MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setFixedSize(1920, 1200); setWindowTitle(tr("Babel")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; QTabBar *tb; UiContact *contact = new UiContact(this); QScrollArea *contactScrollArea = new QScrollArea(); contactScrollArea->setWidget(contact); _tabWidget = new QTabWidget; tb = _tabWidget->tabBar(); _tabWidget->addTab(new Home(), tr("Home")); _tabWidget->addTab(contactScrollArea, tr("Contact")); std::ostringstream oss; _tabWidget->setTabsClosable(true); connect(_tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int))); tb->tabButton(0, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide(); tb->tabButton(1, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide(); _tabWidget->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(&g_PTUser, SIGNAL(receivedCall(const std::string&)), this, SLOT(receivedCall(const std::string&))); mainLayout->addWidget(_tabWidget); setLayout(mainLayout); }
SoutDialog::SoutDialog( QWidget *parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf, const QString& inputMRL ) : QWizard( parent ) { p_intf = _p_intf; setWindowTitle( qtr( "Stream Output" ) ); setWindowRole( "vlc-stream-output" ); /* UI stuff */ ui.setupUi( this ); ui.inputBox->setMRL( inputMRL ); ui.helpEdit->setPlainText( qtr("This wizard will allow you to stream or " "convert your media for use locally, on your private network, " "or on the Internet.\n" "You should start by checking that source matches what you want " "your input to be and then press the \"Next\" " "button to continue.\n") ); ui.mrlEdit->setToolTip ( qtr( "Stream output string.\n" "This is automatically generated " "when you change the above settings,\n" "but you can change it manually." ) ) ; ui.destTab->setTabsClosable( true ); QTabBar* tb = ui.destTab->findChild<QTabBar*>(); if( tb != NULL ) tb->tabButton(0, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide(); CONNECT( ui.destTab, tabCloseRequested( int ), this, closeTab( int ) ); ui.destTab->setTabIcon( 0, QIcon( ":/buttons/playlist/playlist_add" ) ); ui.destBox->addItem( qtr( "File" ) ); ui.destBox->addItem( "HTTP" ); ui.destBox->addItem( "MS-WMSP (MMSH)" ); ui.destBox->addItem( "RTSP" ); ui.destBox->addItem( "RTP / MPEG Transport Stream" ); ui.destBox->addItem( "RTP Audio/Video Profile" ); ui.destBox->addItem( "UDP (legacy)" ); ui.destBox->addItem( "IceCast" ); BUTTONACT( ui.addButton, addDest() ); // /* Connect everything to the updateMRL function */ #define CB( x ) CONNECT( ui.x, toggled( bool ), this, updateMRL() ); #define CT( x ) CONNECT( ui.x, textChanged( const QString& ), this, updateMRL() ); #define CS( x ) CONNECT( ui.x, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() ); #define CC( x ) CONNECT( ui.x, currentIndexChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() ); /* Misc */ CB( soutAll ); CB( localOutput ); CB( transcodeBox ); CONNECT( ui.profileSelect, optionsChanged(), this, updateMRL() ); setButtonText( QWizard::FinishButton, "Stream" ); #undef CC #undef CS #undef CT #undef CB }
void tst_QTabBar::closeButton() { QTabBar tabbar; QCOMPARE(tabbar.tabsClosable(), false); tabbar.setTabsClosable(true); QCOMPARE(tabbar.tabsClosable(), true); tabbar.addTab("foo"); QTabBar::ButtonPosition closeSide = (QTabBar::ButtonPosition)>styleHint(QStyle::SH_TabBar_CloseButtonPosition, 0, &tabbar); QTabBar::ButtonPosition otherSide = (closeSide == QTabBar::LeftSide ? QTabBar::RightSide : QTabBar::LeftSide); QVERIFY(tabbar.tabButton(0, otherSide) == 0); QVERIFY(tabbar.tabButton(0, closeSide) != 0); QAbstractButton *button = static_cast<QAbstractButton*>(tabbar.tabButton(0, closeSide)); QVERIFY(button); QSignalSpy spy(&tabbar, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int))); button->click(); QCOMPARE(tabbar.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); }
// QTabBar::setTabButton(index, closeSide, closeButton); void tst_QTabBar::tabButton() { QFETCH(QTabBar::ButtonPosition, position); QTabBar::ButtonPosition otherSide = (position == QTabBar::LeftSide ? QTabBar::RightSide : QTabBar::LeftSide); QTabBar tabbar; tabbar.resize(500, 200);; QTRY_VERIFY(tabbar.isVisible()); tabbar.setTabButton(-1, position, 0); QVERIFY(tabbar.tabButton(-1, position) == 0); QVERIFY(tabbar.tabButton(0, position) == 0); tabbar.addTab("foo"); QCOMPARE(tabbar.count(), 1); tabbar.setTabButton(0, position, 0); QVERIFY(tabbar.tabButton(0, position) == 0); QPushButton *button = new QPushButton; button->show(); button->setText("hi"); button->resize(10, 10); QTRY_VERIFY(button->isVisible()); QTRY_VERIFY(button->isVisible()); tabbar.setTabButton(0, position, button); QCOMPARE(tabbar.tabButton(0, position), static_cast<QWidget *>(button)); QTRY_VERIFY(!button->isHidden()); QVERIFY(tabbar.tabButton(0, otherSide) == 0); QCOMPARE(button->parent(), static_cast<QObject *>(&tabbar)); QVERIFY(button->pos() != QPoint(0, 0)); QPushButton *button2 = new QPushButton; tabbar.setTabButton(0, position, button2); QVERIFY(button->isHidden()); }