static void parse( MetaTranslator *tor, const char *initialContext, const char *defaultContext ) { QMap<QCString, QCString> qualifiedContexts; QStringList namespaces; QCString context; QCString text; QCString com; QCString functionContext = initialContext; QCString prefix; bool utf8 = FALSE; bool missing_Q_OBJECT = FALSE; yyTok = getToken(); while ( yyTok != Tok_Eof ) { switch ( yyTok ) { case Tok_class: /* Partial support for inlined functions. */ yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() && yyParenDepth == 0 ) { do { /* This code should execute only once, but we play safe with impure definitions such as 'class Q_EXPORT QMessageBox', in which case 'QMessageBox' is the class name, not 'Q_EXPORT'. */ functionContext = yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); } while ( yyTok == Tok_Ident ); while ( yyTok == Tok_Gulbrandsen ) { yyTok = getToken(); functionContext += "::"; functionContext += yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); } if ( yyTok == Tok_Colon ) { missing_Q_OBJECT = TRUE; } else { functionContext = defaultContext; } } break; case Tok_namespace: yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok == Tok_Ident ) { QCString ns = yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok == Tok_LeftBrace && yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() + 1 ) namespaces.append( QString(ns) ); } break; case Tok_tr: case Tok_trUtf8: utf8 = ( yyTok == Tok_trUtf8 ); yyTok = getToken(); if ( match(Tok_LeftParen) && matchString(&text) ) { com = ""; if ( match(Tok_RightParen) || (match(Tok_Comma) && matchString(&com) && match(Tok_RightParen)) ) { if ( prefix.isNull() ) { context = functionContext; if ( !namespaces.isEmpty() ) context.prepend( (namespaces.join(QString("::")) + QString("::")).latin1() ); } else { context = prefix; } prefix = (const char *) 0; if ( qualifiedContexts.contains(context) ) context = qualifiedContexts[context]; tor->insert( MetaTranslatorMessage(context, text, com, QString::null, utf8) ); if ( lacks_Q_OBJECT.contains(context) ) { qWarning( "%s:%d: Class '%s' lacks Q_OBJECT macro", (const char *) yyFileName, yyLineNo, (const char *) context ); lacks_Q_OBJECT.remove( context ); } else { needs_Q_OBJECT.insert( context, 0 ); } } } break; case Tok_translate: utf8 = FALSE; yyTok = getToken(); if ( match(Tok_LeftParen) && matchString(&context) && match(Tok_Comma) && matchString(&text) ) { com = ""; if ( match(Tok_RightParen) || (match(Tok_Comma) && matchString(&com) && (match(Tok_RightParen) || match(Tok_Comma) && matchEncoding(&utf8) && match(Tok_RightParen))) ) tor->insert( MetaTranslatorMessage(context, text, com, QString::null, utf8) ); } break; case Tok_Q_OBJECT: missing_Q_OBJECT = FALSE; yyTok = getToken(); break; case Tok_Ident: if ( !prefix.isNull() ) prefix += "::"; prefix += yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok != Tok_Gulbrandsen ) prefix = (const char *) 0; break; case Tok_Comment: com = yyComment; com = com.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( com.left(sizeof(MagicComment) - 1) == MagicComment ) { com.remove( 0, sizeof(MagicComment) - 1 ); int k = com.find( ' ' ); if ( k == -1 ) { context = com; } else { context = com.left( k ); com.remove( 0, k + 1 ); tor->insert( MetaTranslatorMessage(context, "", com, QString::null, FALSE) ); } /* Provide a backdoor for people using "using namespace". See the manual for details. */ k = 0; while ( (k = context.find("::", k)) != -1 ) { qualifiedContexts.insert( context.mid(k + 2), context ); k++; } } yyTok = getToken(); break; case Tok_Arrow: yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok == Tok_tr || yyTok == Tok_trUtf8 ) qWarning( "%s:%d: Cannot invoke tr() like this", (const char *) yyFileName, yyLineNo ); break; case Tok_Gulbrandsen: // at top level? if ( yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() && yyParenDepth == 0 ) functionContext = prefix; yyTok = getToken(); break; case Tok_RightBrace: case Tok_Semicolon: if ( yyBraceDepth >= 0 && yyBraceDepth + 1 == (int) namespaces.count() ) namespaces.remove( namespaces.fromLast() ); if ( yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() ) { if ( missing_Q_OBJECT ) { if ( needs_Q_OBJECT.contains(functionContext) ) { qWarning( "%s:%d: Class '%s' lacks Q_OBJECT macro", (const char *) yyFileName, yyLineNo, (const char *) functionContext ); } else { lacks_Q_OBJECT.insert( functionContext, 0 ); } } functionContext = defaultContext; missing_Q_OBJECT = FALSE; } yyTok = getToken(); break; default: yyTok = getToken(); } } if ( yyBraceDepth != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d: Unbalanced braces in C++ code (or abuse of the C++" " preprocessor)\n", (const char *)yyFileName, yyBraceLineNo ); else if ( yyParenDepth != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d: Unbalanced parentheses in C++ code (or abuse of the C++" " preprocessor)\n", (const char *)yyFileName, yyParenLineNo ); }
QQmlEngine* MScore::qml() { if (_qml == 0) { //-----------some qt bindings _qml = new QQmlEngine; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QStringList importPaths; QDir dir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QString("/../qml")); importPaths.append(dir.absolutePath()); _qml->setImportPathList(importPaths); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QStringList importPaths; QDir dir(mscoreGlobalShare + QString("/qml")); importPaths.append(dir.absolutePath()); _qml->setImportPathList(importPaths); #endif qmlRegisterType<MsProcess> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "QProcess"); qmlRegisterType<FileIO, 1> ("FileIO", 1, 0, "FileIO"); //-----------mscore bindings qmlRegisterUncreatableType<Direction>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Direction", tr("You can't create an enumeration")); qmlRegisterType<MScore> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "MScore"); qmlRegisterType<MsScoreView>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "ScoreView"); // qmlRegisterType<QmlPlugin> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "MuseScore"); qmlRegisterType<Score> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Score"); qmlRegisterType<Segment> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Segment"); qmlRegisterType<Chord> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Chord"); qmlRegisterType<Note> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Note"); qmlRegisterType<NoteHead> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "NoteHead"); qmlRegisterType<Accidental> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Accidental"); qmlRegisterType<Rest> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Rest"); qmlRegisterType<Measure> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Measure"); qmlRegisterType<Cursor> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Cursor"); qmlRegisterType<StaffText> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "StaffText"); qmlRegisterType<Part> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Part"); qmlRegisterType<Staff> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Staff"); qmlRegisterType<Harmony> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Harmony"); qmlRegisterType<PageFormat> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "PageFormat"); qmlRegisterType<TimeSig> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "TimeSig"); qmlRegisterType<KeySig> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "KeySig"); qmlRegisterType<Slur> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Slur"); qmlRegisterType<Tie> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Tie"); qmlRegisterType<NoteDot> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "NoteDot"); qmlRegisterType<FiguredBass>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "FiguredBass"); qmlRegisterType<Text> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "MText"); qmlRegisterType<Lyrics> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Lyrics"); qmlRegisterType<FiguredBassItem>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "FiguredBassItem"); qmlRegisterType<LayoutBreak>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "LayoutBreak"); qmlRegisterType<Hook> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Hook"); qmlRegisterType<Stem> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Stem"); qmlRegisterType<StemSlash> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "StemSlash"); qmlRegisterType<Beam> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Beam"); qmlRegisterType<Excerpt> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Excerpt"); qmlRegisterType<BarLine> ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "BarLine"); qmlRegisterType<FractionWrapper> ("MuseScore", 1, 1, "Fraction"); qRegisterMetaType<FractionWrapper*>("FractionWrapper*"); qmlRegisterUncreatableType<Element>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Element", tr("you cannot create an element")); //classed enumerations qmlRegisterUncreatableType<MSQE_TextStyleType>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "TextStyleType", tr("You can't create an enum")); qmlRegisterUncreatableType<MSQE_BarLineType>("MuseScore", 1, 0, "BarLineType", tr("You can't create an enum")); //-----------virtual classes qmlRegisterType<ChordRest>(); qmlRegisterType<SlurTie>(); qmlRegisterType<Spanner>(); } return _qml; }
static QStringList idsToNames(QVector<ID> ids) { QStringList decs; foreach (ID id, ids) { decs.append(Factory::name(id).c_str()); }
void QEnhancedTableView::copySelectionToExcel() { if (!model()) return; if (!selectionModel()) return; QModelIndexList sel=selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); QSet<int> rows, cols; int colmin=0; int rowmin=0; for (int i=0; i<sel.size(); i++) { int r=sel[i].row(); int c=sel[i].column(); rows.insert(r); cols.insert(c); if (i==0) { colmin=c; rowmin=r; } else { if (c<colmin) colmin=c; if (r<rowmin) rowmin=r; } } QList<int> rowlist=QList<int>::fromSet(rows); qSort(rowlist.begin(), rowlist.end()); QList<int> collist=QList<int>::fromSet(cols); qSort(collist.begin(), collist.end()); int rowcnt=rowlist.size(); int colcnt=collist.size(); QList<QStringList> data; // header row: // // <EMPTY> | <HOR_HEDER1> | <HOR_HEADER2> | ... QStringList hrow; hrow.append(""); // empty header for first column (vertical headers!) for (int c=0; c<colcnt; c++) { hrow.append(QString("\"%1\"").arg(model()->headerData(collist[c], Qt::Horizontal).toString())); } data.append(hrow); // now add dta rows: // // <~~~~~~~~~ colcnt times ~~~~~~~~~~> // <VER_HEADER> | <EMPTY> | <EMPTY> | ... | <EMPTY> for (int r=0; r<rowcnt; r++) { QStringList row; row.append(QString("\"%1\"").arg(model()->headerData(rowlist[r], Qt::Vertical).toString())); // vertical header for (int c=0; c<colcnt; c++) { row.append(""); // empty columns for data } data.append(row); } for (int i=0; i<sel.size(); i++) { int r=rowlist.indexOf(sel[i].row()); int c=collist.indexOf(sel[i].column()); QVariant vdata=sel[i].data(Qt::EditRole); QString txt=""; switch (vdata.type()) { case QVariant::Int: case QVariant::LongLong: case QVariant::UInt: case QVariant::ULongLong: case QVariant::Bool: txt=vdata.toString(); break; case QVariant::Double: txt=QLocale().toString(vdata.toDouble()); break; case QVariant::PointF: txt=QLocale().toString(vdata.toPointF().x()); break; default: txt=QString("\"%1\"").arg(vdata.toString()); break; } if ((r>=0) && (c>=0) && (r<=data.size()) && (c<=colcnt))data[r+1][c+1]=txt; } QString result=""; for (int r=0; r<data.size(); r++) { result+=data[r].join("\t")+"\n"; } QApplication::clipboard()->setText(result); }
/** * Constructor */ SystemSettings::SystemSettings(): UAVDataObject(OBJID, ISSINGLEINST, ISSETTINGS, NAME) { // Create fields QList<UAVObjectField *> fields; QStringList GUIConfigDataElemNames; GUIConfigDataElemNames.append("0"); GUIConfigDataElemNames.append("1"); GUIConfigDataElemNames.append("2"); GUIConfigDataElemNames.append("3"); fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString("GUIConfigData"), QString("bits"), UAVObjectField::UINT32, GUIConfigDataElemNames, QStringList(), QString(""))); QStringList AirSpeedMaxElemNames; AirSpeedMaxElemNames.append("0"); fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString("AirSpeedMax"), QString("m/s"), UAVObjectField::FLOAT32, AirSpeedMaxElemNames, QStringList(), QString(""))); QStringList AirSpeedMinElemNames; AirSpeedMinElemNames.append("0"); fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString("AirSpeedMin"), QString("m/s"), UAVObjectField::FLOAT32, AirSpeedMinElemNames, QStringList(), QString(""))); QStringList AirframeTypeElemNames; AirframeTypeElemNames.append("0"); QStringList AirframeTypeEnumOptions; AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("FixedWing"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("FixedWingElevon"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("FixedWingVtail"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("VTOL"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("HeliCP"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("QuadX"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("QuadP"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("Hexa"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("Octo"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("Custom"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("HexaX"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("OctoV"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("OctoCoaxP"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("OctoCoaxX"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("HexaCoax"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("Tri"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("GroundVehicleCar"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("GroundVehicleDifferential"); AirframeTypeEnumOptions.append("GroundVehicleMotorcycle"); fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString("AirframeType"), QString(""), UAVObjectField::ENUM, AirframeTypeElemNames, AirframeTypeEnumOptions, QString(""))); QStringList ThrustControlElemNames; ThrustControlElemNames.append("0"); QStringList ThrustControlEnumOptions; ThrustControlEnumOptions.append("Throttle"); ThrustControlEnumOptions.append("Collective"); ThrustControlEnumOptions.append("None"); fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString("ThrustControl"), QString(""), UAVObjectField::ENUM, ThrustControlElemNames, ThrustControlEnumOptions, QString(""))); // Initialize object initializeFields(fields, (quint8 *)&data, NUMBYTES); // Set the default field values setDefaultFieldValues(); // Set the object description setDescription(DESCRIPTION); // Set the Category of this object type setCategory(CATEGORY); connect(this, SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject *)), SLOT(emitNotifications())); }
// Index any files that are attached. void IndexRunner::indexAttachment(qint32 lid, Resource &r) { if (!officeFound) return; QLOG_DEBUG() << "indexing attachment to note " << lid; if (!keepRunning || pauseIndexing) { indexTimer->start(); return; } ResourceTable rtable(db); qint32 reslid = rtable.getLid(r.guid); if (lid <= 0) { indexTimer->start(); return; } QLOG_DEBUG() << "Resource " << reslid; QString extension = ""; ResourceAttributes attributes; if (r.attributes.isSet()) attributes = r.attributes; if (attributes.fileName.isSet()) { extension = attributes.fileName; int i = extension.indexOf("."); if (i != -1) extension = extension.mid(i); } if (extension != ".doc" && extension != ".xls" && extension != ".ppt" && extension != ".docx" && extension != ".xlsx" && extension != ".pptx" && extension != ".pps" && extension != ".pdf" && extension != ".odt" && extension != ".odf" && extension != ".ott" && extension != ".odm" && extension != ".html" && extension != ".txt" && extension != ".oth" && extension != ".ods" && extension != ".ots" && extension != ".odg" && extension != ".otg" && extension != ".odp" && extension != ".otp" && extension != ".odb" && extension != ".oxt" && extension != ".htm" && extension != ".docm") return; QString file = global.fileManager.getDbaDirPath() + QString::number(reslid) +extension; QFile dataFile(file); if (!dataFile.exists()) { QDir dir(global.fileManager.getDbaDirPath()); QStringList filterList; filterList.append(QString::number(lid)+".*"); QStringList list= dir.entryList(filterList, QDir::Files); if (list.size() > 0) { file = global.fileManager.getDbaDirPath()+list[0]; } } QString outDir = global.fileManager.getTmpDirPath(); QProcess sofficeProcess; QString cmd = "soffice --headless --convert-to txt:\"Text\" --outdir " +outDir + " " +file; sofficeProcess.start(cmd, QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Unbuffered); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Starting soffice "; sofficeProcess.waitForStarted(); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Waiting for completion"; sofficeProcess.waitForFinished(); int rc = sofficeProcess.exitCode(); QLOG_DEBUG() << "soffice Errors:" << sofficeProcess.readAllStandardError(); QLOG_DEBUG() << "soffice Output:" << sofficeProcess.readAllStandardOutput(); QLOG_DEBUG() << "return code:" << rc; if (rc == 255) { QLOG_ERROR() << "soffice not found. Disabling attachment indexing."; this->officeFound = false; return; } QFile txtFile(outDir+QString::number(reslid) +".txt"); if ( { QString text; text = txtFile.readAll(); NSqlQuery sql(db); db->lockForWrite(); sql.prepare("Insert into SearchIndex (lid, weight, source, content) values (:lid, :weight, 'recognition', :content)"); sql.bindValue(":lid", lid); sql.bindValue(":weight", 100); sql.bindValue(":content", text); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Adding note resource to index DB"; sql.exec(); db->unlock(); txtFile.close(); } QDir dir; dir.remove(outDir+QString::number(reslid) +".txt"); }
void LogViewWindow::createLog(LogFile * pLog, int iId, QString * pszFile) { if(!pLog) return; QRegExp rx; QString szLog, szLogDir, szInputBuffer, szOutputBuffer, szLine, szTmp; QString szDate = pLog->date().toString("yyyy.MM.dd"); /* Fetching previous export path and concatenating with generated filename * adjustFilePath is for file paths not directory paths */ szLog = KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringLogsExportPath).trimmed(); if (!szLog.isEmpty()) szLog += KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR; szLog += QString("%1_%2.%3_%4").arg(pLog->typeString(),pLog->name(),pLog->network(),szDate); KviFileUtils::adjustFilePath(szLog); // Getting output file path from the user, with overwrite confirmation if(!KviFileDialog::askForSaveFileName( szLog, __tr2qs_ctx("Export Log - KVIrc","log"), szLog, QString(), false, true, true, this)) return; /* Save export directory - this directory path is also used in the HTML export * and info is used when working with pszFile */ QFileInfo info(szLog); szLogDir = info.absoluteDir().absolutePath(); KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringLogsExportPath) = szLogDir; /* Reading in log file - LogFiles are read in as bytes, so '\r' isn't * sanitised by default */ pLog->getText(szInputBuffer); QStringList lines = szInputBuffer.replace('\r', "").split('\n'); switch(iId) { case LogFile::PlainText: { /* Only append extension if it isn't there already (e.g. a specific * file is to be overwritten) */ if(!szLog.endsWith(".txt")) szLog += ".txt"; // Scan the file for(QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { szTmp = (*it); szLine = KviControlCodes::stripControlBytes(szTmp); // Remove icons' code rx.setPattern("^\\d{1,3}\\s"); szLine.replace(rx,""); // Remove link from a user speaking, deal with (and keep) various ranks // e.g.: <!ncHelLViS69> --> <HelLViS69> rx.setPattern("\\s<([+%@&~!]?)!nc"); szLine.replace(rx," <\\1"); // Remove link from a nick in a mask // e.g.: !nFoo [~bar@!] --> Foo [~bar@!] rx.setPattern("\\s!n"); szLine.replace(rx," "); // Remove link from a host in a mask // e.g.: Foo [~bar@!] --> Foo [[email protected]] rx.setPattern("@!h"); szLine.replace(rx,"@"); // Remove link from a channel // e.g.: !c#KVIrc --> #KVIrc rx.setPattern("!c#"); szLine.replace(rx,"#"); szOutputBuffer += szLine; szOutputBuffer += "\n"; } break; } case LogFile::HTML: { /* Only append extension if it isn't there already (e.g. a specific * file is to be overwritten) */ if(!szLog.endsWith(".html")) szLog += ".html"; szTmp = QString("KVIrc %1 %2").arg(KVI_VERSION).arg(KVI_RELEASE_NAME); QString szNick = ""; bool bFirstLine = true; QString szTitle; switch(pLog->type()) { case LogFile::Channel: szTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("Channel %1 on %2","log").arg(pLog->name(),pLog->network()); break; case LogFile::Console: szTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("Console on %1","log").arg(pLog->network()); break; case LogFile::Query: szTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("Query with %1 on %2","log").arg(pLog->name(),pLog->network()); break; case LogFile::DccChat: szTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("DCC Chat with %1","log").arg(pLog->name()); break; case LogFile::Other: szTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("Something on %1","log").arg(pLog->network()); break; } // Prepare HTML document szOutputBuffer += "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n"; szOutputBuffer += "<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n"; szOutputBuffer += "<head>\n"; szOutputBuffer += "\t<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8\" />\n"; szOutputBuffer += "\t<meta name=\"author\" content=\"" + szTmp + "\" />\n"; szOutputBuffer += "\t<title>" + szTitle + "</title>\n"; szOutputBuffer += "</head>\n<body>\n"; szOutputBuffer += "<h2>" + szTitle + "</h2>\n<h3>Date: " + szDate + "</h3>\n"; // Scan the file for(QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { szTmp = (*it); // Find who has talked QString szTmpNick = szTmp.section(" ",2,2); if((szTmpNick.left(1) != "<") && (szTmpNick.right(1) != ">")) szTmpNick = ""; // locate msgtype QString szNum = szTmp.section(' ',0,0); bool bOk; int iMsgType = szNum.toInt(&bOk); // only human text for now... if(iMsgType != 24 && iMsgType != 25 && iMsgType != 26) continue; // remove msgtype tag szTmp = szTmp.remove(0,szNum.length()+1); szTmp = KviHtmlGenerator::convertToHtml(szTmp,true); // insert msgtype icon at start of the current text line KviMessageTypeSettings msg(KVI_OPTION_MSGTYPE(iMsgType)); QString szIcon = g_pIconManager->getSmallIconResourceName((KviIconManager::SmallIcon)msg.pixId()); szTmp.prepend("<img src=\"" + szIcon + "\" alt=\"\" /> "); /* * Check if the nick who has talked is the same of the above line. * If so, we have to put the line as it is, otherwise we have to * open a new paragraph */ if(szTmpNick != szNick) { /* * People is not the same, close the paragraph opened * before and open a new one */ if(!bFirstLine) szOutputBuffer += "</p>\n"; szTmp.prepend("<p>"); szNick = szTmpNick; } else { // Break the line szTmp.prepend("<br />\n"); } szOutputBuffer += szTmp; bFirstLine = false; } // Close the last paragraph szOutputBuffer += "</p>\n"; // regexp to search all embedded icons rx.setPattern("<img src=\"smallicons:([^\"]+)"); int iIndex = szOutputBuffer.indexOf(rx); QStringList szImagesList; // search for icons while (iIndex >= 0) { int iLength = rx.matchedLength(); QString szCap = rx.cap(1); // if the icon isn't in the images list then add if(szImagesList.indexOf(szCap) == -1) szImagesList.append(szCap); iIndex = szOutputBuffer.indexOf(rx, iIndex + iLength); } // get current theme path QString szCurrentThemePath; g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(szCurrentThemePath,KviApplication::Themes,KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringIconThemeSubdir)); szCurrentThemePath += KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR; // current coresmall path szCurrentThemePath += "coresmall"; szCurrentThemePath += KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR; // check if coresmall exists in current theme if(!KviFileUtils::directoryExists(szCurrentThemePath)) { // get global coresmall path g_pApp->getGlobalKvircDirectory(szCurrentThemePath,KviApplication::Pics,"coresmall"); KviQString::ensureLastCharIs(szCurrentThemePath,QChar(KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR)); } // copy all icons to the log destination folder for(int i=0; i < szImagesList.count(); i++) { QString szSourceFile = szCurrentThemePath +; QString szDestFile = szLogDir +; KviFileUtils::copyFile(szSourceFile,szDestFile); } // remove internal tags rx.setPattern("<qt>|</qt>|smallicons:"); szOutputBuffer.replace(rx,""); szOutputBuffer.replace(">!nc",">"); szOutputBuffer.replace("@!nc","@"); szOutputBuffer.replace("%!nc","%"); // Close the document szOutputBuffer += "</body>\n</html>\n"; break; } } // File overwriting already dealt with when file path was obtained QFile log(szLog); if(! | QIODevice::Text)) return; if(pszFile) { *pszFile = ""; *pszFile = info.filePath(); } // Ensure we're writing in UTF-8 QTextStream output(&log); output.setCodec("UTF-8"); output << szOutputBuffer; // Close file descriptors log.close(); }
// parsing QHash<QString, QVariant> Parser::parse(QStringList argv) { QHash<QString, QVariant> map; QStringListIterator it(argv); QString programName =; QString optionPrefix; QString flagPrefix; QListIterator<PositionalDef *> positionals(m_positionals); QStringList expecting; getPrefix(optionPrefix, flagPrefix); while (it.hasNext()) { QString arg =; if (!expecting.isEmpty()) // we were expecting an argument { QString name = expecting.first(); /* if (map.contains(name)) throw ParsingError( QString("Option %2%1 was given multiple times").arg(name, optionPrefix)); */ map[name] = QVariant(arg); expecting.removeFirst(); continue; } if (arg.startsWith(optionPrefix)) // we have an option { // qDebug("Found option %s", qPrintable(arg)); QString name = arg.mid(optionPrefix.length()); QString equals; if ((m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::Equals || m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::SpaceAndEquals) && name.contains("=")) { int i = name.indexOf("="); equals = name.mid(i + 1); name = name.left(i); } if (m_options.contains(name)) { /* if (map.contains(name)) throw ParsingError(QString("Option %2%1 was given multiple times") .arg(name, optionPrefix)); */ OptionDef *option = m_options[name]; if (option->type == otSwitch) map[name] = true; else // if (option->type == otOption) { if (m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::Space) expecting.append(name); else if (!equals.isNull()) map[name] = equals; else if (m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::SpaceAndEquals) expecting.append(name); else throw ParsingError(QString("Option %2%1 reqires an argument.") .arg(name, optionPrefix)); } continue; } throw ParsingError(QString("Unknown Option %2%1").arg(name, optionPrefix)); } if (arg.startsWith(flagPrefix)) // we have (a) flag(s) { // qDebug("Found flags %s", qPrintable(arg)); QString flags = arg.mid(flagPrefix.length()); QString equals; if ((m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::Equals || m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::SpaceAndEquals) && flags.contains("=")) { int i = flags.indexOf("="); equals = flags.mid(i + 1); flags = flags.left(i); } for (int i = 0; i < flags.length(); i++) { QChar flag =; if (!m_flags.contains(flag)) throw ParsingError(QString("Unknown flag %2%1").arg(flag, flagPrefix)); OptionDef *option = m_flags[flag]; /* if (map.contains(option->name)) throw ParsingError(QString("Option %2%1 was given multiple times") .arg(option->name, optionPrefix)); */ if (option->type == otSwitch) map[option->name] = true; else // if (option->type == otOption) { if (m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::Space) expecting.append(option->name); else if (!equals.isNull()) if (i == flags.length() - 1) map[option->name] = equals; else throw ParsingError(QString("Flag %4%2 of Argument-requiring Option " "%1 not last flag in %4%3") .arg(option->name, flag, flags, flagPrefix)); else if (m_argStyle == ArgumentStyle::SpaceAndEquals) expecting.append(option->name); else throw ParsingError(QString("Option %1 reqires an argument. (flag %3%2)") .arg(option->name, flag, flagPrefix)); } } continue; } // must be a positional argument if (!positionals.hasNext()) throw ParsingError(QString("Don't know what to do with '%1'").arg(arg)); PositionalDef *param =; map[param->name] = arg; } // check if we're missing something if (!expecting.isEmpty()) throw ParsingError(QString("Was still expecting arguments for %2%1").arg( expecting.join(QString(", ") + optionPrefix), optionPrefix)); while (positionals.hasNext()) { PositionalDef *param =; if (param->required) throw ParsingError( QString("Missing required positional argument '%1'").arg(param->name)); else map[param->name] = param->def; } // fill out gaps QListIterator<OptionDef *> iter(m_optionList); while (iter.hasNext()) { OptionDef *option =; if (!map.contains(option->name)) map[option->name] = option->def; } return map; }
QTime timeBox::createTime ( bool *ok ) { // QString entry; int h = 0, m = 0, is = 0; double s = 0.0; QTime qt; bool valueFound = false, badEntry = false , checkValue = false; //Initialize bool for result if ( ok != NULL ) *ok = false; // QString errMsg = i18n( "Unable to parse %1 entry. Specify a %1 value as a simple integer, a floating-point number, or a triplet of values using colons or spaces as separators." ); QString entry = text().stripWhiteSpace(); //Try simplest cases: integer or double representation h = entry.toInt( &checkValue ); if ( checkValue ) { qt = QTime( h, 0, 0 ); valueFound = true; if ( ok != NULL ) *ok = true; return qt; } else { double x = entry.toDouble( &checkValue ); if ( checkValue ) { int seconds = int(x * 3600); QTime qt(0,0,0); qt.addSecs(seconds); valueFound = true; if ( ok != NULL ) *ok = true; return qt; } } //no success yet...try assuming multiple fields if ( !valueFound ) { QStringList fields; //check for colon-delimiters or space-delimiters if ( entry.contains(':') ) fields = QStringList::split( ':', entry ); else fields = QStringList::split( " ", entry ); // If two fields we will add a third one, and then parse with // the 3-field code block. If field[1] is a double, convert // it to integer mins, and convert the remainder to secs if ( fields.count() == 2 ) { double mx = fields[1].toDouble( &checkValue ); if ( checkValue ) { fields[1] = QString("%1").arg( int(mx) ); fields.append( QString("%1").arg( int( 60.0*(mx - int(mx)) ) ) ); } else { fields.append( QString( "0" ) ); } } // Three fields space-delimited ( h/d m s ); // ignore all after 3rd field if ( fields.count() >= 3 ) { fields[0].replace( QRegExp("h"), "" ); fields[1].replace( QRegExp("m"), "" ); fields[2].replace( QRegExp("s"), "" ); } //See if first two fields parse as integers. // h = fields[0].toInt( &checkValue ); if ( !checkValue ) badEntry = true; m = fields[1].toInt( &checkValue ); if ( !checkValue ) badEntry = true; s = fields[2].toDouble( &checkValue ); if ( !checkValue ) badEntry = true; if ( !badEntry ) { valueFound = true; is = (int)s; if ( ok != NULL ) *ok = true; QTime qt(h,m,is); return qt; } else { if ( ok != NULL ) *ok = false; } } // if ( !valueFound ) // KMessageBox::sorry( 0, errMsg.arg( "Angle" ), i18n( "Could Not Set Value" ) ); return qt; }
/** Adds user values from the GUI into the Python script * @param runFiles :: a comma separated list of data file names * @param whiteBeam :: The filename of the white beam run * @param absRunFiles :: run files for absolute normalization * @param absWhiteBeam :: run file for absolute white beam normalization * @param saveName :: filename for output saving */ void deltaECalc::createProcessingScript(const QStringList &runFiles, const QString &whiteBeam, const QStringList &absRunFiles, const QString &absWhiteBeam, const QString &saveName) { QString pyCode = "import Direct.DirectEnergyConversion as direct\n"; pyCode += QString("mono_sample = direct.DirectEnergyConversion('%1')\n") .arg(m_sets.cbInst->currentText()); // Turn off printing to stdout pyCode += QString("mono_sample.prop_man.log_to_mantid = True\n"); addAnalysisOptions(pyCode); addMaskingCommands(pyCode); // Check save formats QStringList fileExts; if (m_sets.save_ckSPE->isChecked()) { fileExts.append("'spe'"); } if (m_sets.save_ckNexus->isChecked()) { fileExts.append("'nxs'"); } if (m_sets.save_ckNxSPE->isChecked()) { fileExts.append("'nxspe'"); } if (fileExts.size() == 0) pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.save_format = None\n"; else pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.save_format = " + fileExts.join(",") + "\n\n"; // Create the python variables. The strings are wrapped with r'' for slash // safety QString pyRunFiles = createPyListAsString(runFiles); QString eiGuess = m_sets.leEGuess->text(); QString pyWhiteBeam = (whiteBeam.isEmpty()) ? "None" : QString("r'" + whiteBeam + "'"); // Absolute values QString pyAbsRunFiles = createPyListAsString(absRunFiles); QString absEiGuess = m_sets.leVanEi->text(); QString pyAbsWhiteBeam = (absWhiteBeam.isEmpty()) ? "None" : QString("r'" + absWhiteBeam + "'"); // SE Offset value QString seOffset = m_sets.seOffsetEdit->text(); QString pySeOffset = (seOffset.isEmpty()) ? "None" : seOffset; // SE Motor Name QString motorName = m_sets.motorNameEdit->text(); QString pyMotorName = (motorName.isEmpty()) ? "None" : QString("r'" + motorName + "'"); QString None = "None"; auto rebin = None; auto map_file = None; pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.motor_name = " + pyMotorName + "\n"; pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.motor_offset = " + pySeOffset + "\n"; if (m_sets.ckSumSpecs->isChecked() || runFiles.size() == 1) { if (m_sets.ckSumSpecs->isChecked()) pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.sum_runs = True\n"; QString pySaveName; if (saveName.isEmpty()) { pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.save_file_name = None\n"; } else { pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.save_file_name = r'" + saveName + "'\n"; } pyCode += QString("mono_sample.convert_to_energy(%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7)"); pyCode = pyCode.arg(pyWhiteBeam, pyRunFiles, eiGuess, rebin, map_file, pyAbsRunFiles, pyAbsWhiteBeam); } else { QString pySaveName; if (saveName.isEmpty()) { pySaveName = "r'" + QFileInfo(saveName).absolutePath() + "'"; pyCode += "mono_sample.prop_man.save_file = " + pySaveName + "\n"; } pyCode += "rfiles = " + pyRunFiles + "\n"; if (absRunFiles.isEmpty()) { pyCode += "for run in rfiles:\n" " mono_sample.convert_to_energy(run, %1, %2)\n"; pyCode = pyCode.arg(eiGuess, pyWhiteBeam); } else { pyCode += "abs_rfiles = " + pyAbsRunFiles + "\n"; pyCode += "for run, abs in zip(rfiles, abs_rfiles):\n" " mono_sample.convert_to_energy(%1, run, %2, %3,abs, %6)\n"; pyCode = pyCode.arg(pyWhiteBeam, eiGuess, rebin, map_file, pyAbsRunFiles, pyAbsWhiteBeam); // pyWhiteBeam,pyRunFiles, // eiGuess,rebin,map_file,pyAbsRunFiles, // pyAbsWhiteBeam } } m_pyScript = pyCode; }
void vtkDataMeshInteractor::setAttribute(const QString & attributeName) { vtkPointSet * pointSet = vtkPointSet::SafeDownCast(d->metaDataSet->GetDataSet()); if ( ! pointSet ) return; vtkDataSetAttributes * attributes = NULL; vtkMapper * mapper2d = d->actor2d->GetMapper(); vtkMapper * mapper3d = d->actor3d->GetMapper(); if (pointSet->GetPointData()->HasArray(qPrintable(attributeName))) { attributes = pointSet->GetPointData(); mapper2d->SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData(); mapper3d->SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData(); } else if (pointSet->GetCellData()->HasArray(qPrintable(attributeName))) { attributes = pointSet->GetCellData(); mapper2d->SetScalarModeToUseCellFieldData(); mapper3d->SetScalarModeToUseCellFieldData(); } if (attributes) { if(d->colorParam) d->colorParam->hide(); if(d->LUTParam) { QStringList luts; const std::vector<std::string> & vec = vtkLookupTableManager::GetAvailableLookupTables(); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it < vec.end(); ++it) luts.append(QString::fromStdString(*it)); d->LUTParam->clear(); foreach(QString lut, luts) d->LUTParam->addItem(lut); d->attribute = attributes->GetArray(qPrintable(attributeName)); attributes->SetActiveScalars(qPrintable(attributeName)); d->LUTParam->show(); } mapper2d->SelectColorArray(qPrintable(attributeName)); mapper3d->SelectColorArray(qPrintable(attributeName)); this->setLut(d->lut.first); mapper2d->SetScalarVisibility(1); mapper3d->SetScalarVisibility(1); } else { if(d->LUTParam) d->LUTParam->hide(); if(d->colorParam) d->colorParam->show(); d->attribute = NULL; mapper2d->SetScalarVisibility(0); mapper3d->SetScalarVisibility(0); } d->render->Render(); }
Indicator * CUS::calculate () { Config config; QStringList varList; QDict<PlotLine> lines; lines.setAutoDelete(TRUE); checkIncludes(); Indicator *output = new Indicator; output->setDateFlag(dateFlag); output->setLogScale(logScale); int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < (int) formulaList.count(); loop++) { // check if whole line is a comment QString s = formulaList[loop].left(2); if ( !"//")) continue; if (formulaList[loop].contains(":=")) { QStringList l = QStringList::split(":=", formulaList[loop], FALSE); if (l.count() != 2) { qDebug("CUS::calculate: line %i parm missing", loop); return output; } QString var = l[0].stripWhiteSpace(); if (varList.findIndex(var) != -1) { qDebug("CUS::calculate: line %i duplicate variable: %s", loop, var.latin1()); return output; } varList.append(var); QStringList l2 = QStringList::split("(", l[1], FALSE); if (l2.count() != 2) { qDebug("CUS::calculate: line %i bad indicator format", loop); return output; } QString plugin = l2[0].stripWhiteSpace(); QString parms = l2[1]; parms.truncate(parms.find(")", 0, TRUE)); parms = parms.stripWhiteSpace(); while(parms.contains(" ")) parms = parms.remove(parms.find(" ", 0, TRUE), 1); IndicatorPlugin *plug = config.getIndicatorPlugin(plugin); if (! plug) { qDebug("CUS::calculate: %s plugin not loaded", plugin.latin1()); config.closePlugin(plugin); return output; } plug->setIndicatorInput(data); l = QStringList::split(",", parms, FALSE); int loop2; QPtrList<PlotLine> inList; inList.setAutoDelete(FALSE); for (loop2 = 0; loop2 < (int) l.count(); loop2++) { if (varList.findIndex(l[loop2]) != -1) inList.append(lines.find(l[loop2])); else { int itype = inputTypeList.findIndex(l[loop2]); if (itype != -1) { PlotLine *in = data->getInput((BarData::InputType) itype); if (! in) { qDebug("CUS::calculate:line%i parm%i: input not found", loop, loop2); return output; } lines.replace(l[loop2], in); inList.append(in); } } } PlotLine *out = plug->calculateCustom(parms, inList); if (! out) { qDebug("CUS::calculate: line %i: no PlotLine returned: %s", loop, parms.latin1()); config.closePlugin(plugin); return output; } lines.replace(var, out); } createPlot(formulaList[loop], lines, output); } return output; }
QStringList Q3FileDialog::macGetOpenFileNames(const QString &filter, QString *pwd, QWidget *parent, const char* /*name*/, const QString& caption, QString *selectedFilter, bool multi, bool directory) { OSErr err; QStringList retstrl; NavDialogCreationOptions options; NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&options); options.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal; options.optionFlags |= kNavDontConfirmReplacement | kNavSupportPackages; if (!multi) options.optionFlags &= ~kNavAllowMultipleFiles; if(!caption.isEmpty()) options.windowTitle = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, (UniChar *)caption.unicode(), caption.length()); static const int w = 450, h = 350; options.location.h = options.location.v = -1; if(parent && parent->isVisible()) { Qt::WindowType wt = parent->window()->windowType(); if (wt != Qt::Desktop && wt != Qt::Sheet && wt != Qt::Drawer) { options.modality = kWindowModalityWindowModal; options.parentWindow = qt_mac_window_for(parent); } else { parent = parent->window(); QString s = parent->windowTitle(); options.clientName = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, (UniChar *)s.unicode(), s.length()); options.location.h = (parent->x() + (parent->width() / 2)) - (w / 2); options.location.v = (parent->y() + (parent->height() / 2)) - (h / 2); QRect r = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parent)); if(options.location.h + w > r.right()) options.location.h -= (options.location.h + w) - r.right() + 10; if(options.location.v + h > r.bottom()) options.location.v -= (options.location.v + h) - r.bottom() + 10; } } else if(QWidget *p = qApp->mainWidget()) { static int last_screen = -1; int scr = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(p); if(last_screen != scr) { QRect r = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(scr); options.location.h = (r.x() + (r.width() / 2)) - (w / 2); options.location.v = (r.y() + (r.height() / 2)) - (h / 2); } } QList<qt_mac_filter_name*> filts = makeFiltersList(filter); qt_mac_nav_filter_type t; t.index = 0; t.filts = &filts; if(filts.count() > 1) { int i = 0; CFStringRef *arr = (CFStringRef *)malloc(sizeof(CFStringRef) * filts.count()); for (QList<qt_mac_filter_name*>::Iterator it = filts.begin(); it != filts.end(); ++it) { QString rg = (*it)->description; arr[i++] = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, (UniChar *)rg.unicode(), rg.length()); } options.popupExtension = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)arr, filts.count(), NULL); } NavDialogRef dlg; if(directory) { if(NavCreateChooseFolderDialog(&options, make_navProcUPP(), NULL, NULL, &dlg)) { qDebug("Shouldn't happen %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); return retstrl; } } else { if(NavCreateGetFileDialog(&options, NULL, make_navProcUPP(), NULL, make_navFilterUPP(), (void *) (filts.isEmpty() ? NULL : &t), &dlg)) { qDebug("Shouldn't happen %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); return retstrl; } } if(pwd && !pwd->isEmpty()) { FSRef fsref; if(qt_mac_create_fsref(*pwd, &fsref) == noErr) { AEDesc desc; if(AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &fsref, sizeof(FSRef), &desc) == noErr) NavCustomControl(dlg, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void*)&desc); } } NavDialogRun(dlg); if (selectedFilter) { NavMenuItemSpec navSpec; bzero(&navSpec, sizeof(NavMenuItemSpec)); qt_mac_filter_name *sel_filt_name = makeFiltersList(*selectedFilter).at(0); for (int i = 0; i < filts.count(); ++i) { const qt_mac_filter_name *filter =; if (sel_filt_name->description == filter->description && sel_filt_name->regxp == filter->regxp && sel_filt_name->filter == filter->filter) { navSpec.menuType = i; break; } } NavCustomControl(dlg, kNavCtlSelectCustomType, &navSpec); } if(options.modality == kWindowModalityWindowModal) { //simulate modality QWidget modal_widg(parent, __FILE__ "__modal_dlg", Qt::WType_TopLevel | Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder); modal_widg.createWinId(); QApplicationPrivate::enterModal(&modal_widg); while(g_nav_blocking) qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); QApplicationPrivate::leaveModal(&modal_widg); } if(!(NavDialogGetUserAction(dlg) & (kNavUserActionOpen | kNavUserActionChoose | kNavUserActionNewFolder))) { NavDialogDispose(dlg); return retstrl; } NavReplyRecord ret; NavDialogGetReply(dlg, &ret); NavDialogDispose(dlg); long count; err = AECountItems(&(ret.selection), &count); if(!ret.validRecord || err != noErr || !count) { NavDisposeReply(&ret); return retstrl; } for(long index = 1; index <= count; index++) { FSRef ref; err = AEGetNthPtr(&(ret.selection), index, typeFSRef, 0, 0, &ref, sizeof(ref), 0); if(err != noErr) break; if(!str_buffer) { qAddPostRoutine(cleanup_str_buffer); str_buffer = (UInt8 *)malloc(1024); } FSRefMakePath(&ref, str_buffer, 1024); retstrl.append(QString::fromUtf8((const char *)str_buffer)); } NavDisposeReply(&ret); if(selectedFilter) *selectedFilter =>filter; while (!filts.isEmpty()) delete filts.takeFirst(); return retstrl; }
static QVariant getDeviceRegistryProperty(::HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, ::PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, ::DWORD property) { ::DWORD dataType = 0; ::DWORD dataSize = 0; QVariant v; ::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, property, &dataType, 0, 0, &dataSize); QByteArray data(dataSize, 0); if (::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, property, 0, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(, dataSize, 0)) { switch (dataType) { case REG_EXPAND_SZ: case REG_SZ: { QString s; if (dataSize) { s = QString::fromWCharArray(((const wchar_t *)data.constData())); } v = QVariant(s); break; } case REG_MULTI_SZ: { QStringList l; if (dataSize) { int i = 0; for (;;) { QString s = QString::fromWCharArray((const wchar_t *)data.constData() + i); i += s.length() + 1; if (s.isEmpty()) break; l.append(s); } } v = QVariant(l); break; } case REG_NONE: case REG_BINARY: { QString s; if (dataSize) { s = QString::fromWCharArray((const wchar_t *)data.constData(), data.size() / 2); } v = QVariant(s); break; } case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: case REG_DWORD: { Q_ASSERT(data.size() == sizeof(int)); int i = 0; ::memcpy((void *)(&i), data.constData(), sizeof(int)); v = i; break; } default: v = QVariant(); } } return v; }
/* 主窗口 * 初始化 * modelIndex -> Index2 -> 指标表 * model -> data > 数据表 */ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { // Qt::WindowFlags flags=Qt::Dialog; // flags = Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint&~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint; // setWindowFlags(flags); setupUi(this); //modelIndex --index2 kjAnalytics =new DynamicArray(); kjAnalyticsAll =new DynamicArray(); modelIndex = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); QString tableNameI="Index2"; modelIndex->setTable (tableNameI); modelIndex->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); modelIndex->select (); //model -- data model= new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); tableName="data_all"; model->setTable (tableName); model->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); this->setHeader (); //生成年份下拉筐的备选项 model->select (); //model -- data2 model2=new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); QString tableName2="data2"; model2->setTable (tableName2); model2->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); model2->select(); //model -- data3 model3=new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); QString tableName3="data3"; model3->setTable (tableName3); model3->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); model3->select(); //model -- data4 model4=new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); QString tableName4="data4"; model4->setTable (tableName4); model4->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); model4->select(); AllIndexTable(); typeModel = new QStringListModel; typeModel1 = new QStringListModel; tableName="data_all"; model->setTable (tableName); //生成年份下拉筐的备选项 model->select (); int rowC = model->rowCount (); QStringList qsl; qsl.append ("全部"); for (int i = 0; i < rowC ; ++i) { if(!qsl.contains (model->record (i).value ("year").toString ())) qsl.append (model->record (i).value ("year").toString ()); } typeModel->setStringList (qsl); year_comboBox->setModel (typeModel); year_comboBox->show (); //设置表格控件显示内容 model model->setTable (tableName); setHeader (); setFilter (); model->setSort(0,Qt::AscendingOrder); model->select(); all_tableView->setModel (model); all_tableView->hideColumn (0); // QTableView *view = new QTableView; // view->setModel(model2); // //view->hideColumn(0); // don't show the ID // view->show(); // QTableView *view1 = new QTableView; // view1->setModel(model3); // //view->hideColumn(0); // don't show the ID // view1->show(); }
void createTorrent::on_makeTorrent_Button_clicked() { QString program = "/home/oyashi/Downloads/libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0/examples/make_torrent"; QString outputFile = uiCreateTor->outputFileLineEdit->text(); QMessageBox msgBox; if(!filePath.isEmpty()){ if(!outputFile.isEmpty()){ QString outputFileName = outputFile + ".torrent"; QStringList arguments; arguments << filePath << "-o" << outputFileName ; if(!uiCreateTor->trackerLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){ arguments.append("-t"); arguments.append(uiCreateTor->trackerLineEdit->text()); } if(!uiCreateTor->trackerLineEdit_2->text().isEmpty()){ arguments.append("-t"); arguments.append(uiCreateTor->trackerLineEdit_2->text()); } if(!uiCreateTor->commentLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){ arguments.append("-c"); arguments.append(uiCreateTor->commentLineEdit->text()); } if(!uiCreateTor->webSeedLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){ arguments.append("-w"); arguments.append(uiCreateTor->webSeedLineEdit->text()); } if(!uiCreateTor->createdByLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){ arguments.append("-C"); arguments.append(uiCreateTor->createdByLineEdit->text()); } QProcess *myProcess = new QProcess(this); myProcess->start(program,arguments); if(myProcess->waitForFinished(1000)){ msgBox.setText("Torrent created successfully"); msgBox.exec(); } } else{ msgBox.setText("Please provide the output file name"); msgBox.exec(); } } else{ msgBox.setText("Please select the input file"); msgBox.exec(); } }
//modify void MainWindow::setValue (int indexNum, int rowNum) { if(rowNum>-1) { QString textName=""; QStringList qsl; QString str; QStringList list; QString strName; QStringList listName; QString order; double doubleIndex=0; int lowIndexValue = 0; int highIndexValue =0; //storder 计算影响因子最高的指数 // QTableView *view1 = new QTableView; // view1->setModel(model); // //view->hideColumn(0); // don't show the ID // view1->show(); if(indexNum!=0)//compute sub index { doubleIndex = model2->record(rowNum).value(indexNum+2).toDouble(); lowIndexValue = int(getLow(indexNum, rowNum)); highIndexValue = int(getHigh(indexNum,rowNum)); // modelIndex->setFilter("Code2 ='" + getColumnName(index)+"'"); textName = getIndexName(indexNum); // QString str; // QStringList list; // str = "Some text\n\twith strange whitespace."; // list = str.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); // list: [ "Some", "text", "with", "strange", "whitespace." ] str = model3->record (rowNum).value (indexNum+2).toString (); list = str.split (QRegExp("\\,")); strName = model4->record (rowNum).value (indexNum+2).toString (); listName = strName.split (QRegExp("\\,")); // QTableView *view1 = new QTableView; // view1->setModel(model3); // view1->show(); // QTableView *view2 = new QTableView; // view2->setModel(model4); // view2->show(); // // view->hideColumn(0); // don't show the ID int columnC = list.count (); for (int i = 0; i < columnC-1; ) { //int x = listName.value (i).toInt (); QString index3 = "X"+QString::number (getColumnName(indexNum).right(3).toInt ()+listName.value (i).toInt ()+1); QString itemFilter = "Code3 ='"+index3+"'"; modelIndex->setFilter (itemFilter); modelIndex->select (); // QTableView *view2 = new QTableView; // view2->setModel(modelIndex); // view2->show(); // view->hideColumn(0); // don't show the ID //int z = modelIndex->rowCount (); for (int j = 0; j < modelIndex->rowCount (); j++) { QString s = modelIndex->record (j).value ("Name").toString (); order = QString::number (i+1)+ " "+ s+" "+list.value (i); qsl.append (order); i++; } } } else// compute main index { AlldynamicArrayinit (); doubleIndex = computeIndexAll (rowNum); lowIndexValue = int(getAllLow(rowNum)); highIndexValue = int(getAllHigh(rowNum)); textName = "总成指数"; str = computeOrderAll (rowNum); list = str.split (QRegExp("\\,")); strName = computeOrderNameAll(rowNum); listName = strName.split (QRegExp("\\,")); for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { QString s = getIndexName (listName[i].toInt ()+1); order = QString::number (i+1)+ " "+ s+" "+list.value (i); qsl.append (order); } } typeModel1->setStringList (qsl); order_comboBox->setModel (typeModel1); this->left_verticalSlider->setValue(lowIndexValue); this->right_verticalSlider->setValue(highIndexValue); int intIndexValue = int(doubleIndex); this->index_progressBar->setValue (intIndexValue); // QStringList qsl1; // qsl1.append ("全部"); // int rowC = model->rowCount (); // for (int i = 0; i < rowC ; ++i) { // if(!qsl1.contains (model->record (i).value ("year").toString ())) // qsl1.append (model->record (i).value ("year").toString ()); // } // typeModel->setStringList (qsl1); // year_comboBox->setModel (typeModel); QString indexValue = QString::number (doubleIndex); QString explain = getInfo(doubleIndex,lowIndexValue,highIndexValue); //QString report = getReport(doubleIndex,lowIndexValue,highIndexValue); this->index_lineEdit->setText (indexValue); this->explain_textEdit->setText (explain); QString time = model->record (rowNum).value ("year").toString ();//queryModel->record (rowNum).value ("year").toString (); time += "年 第"; time += model->record (rowNum).value ("quarter").toString ();//queryModel->record (rowNum).value ("quarter").toString (); time += "季度"; this->year_lineEdit->setText (time); textEdit_IndexName->setText(textName); } else { order_comboBox->clear (); index_progressBar->setValue (0); left_verticalSlider->setValue(0); right_verticalSlider->setValue(100); year_lineEdit->setText ("年度和季度"); explain_textEdit->setText ("指标解释"); index_lineEdit->setText ("计算结果"); this->textEdit_IndexName->setText("指数名称"); } }
void Configuration::save() { KConfigGroup configuration = m_applet->config(); QStringList controls; if (m_controlsUi.openCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("open"); } if (m_controlsUi.playPauseCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("playPause"); } if (m_controlsUi.stopCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("stop"); } if (m_controlsUi.playPreviousCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("playPrevious"); } if (m_controlsUi.playNextCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("playNext"); } if (m_controlsUi.positionCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("position"); } if (m_controlsUi.volumeCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("volume"); } if (m_controlsUi.muteCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("mute"); } if (m_controlsUi.playlistCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("playlist"); } if (m_controlsUi.fullScreenCheckBox->isChecked()) { controls.append("fullScreen"); } configuration.writeEntry("controls", controls); configuration.writeEntry("playOnStartup", m_generalUi.startPlaybackCheckBox->isChecked()); configuration.writeEntry("enableDBus", m_generalUi.dbusCheckBox->isChecked()); configuration.writeEntry("inhibitNotifications", m_generalUi.inhibitNotificationsCheckBox->isChecked()); configuration.writeEntry("showToolTipOnTrackChange", m_generalUi.showTooltipOnTrackChange->value()); static_cast<KConfigDialog*>(parent())->enableButtonApply(false); emit accepted(); }
void GisClient::createObject(const Stream &s, const QList<QPoint> &coordinates) { QStringList coordinatsStreamList; foreach (QPoint p, coordinates) { coordinatsStreamList.append(QString("%1 %2").arg(p.x()).arg(p.y())); }
QStringList Addressbook::protocols() { QStringList protocols; protocols.append("messaging/irc"); return protocols; }
bool QgsAfsSharedData::getFeature( QgsFeatureId id, QgsFeature &f, const QgsRectangle &filterRect, QgsFeedback *feedback ) { QMutexLocker locker( &mMutex ); // If cached, return cached feature QMap<QgsFeatureId, QgsFeature>::const_iterator it = mCache.constFind( id ); if ( it != mCache.constEnd() ) { f = it.value(); return filterRect.isNull() || ( f.hasGeometry() && f.geometry().intersects( filterRect ) ); } // When fetching from server, fetch all attributes and geometry by default so that we can cache them QStringList fetchAttribNames; QList<int> fetchAttribIdx; fetchAttribIdx.reserve( mFields.size() ); fetchAttribNames.reserve( mFields.size() ); for ( int idx = 0, n = mFields.size(); idx < n; ++idx ) { fetchAttribNames.append( idx ).name() ); fetchAttribIdx.append( idx ); } // Fetch 100 features at the time int startId = ( id / 100 ) * 100; int stopId = std::min( startId + 100, mObjectIds.length() ); QList<quint32> objectIds; objectIds.reserve( stopId ); for ( int i = startId; i < stopId; ++i ) { if ( i >= 0 && i < mObjectIds.count() ) objectIds.append( mObjectIds[i] ); } if ( objectIds.empty() ) { QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "No valid features IDs to fetch" ) ); return false; } // don't lock while doing the fetch locker.unlock(); // Query QString errorTitle, errorMessage; const QString authcfg = mDataSource.authConfigId(); const QVariantMap queryData = QgsArcGisRestUtils::getObjects( mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "url" ) ), authcfg, objectIds, mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ), true, fetchAttribNames, QgsWkbTypes::hasM( mGeometryType ), QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( mGeometryType ), filterRect, errorTitle, errorMessage, feedback ); if ( queryData.isEmpty() ) { // const_cast<QgsAfsProvider *>( this )->pushError( errorTitle + ": " + errorMessage ); QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Query returned empty result" ) ); return false; } // but re-lock while updating cache locker.relock(); const QVariantList featuresData = queryData[QStringLiteral( "features" )].toList(); if ( featuresData.isEmpty() ) { QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Query returned no features" ), 3 ); return false; } for ( int i = 0, n = featuresData.size(); i < n; ++i ) { const QVariantMap featureData = featuresData[i].toMap(); QgsFeature feature; int featureId = startId + i; // Set attributes if ( !fetchAttribIdx.isEmpty() ) { const QVariantMap attributesData = featureData[QStringLiteral( "attributes" )].toMap(); feature.setFields( mFields ); QgsAttributes attributes( mFields.size() ); for ( int idx : qgis::as_const( fetchAttribIdx ) ) { QVariant attribute = attributesData[ idx ).name()]; if ( attribute.isNull() ) { // ensure that null values are mapped correctly for PyQGIS attribute = QVariant( QVariant::Int ); } // date/datetime fields must be converted if ( idx ).type() == QVariant::DateTime || idx ).type() == QVariant::Date ) attribute = QgsArcGisRestUtils::parseDateTime( attribute ); if ( ! idx ).convertCompatible( attribute ) ) { QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Invalid value %1 for field %2 of type %3" ).arg( attributesData[ idx ).name()].toString(), idx ).name(), idx ).typeName() ) ); } attributes[idx] = attribute; if ( idx ).name() == QStringLiteral( "OBJECTID" ) ) { featureId = startId + objectIds.indexOf( attributesData[ idx ).name()].toInt() ); } } feature.setAttributes( attributes ); } // Set FID feature.setId( featureId ); // Set geometry const QVariantMap geometryData = featureData[QStringLiteral( "geometry" )].toMap(); std::unique_ptr< QgsAbstractGeometry > geometry = QgsArcGisRestUtils::parseEsriGeoJSON( geometryData, queryData[QStringLiteral( "geometryType" )].toString(), QgsWkbTypes::hasM( mGeometryType ), QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( mGeometryType ) ); // Above might return 0, which is OK since in theory empty geometries are allowed if ( geometry ) feature.setGeometry( QgsGeometry( std::move( geometry ) ) ); feature.setValid( true ); mCache.insert(, feature ); } // If added to cache, return feature it = mCache.constFind( id ); if ( it != mCache.constEnd() ) { f = it.value(); return filterRect.isNull() || ( f.hasGeometry() && f.geometry().intersects( filterRect ) ); } return false; }
static void createGtkrc( bool exportColors, const QPalette& cg, bool exportGtkTheme, const QString& gtkTheme, int version ) { // lukas: why does it create in ~/.kde/share/config ??? // pfeiffer: so that we don't overwrite the user's gtkrc. // it is found via the GTK_RC_FILES environment variable. QSaveFile saveFile( writableGtkrc(version) ); if ( ! ) return; QTextStream t ( &saveFile ); t.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForLocale () ); t << i18n( "# created by KDE, %1\n" "#\n" "# If you do not want KDE to override your GTK settings, select\n" "# Appearance -> Colors in the System Settings and disable the checkbox\n" "# \"Apply colors to non-KDE4 applications\"\n" "#\n" "#\n", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString()); if ( 2==version ) { // we should maybe check for MacOS settings here t << endl; t << "gtk-alternative-button-order = 1" << endl; t << endl; } if (exportGtkTheme) { QString gtkStyle; if (gtkTheme.toLower() == QLatin1String("oxygen")) gtkStyle = QStringLiteral("oxygen-gtk"); else gtkStyle = gtkTheme; bool exist_gtkrc = false; QByteArray gtkrc = getenv(gtkEnvVar(version)); QStringList listGtkrc = QFile::decodeName(gtkrc).split(QStringLiteral(":")); if (listGtkrc.contains(saveFile.fileName())) listGtkrc.removeAll(saveFile.fileName()); listGtkrc.append(QDir::homePath() + userGtkrc(version)); listGtkrc.append(QDir::homePath() + "/.gtkrc-2.0-kde"); listGtkrc.append(QDir::homePath() + "/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4"); listGtkrc.removeAll(QLatin1String("")); listGtkrc.removeDuplicates(); for (int i = 0; i < listGtkrc.size(); ++i) { if ((exist_gtkrc = QFile::exists( break; } if (!exist_gtkrc) { QString gtk2ThemeFilename; gtk2ThemeFilename = QStringLiteral("%1/.themes/%2/gtk-2.0/gtkrc").arg(QDir::homePath()).arg(gtkStyle); if (!QFile::exists(gtk2ThemeFilename)) { QStringList gtk2ThemePath; gtk2ThemeFilename.clear(); QByteArray xdgDataDirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); gtk2ThemePath.append(QDir::homePath() + "/.local"); gtk2ThemePath.append(QFile::decodeName(xdgDataDirs).split(QStringLiteral(":"))); gtk2ThemePath.removeDuplicates(); for (int i = 0; i < gtk2ThemePath.size(); ++i) { gtk2ThemeFilename = QStringLiteral("%1/themes/%2/gtk-2.0/gtkrc").arg(; if (QFile::exists(gtk2ThemeFilename)) break; else gtk2ThemeFilename.clear(); } } if (!gtk2ThemeFilename.isEmpty()) { t << "include \"" << gtk2ThemeFilename << "\"" << endl; t << endl; t << "gtk-theme-name=\"" << gtkStyle << "\"" << endl; t << endl; if (gtkStyle == QLatin1String("oxygen-gtk")) exportColors = false; } } } if (exportColors) { t << "style \"default\"" << endl; t << "{" << endl; t << " bg[NORMAL] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background ) ) << endl; t << " bg[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight) ) << endl; t << " bg[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background ) ) << endl; t << " bg[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Mid ) ) << endl; t << " bg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background ) ) << endl; t << endl; t << " base[NORMAL] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base ) ) << endl; t << " base[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight) ) << endl; t << " base[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background ) ) << endl; t << " base[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight) ) << endl; t << " base[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight) ) << endl; t << endl; t << " text[NORMAL] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text) ) << endl; t << " text[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText) ) << endl; t << " text[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Mid ) ) << endl; t << " text[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText) ) << endl; t << " text[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText) ) << endl; t << endl; t << " fg[NORMAL] = " << color ( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Foreground ) ) << endl; t << " fg[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText) ) << endl; t << " fg[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Mid ) ) << endl; t << " fg[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Foreground ) ) << endl; t << " fg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Foreground ) ) << endl; t << "}" << endl; t << endl; t << "class \"*\" style \"default\"" << endl; t << endl; // tooltips don't have the standard background color t << "style \"ToolTip\"" << endl; t << "{" << endl; QPalette group = QToolTip::palette(); t << " bg[NORMAL] = " << color( group.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background ) ) << endl; t << " base[NORMAL] = " << color( group.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base ) ) << endl; t << " text[NORMAL] = " << color( group.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ) ) << endl; t << " fg[NORMAL] = " << color( group.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Foreground ) ) << endl; t << "}" << endl; t << endl; t << "widget \"gtk-tooltip\" style \"ToolTip\"" << endl; t << "widget \"gtk-tooltips\" style \"ToolTip\"" << endl; t << endl; // highlight the current (mouse-hovered) menu-item // not every button, checkbox, etc. t << "style \"MenuItem\"" << endl; t << "{" << endl; t << " bg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::Highlight) ) << endl; t << " fg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.color(QPalette::HighlightedText) ) << endl; t << "}" << endl; t << endl; t << "class \"*MenuItem\" style \"MenuItem\"" << endl; t << endl; } saveFile.commit(); }
bool KMCupsJobManager::listJobs(const QString& prname, KMJobManager::JobType type, int limit) { IppRequest req; QStringList keys; CupsInfos *infos = CupsInfos::self(); // wanted attributes keys.append("job-id"); keys.append("job-uri"); keys.append("job-name"); keys.append("job-state"); keys.append("job-printer-uri"); keys.append("job-k-octets"); keys.append("job-originating-user-name"); keys.append("job-k-octets-completed"); keys.append("job-media-sheets"); keys.append("job-media-sheets-completed"); keys.append("job-priority"); keys.append("job-billing"); req.setOperation(IPP_GET_JOBS); // add printer-uri KMPrinter *mp = KMManager::self()->findPrinter(prname); if (!mp) return false; if (!mp->uri().isEmpty()) { req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "printer-uri", mp->uri().prettyURL()); /* req.setHost(mp->uri().host()); req.setPort(mp->uri().port()); */ } else req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "printer-uri", QString("ipp://%1/%2/%3").arg(infos->hostaddr(), (mp&&mp->isClass())?"classes":"printers", prname)); // other attributes req.addKeyword(IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "requested-attributes", keys); if (type == KMJobManager::CompletedJobs) req.addKeyword(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"which-jobs",QString::fromLatin1("completed")); if (limit > 0) req.addInteger(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"limit",limit); // send request if (req.doRequest("/")) parseListAnswer(req, mp); else return false; return true; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ /* первым делом создадим директорию для работы нашей проги */ pathDBfile = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::homePath()) + separator + ".dplayer"; if (!QDir(pathDBfile).exists()) { qDebug() << "path programm not exists! Create..."; QDir().mkdir(pathDBfile); } /* вторым делом подготовим таблицы */ db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName(pathDBfile + separator + "dbplayer.db"); if (! { QString message = db.lastError().text(); qDebug() << "DB error: " << message; } QSqlQuery a_query(db); QString str = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS file (" "id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, " "name VARCHAR(255), " "create_date DATETIME" ");"; bool b = a_query.exec(str); if (!b) { QString message = db.lastError().text(); qDebug() << "DB Create table [file] error: " << message; } str = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS conf (" "name VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, " "value VARCHAR(255) " ");"; b = a_query.exec(str); if (!b) { QString message = db.lastError().text(); qDebug() << "DB Create table [file] error: " << message; } db.close(); // закроем подключение к базе /* конец создания таблиц */ /* инициализируем гуи */ QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QQmlEngine engine; QStringList dataList; dataList.append("Item 1"); dataList.append("Item 2"); dataList.append("Item 3"); dataList.append("Item 4"); //QQmlContext *ctxt = engine.rootContext(); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myModel", QVariant::fromValue(dataList)); QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); /* маппим объекты GML с нашими классами */ QObject * object = component.create(); watcherTxtDrive chekUSB; chekUSB.txtDrive = object->findChild<QObject *>("txtDrive"); chekUSB.txtMemo = object->findChild<QObject *>("txtMemo"); /* нужно просканировать наличие УЖЕ подключенных съемных дисков WIN32*/ QFileInfoList drivers = QDir::drives(); foreach(QFileInfo drive, drivers) { chekUSB.slotDeviceAdded(drive.absoluteFilePath()); }
void KrPopupMenu::performAction(int id) { QList<QUrl> lst; switch (id) { case - 1 : // the user clicked outside of the menu return ; case OPEN_TAB_ID : // assuming only 1 file is selected (otherwise we won't get here) panel->manager()->newTab(_item->url(), panel); break; case OPEN_ID : foreach(KFileItem fi, _items) panel->func->execute(; break; case COPY_ID : panel->func->copyFiles(); break; case MOVE_ID : panel->func->moveFiles(); break; case RENAME_ID : panel->func->rename(); break; case TRASH_ID : panel->func->deleteFiles(false); break; case DELETE_ID : panel->func->deleteFiles(true); break; case EJECT_ID : krMtMan.eject(_item->url().adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path()); break; /* case SHRED_ID : if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( krApp, i18n("<qt>Do you really want to shred <b>%1</b>? Once shred, the file is gone forever.</qt>", item->name()), QString(), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "Shred" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) KShred::shred( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).adjusted(QUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash).path() ); break;*/ case OPEN_KONQ_ID : KToolInvocation::startServiceByDesktopName("konqueror", _item->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); break; case CHOOSE_ID : // open-with dialog lst << _item->url(); panel->func->displayOpenWithDialog(lst); break; case MOUNT_ID : krMtMan.mount(_item->url().adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path()); break; case NEW_LINK_ID : panel->func->krlink(false); break; case NEW_SYMLINK_ID : panel->func->krlink(true); break; case REDIRECT_LINK_ID : panel->func->redirectLink(); break; case EMPTY_TRASH_ID : KrTrashHandler::emptyTrash(); break; case RESTORE_TRASHED_FILE_ID : KrTrashHandler::restoreTrashedFiles(_items.urlList()); break; case UNMOUNT_ID : krMtMan.unmount(_item->url().adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path()); break; case COPY_CLIP_ID : panel->func->copyToClipboard(); break; case MOVE_CLIP_ID : panel->func->copyToClipboard(true); break; case PASTE_CLIP_ID : panel->func->pasteFromClipboard(); break; case SEND_BY_EMAIL_ID : { SLOTS->sendFileByEmail(_items.urlList()); break; } case MKDIR_ID : panel->func->mkdir(); break; case NEW_TEXT_FILE_ID: panel->func->editNew(); break; #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED case SYNC_SELECTED_ID : { QStringList selectedNames; foreach(KFileItem item, _items) selectedNames <<; if (panel->otherPanel()->view->numSelected()) { KrViewItemList otherItems; panel->otherPanel()->view->getSelectedKrViewItems(&otherItems); for (KrViewItemList::Iterator it2 = otherItems.begin(); it2 != otherItems.end(); ++it2) { QString name = (*it2) ->name(); if (!selectedNames.contains(name)) selectedNames.append(name); } } SLOTS->slotSynchronizeDirs(selectedNames); } break; #endif case OPEN_TERM_ID : { QStringList args; if (!_item->isDir()) args << _item->name(); SLOTS->runTerminal(_item->url().path(), args); } break; } // check if something from the open-with-offered-services was selected if (id >= SERVICE_LIST_ID) { QStringList names; panel->gui->getSelectedNames(&names); panel->func->runService(*(offers[ id - SERVICE_LIST_ID ]), panel->func->files()->vfs_getFiles(names)); } }
void MainWindow::setupScreenQGVWidgets() { ui->widget_2->setHidden(true); ui->sndPitchWidg->setHidden(true); ui->scrollArea->setHidden(false); ui->screenErr->clear(); ScreenQGV::EditorType edType = ui->graphicsView->editorType(); ui->screenName->setReadOnly(false); ui->actPieceWidg->setHidden(true); ui->label_10->setHidden(true); ui->widthRatio->setHidden(true); ui->label_13->setHidden(true); ui->heightRatio->setHidden(true); if(edType == ScreenQGV::MAP || edType == ScreenQGV::SCENE) { if(edType == ScreenQGV::MAP) { ui->graphicsView->setEditorType(ScreenQGV::MAP); ui->editorType->setText("Map Editor"); ui->screenName->setText("WorldMap"); ui->screenName->setReadOnly(true); ui->goToScene->clear(); ui->goToScene->addItem(QString("Go to Scene")); ui->goToScene->insertItems(1, m_scenes->list()); ui->chooseRewardBadge->setHidden(true); ui->badgeLine->setHidden(true); // This presents the aspect ratio // I'm taking this out because right now, I do not have the time to correctly implement this here or in the game player /*ui->label_10->setHidden(false); ui->widthRatio->setHidden(false); ui->label_13->setHidden(false); ui->heightRatio->setHidden(false);*/ } else // SCENE { ui->graphicsView->setEditorType(ScreenQGV::SCENE); ui->editorType->setText("Scene Editor"); ui->goToActivity->clear(); ui->goToActivity->addItem(QString("Go to Activity")); QStringList list = m_pairActs->listWithName(QString("Pairing - ")); list.append(m_matchActs->listWithName(QString("Matching - "))); ui->goToActivity->insertItems(1, list); ui->chooseRewardBadge->setHidden(false); ui->badgeLine->setHidden(false); ui->chooseRewardBadge->clear(); ui->chooseRewardBadge->addItem(QString("Choose a Reward Badge")); ui->chooseRewardBadge->insertItems(1, m_badges->list()); ui->chooseRewardBadge->setCurrentText(m_badges->badgeName(ui->graphicsView->rewardBadgeId())); if(ui->graphicsView->actsAreInScene()) ui->chooseRewardBadge->setEnabled(true); } ui->choicesWidg->setHidden(true); ui->roundsWidg->setHidden(true); ui->maxScoreWidg->setHidden(true); ui->selectDictSet->setHidden(true); ui->actLine->setHidden(true); ui->actRewardWidg->setHidden(true); ui->addText->setHidden(false); ui->TextLines->setHidden(false); ui->textLine->setHidden(false); ui->addImg->setHidden(false); ui->imgLines->setHidden(false); ui->imgLine->setHidden(false); ui->addHotspot->setHidden(false); ui->hotspotLines->setHidden(false); ui->hotspotLine->setHidden(false); ui->addBox->setHidden(false); ui->boxLines->setHidden(false); ui->boxLine->setHidden(false); ui->saveEditor->setHidden(false); ui->addScreen->setHidden(true); ui->editScreen->setHidden(true); } else if(edType == ScreenQGV::PAIRACT || edType == ScreenQGV::MATCHACT) { ui->choicesWidg->setHidden(false); if(edType == ScreenQGV::MATCHACT) ui->roundsWidg->setHidden(false); else ui->roundsWidg->setHidden(true); ui->maxScoreWidg->setHidden(false); ui->selectDictSet->setHidden(false); ui->actLine->setHidden(false); ui->actRewardWidg->setHidden(false); ui->addText->setHidden(true); ui->TextLines->setHidden(true); ui->textLine->setHidden(true); ui->addImg->setHidden(true); ui->imgLines->setHidden(true); ui->imgLine->setHidden(true); ui->addHotspot->setHidden(true); ui->hotspotLines->setHidden(true); ui->hotspotLine->setHidden(true); ui->addBox->setHidden(true); ui->boxLines->setHidden(true); ui->boxLine->setHidden(true); ui->saveEditor->setHidden(true); ui->chooseRewardBadge->setHidden(true); ui->badgeLine->setHidden(true); ui->editorType->setText("Activity Editor"); ui->selectDictSet->clear(); ui->selectDictSet->addItem(QString("Choose a Dictionary Set")); ui->selectDictSet->insertItems(1, m_dictSets->dictSetsList()); ui->selectDictSet->setCurrentText(m_dictSets->dictSetName(ui->graphicsView->dictSetId())); ui->numChoices->setValue(ui->graphicsView->choices()); ui->numRounds->setValue(ui->graphicsView->rounds()); ui->maxScore->setValue(ui->graphicsView->maxScore()); ui->actRewardImg->setPixmap(QPixmap(QString::fromStdWString(ui->graphicsView->getRewardImage())).scaled(50, 50, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::FastTransformation)); QString qS = QString::fromStdWString(ui->graphicsView->getRewardSoundFile()); cout << "sound file is " << qS.toStdString() << endl; if(ui->graphicsView->getRewardSoundFile() == L"None") { MainWindow::ui->addSnd->setHidden(false); } else { MainWindow::ui->delSnd->setHidden(false); MainWindow::ui->sndVolWidg->setHidden(false); MainWindow::ui->sndVol->setValue(ui->graphicsView->getRewardSoundVolume()); MainWindow::ui->sndPitch->setValue(1); } } else // NONE { ui->scrollArea->setHidden(true); } ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->screenEditor); }
void NgfpReader::attrFromJson (const QJsonValue &j_attr, Attr *attr) { AttrInputType input_type = attr->getInputType(); QVariant var; if (input_type == AttrInputType::Boolean) { var = j_attr.toBool(); } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::Number) { var = j_attr.toInt(); } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::String) { var = j_attr.toString(); } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::StringList || input_type == AttrInputType::PageList) { QStringList list; QJsonArray j_arr = j_attr.toArray(QJsonArray()); for (int i = 0; i < j_arr.size(); i++) list.append(j_arr[i].toString()); var = list; } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::DateTime) { var = QDateTime::fromString(j_attr.toString(), FB_NGFP_DATETIME_FORMAT_DT); } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::Enum) { var = j_attr.toInt(); } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::DoubleItems) { DoubleItemsValue value; QJsonArray j_arr = j_attr.toArray(QJsonArray()); value.def_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < j_arr.size(); i++) { QJsonValue j_arr_item = j_arr[i]; value.inners.append(j_arr_item.toObject()["name"].toString()); value.outers.append(j_arr_item.toObject()["alias"].toString()); if (!j_arr_item.toObject().value("default").isUndefined()) value.def_index = i; } var = QVariant::fromValue<DoubleItemsValue>(value); } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::TripleItems) { TripleItemsValue value; QJsonArray j_arr = j_attr.toArray(QJsonArray()); value.def_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < j_arr.size(); i++) { QJsonValue j_arr_item = j_arr[i]; value.inners.append(j_arr_item.toObject()["name"].toString()); value.outers_left.append(j_arr_item.toObject()["alias"].toString()); value.outers_right.append(j_arr_item.toObject()["alias2"].toString()); if (!j_arr_item.toObject().value("default").isUndefined()) value.def_index = i; } var = QVariant::fromValue<TripleItemsValue>(value); } else if (input_type == AttrInputType::DepDoubleItems) { DepDoubleItemsValue value; QJsonArray j_arr = j_attr.toArray(QJsonArray()); value.main.def_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < j_arr.size(); i++) { QJsonValue j_arr_item = j_arr[i]; value.main.inners.append(j_arr_item.toObject()["name"].toString()); value.main.outers.append(j_arr_item.toObject()["alias"].toString()); if (!j_arr_item.toObject().value("default").isUndefined()) value.main.def_index = i; value.deps.append(DoubleItemsValue()); QJsonValue j_arr2_val = j_arr_item.toObject()["values"]; QJsonArray j_arr2 = j_arr2_val.toArray(QJsonArray()); if (!(j_arr2.size() == 1 && j_arr2[0].toObject()["name"].toString() == "-1" && j_arr2[0].toObject()["alias"].toString() == "--")) { value.deps.last().def_index = -1; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < j_arr2.size(); i2++) { QJsonValue j_arr_item2 = j_arr2[i2]; value.deps.last().inners.append(j_arr_item2.toObject()["name"].toString()); value.deps.last().outers.append(j_arr_item2.toObject()["alias"].toString()); if (!j_arr_item2.toObject().value("default").isUndefined()) value.deps.last().def_index = i2; } } } var = QVariant::fromValue<DepDoubleItemsValue>(value); } attr->setValueAsVar(var); }
void MaintainingReader<TokenLookupClass, LookupKey>::validateElement(const LookupKey elementName) const { Q_ASSERT(tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement); if(m_elementDescriptions.contains(elementName)) { // QHash::value breaks in Metrowerks Compiler const ElementDescription<TokenLookupClass, LookupKey> &desc = *m_elementDescriptions.find(elementName); const int attCount = m_currentAttributes.count(); QSet<typename TokenLookupClass::NodeName> encounteredXSLTAtts; for(int i = 0; i < attCount; ++i) { const QXmlStreamAttribute &attr =; if(attr.namespaceUri().isEmpty()) { const typename TokenLookupClass::NodeName attrName(TokenLookupClass::toToken(; encounteredXSLTAtts.insert(attrName); if(!desc.requiredAttributes.contains(attrName) && !desc.optionalAttributes.contains(attrName) && !m_standardAttributes.contains(attrName) && !isAnyAttributeAllowed()) { QString translationString; QList<typename TokenLookupClass::NodeName> all(desc.requiredAttributes.toList() + desc.optionalAttributes.toList()); const int totalCount = all.count(); QStringList allowed; for(int i = 0; i < totalCount; ++i) allowed.append(QPatternist::formatKeyword(TokenLookupClass::toString(; /* Note, we can't run toString() on attrName, because we're in this branch, * the token lookup doesn't have the string(!).*/ const QString stringedName(; if(totalCount == 0) { translationString = QtXmlPatterns::tr("Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear.") .arg(formatKeyword(stringedName), formatKeyword(name())); } else if(totalCount == 1) { translationString = QtXmlPatterns::tr("Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes.") .arg(formatKeyword(stringedName), formatKeyword(name()), allowed.first()); } else if(totalCount == 1) { /* Note, allowed has already had formatKeyword() applied. */ translationString = QtXmlPatterns::tr("Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes.") .arg(formatKeyword(stringedName), formatKeyword(name()), allowed.first(), allowed.last()); } else { /* Note, allowed has already had formatKeyword() applied. */ translationString = QtXmlPatterns::tr("Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes.") .arg(formatKeyword(stringedName), formatKeyword(name()), allowed.join(QLatin1String(", "))); } m_context->error(translationString, ReportContext::XTSE0090, currentLocation()); } } else if(attr.namespaceUri() == namespaceUri()) { m_context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("XSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is.") .arg(formatKeyword(, ReportContext::XTSE0090, currentLocation()); } /* Else, attributes in other namespaces are allowed, continue. */ } const QSet<typename TokenLookupClass::NodeName> requiredButMissing(QSet<typename TokenLookupClass::NodeName>(desc.requiredAttributes).subtract(encounteredXSLTAtts)); if(!requiredButMissing.isEmpty()) { error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The attribute %1 must appear on element %2.") .arg(QPatternist::formatKeyword(TokenLookupClass::toString(*requiredButMissing.constBegin())), formatKeyword(name())), ReportContext::XTSE0010); } } else { error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T.").arg(formatKeyword(name())), ReportContext::XTSE0010); } }
/*! \internal Returns the list of fields belonging to a contact Never change order of this list ! It has to be regarding enum AddressBookFields !! */ QStringList OContact::fields() { QStringList list; list.append( "Title" ); // Not Used! list.append( "FirstName" ); list.append( "MiddleName" ); list.append( "LastName" ); list.append( "Suffix" ); list.append( "FileAs" ); list.append( "JobTitle" ); list.append( "Department" ); list.append( "Company" ); list.append( "BusinessPhone" ); list.append( "BusinessFax" ); list.append( "BusinessMobile" ); list.append( "DefaultEmail" ); list.append( "Emails" ); list.append( "HomePhone" ); list.append( "HomeFax" ); list.append( "HomeMobile" ); list.append( "BusinessStreet" ); list.append( "BusinessCity" ); list.append( "BusinessState" ); list.append( "BusinessZip" ); list.append( "BusinessCountry" ); list.append( "BusinessPager" ); list.append( "BusinessWebPage" ); list.append( "Office" ); list.append( "Profession" ); list.append( "Assistant" ); list.append( "Manager" ); list.append( "HomeStreet" ); list.append( "HomeCity" ); list.append( "HomeState" ); list.append( "HomeZip" ); list.append( "HomeCountry" ); list.append( "HomeWebPage" ); list.append( "Spouse" ); list.append( "Gender" ); list.append( "Birthday" ); list.append( "Anniversary" ); list.append( "Nickname" ); list.append( "Children" ); list.append( "Notes" ); list.append( "Groups" ); return list; }
void MainWin::gotranslate() { QString string = ui.leText->text(); QString current; QStringList lst; QList<dictfind> curr,burr; int maxlen = (string.size()<10)?string.size():10; int i,j,k,m,len,pos=0; bool kap; QList<formfind> finded; MTableModel *model = (MTableModel*)ui.result->model(); model->setColumnCount(6); model->clear(); findres.clear(); while (string.size()>0) { burr.clear(); for(i=maxlen;(i>0 && burr.size()==0);i--) { current = string.left(i); finded=getbackforms(current,"*",0,""); curr.clear(); for (j=0;j<finded.size();j++) { curr = scanWords(finded[j],true); if (curr.size()==0) curr = scanWords(katatohira(finded[j]),true); for (k = 0; k < curr.size(); k++) { kap = true; for(m = 0; m < burr.size(); m++) { if (wrdCompare(burr[m].word, curr[k].word)) kap=false; } if (kap) { curr[k].src = current; curr[k].begin=pos; curr[k].len=current.size(); burr.append(curr[k]); } } } } if (burr.size() != 0) { findres.append(burr); for(i = 0;i < burr.size(); i++) { lst.clear(); lst.append(burr[i].src); if (burr[i].src == burr[i].word.word) { lst.append(""); } else { lst.append(burr[i].word.word); } lst.append(burr[i]; lst.append(burr[i].word.type); lst.append(burr[i].word.trans); lst.append(burr[i].comment); model->addrow(lst); } len=current.size(); } else {len = 1;} pos += len; string.remove(0,len); } model->update(); }