Draw a segment in dataset %d from %d to %d", dataset, value, value+1 );
                        //store the rotated points ( see project() )
                        QPointArray rotatedSegment( 4 );                        
                        rotatedSegment.setPoint( 0, points[0]->point( value ));
                        rotatedSegment.setPoint( 1, points[0]->point( value+1 ) );
                        rotatedSegment.setPoint( 2, points[1]->point( value+1 ) );
                        rotatedSegment.setPoint( 3, points[1]->point( value ) );

                        //store the true points without rotation    
                        QPointArray trueSegment( 4 );			 
                        trueSegment.setPoint( 0, oripoints[0]->point( value ));
                        trueSegment.setPoint( 1, oripoints[0]->point( value+1 ) );
                        trueSegment.setPoint( 2, oripoints[1]->point( value+1 ) );
                        trueSegment.setPoint( 3, oripoints[1]->point( value ) );

                        // calculate the rotated points position relative to each other
                        // we will then be able to keep the rotation ( see: project () )
                        // by reporting this position relative to the true segment line 
                        //left side pt3 and pt0 
                        int dx30 = rotatedSegment.point(3).x() - rotatedSegment.point(0).x();
                        int dy30 = rotatedSegment.point(3).y() - rotatedSegment.point(0).y(); 
                        //right side pt1 and pt2
                        int dx12 = rotatedSegment.point(2).x() - rotatedSegment.point(1).x();
                        int dy12 = rotatedSegment.point(2).y() - rotatedSegment.point(1).y();

                        // store and paint the "3D" segment
                        QPointArray segment( 4 );
                        segment.setPoint( 0, trueSegment.point(0) );
                        segment.setPoint( 1, trueSegment.point(1) );
                        segment.setPoint( 2, trueSegment.point(1).x() + dx12, trueSegment.point(1).y() + dy12 );
                        segment.setPoint( 3, trueSegment.point(0).x() + dx30, trueSegment.point(0).y() + dy30);

                        //PENDING Michel 3dlines drawing a segment with showThreeDLines                       
                        painter->drawPolygon( segment );
                        //          } else
                        //              qDebug( "Can't draw a segment in dataset %d from %d to %d", dataset, value, value+1 );
                } else {
                    QPoint p1, p2;
                    // Note: If markers are drawn very near to each other
                    //       and tiny markers are used
                    //       we don't draw the connecting lines.
                    bool b4PMarkers = KDChartParams::LineMarker4Pixels == markerStyle;
                    bool bTinyMarkers =
                        KDChartParams::LineMarker1Pixel  == markerStyle || b4PMarkers;
                    curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
                    painter->setPen( default2DPen );
                    for ( int value = 0; value < point-1; ++value ) {
                        p1 = points[0]->point( value   );
                        p2 = points[0]->point( value+1 );

                        // Determine properties assigned to this cell
                        // and change the painter if necessarry:
                        currentDrawMarkers = defaultDrawMarkers;
                        int cellPropID;
                        if( data->cellProp( dataset, value, cellPropID ) &&
                            cellPropID != curPropSetId ){
                            if( cellPropID != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID &&
                                params()->calculateProperties( cellPropID,
                                                               curPropSet ) ){
                                curPropSetId = cellPropID;
                                curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
                            // preset with default values
                            int          theLineWidth = default2DPen.width();
                            QColor       theLineColor = default2DPen.color();
                            Qt::PenStyle theLineStyle = default2DPen.style();
                            if( curPropSetId != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ){
                                // we can safely call the following functions and ignore their
                                // return values since they will touch the parameters' values
                                // if the propSet *contains* corresponding own values only.
                                int iDummy;
                                curPropSet.hasOwnLineWidth ( iDummy, theLineWidth );
                                curPropSet.hasOwnLineColor ( iDummy, theLineColor );
                                curPropSet.hasOwnLineStyle ( iDummy, theLineStyle );
                                curPropSet.hasOwnShowMarker( iDummy, currentDrawMarkers );
                            painter->setPen( QPen( theLineColor,
                                                   theLineStyle ) );

                        if( !currentDrawMarkers ){
                            //PENDING Michel: drawing a line - not currentMarkers
                            painter->drawLine( p1, p2 );
                            int dx = p2.x() - p1.x();
                            int dy = p2.y() - p1.y();
                            if( !bTinyMarkers || (abs(dx) > 4) || (abs(dy) > 4) ){
                                if( bTinyMarkers ) {
                                    double m  = !dx ? 100.0
                                        : !dy ? 0.01
                                        : ((double)dy / (double)dx);
                                    double am = fabs(m);
                                    int dxx;
                                    int dyy;
                                    if( 0.25 > am ){
                                        dxx = 3;
                                        dyy = 0;
                                    }else if( 0.67 > am ){
                                        dxx = 3;
                                        dyy = 1;
                                    }else if( 1.33 > am ){
                                        dxx = 2;
                                        dyy = 2;
                                    }else if( 4.0 > am ){
                                        dxx = 1;
                                        dyy = 3;
                                        dxx = 0;
                                        dyy = 3;
                                    if( 0 > dx )
                                        dxx *= -1;
                                    if( 0 > dy )
                                        dyy *= -1;
                                    if( b4PMarkers ){
                                        if( 0 < dx )
                                        else if( 0 > dx )
                                        if( 0 < dy )
                                        else if( 0 > dy )
                                    p1.rx() += dxx; p1.ry() += dyy;
                                    p2.rx() -= dxx; p2.ry() -= dyy;
                                //PENDING Michel: drawing a line - currentMarkers
                                painter->drawLine( p1, p2 );

        // Save point array for next way through (needed for e.g. stacked
        // areas), not for 3D currently
        points[0]->resize( point );
        previousPoints = points[0]->copy();

    // Now draw any extra lines (and/or their markers, resp.) that
    // are to be printed IN FRONT of the normal lines:
    if( mChartType == KDChartParams::Line ){
        for( dataset = datasetEnd; ( dataset >= (int)datasetStart && dataset >= 0 ); --dataset ) {

            const KDChartParams::LineMarkerStyle
                defaultMarkerStyle = params()->lineMarkerStyle( dataset );
            const QPen default2DPen(   params()->lineColor().isValid()
                                       ? params()->lineColor()
                                       : params()->dataColor( dataset ),
                                       params()->lineStyle( dataset ) );

            if( ai.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues )
                ai.numValues = data->cols();

            for ( int value = 0; value < ai.numValues; ++value ) {
                int iVec = static_cast < int > ( datasetEnd-dataset ) * arrayNumValues + value;
                if( allPoints[ iVec ].bValid ){
                    const MyPoint& mp = allPoints[iVec];
                    //qDebug("\np.x() %i        p.y() %i", p.x(), p.y() );

                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // determine any 'extra' properties assigned to this cell
                    // by traversing the property set chain (if necessary)
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    int cellPropID;
                    if( data->cellProp( dataset, value, cellPropID ) &&
                        cellPropID != curPropSetId ){
                        if( cellPropID != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID &&
                            params()->calculateProperties( cellPropID,
                                                           curPropSet ) )
                            curPropSetId = cellPropID;
                            curPropSetId = KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID;
                    if( curPropSetId != KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ){
                                                 mp.p.x(), mp.p.y(),
                                                 true );
    //qDebug(const_cast < KDChartParams* > ( params() )->properties( KDCHART_PROPSET_NORMAL_DATA )->name().latin1());
    //qDebug(const_cast < KDChartParams* > ( params() )->properties( KDCHART_PROPSET_TRANSPARENT_DATA )->name().latin1());
    //qDebug(const_cast < KDChartParams* > ( params() )->properties( KDCHART_PROPSET_HORI_LINE )->name().latin1());
    //qDebug(const_cast < KDChartParams* > ( params() )->properties( KDCHART_PROPSET_VERT_LINE )->name().latin1());
Exemple #10
void toBarChart::paintChart ( QPainter *p, QRect &rect )
    QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();

    if ( !Zooming ) {
        if ( MinAuto ) {
            bool first = true;
            std::list<std::list<double> >::reverse_iterator i = Values.rbegin();
            if ( i != Values.rend() ) {
                for ( std::list<double>::iterator j = ( *i ).begin();j != ( *i ).end();j++ ) {
                    if ( first ) {
                        first = false;
                        zMinValue = *j;
                    } else if ( zMinValue > *j )
                        zMinValue = *j;
        if ( MaxAuto ) {
            bool first = true;
            std::list<double> total;
                for ( std::list<std::list<double> >::iterator i = Values.begin();i != Values.end();i++ ) {
                    std::list<double>::iterator k = total.begin();
                    for ( std::list<double>::iterator j = ( *i ).begin();j != ( *i ).end();j++ ) {
                        if ( k == total.end() ) {
                            total.insert ( total.end(), *j );
                            k = total.end();
                        } else {
                            *k += *j;
            for ( std::list<double>::iterator i = total.begin();i != total.end();i++ ) {
                if ( first ) {
                    first = false;
                    zMaxValue = *i;
                } else if ( zMaxValue < *i )
                    zMaxValue = *i;
        if ( !MinAuto )
            zMinValue = MinValue;
            zMinValue = round ( zMinValue, false );
        if ( !MaxAuto )
            zMaxValue = MaxValue;
            zMaxValue = round ( zMaxValue, true );

    paintTitle ( p, rect );
    paintLegend ( p, rect );
    paintAxis ( p, rect );

    std::list<QPointArray> Points;
    int cp = 0;
    int samples = countSamples();
    int zeroy = int ( rect.height() - 2 - ( -zMinValue / ( zMaxValue - zMinValue ) * ( rect.height() - 4 ) ) );
    if ( samples > 1 ) {
        const QWMatrix & mtx = p->worldMatrix();
        p->setClipRect ( int ( mtx.dx() + 2 ), int ( mtx.dy() + 2 ), rect.width() - 3, rect.height() - 3 );
        if ( Zooming )
            p->drawText ( 2, 2, rect.width() - 4, rect.height() - 4,
                          AlignLeft | AlignTop, "Zoom" );
        for ( std::list<std::list<double> >::reverse_iterator i = Values.rbegin();i != Values.rend();i++ ) {
            std::list<double> &val = *i;
            int count = 0;
            int skip = SkipSamples;
            QPointArray a ( samples + 10 );
            int x = rect.width() - 2;
            for ( std::list<double>::reverse_iterator j = val.rbegin();j != val.rend() && x >= 2;j++ ) {
                if ( skip > 0 )
                else {
                    int val = int ( rect.height() - 2 - ( ( *j - zMinValue ) / ( zMaxValue - zMinValue ) * ( rect.height() - 4 ) ) );
                    x = rect.width() - 2 - count * ( rect.width() - 4 ) / ( samples - 1 );
                    a.setPoint ( count, x, val );
                    if ( count >= samples )
            a.resize ( count * 2 );
            Points.insert ( Points.end(), a );

    std::map<int, int> Bottom;
    for ( std::list<QPointArray>::iterator i = Points.begin();i != Points.end();i++ ) {
        QPointArray a = *i;
        int lx = 0;
        int lb = 0;
        for ( unsigned int j = 0;j < a.size() / 2;j++ ) {
            int x, y;
            a.point ( j, &x, &y );
            if ( Bottom.find ( x ) == Bottom.end() )
                Bottom[x] = 0;
            if ( lx != x )
                lb = Bottom[x];
            a.setPoint ( a.size() - 1 - j, x, zeroy - lb );
            y -= lb;
            a.setPoint ( j, x, y );
            Bottom[x] = zeroy - y;
            lx = x;

        p->drawPolygon ( a );