//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tst_QTcpServer::clientServerLoop() { QTcpServer server; QSignalSpy spy(&server, SIGNAL(newConnection())); QVERIFY(!server.isListening()); QVERIFY(!server.hasPendingConnections()); QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, 11423)); QVERIFY(server.isListening()); QTcpSocket client; QHostAddress serverAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; if (!(server.serverAddress() == QHostAddress::Any)) serverAddress = server.serverAddress(); client.connectToHost(serverAddress, server.serverPort()); QVERIFY(client.waitForConnected(5000)); QVERIFY(server.waitForNewConnection(5000)); QVERIFY(server.hasPendingConnections()); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); QTcpSocket *serverSocket = server.nextPendingConnection(); QVERIFY(serverSocket != 0); QVERIFY(serverSocket->write("Greetings, client!\n", 19) == 19); serverSocket->flush(); QVERIFY(client.waitForReadyRead(5000)); QByteArray arr = client.readAll(); QCOMPARE(arr.constData(), "Greetings, client!\n"); QVERIFY(client.write("Well, hello to you!\n", 20) == 20); client.flush(); QVERIFY(serverSocket->waitForReadyRead(5000)); arr = serverSocket->readAll(); QCOMPARE(arr.constData(), "Well, hello to you!\n"); }
// Richiesta connessione TCP in ingresso void DuktoProtocol::newIncomingConnection() { // Verifica presenza connessione pendente if (!mTcpServer->hasPendingConnections()) return; // Recupero connessione QTcpSocket *s = mTcpServer->nextPendingConnection(); // Se sto già ricevendo o inviando, rifiuto la connessione if (mIsReceiving || mIsSending) { s->close(); return; } // Aggiornamento interfaccia grafica receiveFileStart(); // Impostazione socket TCP corrente mCurrentSocket = s; // Attesa header della connessione (timeout 10 sec) if (!s->waitForReadyRead(10000)) { // Non ho ricevuto l'header della connessione, chiudo mCurrentSocket->close(); delete mCurrentSocket; mCurrentSocket = NULL; return; } // Registrazione gestori eventi socket connect(mCurrentSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readNewData()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(mCurrentSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(closedConnection()), Qt::QueuedConnection); // Inizializzazione variabili mIsReceiving = true; mTotalReceivedData = 0; mElementSize = -1; mReceivedFiles = new QStringList(); mRootFolderName = ""; mRootFolderRenamed = ""; // -- Lettura header generale -- // Numero entità da ricevere mCurrentSocket->read((char*) &mElementsToReceiveCount, sizeof(qint64)); // Dimensione totale mCurrentSocket->read((char*) &mTotalSize, sizeof(qint64)); // Inizio lettura dati sui file readNewData(); }
void ConnectionThread::run() { Debug() << "Thread started."; QTcpSocket sock; socketNoNagle(sockdescr); if (!sock.setSocketDescriptor(sockdescr)) { Error() << sock.errorString(); return; } QString remoteHostPort = sock.peerAddress().toString() + ":" + QString::number(sock.peerPort()); Log() << "Connection from peer " << remoteHostPort; QString line; forever { if (sock.canReadLine() || sock.waitForReadyRead()) { line = sock.readLine().trimmed(); while (StimApp::instance()->busy()) { // special case case, stimapp is busy so keep polling with 1s intervals Debug() << "StimApp busy, cannot process command right now.. trying again in 1 second"; sleep(1); // keep sleeping 1 second until the stimapp is no longer busy .. this keeps us from getting given commands while we are still initializing } // normal case case, stimapp not busy, proceed normally QString resp; resp = processLine(sock, line); if (sock.state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { Debug() << "processLine() closed connection"; break; } if (!resp.isNull()) { if (resp.length()) { Debug() << "Sending: " << resp; if (!resp.endsWith("\n")) resp += "\n"; QByteArray data(resp.toUtf8()); int len = sock.write(data); if (len != data.length()) { Debug() << "Sent " << len << " bytes but expected to send " << data.length() << " bytes!"; } } Debug() << "Sending: OK"; sock.write("OK\n"); } else { Debug() << "Sending: ERROR"; sock.write("ERROR\n"); } } else { if (sock.error() != QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError || sock.state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { Debug() << "Socket error: " << sock.error() << " Socket state: " << sock.state(); break; } } } Log() << "Connection ended (peer: " << remoteHostPort << ")"; Debug() << "Thread exiting."; }
void FetchThread::getMunin(t_metric pmetric) { QRegularExpression exp("^munin://([0-9a-zA-Z]+)/([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)/([0-9a-zA-Z.]+)$"); //munin://localhost/load/load.value QRegularExpressionMatch match = exp.match(pmetric.source_url); if (match.hasMatch() ){ qDebug() << "FT_getMunin: fetching " << match.captured(1) << "," << match.captured(2) << "," << match.captured(3) ; QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost("localhost", 4949); socket.waitForConnected(2000); //qDebug() << "FT_getMunin: connected"; //socket.waitForBytesWritten(1000); socket.waitForReadyRead(3000); //qDebug() << socket.readAll(); //qDebug() << "FT_getMunin: request " << match.captured(2); socket.write(QString("fetch ").append(match.captured(2)).append(QString("\n")).toStdString().c_str() ); while (socket.waitForReadyRead(600)){ QString r = socket.readAll(); //qDebug() << "FT_getMunin: Server response: " << r; QRegularExpression exp2(match.captured(3).append(" ([0-9.]+)\\n")); QRegularExpressionMatch match2 = exp2.match(r); if (match2.hasMatch() ){ qDebug() << "FT_getMunin: Got answer : " << match2.captured(1); pmetric.qq_item->setProperty("value",this->convert(pmetric, match2.captured(1))); pmetric.qq_item->setProperty("text_value",match2.captured(1)); } } socket.close(); //qDebug() << "getMunin: Metric fetch done "; } else qDebug() << "getMunin: Illegal metric url: " <<pmetric.source_url; }
void SFEQuery::Receive(QTcpSocket &socket) { // QDataStream _in((QTcpSocket*)&socket); _in.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_7); while(socket.bytesAvailable()<sizeof(quint32)) socket.waitForReadyRead(1000); qDebug("reading %d",sizeof(quint32)); QByteArray ba = socket.read(sizeof(quint32)); _inblock.append(ba); _in >> _size; qDebug("cmd size: %d",_size); quint32 left = _size- sizeof(quint32); while(socket.bytesAvailable()<left){ qDebug("2 available: %d",(int)socket.bytesAvailable()); socket.waitForReadyRead(1000); } qDebug("reading: %d",left); QByteArray ba2 = socket.read(left); _inblock.append(ba2); // _in.skipRawData(sizeof(quint32)); quint32 type; _in >> type; qDebug("got type: %d",type); if (_type!=SFEQuery::NOTYPE_TYPE && type!=(quint32)_type) qDebug("error type !="); _type=(SFEQuery::QueryType)type; doReceive(); }
void MessageWidget::sendToClient(QString message) { QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket(); socket->connectToHost(this->clientIP,4444,QTcpSocket::ReadWrite); if (socket->waitForConnected(2000)) { socket->write(message.toLatin1()); socket->waitForReadyRead(300); socket->disconnectFromHost(); } else QMessageBox::warning(this,"Connection problem:", "Connection to client failed!", QMessageBox::Close); delete socket; }
bool MainWindow::yearHasData(const int year){ QUrl url(compBase + "year_" + QString::number(year) + "month_04/day_01/"); QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(url.host(), 80); if (socket.waitForConnected()){ socket.write("HEAD" + url.path().toUtf8() + "HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host" + url.host().toUtf8() + "\r\n\r\n"); if (socket.waitForReadyRead()){ QByteArray bytes = socket.readAll(); if (bytes.contains("200 OK")) return true; } } return false; }
Connection* SharedDaemon::createCustomConnection(int listenSocketNum, void *data) { SharedDaemon::ConnectionType typeOfConnection = *((SharedDaemon::ConnectionType*)(data)); if(typeOfConnection == SharedDaemon::WSocketConnection ) { int descriptor = SingleThreadedAcceptSocket(listenSocketNum); QTcpSocket * tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(); tcpSocket->setSocketDescriptor( descriptor, QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState ); tcpSocket->waitForReadyRead(); QString request = QString(tcpSocket->readAll()); if(request.size() == 0) /// firefox works differently, and sends 0 size messages { tcpSocket->close(); tcpSocket->disconnectFromHost(); if(tcpSocket->state() != QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) tcpSocket->waitForDisconnected(); tcpSocket->deleteLater(); descriptor = SingleThreadedAcceptSocket(listenSocketNum); tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(); tcpSocket->setSocketDescriptor( descriptor, QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState ); tcpSocket->waitForReadyRead(); request = QString(tcpSocket->readAll()); } return new WebSocketConnection(tcpSocket,request); } else { int descriptor = SingleThreadedAcceptSocket(listenSocketNum); return new SocketConnection(descriptor); } }
void receiveData() { QTcpSocket *clientConnection = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection(); clientConnection->waitForReadyRead(); QDataStream in(clientConnection); in.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_4); QString text; in>>text; label->setText(text); QString imageFn; in>>imageFn; if (QFile::exists(imageFn)) { welcome->pictureLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap(imageFn).scaled(welcome->pictureLabel->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); } }
void cTaskThd::run() { QTcpSocket sck; while(1) { sck.close(); if(sck.setSocketDescriptor(getsocketDescriptor((cServer *)this->parent()))) if (sck.waitForReadyRead(SERVICE_TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000)) { qDebug() << "线程" << this->id << " 将数据返回后将关闭连接" ; sck.write(sck.readAll()); sck.waitForBytesWritten(3000); } } }
/* FIXME: Qt manuals is saying this is the wrong way to create thread since version 4.x we better use QThreadPool or similar but for now... */ void SlimIncomingHandler::run() { QString received; QTcpSocket tcpSocket; if (!tcpSocket.setSocketDescriptor(client)) { qDebug() << "tcpSocket rip?"; emit error(); return ; } bExit = false; tcpSocket.write("Slim -- V0.3\r\n"); while (!bExit) // todo mutex to make possible for server to force exit { if (tcpSocket.waitForReadyRead(FITNESSE_TIMEOUT)) { received.append(QString(tcpSocket.readAll())); qDebug() << received; if (received.size() > 6) { SlimDeserializer dser(received); dser.getLength(); CommandExecuter exe(dser.deserialize()); QString result = exe.executeAll(); qDebug() << "resultsend" << result.toUtf8(); tcpSocket.write(result.toUtf8()); // fixme failcheck received =""; } // FIXME... parser if (received.endsWith("bye")) // the later variant(\r\n) used when debugging since telnet adds \r\n break; } else // timeout waitForDataTimeout { // tell client to die since there were no data from fitnesse server to process qDebug() << "socket timeout"; bExit = true; } } qDebug() << "die"; tcpSocket.close(); emit exited(this); }
// Richiesta connessione TCP in ingresso void DuktoProtocol::newIncomingConnection() { // Recieve connection QTcpSocket* s = mTcpServer->nextPendingConnection(); if(s == NULL) return; // If we are already recieving or sending // Pending header connection (timeout 10 sec) if ((mIsReceiving | mIsSending) || !s->waitForReadyRead(10000)) { s->close(); delete s; return; } // Update GUI receiveFileStart(s->peerAddress().toString()); // set current TCP socket mCurrentSocket = s; // Register socket's event handlers connect(mCurrentSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readNewData()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(mCurrentSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(closedConnectionTmp()), Qt::QueuedConnection); // Initialize variables mIsReceiving = true; mTotalReceivedData = 0; mElementSize = -1; mReceivedFiles = new QStringList(); mRootFolderName.clear(); mRootFolderRenamed.clear(); mReceivingText = false; mRecvStatus = FILENAME; // -- Reading General header -- // Entities number to receive mCurrentSocket->read((char*) &mElementsToReceiveCount, sizeof(qint64)); // total size mCurrentSocket->read((char*) &mTotalSize, sizeof(qint64)); // Start reading data on file readNewData(); }
void ctkSoapConnectionRunnable::run() { QTcpSocket tcpSocket; if (!tcpSocket.setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) { // error handling return; } while (tcpSocket.state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) { //const int timeout = 5 * 1000; tcpSocket.waitForReadyRead(-1); readClient(tcpSocket); } }
QByteArray ImapPrivate::readLine (bool *ok) { quint8 attempts = 0; while (!socket->canReadLine() && attempts < 2) { if (!socket->waitForReadyRead()) attempts++; } if (attempts >= 2) { if (ok != NULL) *ok = false; return(QByteArray()); } if (ok != NULL) *ok = true; #ifdef IMAP_DEBUG QByteArray response = socket->readLine(); qDebug() << "readLine()" << response; return(response); #else return(socket->readLine()); #endif }
QByteArray QQItemInfoHelper::getSingleLongNick(QString id) { QString single_long_nick_url = "/api/get_single_long_nick2?tuin=" + id+ "&vfwebqq=" + CaptchaInfo::instance()->vfwebqq() + "&t=" + QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch()); Request req; req.create(kGet, single_long_nick_url); req.addHeaderItem("Host", "s.web2.qq.com"); req.addHeaderItem("Referer", "http://s.web2.qq.com/proxy.html?v=20110412001&callback=1&id=1"); req.addHeaderItem("Connection", "keep-live"); req.addHeaderItem("Content-Type","utf-8"); req.addHeaderItem("Cookie", CaptchaInfo::instance()->cookie()); QTcpSocket fd; fd.connectToHost("s.web2.qq.com", 80); fd.write(req.toByteArray()); fd.waitForReadyRead(); QByteArray result = fd.readAll(); fd.close(); return result; }
void CLCServer::readConnection() { QTcpSocket * sock = nextPendingConnection(); sock->waitForReadyRead(); QByteArray b = sock->readLine(); if(b.isEmpty()) return; const char * cmd = b.data(); Arguments * a = parse_commandline(cmd); QStringList l; l << "CLCBrowser"; for(int i=1 ; i<a->argc ; ++i) { l << a->argv[i]; } Arguments_destroy(a); parseArgs(l, sock); sock->close(); }
void ServerThread::run(){ // the main thread loop QTcpSocket clientSocket; // the clientSocket object this->running = true; // the main thread loop bool flag if (!clientSocket.setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)){ //set up socket qDebug() << "Failed to setup the Socket"; // debug output } while(running){ // loop forever until flag changes if(!clientSocket.waitForReadyRead(1000)){ // wait for up to 1 sec. this->running = false; // failed - exit the loop } while(clientSocket.bytesAvailable()>0) // are bytes available? { int x = clientSocket.bytesAvailable(); // how many? qDebug() << "There are " << x << " bytes available"; //debug char data[2000]; // capacity for up to 2000 bytes x = (qint64) clientSocket.read(&data[0], (qint64) x); data[x] = '\0'; // add null in case of print output this->parse(&data[0]); // parse the XML string } } clientSocket.close(); // if loop finished, close socket qDebug() << "The client just disconnected"; // debug output }
TEST_F(SocketTest, socketSendsOutgoingDataUsingQDataStream_Test) { QTcpServer server; server.listen(HOST, PORT); _socket->connectToHost(HOST, PORT); bool timedOut = false; EXPECT_TRUE(server.waitForNewConnection(TCP_TIMEOUT_MS, &timedOut)); EXPECT_FALSE(timedOut); QTcpSocket* serverSocket = server.nextPendingConnection(); EXPECT_THAT(serverSocket, NotNull()); flushEvents(); EXPECT_EQ(QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState, _socket->state()); EXPECT_EQ(QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState, serverSocket->state()); QDataStream out(_socket->ioDevice()); out << static_cast<quint32>(42); EXPECT_TRUE(_socket->ioDevice()->waitForBytesWritten(TCP_TIMEOUT_MS)); EXPECT_TRUE(serverSocket->waitForReadyRead(TCP_TIMEOUT_MS)); quint32 i = 0; QDataStream in(serverSocket); in >> i; EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<quint32>(42), i); }
int main(int argv, char **args) { QCoreApplication app(argv, args); QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost("localhost", 1025); //! [0] int numRead = 0, numReadTotal = 0; char buffer[50]; forever { numRead = socket.read(buffer, 50); // do whatever with array numReadTotal += numRead; if (numRead == 0 && !socket.waitForReadyRead()) break; } //! [0] return app.exec(); }
void getActiveCellProperty(Matrix& propertyFrames, const QString &serverName, quint16 serverPort, const qint64& caseId, QString propertyName, const int32NDArray& requestedTimeSteps, QString porosityModel) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); // Create command as a string with arguments , and send it: QString command; command += "GetActiveCellProperty " + QString::number(caseId) + " " + propertyName + " " + porosityModel; for (int i = 0; i < requestedTimeSteps.length(); ++i) { if (i == 0) command += " "; command += QString::number(static_cast<int>(requestedTimeSteps.elem(i)) - 1); // To make the index 0-based if (i != requestedTimeSteps.length() -1) command += " "; } QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(2*sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } // Read timestep count and blocksize quint64 timestepCount; quint64 byteCount; size_t activeCellCount; socketStream >> timestepCount; socketStream >> byteCount; activeCellCount = byteCount / sizeof(double); propertyFrames.resize(activeCellCount, timestepCount); if (!(byteCount && timestepCount)) { error ("Could not find the requested data in ResInsight"); return; } // Wait for available data for each timestep, then read data for each timestep for (size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < timestepCount; ++tIdx) { while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)byteCount) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for timestep data number: ") + QString::number(tIdx)+ ": " + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); octave_stdout << "Active cells: " << activeCellCount << ", Timesteps: " << timestepCount << std::endl; return ; } OCTAVE_QUIT; } qint64 bytesRead = 0; double * internalMatrixData = propertyFrames.fortran_vec(); #if 0 // Raw data transfer. Faster. Not possible when dealing with coarsening // bytesRead = socket.read((char*)(internalMatrixData + tIdx * activeCellCount), byteCount); #else // Compatible transfer. Now the only one working for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < activeCellCount; ++cIdx) { socketStream >> internalMatrixData[tIdx * activeCellCount + cIdx]; if (socketStream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) bytesRead += sizeof(double); } #endif if ((int)byteCount != bytesRead) { error("Could not read binary double data properly from socket"); octave_stdout << "Active cells: " << activeCellCount << ", Timesteps: " << timestepCount << std::endl; } OCTAVE_QUIT; } QString tmp = QString("riGetActiveCellProperty : Read %1").arg(propertyName); if (caseId < 0) { tmp += QString(" from current case."); } else { tmp += QString(" from case with Id: %1.").arg(caseId); } octave_stdout << tmp.toStdString() << " Active cells : " << activeCellCount << ", Timesteps : " << timestepCount << std::endl; return; }
void MySocketClient::run() { cout << "Starting MySocketClient::run()" << endl; QTcpSocket tcpSocket; // ON RECUPERE LE LIEN DE COMMUNICATION AVEC LE CLIENT ET ON QUITTE EN CAS // DE PROBLEME... if (!tcpSocket.setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) { emit error(tcpSocket.error()); return; } // SI LE CLIENT N'A PAS EU LE TEMPS DE NOUS TRANSMETTRE SA REQUETE, // ON SE MET EN ATTENTE PENDANT 1s while (tcpSocket.bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(quint16)) { if (!tcpSocket.waitForReadyRead( 1000 )) { cout << "(EE) Erreur de time out !" << endl; return; } } // LA PREMIERE REQUETE CORRESPOND AU GET NORMALEMENT char tampon[65536]; // ON RECUPERE LA REQUETE ET SA TAILLE int lineLength = tcpSocket.readLine(tampon, 65536); // ON TRANSFORME LA REQUETE SOUS FORME DE STRING string ligne( tampon ); ligne = removeEndLine( ligne ); // ON AFFICHE LA COMMANDE A L'ECRAN... cout << "COMMANDE : =>" << ligne << "<=" << endl; int pos1 = ligne.find(" "); string cmde = ligne.substr(0, pos1); ligne = ligne.substr(pos1+1, ligne.length()-pos1); cout << "1. : " << cmde << endl; cout << "2. : " << ligne << endl; int pos2 = ligne.find(" "); string file = ligne.substr(0, pos2); ligne = ligne.substr(pos2+1, ligne.length()-pos2); cout << "3. : " << file << endl; cout << "4. : '" << ligne << "'" << endl; while( tcpSocket.bytesAvailable() > 0 ){ lineLength = tcpSocket.readLine(tampon, 65536); if (lineLength != -1 && lineLength != 0) { //cout << "C" << lineLength << " :: " << tampon; }else if(lineLength != -1 ){ cout << "Nothing for the moment !" << endl; } } QString str = tr("./public_html") + tr(file.c_str()); //Adresse du fichier ou dossier (./public_html//essai.html) statistiques->AddPeer(tcpSocket.peerAddress().toString()); statistiques->AddRequete(str); QByteArray temp(""); QFile f( str ); QDir d( str ); bool found; if( f.exists() == true ) { statistiques->AddFile(f.fileName()); } found = str.contains("statistiques.html", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||str.contains("???", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ; if(found==true) { temp = statistiques->GenerateHtml(); } else { if(!MyHash->contains( str )) /* si le hash ne contient pas ce fichier*/ { /*alors on ajoute la page dans Hash*/ cout << " - Chemin du fichier : " << str.toStdString() << endl; cout << " - isFile : : " << f.exists() << endl; cout << " - isDirectory : " << d.exists() << endl; if( f.exists() == false && d.exists() == false ) { str = tr("erreur404"); } else if( d.exists() == true )//LE CHAMP SAISI EST UN REPERTOIRE { QByteArray* NewByteArray = new QByteArray; *NewByteArray = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\n"; for(int i = 0 ; i < d.entryList().size() ; i++) { *NewByteArray+=QByteArray("<p>") + QByteArray("<a href=\"")+QString::fromStdString(file); if(QString::compare(QString::fromStdString(file),QString("/")))//Dans le cas d'un sous dossier il faut rajouter un / dans le path *NewByteArray+=QByteArray("/"); *NewByteArray+=d.entryList()[i]+QByteArray("\">")+d.entryList()[i] +QByteArray("</a></p>"); } MyHash->insert(str, NewByteArray); *MyHashSize+=NewByteArray->size(); MyHashKeys->append(str); } else if( f.exists() == true )/* On ajoute le fichier dans le Hash en ByteArray*/ { QFile* file = new QFile( str ); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { delete file; return; } /*concatener des types QByteArray? avec le + utiliser l'en tête ci-dessous HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close Content-Type: text/html construction de cette en-tête HTTP, il est nécessaire de la faire suivre par un saut de ligne avant la partie html*/ QByteArray* NewByteArray = new QByteArray; found = str.contains(".jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (found==true) { *NewByteArray = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\n"; // creation d'un QbyteArray indiquant une image au format jpeg } found = str.contains(".html", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (found==true) { *NewByteArray = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\n"; // creation d'un QbyteArray indiquant un texte au format html } found = str.contains(".pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (found==true) { *NewByteArray = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/pdf\r\n\n"; // creation d'un QbyteArray indiquant un texte au format html } found = str.contains(".mp3", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (found==true) { *NewByteArray = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: audio/mp3\r\n\n"; // creation d'un QbyteArray indiquant un texte au format html } found = str.contains(".doc", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || str.contains(".docx", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (found==true) { *NewByteArray = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document\r\n\n"; } found = str.contains(".pptx", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (found==true) { *NewByteArray = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint\r\n\n"; } *NewByteArray += file->readAll(); // temp a été redimensionné automatiquement file->close(); MyHash->insert(str, NewByteArray);/*insère bytearray dans Hash*/ *MyHashSize+=NewByteArray->size(); MyHashKeys->append(str); } else { str =tr("erreur404"); } } else //requete deja dans le hash MyHashKeys->append(MyHashKeys->takeAt(MyHashKeys->lastIndexOf(str))); //on met la key en derniere position de la liste (premiere pos = LRU) temp = *MyHash->value(str); } if(str.contains("erreur404")) statistiques->AddErreur404(); else statistiques->AddTraitee(); statistiques->AddOctets(temp.size()); tcpSocket.write(temp); //Gestion de la taille du cache, suppression du LRU (last recently used) while(*MyHashSize > CACHE_SIZE && MyHash->count()>1 )//Tant qu'on ne dépasse pas la taille max et qu'il reste plus d'un item dans le Hash (on ne veut pas supprimer erreur 404) { *MyHashSize-=MyHash->value(MyHashKeys->first())->size();//On soustrait la taille du fichier qu'on va enlever delete MyHash->value(MyHashKeys->first()); MyHash->remove(MyHashKeys->first());//On retire le LRU du cache MyHashKeys->removeFirst();//on enlève la LRU key } // for(int i = 0;i<MyHashKeys->size();i++) // cout<<MyHashKeys->value(i).toStdString()<<endl; // cout<<*MyHashSize<<endl; statistiques->SetCacheSize(*MyHashSize); cout << "Finishing MySocketClient::run()" << endl; //! [2] //! [3] tcpSocket.disconnectFromHost(); tcpSocket.waitForDisconnected(); }
int tcp_ping(QStringList command) { qDebug() << "tcp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << ")" << endl; /** * Check input */ QTextStream errorStream(stderr); if(command.size() != 3 || command.at(0)!="ping" || command.at(1)!="tcp" ) { errorStream << "Error: tcp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << ") is no valid call (ping tcp <ip_address> <port> rzv|max|random|default)" << endl; return 1; } QByteArray byteArray; /** * CIP for "rzv" */ if(command.at(2)=="rzv") { qDebug() << "rzv" << endl; byteArray.append(QByteArray(42, '\0')); } /** * CIP for "default" */ if(command.at(2)=="default") { qDebug() << "default" << endl; // Header: request (1), profile (1), version (1), channel (1) byteArray.append(QByteArray(4, '\0')); // Header: UUID (16) QUuid uuid; uuid = QUuid::createUuid(); QByteArray uuid_arr = uuid.toRfc4122(); for(int j=0; j<16;j++) { byteArray.append(uuid_arr.at(j)); } // Header: Empty IP address (4), port number (2), time (8), type (1), size (1) byteArray.append(QByteArray(16, '\0')); // Contextinformation: type (1), root-CIC (2), size (1) byteArray.append(QByteArray(4, '\0')); // Application: type (1), size (1) byteArray.append(QByteArray(2, '\0')); } /** * CIP for "max" */ if(command.at(2)=="max") { qDebug() << "max" << endl; // Header: fix byteArray.append(QByteArray(34, '\0')); // Header: size (1) byteArray.append(QByteArray(QByteArray::fromHex("0xff"))); byteArray.append(QByteArray(255, '\0')); // Contextinformation: fix byteArray.append(QByteArray(2, '\0')); // Contextinformation: size (255) byteArray.append(QByteArray(QByteArray::fromHex("0xff"))); byteArray.append(QByteArray(255*2, '\0')); // Application Data: fix byteArray.append(QByteArray(0, '\0')); // Application Data: size (255) byteArray.append(QByteArray(QByteArray::fromHex("0xff"))); byteArray.append(QByteArray(255, '\0')); } /** * CIP for "random" */ if(command.at(2)=="random") { qDebug() << "random" << endl; QByteArray randValues; qsrand(QTime::currentTime().msec()); for(int i=0; i <= 1064; i++) { randValues.append(qFloor(qrand()/CRN_RANDOM_DIVISOR)); } int i = 0; quint8 rand; // Header: request (1) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Header: profile (1) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Header: version (1) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Header: channel (1) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Header: UUID (16) QUuid uuid; uuid = QUuid::createUuid(); QByteArray uuid_arr = uuid.toRfc4122(); for(int j=0; j<16;j++) { byteArray.append(uuid_arr.at(j)); } // Header: Empty IP address (4) and port number (2) byteArray.append(QByteArray(6, '\0')); // Header: time (8) byteArray.append(QByteArray(8, '\0')); // Header: type (1) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Header: size (1) and data rand = randValues.at(i++); byteArray.append(rand); byteArray.append(QByteArray(rand, rand)); // Contextinformation: type (1) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Contextinformation: root-CIC (2) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Contextinformation: size (1) rand = randValues.at(i++); byteArray.append(rand); byteArray.append(QByteArray(rand*2, rand)); // Application: type (1) byteArray.append(randValues.at(i++)); // Application: size (1) rand = randValues.at(i++); byteArray.append(rand); byteArray.append(QByteArray(rand, rand)); } // rand /** * Sent via TCP */ QTcpSocket *tcpSocket; tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(); QTextStream outStream(stdout); QString out; tcpSocket->abort(); tcpSocket->connectToHost("", 22365); qDebug() << "waitForConnected!"; if (tcpSocket->waitForConnected(5000)) { qDebug() << "Connected!"; } else { errorStream << "Error: tcp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << ") No connection available!" << endl; return 1; } out = QString("BytesWritten: %1").arg(tcpSocket->write(byteArray, byteArray.length())); qDebug() << out; int numRead = 0, numReadTotal = 0; char buffer[MAXMSG]; forever { numRead = tcpSocket->read(buffer, MAXMSG); qDebug() << "read buffer"; qDebug() << buffer; numReadTotal += numRead; if (numRead == 0 && !tcpSocket->waitForReadyRead()) break; } qDebug() << numReadTotal << " bytes red"; tcpSocket->flush(); tcpSocket->disconnectFromHost(); tcpSocket->close(); outStream << out << endl; return 0; }
void getPropertyNames(std::vector<QString>& propNames, std::vector<QString>& propTypes, const QString &hostName, quint16 port, const qint64& caseId, QString porosityModel) { QString serverName = hostName; quint16 serverPort = port; QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } // Create command and send it: QString command; command += QString("GetPropertyNames") + " " + QString::number(caseId) + " " + porosityModel; QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::shortTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } quint64 byteCount; socketStream >> byteCount; QString byteCountString = QString::number(byteCount); //error(byteCountString.toLatin1().data()); while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(byteCount)) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::shortTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for data: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } OCTAVE_QUIT; } quint64 propCount; socketStream >> propCount; QString propName; QString propType; for (size_t i = 0; i < propCount; i++) { socketStream >> propName; socketStream >> propType; propNames.push_back(propName); propTypes.push_back(propType); } return; }
void MessageWidget::newConnection() { QTcpSocket *socket = this->tcpServer.nextPendingConnection(); if (socket->waitForReadyRead(2000)) { QString output= QString::fromUtf8(socket->readAll()); if (output.contains(QRegExp("^SMS_RECEIVED:"))) {//"SMS_RECEIVED:number:body output.remove(QRegExp("^SMS_RECEIVED:")); int i; QString number,body; i = output.indexOf(":"); number = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); body = output; emit this->smsReceived(this->contactModel.getName(number),body); } else if (output.contains(QRegExp("^GET_SMS_LIST:"))) {//"GET_SMS_LIST:threadId:messageId:timestamp:number:read:toa:body output.remove(QRegExp("^GET_SMS_LIST:")); int i; QString threadId,messageId,timestamp,number,read,toa,body; i = output.indexOf(":"); threadId = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); messageId = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); timestamp = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); number = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); read = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); toa = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); body = output; addSMS(threadId,messageId,timestamp,number,read,toa,body); } else if (output.contains(QRegExp("^GET_CONTACT_LIST:"))) { output.remove(QRegExp("^GET_CONTACT_LIST:")); QString id,number,name; int i; i = output.indexOf(":"); id = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); name = output.left(i); output.remove(0,i+1); i = output.indexOf(":"); number = output; number.remove("\n"); addContact(id,number,name); } socket->disconnectFromHost(); } delete socket; }
void getDynamicNNCValues(Matrix& propertyFrames, const QString &serverName, quint16 serverPort, const qint64& caseId, QString propertyName, const int32NDArray& requestedTimeSteps) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); // Create command as a string with arguments , and send it: QString command; command += "GetDynamicNNCValues " + QString::number(caseId) + " " + propertyName; for (int i = 0; i < requestedTimeSteps.length(); ++i) { if (i == 0) command += " "; command += QString::number(static_cast<int>(requestedTimeSteps.elem(i)) - 1); // To make the index 0-based if (i != requestedTimeSteps.length() -1) command += " "; } QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(2*sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } // Read connection count and timestep count quint64 connectionCount; quint64 timestepCount; socketStream >> connectionCount; socketStream >> timestepCount; propertyFrames.resize(connectionCount, timestepCount); if (!(connectionCount && timestepCount)) { error ("Could not find the requested data in ResInsight"); return; } quint64 totalByteCount = timestepCount * connectionCount * sizeof(double); double* internalMatrixData = propertyFrames.fortran_vec(); QStringList errorMessages; if (!RiaSocketDataTransfer::readBlockDataFromSocket(&socket, (char*)(internalMatrixData), totalByteCount, errorMessages)) { for (int i = 0; i < errorMessages.size(); i++) { error(errorMessages[i].toLatin1().data()); } return; } QString tmp = QString("riGetDynamicNNCValues : Read %1").arg(propertyName); if (caseId < 0) { tmp += QString(" from current case."); } else { tmp += QString(" from case with Id: %1.").arg(caseId); } octave_stdout << tmp.toStdString() << " Connections: " << connectionCount << ", Time steps : " << timestepCount << std::endl; return; }
void QMplayer::newConnection() { QTcpSocket *con = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection(); connect(con, SIGNAL(disconnected()), con, SLOT(deleteLater())); QByteArray req; while(con->waitForReadyRead(100)) { req += con->readAll(); } QString res; QTextStream buf(&req); buf.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8")); QString line; QString reqPath = ""; // path from http request QString filename = ""; // file on the disk QString encPath = ""; // transcoded file QString host = ""; QFile file; bool sendFile = false; int itemIndex = 0; for(;;) { line = buf.readLine(); if(line.isNull()) { break; } if(line.startsWith("GET ")) { int index = req.indexOf(' ', 4); if(index > 0) { reqPath = req.mid(4, index - 4); for(int i = 0; i < reqPath.count(); i++) { if(reqPath.at(i) == '%') { i += 2; if(i >= reqPath.count()) { break; } QChar ch = (QChar)(reqPath.mid(i - 1, 2).toInt(0, 16)); reqPath.replace(i - 2, 3, ch); } } } } else if(line.startsWith("Host: ")) { host = line.right(line.length() - 6).trimmed(); } } res.append("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); res.append("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n"); res.append("<html>"); res.append("<body>"); if(reqPath.length() == 0) { res.append("Valid GET request not found"); } else if(host.length() == 0) { res.append("Host not found in html header"); } else if(reqPath == "/") { QString dir = ""; for(int i = NUM_MENU_ITEMS; i < lw->count(); i++) { QListWidgetItem *item = lw->item(i); QString path = item->text(); bool isDir = isDirectory(path); if(isDir) { res.append(path); res.append("</br>"); dir = pathToUrl(path); } else { res.append("\r\n<a href=\"http://"); res.append(host); res.append(dir); res.append(pathToUrl(path)); res.append("\">"); res.append(path); res.append("</a></br>\r\n"); } } } else { res.append(reqPath); res.append("</br>"); QString dir = ""; QString testDir; for(int i = NUM_MENU_ITEMS; i < lw->count(); i++) { QListWidgetItem *item = lw->item(i); QString path = item->text(); QString testPath = pathToUrl(path); bool isDir = isDirectory(path); if(isDir) { dir = path; testDir = testPath; } else if(reqPath == (testDir + testPath)) { filename = dir; if(!filename.endsWith('/') && !filename.endsWith('\\')) { filename.append('/'); } filename.append(path); itemIndex = i; break; } } if(filename.length() == 0) { res.append("file not found"); } else { encPath = getEncFilename(filename, ".qmplayer"); QFileInfo fi(encPath); if(fi.exists()) { QString size; size.setNum(fi.size()); res.append("file size: "); res.append(size); if(processRunning(process)) { res.append("</br>encoding in progress</br>Reload page to check status or download"); } else { QString mime = "text/plain"; if(reqPath.endsWith(".avi")) { mime ="video/avi"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".mp4")) { mime = "video/mp4"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".ogv")) { mime = "video/theora"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".ogg")) { mime = "audio/vorbis"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".mp3")) { mime = "audio/mpeg"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".flac")) { mime = "audio/flac"; } res.clear(); res.append("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); res.append("Content-Type: "); res.append(mime); res.append("\r\nContent-Length: "); res.append(size); res.append("\r\n\r\n"); sendFile = true; } } else if(processRunning(process)) { res.append("Another encoding is in progress"); } else { if(startMencoder(filename, encPath)) { // FIXME: whatever we send to back, browser wont show anything res.append("Encoding started</br>Reload page to check status or download"); } else { res.append("Failed to start mencoder:</br>"); res.append(process->errorString()); } } } } if(!sendFile) { res.append("</body>"); res.append("</html>"); } con->write(res.toUtf8()); if(sendFile) { QFile f(encPath); char buf[4096]; f.open(QFile::ReadOnly); int count; while((count = f.read(buf, 4096)) > 0) { con->write(buf, count); con->flush(); con->waitForBytesWritten(-1); } } con->close(); con->disconnectFromHost(); }
void Task::run() { QTcpSocket socket; QString answerID,type,lang; socket.setSocketDescriptor(this->socketDescriptor); socket.waitForReadyRead(); data=socket.readAll(); dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QStringList params; QFile file; token=QUuid::createUuid().toString(); token=token.left(token.size()-1); token=token.right(token.size()-1); conName=cdb.connectionName()+QString::number(id); { QSqlDatabase db=QSqlDatabase(QSqlDatabase::cloneDatabase(cdb,conName)); db.open(); QSqlQuery query(db); sc = engine.evaluate("(" + QString(data) + ")"); QScriptValueIterator it(sc); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.name()=="program") { program_id=it.value().toString(); token=token+"-"+program_id; params<<program_id; if (!params.at(0).isNull()||!params.at(0).isEmpty()) { query.exec("INSERT INTO math.answer (an_user_id, an_token, an_complete, an_start_date, an_cp_id) VALUES (0, '"+token+"', 0, '"+dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")+"', '"+program_id+"');"); query.exec("SELECT @an_id:=LAST_INSERT_ID();"); query.next(); answerID = query.value(0).toString(); params<<answerID; } } if (it.name()=="exec") { type=it.value().toString(); } if (it.name()=="lang") { lang=it.value().toString(); params<<lang; } if (it.value().isObject()) { if (type=="execute") { QScriptValueIterator sit(it.value()); while (sit.hasNext()) { sit.next(); if (sit.value().isObject())//--- jeigu tai failas { QScriptValueIterator sits(sit.value()); while (sits.hasNext()) { sits.next(); if (sits.value().toString()=="file") { sits.next(); query.exec("SELECT @pp_id:=pp_id FROM math.program_param_list,math.program_param WHERE ppl_pp_id=pp_id and ppl_cp_id="+program_id+" and pp_name='"+sits.name()+"'"); cout << program_id.toStdString() << " program id \n"; query.prepare("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_value (pv_value, pv_pp_id) VALUES (:val, @pp_id);"); query.bindValue(":val",sits.value().toString()); query.exec(); query.exec("SELECT @pv_id:=LAST_INSERT_ID();"); query.exec("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_list (anpl_an_id, anpl_pv_id) VALUES (@an_id, @pv_id)"); query.exec("SELECT BD_DATA FROM math.big_data where BD_ID="+sits.value().toString()); query.next(); file.setFileName(this->binaryPath+"/binaries/"+program_id+"/"+sits.value().toString()); params<<this->binaryPath+"/binaries/"+program_id+"/"+sits.value().toString(); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&file); out << query.value(0).toByteArray(); } file.close(); } } } else { params<<sit.value().toString(); query.exec("SELECT @pp_id:=pp_id FROM math.program_param_list,math.program_param WHERE ppl_pp_id=pp_id and ppl_cp_id="+program_id+" and pp_name='"+sit.name()+"'"); query.prepare("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_value (pv_value, pv_pp_id) VALUES (:val, @pp_id);"); query.bindValue(":val",sit.value().toString()); query.exec(); query.exec("SELECT @pv_id:=LAST_INSERT_ID();"); query.exec("INSERT INTO math.answer_param_list (anpl_an_id, anpl_pv_id) VALUES (@an_id, @pv_id)"); } } } } } } QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(conName); if (type=="execute") { if (params.at(0).isNull()||params.at(0).isEmpty()) { socket.write("Nurodykite programa"); socket.waitForBytesWritten(); } else emit this->requestExecute(params); } if (type=="compile") { if (params.at(0).isNull()||params.at(0).isEmpty()) { socket.write("Nurodykite programa"); socket.waitForBytesWritten(); } else emit this->requestCompile(params); } // qDebug()<<QString(data); socket.write(token.toLatin1()); socket.flush(); socket.waitForBytesWritten(); socket.waitForDisconnected(); socket.close(); }
bool QgsHelp::urlExists( const QString &url ) { QUrl helpUrl( url ); QTcpSocket socket; QgsSettings settings; bool proxyEnabled = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyEnabled" ), false ).toBool(); if ( proxyEnabled ) { QNetworkProxy proxy; QString proxyHost = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyHost" ), QString() ).toString(); int proxyPort = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPort" ), QString() ).toString().toInt(); QString proxyUser = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyUser" ), QString() ).toString(); QString proxyPassword = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPassword" ), QString() ).toString(); QString proxyTypeString = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyType" ), QString() ).toString(); if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "DefaultProxy" ) ) { QList<QNetworkProxy> proxies = QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(); if ( !proxies.isEmpty() ) { proxy = proxies.first(); } } else { QNetworkProxy::ProxyType proxyType = QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy; if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "Socks5Proxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy; } else if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "HttpProxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy; } else if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "HttpCachingProxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy; } else if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "FtpCachingProxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy; } proxy = QNetworkProxy( proxyType, proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPassword ); } socket.setProxy( proxy ); } socket.connectToHost( helpUrl.host(), 80 ); if ( socket.waitForConnected() ) { socket.write( "HEAD " + helpUrl.path().toUtf8() + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: " + helpUrl.host().toUtf8() + "\r\n\r\n" ); if ( socket.waitForReadyRead() ) { QByteArray bytes = socket.readAll(); if ( bytes.contains( "200 OK" ) || bytes.contains( "302 Found" ) ) { return true; } } } return false; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- void tst_QIODevice::unget() { #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && defined(WINCE_EMULATOR_TEST) QSKIP("Networking tests in a WinCE emulator are unstable", SkipAll); #endif QBuffer buffer; buffer.open(QBuffer::ReadWrite); buffer.write("ZXCV"); buffer.seek(0); QCOMPARE(buffer.read(4), QByteArray("ZXCV")); QCOMPARE(buffer.pos(), qint64(4)); buffer.ungetChar('a'); buffer.ungetChar('b'); buffer.ungetChar('c'); buffer.ungetChar('d'); QCOMPARE(buffer.pos(), qint64(0)); char buf[6]; QCOMPARE(buffer.readLine(buf, 5), qint64(4)); QCOMPARE(buffer.pos(), qint64(4)); QCOMPARE(static_cast<const char*>(buf), "dcba"); buffer.ungetChar('a'); buffer.ungetChar('b'); buffer.ungetChar('c'); buffer.ungetChar('d'); QCOMPARE(buffer.pos(), qint64(0)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { buf[0] = '@'; buf[1] = '@'; QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QIODevice::readLine: Called with maxSize < 2"); QCOMPARE(buffer.readLine(buf, 1), qint64(-1)); QCOMPARE(buffer.readLine(buf, 2), qint64(i < 4 ? 1 : -1)); switch (i) { case 0: QCOMPARE(buf[0], 'd'); break; case 1: QCOMPARE(buf[0], 'c'); break; case 2: QCOMPARE(buf[0], 'b'); break; case 3: QCOMPARE(buf[0], 'a'); break; case 4: QCOMPARE(buf[0], '\0'); break; } QCOMPARE(buf[1], i < 4 ? '\0' : '@'); } buffer.ungetChar('\n'); QCOMPARE(buffer.readLine(), QByteArray("\n")); buffer.seek(1); buffer.readLine(buf, 3); QCOMPARE(static_cast<const char*>(buf), "XC"); buffer.seek(4); buffer.ungetChar('Q'); QCOMPARE(buffer.readLine(buf, 3), qint64(1)); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { QTcpSocket socket; QIODevice *dev; QByteArray result; const char *lineResult; if (i == 0) { dev = &buffer; result = QByteArray("ZXCV"); lineResult = "ZXCV"; } else { socket.connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 80); socket.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); QVERIFY(socket.waitForReadyRead()); dev = &socket; result = QByteArray("HTTP"); lineResult = "Date"; } char ch, ch2; dev->seek(0); dev->getChar(&ch); dev->ungetChar(ch); QCOMPARE(dev->peek(4), result); dev->getChar(&ch); dev->getChar(&ch2); dev->ungetChar(ch2); dev->ungetChar(ch); QCOMPARE(dev->read(1), result.left(1)); QCOMPARE(dev->read(3), result.right(3)); if (i == 0) dev->seek(0); else dev->readLine(); dev->getChar(&ch); dev->ungetChar(ch); dev->readLine(buf, 5); QCOMPARE(static_cast<const char*>(buf), lineResult); if (i == 1) socket.close(); } }
void getCoarseningInfo(int32NDArray& coarseningInfo, const QString &hostName, quint16 port, const qint64& caseId) { QString serverName = hostName; quint16 serverPort = port; QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } // Create command and send it: QString command = QString("GetCoarseningInfo %1").arg(caseId); QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } quint64 byteCount; socketStream >> byteCount; quint64 boxCount = byteCount / (6 * sizeof(qint32)); dim_vector dv (1, 1); dv(0) = boxCount; dv(1) = 6; coarseningInfo.resize(dv); for (size_t i = 0; i < boxCount; i++) { qint32 i1; qint32 i2; qint32 j1; qint32 j2; qint32 k1; qint32 k2; socketStream >> i1; socketStream >> i2; socketStream >> j1; socketStream >> j2; socketStream >> k1; socketStream >> k2; coarseningInfo(i, 0) = i1; coarseningInfo(i, 1) = i2; coarseningInfo(i, 2) = j1; coarseningInfo(i, 3) = j2; coarseningInfo(i, 4) = k1; coarseningInfo(i, 5) = k2; } return; }