void SearchLocationID::findNext( const QString& serverConfigFile ) { kdebugf(); connect(&httpClient_, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(downloadingFinished())); connect(&httpClient_, SIGNAL(error()), this, SLOT(downloadingError())); connect(&httpClient_, SIGNAL(redirected(QString)), this, SLOT(downloadingRedirected(QString))); serverConfigFile_ = serverConfigFile; if (weatherConfig_ != 0) delete weatherConfig_; weatherConfig_ = new PlainConfigFile(WeatherGlobal::getConfigPath(serverConfigFile_)); QString encoding = weatherConfig_->readEntry("Default","Encoding"); decoder_ = QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding.ascii()); host_ = weatherConfig_->readEntry("Name Search","Search host"); httpClient_.setHost(host_); QString encodedCity = city_; encodeUrl(&encodedCity, encoding); url_.sprintf(weatherConfig_->readEntry("Name Search","Search path").ascii() , encodedCity.ascii()); timerTimeout_->start(weather_global->CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, false); timeoutCount_ = weather_global->CONNECTION_COUNT; httpClient_.get(url_); kdebugf2(); }
void Q3GCache::statistics() const { #if defined(QT_DEBUG) QString line; line.fill(QLatin1Char('*'), 80); qDebug("%s", line.ascii()); qDebug("CACHE STATISTICS:"); qDebug("cache contains %d item%s, with a total cost of %d", count(), count() != 1 ? "s" : "", tCost); qDebug("maximum cost is %d, cache is %d%% full.", mCost, (200*tCost + mCost) / (mCost*2)); qDebug("find() has been called %d time%s", lruList->finds, lruList->finds != 1 ? "s" : ""); qDebug("%d of these were hits, items found had a total cost of %d.", lruList->hits,lruList->hitCosts); qDebug("%d item%s %s been inserted with a total cost of %d.", lruList->inserts,lruList->inserts != 1 ? "s" : "", lruList->inserts != 1 ? "have" : "has", lruList->insertCosts); qDebug("%d item%s %s too large or had too low priority to be inserted.", lruList->insertMisses, lruList->insertMisses != 1 ? "s" : "", lruList->insertMisses != 1 ? "were" : "was"); qDebug("%d item%s %s been thrown away with a total cost of %d.", lruList->dumps, lruList->dumps != 1 ? "s" : "", lruList->dumps != 1 ? "have" : "has", lruList->dumpCosts); qDebug("Statistics from internal dictionary class:"); dict->statistics(); qDebug("%s", line.ascii()); #endif }
void ElogConfigurationI::fillConfigurations() { QString strIPAddress; QString strName; QString strGroup; QString strEntry; KConfig cfg("kstrc", false, false); int iPortNumber; int i; for( i=0; i<10; i++ ) { strGroup.sprintf("ELOG%d", i ); cfg.setGroup(strGroup); strIPAddress = cfg.readEntry("IPAddress", ""); iPortNumber = cfg.readNumEntry("Port", 8080); strName = cfg.readEntry("Name", ""); strIPAddress.stripWhiteSpace(); strName.stripWhiteSpace(); if( !strIPAddress.isEmpty() ) { strEntry.sprintf( "%d [%s:%d:%s]", i, strIPAddress.ascii(), iPortNumber, strName.ascii() ); } else { strEntry.sprintf( "%d", i ); } comboBoxConfiguration->insertItem( strEntry ); } }
Talk::Talk(const QString &playername, QWidget * /* parent */, bool isplayer) : TalkGui() { name = playername; // create a new tab QString s = "MultiLineEdit1_" + QString::number(++counter); MultiLineEdit1->setName(s.ascii()) ; MultiLineEdit1->setCurrentFont(setting->fontComments); s = "LineEdit1_" + QString::number(++counter); LineEdit1->setName(s.ascii()); LineEdit1->setFont(setting->fontComments); // do not add a button for shouts* or channels tab if ( (name.find('*') != -1) || (!isplayer)) { delete pb_releaseTalkTab; delete pb_match; delete stats_layout; } }
//===================================== // XKeyboard::Layout/Model check //------------------------------------- void XKeyboard::validateLayout ( void ) { // log(L_INFO,"XKeyboard::validateLayout() called\n"); // ... // this function check if the currently used combination // of layout and model is valid according to the Keyboard.map // if not we will provide a warning // --- QString XkbModel; QString XkbLayout; QDictIterator<char> itModel (mModelHash); for (; itModel.current(); ++itModel) { if (QString::fromLocal8Bit(itModel.current()) == mType->currentText()) { XkbModel = itModel.currentKey(); } } // 2) primary XKB layout QDictIterator<char> itLayout (mLayoutHash); for (; itLayout.current(); ++itLayout) { if (QString::fromLocal8Bit(itLayout.current()) == mLayout->currentText()) { XkbLayout = itLayout.currentKey(); } } QString isValid = qx ( VALIDATELAYOUT,STDOUT,2,"%s %s", XkbModel.ascii(),XkbLayout.ascii() ); if (! isValid.toInt()) { setMessage ("noValidLayout"); } }
bool First_scr:: extract_values( std::vector<double>& values, const QString& tagname, QDomElement& elem, int id ) { QDomNodeList node = elem.elementsByTagName( tagname ); if( node.count() == 0 ) { GsTLcerr << "missing tag \"" << tagname.ascii() << "\" for variogram " << id << gstlIO::end; return false; } QDomElement dir_elem = node.item(0).toElement(); if( dir_elem.isNull() ) { GsTLcerr << "missing tag \"" << tagname.ascii() << "\" for variogram " << id << gstlIO::end; return false; } QString dir_str = dir_elem.text(); QStringList coords = QStringList::split( " ", dir_str, false ); values.clear(); for( int i=0 ; i < coords.size() ; i++ ) { values.push_back( coords[i].toDouble() ); } return true; }
//==================================== // getArrangement //------------------------------------ QDict<QString> SCCMonitorArrange::getArrangement ( void ) { QDict<QString> result; QList<SCCLayoutLine> layout = mMatrix->getLayout(); QListIterator<SCCLayoutLine> it (layout); for (; it.current(); ++it) { QString* key = new QString(); QString* value = new QString(); SCCLayoutLine* l = it.current(); int neighbour[4] = {l->mLeft,l->mRight,l->mTop,l->mBottom}; key->sprintf("Screen:Screen[%d]",mCardID[l->ID]); for (int n=0;n<4;n++) { if (neighbour[n] == -1) { value->sprintf ( "%s <none>",value->ascii() ); } else { value->sprintf ( "%s Screen[%d]",value->ascii(),neighbour[n] ); } } *value = value->stripWhiteSpace(); result.insert ( *key,value ); } return result; }
QString Unsettled::make_response ( const QString& chex, const QString& password ) const { int size = chex.length (); if ( size & 1 ) return "error"; size >>= 1; // convert challenge from hex to bin QString cbin; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { QString tmp = chex.mid ( 2 * i, 2 ); cbin.append ( ( char ) strtol ( tmp.ascii (), 0, 16 ) ); } // calculate response unsigned char rbin[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; MD5state_st md5; MD5_Init ( &md5 ); MD5_Update ( &md5, cbin.ascii (), size ); MD5_Update ( &md5, password.toAscii(), password.length () ); MD5_Final ( rbin, &md5 ); // convert response from bin to hex QString rhex; for ( int i = 0; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++ ) { char buffer[3]; snprintf ( buffer, 3, "%02x", rbin[i] ); rhex.append ( buffer ); } return rhex; }
QString SysIBM::fieldValue(const QString &fieldName, const QString &path) { int len = fieldName.length(); QString val; if (len < 1) return val; val = dbgReadPathString(path); if (val.length() < 1) return val; QStringList lines = QStringList::split("\n", val); for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it ) { QString line = (*it); if ((int) line.length() > len + 1 && line[len] == ':' && line.startsWith(fieldName)) { printf("%s: Value for field '%s': '%s'\n", path.ascii(), fieldName.ascii(), line.mid(len+2).stripWhiteSpace().ascii()); return line.mid(len+2).stripWhiteSpace(); } } return QString(); }
void SlotTester::invokeMember(const QString &str) { QString slotname = QString::number(QSLOT_CODE) + str; connect(this, SIGNAL(invoke()), this, slotname.ascii()); emit invoke(); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(invoke()), this, slotname.ascii()); }
bool LoadCustomizationFile(QString srcPath) { QString fn_Custom = QString("%1/%2.custom").arg(srcPath).arg(appName); DBG_OUT("Checking for Customization file: %s", fn_Custom.ascii() ); if (QFile::exists(fn_Custom)) { DBG_OUT("Customization file found. Loading custom parameters"); ZConfig* cstm_File = new ZConfig(fn_Custom); if (cstm_File->groupExists("UNPACK_TOOLS")) { FullPath_7z = cstm_File->readEntry("UNPACK_TOOLS","BIN_FULLPATH",APP_FULLPATH_7Z); DBG_OUT("UNPACK_TOOLS::BIN_FULLPATH : '%s'", FullPath_7z.ascii() ); } if (cstm_File->groupExists("MENU_CFGS")) { appMenuUUID = cstm_File->readEntry("MENU_CFGS","APP_MENU_UUID",APP_FULLPATH_7Z); DBG_OUT("MENU_CFGS::APP_MENU_UUID : '%s'", appMenuUUID.ascii() ); } delete cstm_File; return true; } return false; }
//===================================== // XAccessX reset and switch to Intro //------------------------------------- void XAccessX::resetPage (int reload) { // ... // this function is called if the xaccess dialog is finished or canceled // AccessX is an X11 extension which need a seperate configuration file // which is outside of the normal configuration create via ISaX. Therefore // we don`t need to serialize any data here // --- if (reload == PAGE_RELOAD) { if (mEnable -> isChecked()) { QFile* mHandle = new QFile ( "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/X0-config.keyboard" ); if (! mHandle -> open(IO_WriteOnly)) { log (L_ERROR, "XAccessX::open failed on: %s -> %s\n", mHandle->name().ascii(),strerror(errno) ); } QString* speed = new QString(); speed -> sprintf ( "%d",mLCD -> intValue() ); QDict<char> data; data.insert ("MouseKeysMaxSpeed=" , speed->ascii() ); data.insert ("MouseKeysDelay=" , "40"); data.insert ("MouseKeysInterval=" , "10" ); data.insert ("MouseKeysTimeToMax=", "1000" ); data.insert ("MouseKeysCurve=" , "0" ); data.insert ("Controls+=","MouseKeysAccel"); #if 0 data.insert ("Controls+=", "MouseKeysAccel + AccessxKeys" ); data.insert ("Feedback+=", "SlowKeysPress + SlowKeysAccept + StickyKeys + LatchToLock" ); #endif QDictIterator<char> it (data); for (; it.current(); ++it) { QString line; line.sprintf ("%s %s\n", it.currentKey().ascii(),it.current() ); mHandle -> writeBlock ( line.ascii(),line.length() ); } mHandle -> close(); } } if (reload == PAGE_RELOAD) { slotApply(); } mStatus -> clear(); slotIntro (mIndex); XTemplate::resetPage (); mStack -> raiseWidget (Intro); }
QStringList CEmoticons::fileList(const char *theme) { QString szdir = data->basedir + "/" + theme + "/"; QString szaltdir = data->altbasedir + "/" + theme + "/"; QStringList ret; QDir d(szdir); QDir altd(szaltdir); node_list_t list; node_list_t::iterator iter; struct node n; if (d.exists()) loadTheme(data, szdir.ascii(), list); else if (altd.exists()) loadTheme(data, szaltdir.ascii(), list); if (d.exists() || altd.exists()) { for (iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++) { n = *iter; ret << n.file; } } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { KApplication::kdeinitExec("konsole"); KApplication k(argc, argv, "klaunchertest"); kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs(kapp->name()); #if 0 QString error; QCString dcopService; int pid; int result = KApplication::startServiceByDesktopName( QString::fromLatin1("konsole"), QString::null, &error, &dcopService, &pid ); printf("Result = %d, error = \"%s\", dcopService = \"%s\", pid = %d\n", result, error.ascii(), dcopService.data(), pid); result = KApplication::startServiceByDesktopName( QString::fromLatin1("konqueror"), QString::null, &error, &dcopService, &pid ); printf("Result = %d, error = \"%s\", dcopService = \"%s\", pid = %d\n", result, error.ascii(), dcopService.data(), pid); #endif }
static void createSymlinks( const QString &location, const QString &package ) { QFile inFile( location + "/usr/lib/ipkg/info/" + package + ".list" ); mkdir( "/usr/lib/ipkg", 0777 ); mkdir( listDir, 0777 ); QFile outFile( listDir + package + ".list"); // odebug << "createSymlinks " << inFile.name().ascii() << " -> " << outFile.name().ascii() << "" << oendl; if ( inFile.open(IO_ReadOnly) && outFile.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { QTextStream in(&inFile); QTextStream out(&outFile); QString s; while ( !in.eof() ) { // until end of file... s = in.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' // odebug << "Read: " << s.ascii() << "" << oendl; if (s.find(location,0,true) >= 0) { // odebug << "Found!" << oendl; s = s.replace(location,""); } // odebug << "Read after: " << s.ascii() << "" << oendl; // for s, do link/mkdir. if ( s.right(1) == "/" ) { // odebug << "do mkdir for " << s.ascii() << "" << oendl; mkdir( s.ascii(), 0777 ); //possible optimization: symlink directories //that don't exist already. -- Risky. } else { // odebug << "do symlink for " << s.ascii() << "" << oendl; QFileInfo ffi( s ); //Don't try to symlink if a regular file exists already if ( !ffi.exists() || ffi.isSymLink() ) { if (symlink( (location+s).ascii(), s.ascii() ) != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { // perror("Symlink Failed! "); QString e=s.ascii(); e = e.replace(ffi.fileName(),""); // odebug << "DirName : " << e.ascii() << "" << oendl; system ( QString("mkdir -p ")+e.ascii() ); if (symlink( (location+s).ascii(), s.ascii() ) != 0) odebug << "Big problem creating symlink and directory" << oendl; } } // odebug << "Created << s.ascii() << oendl; out << s << "\n"; } else { odebug << "" << s.ascii() << " exists already, not symlinked" << oendl; } } } inFile.close(); outFile.close(); } }
//===================================== // set cursor for root window... //------------------------------------- void setMouseCursor (const QString& cursorName) { QString optc ("-cursor_name"); QString optd ("-display"); QString display ( DisplayString ( QApplication::desktop()->x11Display() )); qx (XSETROOT,STDNONE,4,"%s %s %s %s", optc.ascii(),cursorName.ascii(),optd.ascii(),display.ascii() ); }
QString SysIBM::dbgReadPathString(const QString &path) { QString ret = readPathString(path); printf("READ '%s':\n%s(END)\n\n", path.ascii(), ret.ascii()); return ret; }
bool SysIBM::dbgWritePathString(const QString &path, const QString &val) { bool ret = writePathString(path, val); printf("WRITE [%d] '%s' <- '%s'\n\n", ret, path.ascii(), val.ascii()); return ret; }
QString ZConfDlg::GetTodoPluginName(QString pluginPath) { printf("Entering GetTodoPluginName().\n"); QString name("S******g"); QString bs("F*****g"); void *libHandle; printf("Attempting to open %s.\n", pluginPath.ascii()); libHandle = dlopen(pluginPath.ascii(), RTLD_LAZY); if (!libHandle) { printf("Err: failed in call to dlopen.\n"); return bs; } dlclose(libHandle); printf("Exiting GetTodoPluginName().\n"); return name; /* printf("Entering the GetTodoPluginName() function.\n"); void *libHandle; create_todo_t pCreateFunc; destroy_todo_t pDestroyFunc; TodoPluginType *pTodoPlugin; QString name; printf("Created the functions variables.\n"); // Open the plugin and load the creation and destroy symbols. libHandle = dlopen(pluginPath.ascii(), RTLD_LAZY); if (!libHandle) { return QString("Failed to open .so file."); } pCreateFunc = (create_todo_t)dlsym(libHandle, "createTodoPlugin"); if (!pCreateFunc) { return QString("Failed to get create symbol."); } pDestroyFunc = (destroy_todo_t)dlsym(libHandle, "destroyTodoPlugin"); if (!pDestroyFunc) { return QString("Failed to get destroy symbol."); } pTodoPlugin = pCreateFunc(); if (!pTodoPlugin) { return QString("Failed to create object."); } // At this point it should be opened. name = QString(pTodoPlugin->GetPluginName()); pDestroyFunc(pTodoPlugin); dlclose(libHandle); printf("Exiting the GetTodoPluginName() function.\n"); return name; */ }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { QString fPath = QString(argv[0]); appName = fPath.mid( fPath.findRev("/") +1 ); appPath = fPath.left( fPath.findRev("/") ); DBG_OUT("App Name : %s", appName.ascii() ); DBG_OUT("App Path : %s", appPath.ascii() ); checkDirectories(); APPDB_Open(); ZApplication* app = new ZApplication(argc, argv); FullPath_7z = APP_FULLPATH_7Z; if ( !detectLanguageFile(appPath) ) { detectLanguageFile( APP_SYSFILES_PATH ); } if ( !LoadCustomizationFile(appPath) ) { LoadCustomizationFile( APP_SYSFILES_PATH ); } srand( (int)getpid() ); if (argc>1) { if ( checkParameters(argc,argv) ) { delete app; return 0; } } // LoadAllRegisteredApp(); DBG_OUT("Register Load DONE"); zBaseGUI *gui = new zBaseGUI(NULL); // DBG_OUT("GUI Done (gui = %Xl , app = %Xl )", (uint)gui, (uint)app); app->setMainWidget(gui); // DBG_OUT("Set Main"); gui->show(); int ret=app->exec(); //int ret=0; delete gui; delete app; APPDB_Close(); return ret; }
void VolumeGridRoverMainWindow::fileOpen() { QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, "Volume Files (*.rawiv *.rawv *.cvc *.mrc)", this, "open file dialog", "Choose a volume file" ); if(filename == QString::null) return; functionChangedSlot(); /* set the current transfer function so the slice appears correct */ #if 0 if(filename.endsWith(".rawiv",false)) { m_MappedVolumeFile = new MappedRawIVFile(filename.ascii(),true,true); if(!m_MappedVolumeFile->isValid()) cvcapp.log(5, boost::str(boost::format("VolumeFile::VolumeFile(): Could not load '%s'")%filename.ascii())); } else if(filename.endsWith(".rawv",false)) { m_MappedVolumeFile = new MappedRawVFile(filename.ascii(),true,true); if(!m_MappedVolumeFile->isValid()) cvcapp.log(5, boost::str(boost::format("VolumeFile::VolumeFile(): Could not load '%s'")%filename.ascii())); } else /* try to figure out the volume type */ { m_MappedVolumeFile = new MappedRawIVFile(filename.ascii(),true,false); if(m_MappedVolumeFile->isValid()) return; delete m_MappedVolumeFile; m_MappedVolumeFile = new MappedRawVFile(filename.ascii(),true,false); if(m_MappedVolumeFile->isValid()) return; delete m_MappedVolumeFile; m_MappedVolumeFile = NULL; cvcapp.log(5, "VolumeFile::VolumeFile(): m_MappedVolumeFile == NULL"); } if(m_VolumeGridRover->setVolume(m_MappedVolumeFile)) { functionChangedSlot(); setCaption(filename + " - Volume Grid Rover"); } else setCaption("Volume Grid Rover"); #endif VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo vfi(filename.ascii()); m_VolumeFileInfo = vfi; m_VolumeGridRover->setVolume(vfi); setCaption(filename + " - Volume Grid Rover"); }
// // addButton - add a button // // Creates a new button given all the paramerters for it // (this is for a public slot) // void MsgDialog::addButton(const QString &name, const QString &filter, const QColor &color, bool bAct) { #ifdef DEBUGMSG qDebug("addButton() '%s', '%s', '%s' %s", name.ascii(), filter.ascii(), color.name().ascii(), bAct?"Active":"InActive"); #endif newButton(name, filter, color, bAct); } // end addButton()
bool GraphModeler::getSaveFilename(std::string &filename) { QString s = sofa::gui::qt::getSaveFileName ( this, NULL, "Scenes (*.scn *.xml)", "save file dialog", "Choose where the scene will be saved" ); if ( s.length() >0 ) { std::string extension=sofa::helper::system::SetDirectory::GetExtension(s.ascii()); if (extension.empty()) s+=QString(".scn"); filename = s.ascii(); return true; } return false; }
/* Create a child MetaSGS or SWS to associate with a simulation */ QString Gridifier::makeSteeringService(const QString &factory, const LauncherConfig &config, const QString &parentEPR){ struct soap mySoap; struct sws__AddChildRequest request; struct sws__AddChildResponse response; struct wsrp__SetResourcePropertiesResponse setRPresponse; char tmpBuf1[256]; char tmpBuf2[256]; QString callBuf; QString result; QString epr = this->makeSteeringService(factory, config); if(epr.isEmpty()) return epr; // Tell the child service about its parent callBuf = "<parentEPR>" + parentEPR + "</parentEPR>"; soap_init(&mySoap); cout << "makeSteeringService: Calling SetResourceProperties with >>" << callBuf << "<<" << endl; if(soap_call_wsrp__SetResourceProperties(&mySoap, epr, "", (char*)callBuf.ascii(), &setRPresponse) != SOAP_OK){ cout << "makeSteeringService: SetResourceProperties failed:" << endl; soap_print_fault(&mySoap, stderr); soap_end(&mySoap); soap_done(&mySoap); return result; } // Now tell the parent about this child snprintf(tmpBuf1, 256, "%s", epr.ascii()); snprintf(tmpBuf2, 256, "%s", config.mJobData->mSoftwareDescription.ascii()); request.epr = tmpBuf1; request.name = tmpBuf2; if( soap_call_sws__AddChild(&mySoap, parentEPR, "", request, &response) != SOAP_OK ){ cout << "makeSteeringService: AddChild failed:" << endl; soap_print_fault(&mySoap, stderr); } else { result = epr; } soap_end(&mySoap); soap_done(&mySoap); return result; }
//===================================== // XQuery run query... //------------------------------------- QString* XQuery::run (void) { QString optd ("-d"); QString dpy (DisplayString (x11Display())); if (mArg.isEmpty()) { if (! errorCheck) { *mResult = qx ( XQUERY,STDOUT,3,"%s %s %s", optd.ascii(),dpy.ascii(),mOpt.ascii() ); } else { *mResult = qx ( XQUERY,STDERR,3,"%s %s %s", optd.ascii(),dpy.ascii(),mOpt.ascii() ); } } else { if (! errorCheck) { *mResult = qx ( XQUERY,STDOUT,4,"%s %s %s %s", optd.ascii(),dpy.ascii(),mOpt.ascii(),mArg.ascii() ); } else { *mResult = qx ( XQUERY,STDERR,4,"%s %s %s %s", optd.ascii(),dpy.ascii(),mOpt.ascii(),mArg.ascii() ); } } return (mResult); }
void ElogThread::addAttachment( QDataStream& stream, const QString& boundary, const QByteArray& byteArray, int iFileNumber, const QString& name ) { if (byteArray.count() > 0) { QString strStart = QString("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attfile%1\"; filename=\"%2\"\r\n\r\n").arg(iFileNumber).arg(name); QString strEnd = QString("%1\r\n").arg(boundary); stream.writeRawBytes(strStart.ascii(), strStart.length()); stream.writeRawBytes(byteArray.data(), byteArray.count()); stream.writeRawBytes(strEnd.ascii(), strEnd.length()); } }
int main (void) { SaXException().setDebug (true); QDict<SaXImport> section; int importID[] = { SAX_POINTERS, SAX_LAYOUT }; printf ("Importing data...\n"); SaXConfig* config = new SaXConfig; for (int id=0; id<2; id++) { SaXImport* import = new SaXImport ( importID[id] ); import -> setSource ( SAX_SYSTEM_CONFIG ); import -> doImport(); config -> addImport (import); section.insert ( import->getSectionName(),import ); } printf ("Adding new pointer device... "); SaXManipulateDevices dev ( section["Pointers"],section["Layout"] ); int tabletID = dev.addInputDevice (SAX_INPUT_TABLET); printf ("ID: %d is [SAX_INPUT_TABLET]: added\n",tabletID); printf ("Setting up tablet data... "); SaXManipulateTablets pointer ( section["Pointers"],section["Layout"] ); if (pointer.selectPointer (tabletID)) { QList<QString> tabletList = pointer.getTabletList(); QList<QString> penList = pointer.getPenList(); QString* myTablet = tabletList.at (3); QString* myPen = penList.at(3); pointer.setTablet( *myTablet ); pointer.addPen ( *myPen ); printf ("Tablet: [%s] with pen: [%s] configured\n", myTablet->ascii(),myPen->ascii() ); } printf ("writing configuration\n"); config -> setMode (SAX_MERGE); if ( ! config -> createConfiguration() ) { printf ("%s\n",config->errorString().ascii()); printf ("%s\n",config->getParseErrorValue().ascii()); return 1; } return (0); }
void MythPianoService::BroadcastMessage(const char *format, ...) { QString buffer; va_list args; va_start(args, format); buffer.vsprintf(format, args); va_end(args); if(debug) printf("**** MythPianoService: %s\n", buffer.ascii()); if (m_Listener) m_Listener->RecvMessage(buffer.ascii()); }
int Transmitter::call(QString host, int port, int prot) { init(prot); int sd = -1; sa.sin_port = htons(port); if (inet_aton(host.ascii(), &sa.sin_addr) == 0) { struct hostent *he; he = gethostbyname(host.ascii()); if (he == NULL) throw Error(tr("can't resolve ") + host.ascii()); sa.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) he ->h_addr; } int type = 0; switch(protocol) { case DRTA_UDP: type = SOCK_DGRAM; break; case DRTA_TCP: case DRTA_SCTP: type = SOCK_STREAM; break; case DRTA_SCTP_UDP: type = SOCK_SEQPACKET; break; default: throw Error("unknown protocol"); } if ((sd = socket(AF_INET, type, 0)) == -1) throw Error(tr("can't initalize socket (") + strerror(errno)+ tr(")")); if ((::connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)))==-1) throw Error(strerror(errno)); start(sd); initRecorder(); return sd; }
KJS::Value JSObjectProxy::get( KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::Identifier &p ) const { if ( !isAllowed( exec->interpreter() ) ) { kdWarning() << "JS get request from unknown interpreter, ignoring" << endl; return KJS::Null(); } if ( !policy->isPropertyAllowed( this, obj, p.ascii() ) ) return ObjectImp::get( exec, p ); if ( !obj ) { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ustring().qstring() << "' but qobj has died" << endl; return ObjectImp::get( exec, p ); } kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ascii() << endl; // Properties QString prop = p.ustring().qstring(); QMetaObject *meta = obj->metaObject(); if ( meta->findProperty( p.ascii(), true ) != -1 ) { QVariant val = obj->property( prop.ascii() ); kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ascii() << "' ( " << val.typeName() << ")" << endl; return convertToValue( exec, val ); } return ObjectImp::get ( exec, p ); }