Exemple #1
QSObject QSAEditor::queryQSObject( const QMetaObject *meta, const QString &property, bool /*includeSuperClass*/ ) const
    int propertyIndex = -1;
    const QMetaObject *m = meta;
    propertyIndex = m->indexOfProperty(property.toLatin1().constData());

    if (propertyIndex >= 0) {
        QMetaProperty mp = m->property(propertyIndex);
        QSObject o = vTypeToQSType( QString::fromLatin1(mp.typeName()) );
	    if ( !o.isNull() && !o.isUndefined() )
	        return o;

    m = meta;
    for (int i=0; i<m->methodCount(); ++i) {
        QMetaMethod mm = m->method(i);

        if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) {
            QString n = QLatin1String(mm.methodSignature());
	        n = n.left(n.indexOf('('));
	        if ( property != n )

            return vTypeToQSType(mm.typeName());

    return env()->createUndefined();
Exemple #2
QSObject QSAEditor::queryQSObject( const QVector<QObject *> &objects, const QString &property ) const
    for ( int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ ) {
	const QMetaObject *mo = objects[i]->metaObject();
	QSObject qso = queryQSObject( mo, property, i == 0 );
	if ( !qso.isNull() && !qso.isUndefined() )
	    return qso;
    return env()->createUndefined();
Exemple #3
  Returns all the classes declared in the context \a context.

  \sa functions(), variables()
QStringList QSInterpreter::classes(QObject *context) const
  if (!context) {
#if defined( QT_RANGE_CHECK )
    qWarning("QSInterpreter::classesOf: context is null");
    return QStringList();
  QSObject obj = d->interpreter->wrap(context);
  QStringList lst;
  if (!obj.isUndefined())
    lst = d->interpreter->classesOf(obj);
  return lst;
Exemple #4
  Returns all script functions which have been defined in the
  context \a context.

  If \a flags includes \c FunctionSignatures, then each function name
  returned will be of the following form:
  functionName( typeOfArg1, typeOfArg2, ... )
  Otherwise just the names will be returned (which is the default).

  \sa classes(), variables()
QStringList QSInterpreter::functions(QObject *context,
                                     FunctionFlags flags) const
  if (!context) {
#if defined( QT_RANGE_CHECK )
    qWarning("QSInterpreter::functions: context is null");
    return QStringList();
  QStringList lst;
  QSObject obj = d->interpreter->wrap(context);
  if (!obj.isUndefined())
    lst = d->interpreter->functionsOf(obj, flags & FunctionSignatures);
  return lst;
Exemple #5
  Returns all the variables declared in the contenxt \a context.

  \sa functions(), classes()
QStringList QSInterpreter::variables(QObject *context, bool includeStatic, bool includeCustom,
                                     bool includeMemberVariables) const
  if (!context) {
#if defined( QT_RANGE_CHECK )
    qWarning("QSInterpreter::variablesOf: context is null");
    return QStringList();
  QSObject obj = d->interpreter->wrap(context);
  QStringList lst;
  if (!obj.isUndefined())
    lst = d->interpreter->variablesOf(obj, includeStatic, includeCustom,
  return lst;
Exemple #6
void QSAEditor::completeQMetaObject( const QMetaObject *meta,
					 const QString &,
					 QVector<CompletionEntry> &res,
					 int flags,
					 QSObject &obj )
    QMap<QString, bool> propMap;
    bool includeSuperClass = (flags & IncludeSuperClass) == IncludeSuperClass;

    // properties
    const QMetaObject *m = meta;
    int num = m->propertyCount();

    for ( int j = 0; j < num; ++j ) {
        const QMetaProperty mp = m->property( j );
        if ( propMap.find( QString::fromLatin1(mp.name()) ) != propMap.end() )
        CompletionEntry c;
        propMap[QLatin1String(mp.name())] = false;
        c.type = QLatin1String("property");
        c.text = mp.name();
        c.prefix = QString();
        c.postfix2 = mp.typeName();
        QuickInterpreter::cleanType( c.postfix2 );
        if ( !c.postfix2.isEmpty() )
            c.postfix2.prepend( QLatin1String(" : ") );
        res.append( c );

    if ( includeSuperClass && obj.isValid() && !obj.isUndefined() ) {
        QStringList vars = interpreter()->variablesOf( obj, true );
        QStringList::iterator it;
        for ( it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it ) {
            CompletionEntry c;
            c.type = QLatin1String("variable");
            c.text = *it;
            c.prefix = QString();
            c.postfix2 = QString();
            res << c;

    // functions
    QList<Property> lst;
    QList<Property>::Iterator pit;
    getSlots( meta, lst, includeSuperClass, false, false );
    for ( pit  = lst.begin(); pit != lst.end(); ++pit ) {
        CompletionEntry c;
        c.type = QLatin1String("function");
        c.text = (*pit).name;
        c.postfix = QLatin1String("()");
        c.postfix2 = (*pit).type;
        if ( !c.postfix2.isEmpty() )
            c.postfix2.prepend( QString::fromLatin1(" : ") );
        res << c;
    if ( includeSuperClass && obj.isValid() && !obj.isUndefined() ) {
        QStringList funcs = interpreter()->functionsOf( obj, true, true, true );
        QStringList::Iterator it;
        for ( it = funcs.begin(); it != funcs.end(); ++it ) {
            CompletionEntry c;
            c.type = QLatin1String("function");
            c.text = *it;
            c.prefix = QString();
            c.postfix2 = QString();
            res << c;

    // enum values

    m = meta;
    for (int k=0; k<m->enumeratorCount(); ++k) {
        QMetaEnum me = m->enumerator(k);
        for (int l=0; l<me.keyCount(); ++l) {
            CompletionEntry c;
            c.type = QLatin1String("enum");
            c.text = QLatin1String(me.key(l));
            c.prefix = QString();
            c.postfix2 = QLatin1String(me.name());

            if (!c.postfix2.isEmpty())
                c.postfix2.prepend( QString::fromLatin1(" : ") );
            res << c;

    if ( includeSuperClass && obj.isValid() && !obj.isUndefined() ) {
        QStringList classes = interpreter()->classesOf( obj );
        QStringList::Iterator it;
        for ( it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it ) {
            CompletionEntry c;
            c.type = QLatin1String("class");
            c.text = *it;
            c.prefix = QString();
            c.postfix2 = QString();
            res << c;