bool QgsArchive::zip( const QString &filename ) { // create a temporary path QTemporaryFile tmpFile;; tmpFile.close(); // zip content if ( ! QgsZipUtils::zip( tmpFile.fileName(), mFiles ) ) { QString err = QObject::tr( "Unable to zip content" ); QgsMessageLog::logMessage( err, QStringLiteral( "QgsArchive" ) ); return false; } // remove existing zip file if ( QFile::exists( filename ) ) QFile::remove( filename ); // save zip archive if ( ! tmpFile.rename( filename ) ) { QString err = QObject::tr( "Unable to save zip file '%1'" ).arg( filename ); QgsMessageLog::logMessage( err, QStringLiteral( "QgsArchive" ) ); return false; } // keep the zip filename tmpFile.setAutoRemove( false ); return true; }
void writeXml( const QDomDocument& xml, const QString& path ) { // we write to a temporary file, and then do an atomic move // this prevents the client from potentially reading a corrupt XML file QTemporaryFile f; f.setAutoRemove( false ); if (! throw "Couldn't write XML"; QTextStream s( &f ); s, 2 ); if ( !f.rename( path ) ) throw QString("Couldn't move to ") + path; }
static int assemble(Input input, const QInstaller::Settings &settings, const QString &signingIdentity) { #ifdef Q_OS_OSX if (QInstaller::isInBundle(input.installerExePath)) { const QString bundle = input.installerExePath; // if the input file was a bundle const QSettings s(QString::fromLatin1("%1/Contents/Info.plist").arg(input.installerExePath), QSettings::NativeFormat); input.installerExePath = QString::fromLatin1("%1/Contents/MacOS/%2").arg(bundle) .arg(s.value(QLatin1String("CFBundleExecutable"), QFileInfo(input.installerExePath).completeBaseName()).toString()); } const bool createDMG = input.outputPath.endsWith(QLatin1String(".dmg")); if (createDMG) input.outputPath.replace(input.outputPath.length() - 4, 4, QLatin1String(".app")); const bool isBundle = input.outputPath.endsWith(QLatin1String(".app")); const QString bundle = isBundle ? input.outputPath : QString(); const BundleBackup bundleBackup(bundle); if (isBundle) { // output should be a bundle const QFileInfo fi(input.outputPath); const QString contentsResourcesPath = fi.filePath() + QLatin1String("/Contents/Resources/"); QInstaller::mkpath(fi.filePath() + QLatin1String("/Contents/MacOS")); QInstaller::mkpath(contentsResourcesPath); { QFile pkgInfo(fi.filePath() + QLatin1String("/Contents/PkgInfo"));; QTextStream pkgInfoStream(&pkgInfo); pkgInfoStream << QLatin1String("APPL????") << endl; } QString iconFile; if (QFile::exists(settings.installerApplicationIcon())) { iconFile = settings.installerApplicationIcon(); } else { iconFile = QString::fromLatin1(":/resources/default_icon_mac.icns"); } const QString iconTargetFile = fi.completeBaseName() + QLatin1String(".icns"); QFile::copy(iconFile, contentsResourcesPath + iconTargetFile); if (QDir(qApp->applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/qt_menu.nib")).exists()) { copyDirectoryContents(qApp->applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/qt_menu.nib"), contentsResourcesPath + QLatin1String("/qt_menu.nib")); } QFile infoPList(fi.filePath() + QLatin1String("/Contents/Info.plist"));; QTextStream plistStream(&infoPList); plistStream << QLatin1String("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM \"file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs" "/PropertyList.dtd\">") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String("<plist version=\"0.9\">") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String("<dict>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string>") << iconTargetFile << QLatin1String("</string>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string>APPL</string>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>") << endl; #define QUOTE_(x) #x #define QUOTE(x) QUOTE_(x) plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string>") << QLatin1String(QUOTE(IFW_VERSION_STR)) << ("</string>") << endl; #undef QUOTE #undef QUOTE_ plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>CFBundleSignature</key>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string> ???? </string>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string>") << fi.completeBaseName() << QLatin1String("</string>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string>com.yourcompany.installerbase</string>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>NOTE</key>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string>This file was generated by Qt Installer Framework.</string>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <key>NSPrincipalClass</key>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String(" <string>NSApplication</string>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String("</dict>") << endl; plistStream << QLatin1String("</plist>") << endl; input.outputPath = QString::fromLatin1("%1/Contents/MacOS/%2").arg(input.outputPath) .arg(fi.completeBaseName()); } #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) Q_UNUSED(settings) #endif QTemporaryFile file(input.outputPath); if (! { throw Error(QString::fromLatin1("Cannot copy %1 to %2: %3").arg(input.installerExePath, input.outputPath, file.errorString())); } const QString tempFile = file.fileName(); file.close(); file.remove(); QFile instExe(input.installerExePath); if (!instExe.copy(tempFile)) { throw Error(QString::fromLatin1("Cannot copy %1 to %2: %3").arg(instExe.fileName(), tempFile, instExe.errorString())); } QtPatch::patchBinaryFile(tempFile, QByteArray("MY_InstallerCreateDateTime_MY"), QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(QLatin1String("yyyy-MM-dd - HH:mm:ss")).toLatin1()); input.installerExePath = tempFile; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) // setting the windows icon must happen before we append our binary data - otherwise they get lost :-/ if (QFile::exists(settings.installerApplicationIcon())) { // no error handling as this is not fatal setApplicationIcon(tempFile, settings.installerApplicationIcon()); } #elif defined(Q_OS_OSX) if (isBundle) { // no error handling as this is not fatal const QString copyscript = QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath(QLatin1String("")); QFile::copy(QLatin1String(":/resources/"), copyscript); QFile::rename(tempFile, input.outputPath); chmod755(copyscript); QProcess p; p.start(copyscript, QStringList() << bundle); p.waitForFinished(-1); QFile::rename(input.outputPath, tempFile); QFile::remove(copyscript); } #endif QTemporaryFile out; QString targetName = input.outputPath; #ifdef Q_OS_OSX QDir resourcePath(QFileInfo(input.outputPath).dir()); resourcePath.cdUp();"Resources")); targetName = resourcePath.filePath(QLatin1String("installer.dat")); #endif { QFile target(targetName); if (target.exists() && !target.remove()) { qCritical("Cannot remove target %s: %s", qPrintable(target.fileName()), qPrintable(target.errorString())); QFile::remove(tempFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } try { QInstaller::openForWrite(&out); QFile exe(input.installerExePath); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX if (!exe.copy(input.outputPath)) { throw Error(QString::fromLatin1("Cannot copy %1 to %2: %3").arg(exe.fileName(), input.outputPath, exe.errorString())); } #else QInstaller::openForRead(&exe); QInstaller::appendData(&out, &exe, exe.size()); #endif foreach (const QInstallerTools::PackageInfo &info, input.packages) { QInstaller::ResourceCollection collection; collection.setName(; qDebug() << "Creating resource archive for" <<; foreach (const QString &file, info.copiedFiles) { const QSharedPointer<Resource> resource(new Resource(file)); qDebug().nospace() << "Appending " << file << " (" << humanReadableSize(resource->size()) << ")"; collection.appendResource(resource); } input.manager.insertCollection(collection); } const QList<QInstaller::OperationBlob> operations; BinaryContent::writeBinaryContent(&out, operations, input.manager, BinaryContent::MagicInstallerMarker, BinaryContent::MagicCookie); } catch (const Error &e) { qCritical("Error occurred while assembling the installer: %s", qPrintable(e.message())); QFile::remove(tempFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!out.rename(targetName)) { qCritical("Cannot write installer to %s: %s", targetName.toUtf8().constData(), out.errorString().toUtf8().constData()); QFile::remove(tempFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } out.setAutoRemove(false); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN chmod755(out.fileName()); #endif QFile::remove(tempFile); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX if (isBundle && !signingIdentity.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Signing .app bundle..."; QProcess p; p.start(QLatin1String("codesign"), QStringList() << QLatin1String("--force") << QLatin1String("--deep") << QLatin1String("--sign") << signingIdentity << bundle); if (!p.waitForFinished(-1)) { qCritical("Failed to sign app bundle: error while running '%s %s': %s", p.program().toUtf8().constData(), p.arguments().join(QLatin1Char(' ')).toUtf8().constData(), p.errorString().toUtf8().constData()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (p.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit) { if (p.exitCode() != 0) { qCritical("Failed to sign app bundle: running codesign failed " "with exit code %d: %s", p.exitCode(), p.readAllStandardError().constData()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } qDebug() << "done."; } bundleBackup.release(); if (createDMG) { qDebug() << "creating a DMG disk image..."; const QString volumeName = QFileInfo(input.outputPath).fileName(); const QString imagePath = QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2.dmg") .arg(QFileInfo(bundle).path()) .arg(volumeName); // no error handling as this is not fatal QProcess p; p.start(QLatin1String("/usr/bin/hdiutil"), QStringList() << QLatin1String("create") << imagePath << QLatin1String("-srcfolder") << bundle << QLatin1String("-ov") << QLatin1String("-volname") << volumeName << QLatin1String("-fs") << QLatin1String("HFS+")); qDebug() << "running " << p.program() << p.arguments(); p.waitForFinished(-1); qDebug() << "removing" << bundle; QDir(bundle).removeRecursively(); qDebug() << "done."; } #else Q_UNUSED(signingIdentity) #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void HistoryManager::save() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("history")); settings.setValue(QLatin1String("historyLimit"), m_historyLimit); bool saveAll = m_lastSavedUrl.isEmpty(); int first = m_history.count() - 1; if (!saveAll) { // find the first one to save for (int i = 0; i < m_history.count(); ++i) { if ( == m_lastSavedUrl) { first = i - 1; break; } } } if (first == m_history.count() - 1) saveAll = true; QString directory = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation); if (directory.isEmpty()) directory = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/.") + QCoreApplication::applicationName(); if (!QFile::exists(directory)) { QDir dir; dir.mkpath(directory); } QFile historyFile(directory + QLatin1String("/history")); // When saving everything use a temporary file to prevent possible data loss. QTemporaryFile tempFile; tempFile.setAutoRemove(false); bool open = false; if (saveAll) { open =; } else { open =; } if (!open) { qWarning() << "Unable to open history file for saving" << (saveAll ? tempFile.fileName() : historyFile.fileName()); return; } QDataStream out(saveAll ? &tempFile : &historyFile); for (int i = first; i >= 0; --i) { QByteArray data; QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); HistoryItem item =; stream << HISTORY_VERSION << item.url << item.dateTime << item.title; out << data; } tempFile.close(); if (saveAll) { if (historyFile.exists() && !historyFile.remove()) qWarning() << "History: error removing old history." << historyFile.errorString(); if (!tempFile.rename(historyFile.fileName())) qWarning() << "History: error moving new history over old." << tempFile.errorString() << historyFile.fileName(); } m_lastSavedUrl = m_history.value(0).url; }