bool GlslCompleter::contextAllowsElectricCharacters(const QTextCursor &cursor) const { const Token tk = SimpleLexer::tokenAt(cursor.block().text(), cursor.positionInBlock(), BackwardsScanner::previousBlockState(cursor.block())); // XXX Duplicated from CppEditor::isInComment to avoid tokenizing twice if (tk.isComment()) { const unsigned pos = cursor.selectionEnd() - cursor.block().position(); if (pos == tk.utf16charsEnd()) { if ( || return false; const int state = cursor.block().userState() & 0xFF; if (state > 0) return false; } if (pos < tk.utf16charsEnd()) return false; } else if (tk.isStringLiteral() || tk.isCharLiteral()) { const unsigned pos = cursor.selectionEnd() - cursor.block().position(); if (pos <= tk.utf16charsEnd()) return false; } return true; }
QString CvsEditorWidget::changeUnderCursor(const QTextCursor &c) const { // Try to match "1.1" strictly: // 1) Annotation: Check for a revision number at the beginning of the line. // Note that "" will // only select the part up until the dot. // Check if we are at the beginning of a line within a reasonable offset. // 2) Log: check for lines like "revision 1.1", cursor past "revision" switch (contentType()) { case VcsBase::OtherContent: case VcsBase::DiffOutput: break; case VcsBase::AnnotateOutput: { const QTextBlock block = c.block(); if (c.atBlockStart() || (c.position() - block.position() < 3)) { const QString line = block.text(); if (m_revisionAnnotationPattern.exactMatch(line)) return m_revisionAnnotationPattern.cap(1); } } break; case VcsBase::LogOutput: { const QTextBlock block = c.block(); if (c.position() - block.position() > 8 && m_revisionLogPattern.exactMatch(block.text())) return m_revisionLogPattern.cap(1); } break; } return QString(); }
CompletionContextFinder::CompletionContextFinder(const QTextCursor &cursor) : m_cursor(cursor) , m_colonCount(-1) , m_behaviorBinding(false) , m_inStringLiteral(false) , m_inImport(false) { QTextBlock lastBlock = cursor.block(); if ( lastBlock =; initialize(cursor.document()->begin(), lastBlock); m_startTokenIndex = yyLinizerState.tokens.size() - 1; // Initialize calls readLine - which skips empty lines. We should only adjust // the start token index if the linizer still is in the same block as the cursor. const int cursorPos = cursor.positionInBlock(); if (yyLinizerState.iter == cursor.block()) { for (; m_startTokenIndex >= 0; --m_startTokenIndex) { const Token &token =; if (token.end() <= cursorPos) break; if (token.begin() < cursorPos && m_inStringLiteral = true; } if (m_startTokenIndex == yyLinizerState.tokens.size() - 1 && yyLinizerState.insertedSemicolon) --m_startTokenIndex; } getQmlObjectTypeName(m_startTokenIndex); checkBinding(); checkImport(); }
void LrcEditor::addMark(qint64 ms) { // move cursor to begin QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); if (m_expTag.indexIn(cursor.block().text()) >= 0) gotoNextMark(cursor); // check whether already contains the same time QByteArray strLine = cursor.block().text().trimmed().toLocal8Bit(); if (!strLine.isEmpty()) { LrcReader reader(strLine, strLine.length()); reader.parse(); if (reader.getLrc().getLineByTime(ms) != nullptr) goto _end_of_insert; } { QString strTag = _makeTimeTag(ms); cursor.insertText(strTag); } _end_of_insert: gotoNextMark(cursor); }
bool ExpressionQueryWidget::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (obj == m_textEdit) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event); int key = keyEvent->key(); if (key == Qt::Key_Return || key == Qt::Key_Enter) { executeExpression(); return true; } else if (key == Qt::Key_Backspace) { // ensure m_expr doesn't contain backspace characters QTextCursor cursor = m_textEdit->textCursor(); bool atLastLine = !(cursor.block().next().isValid()); if (!atLastLine) return true; if (cursor.columnNumber() <= m_prompt.count()) return true; cursor.deletePreviousChar(); m_expr = cursor.block().text().mid(m_prompt.count()); return true; } else { m_textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); m_expr += keyEvent->text(); } break; } case QEvent::FocusIn: checkCurrentContext(); m_textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); break; default: break; } } else if (obj == m_lineEdit) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event); int key = keyEvent->key(); if (key == Qt::Key_Up && m_lineEdit->text() != m_lastExpr) { m_expr = m_lineEdit->text(); if (!m_lastExpr.isEmpty()) m_lineEdit->setText(m_lastExpr); } else if (key == Qt::Key_Down) { m_lineEdit->setText(m_expr); } break; } case QEvent::FocusIn: checkCurrentContext(); break; default: break; } } return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); }
void SimpleParagraphWidget::fillListButtons() { KoZoomHandler zoomHandler; zoomHandler.setZoom(1.2); zoomHandler.setDpi(72, 72); KoInlineTextObjectManager itom; KoTextRangeManager tlm; TextShape textShape(&itom, &tlm); textShape.setSize(QSizeF(300, 100)); QTextCursor cursor (textShape.textShapeData()->document()); foreach(const Lists::ListStyleItem &item, Lists::genericListStyleItems()) { QPixmap pm(48,48); pm.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&pm); p.translate(0, -1.5); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); if( != KoListStyle::None) { KoListStyle listStyle; KoListLevelProperties llp = listStyle.levelProperties(1); llp.setStyle(; if (KoListStyle::isNumberingStyle( { llp.setStartValue(1); llp.setListItemSuffix("."); } listStyle.setLevelProperties(llp);; QTextCharFormat textCharFormat=cursor.blockCharFormat(); textCharFormat.setFontPointSize(11); textCharFormat.setFontWeight(QFont::Normal); cursor.setCharFormat(textCharFormat); QTextBlock cursorBlock = cursor.block(); KoTextBlockData data(cursorBlock); cursor.insertText("----"); listStyle.applyStyle(cursor.block(),1); cursorBlock = cursor.block(); KoTextBlockData data1(cursorBlock); cursor.insertText("\n----"); cursorBlock = cursor.block(); KoTextBlockData data2(cursorBlock); cursor.insertText("\n----"); cursorBlock = cursor.block(); KoTextBlockData data3(cursorBlock); KoTextDocumentLayout *lay = dynamic_cast<KoTextDocumentLayout*>(textShape.textShapeData()->document()->documentLayout()); if(lay) lay->layout(); KoShapePaintingContext paintContext; //FIXME textShape.paintComponent(p, zoomHandler, paintContext); widget.bulletListButton->addItem(pm, static_cast<int> (; } }
void ConsoleWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { QString line; if (!isReadOnly()) { moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); if (event->key()==Qt::Key_Return) { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); line = cursor.block().text(); line.remove(0, m_prompt.size()); // get rid of prompt (assume it's just the first character) // propagate newline before we send text QPlainTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); // send text emit textLine(line); return; } else if (event->key()==Qt::Key_Up) { emit controlKey(Qt::Key_Up); return; } else if (event->key()==Qt::Key_Down) { emit controlKey(Qt::Key_Down); return; } else if (event->key()==Qt::Key_Backspace) { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); line = cursor.block().text(); // don't propagate backspace if it means we're going to delete the prompt if (line.size()<=m_prompt.size()) return; } else if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Copy)) // break key emit controlKey(Qt::Key_Escape); else { // make sure when we're typing, there's a prompt QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); line = cursor.block().text(); if (line.left(m_prompt.size())!=m_prompt) prompt(m_prompt); } } QPlainTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); }
void TextEdit::cursorPositionChanged() { //alignmentChanged(textEdit->alignment()); QColor col = Qt::red; QTextCharFormat fmt; fmt.setForeground(col); QTextCursor cursor = textEdit->textCursor(); cout<<"#TextEdit::cursorPositionChanged:"; cout<<"cursor.selectionStart:"<<cursor.selectionStart()<<","<<cursor.selectionEnd(); int selectionStart=cursor.selectionStart(), selectionEnd=cursor.selectionEnd(); cursor.mergeCharFormat(fmt); colorChanged(col); if(!cursor.hasSelection()) return; QTextBlock block=cursor.block(); int blockStart=block.position(); QTextLayout* layout=cursor.block().layout(); QTextLine layoutLine=layout->lineForTextPosition(selectionStart-blockStart); cout<<"layout line:"; int lineNumber= layoutLine.lineNumber(); QPoint blockOffset=layout->position().toPoint(); QPoint lineOffset=layoutLine.position().toPoint(); printPoint(blockOffset); printPoint(lineOffset); QPoint linePoint(blockOffset.x()+lineOffset.x(),blockOffset.y()+lineOffset.y()); QPoint lineEndPoint=QPoint(linePoint.x()+PAGEWIDTH,linePoint.y()); // cout<<"block:"<<rect.left()<<","<<rect.right()<<":"<<<<","<<rect.bottom(); // cout<<"blockstart:"<<blockStart; // int x=blockPoint.x()+(float)((selectionStart-blockStart)%LINELENGTH)/LINELENGTH*PAGEWIDTH; // int y=blockPoint.y()+((selectionStart-blockStart)/LINELENGTH+1)*LINEHEIGHT; // int x1=blockPoint.x()+(float)((selectionEnd-blockStart)%LINELENGTH)/LINELENGTH*PAGEWIDTH; // cout<<"block position:"<<blockPoint.x()<<","<<blockPoint.y(); // cout<<"selection position:"<<x<<","<<y<<":"<<x1<<","<<y; //// int y1=blockPoint.y()+((cursor.selectionEnd()-blockStart)/LINELENGTH+1)*15; // QPoint selectionPoint(x,y); // QPoint selectionEndPoint(x1,y); image->paintLine(linePoint,lineEndPoint); // int lineStart=blockStart,lineEnd; // for(int i=0;i<block.lineCount();i++){ // QTextLine line = layout->lineAt(i); // qreal lineWidth=line.width(),lineHeight=line.height(); // lineEnd=lineStart+line.textLength(); // int a=line.textStart(),b=line.textLength()+a; // cout<<"line.cursorToX:"<<line.cursorToX(selectionStart)<<","<<line.cursorToX(selectionEnd); // cout<<"line.textstart:"<<a<<","<<b; // cout<<"line.width:"<<lineWidth<<" height:"<<lineHeight; // rect=line.naturalTextRect(); // cout<<"line.naturaltextrect:"<<rect.left()<<":"<<<<":"<<rect.right()<<":"<<rect.bottom(); // lineStart=lineEnd; // } }
/** La completion n'est réalisée que si aucune sélection n'est actuellement définie */ bool RzxTextEdit::nickAutocompletion() { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); //Si y'a une sélection, on zappe if(cursor.hasSelection()) return false; //On récupère la position du curseur et la paragraphe concerné int index = cursor.position(); index -= cursor.block().position(); if(!index) return false; static const QRegExp mask("[^-A-Za-z0-9]([-A-Za-z0-9]+)$"); const QString textPara = cursor.block().text(); //Juste pour se souvenir des pseudos possibles const QString localName = RzxComputer::localhost()->name(); const QString remoteName = chat->computer()->name(); const QString localLower = localName.toLower(); const QString remoteLower = remoteName.toLower(); for(int i = 1 ; i <= index && (localName.length() > i || remoteName.length() > i) ; i++) { //Chaine de caractère qui précède le curseur de taille i QString nick = textPara.mid(index-i, i).toLower(); if(mask.indexIn(nick) != -1 || i == index) { if(mask.indexIn(nick) != -1) nick = mask.cap(1); if(!remoteLower.indexOf(nick, false) && localLower.indexOf(nick, false)) { for(int i = 0; i< nick.length();i++) { cursor.deletePreviousChar (); } cursor.insertText(remoteName + " "); return true; } else if(remoteLower.indexOf(nick, false) && !localLower.indexOf(nick, false)) { for(int i = 0; i< nick.length();i++) { cursor.deletePreviousChar (); } cursor.insertText(localName + " "); return true; } return false; } } return false; }
void SyntaxTextEditor::indentCursor(QTextCursor cur, bool bIndent) { if (bIndent) { cur.insertText("\t"); } else { QString text = cur.block().text(); int pos = cur.position()-cur.block().position()-1; int count = text.count(); if (count > 0 && pos >= 0 && pos < count) { if ( == '\t' || == ' ') { cur.deletePreviousChar(); } } } }
void SyntaxTextEditor::indentEnter(QTextCursor cur) { cur.beginEditBlock(); int pos = cur.position()-cur.block().position(); QString text = cur.block().text(); int i = 0; int tab = 0; int space = 0; QString inText = "\n"; while (i < text.size()) { if (! break; if ( == ' ') { space++; } else if ( == '\t') { inText += "\t"; tab++; } i++; } text.trimmed(); if (!text.isEmpty()) { if (pos >= text.size()) { const QChar ch =; if (ch == '{' || ch == '(') { inText += "\t"; } } else if (pos == text.size()-1 && text.size() >= 3) { const QChar l =; const QChar r =; if ( (l == '{' && r == '}') || (l == '(' && r== ')') ) { cur.insertText(inText); int pos = cur.position(); cur.insertText(inText); cur.setPosition(pos); this->setTextCursor(cur); cur.insertText("\t"); cur.endEditBlock(); return; } } } cur.insertText(inText); cur.endEditBlock(); ensureCursorVisible(); }
void CodeEditor::deleteTab() { QString deletion = " "; QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); if (cursor.selectionEnd() - cursor.selectionStart() <= 0) { //delete 4 spaces (tab) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, deletion.length()); QString selected = cursor.selectedText(); if (selected.startsWith(deletion)) cursor.deletePreviousChar(); } else { QTextBlock firstBlock = document()->findBlock(cursor.selectionStart()); QTextBlock lastBlock = document()->findBlock(cursor.selectionEnd() - 1); cursor.setPosition(firstBlock.position()); cursor.beginEditBlock(); do { if (cursor.block().text().startsWith(deletion)) { cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, deletion.length()); cursor.removeSelectedText(); } } while (cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock) && cursor.position() <= lastBlock.position()); cursor.endEditBlock(); } }
int OpenedFile::insertLineBeforeBracket(const int start_line, const QString &new_line) { QTextCursor parsingCursor = textCursor(); QString new_text = new_line; parsingCursor.setPosition(0); while(parsingCursor.blockNumber() != start_line) { parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down); } while(!parsingCursor.atEnd()) { if(parsingCursor.block().text().contains('}')) break; parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down); } parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine); new_text.remove(".0000", Qt::CaseInsensitive); parsingCursor.insertText(new_text); parsingCursor.insertText("\n"); parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Up); setTextCursor(parsingCursor); return parsingCursor.blockNumber(); }
QString EBTextEdit::itemNameFromDocument() { QString sItemName(""); if (m_ViewType == EditorView::XmlSource) { //Is there any problem with QTextEdit::toPlainText and QDomDocument::setContent? QDomDocument xmlDocument(m_FullFileName); QString errotMsg(""); int iErrorLine(0), iErrorCol(0); if (!xmlDocument.setContent(toPlainText(),false, &errotMsg, &iErrorLine, &iErrorCol)) { qCritical()<< "QDomDocument::setContent: " << errotMsg << " Line " << iErrorLine << " column: " << iErrorCol; return sItemName; } QDomNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.elementsByTagName(DataOwnerSingl::XmlKeywords::KEYWORD_NAME); if (nodeList.isEmpty()) return sItemName; sItemName =; } else if (m_ViewType == EditorView::Text) { QTextCursor cursor = document()->find(DataOwnerSingl::TxtKeywords::KEYWORD_NAME); const QTextBlock block = cursor.block(); if (!block.isValid()) return QString(""); sItemName = block.text(); sItemName.remove(QRegExp("^"+ DataOwnerSingl::TxtKeywords::KEYWORD_NAME)); //qDebug() << "itemNameFromDocument:" << sItemName; } else if(m_ViewType == EditorView::OnlyPlainData) { //todo sItemName = DataOwnerSingl::XmlKeywords::itemNameFromFile(m_FullFileName); } else Q_ASSERT(0); return sItemName; }
// Solution for getting x and y position of the cursor. Found // them in the Qt mailing list int Console::getIndex(const QTextCursor &crQTextCursor) { QTextBlock b; int column = 1; b = crQTextCursor.block(); column = crQTextCursor.position() - b.position(); return column; }
void Indenter::reindent(QTextDocument *doc, const QTextCursor &cursor, BaseTextEditorWidget *editor) { if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QTextBlock block = doc->findBlock(cursor.selectionStart()); const QTextBlock end = doc->findBlock(cursor.selectionEnd()).next(); const TabSettings &ts = editor->tabSettings(); // skip empty blocks while (block.isValid() && block != end) { QString bt = block.text(); if (ts.firstNonSpace(bt) < bt.size()) break; indentBlock(doc, block, QChar::Null, editor); block =; } int previousIndentation = ts.indentationColumn(block.text()); indentBlock(doc, block, QChar::Null, editor); int currentIndentation = ts.indentationColumn(block.text()); int delta = currentIndentation - previousIndentation; block =; while (block.isValid() && block != end) { ts.reindentLine(block, delta); block =; } } else { indentBlock(doc, cursor.block(), QChar::Null, editor); } }
QTextList *tryReadList(QTextList *list, const QString &line) { QTextList *listOut = list; QRegularExpression exp("^( *)(\\d+\\.|\\*) (.*)$"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = exp.match(line); if (match.hasMatch()) { const int indent = match.captured(1).size() / 2 + 1; const QString contents = match.captured(3); const bool ordered = match.captured(2) != "*"; QTextListFormat fmt; fmt.setStyle(ordered ? QTextListFormat::ListDecimal : QTextListFormat::ListDisc); fmt.setIndent(indent); if (!listOut || fmt != listOut->format()) { listOut = cursor.insertList(fmt); } else { cursor.insertBlock(); } readInlineText(contents); listOut->add(cursor.block()); return listOut; } else { return 0; } }
void TextProcessor::textChangeEvent() { if (autoInsertion_) return; QTextCursor c = edit_->textCursor(); if (c.atBlockStart()) { QTextBlock bl = c.block(); QTextBlock prevBl = bl.previous(); if (bl.isValid() && prevBl.isValid()) { // ensure that cursor was moved from the previous row if (lastRow_ - 1 != preLastRow_) return; QString text = bl.text(); QString prevText = prevBl.text(); if (/*text.isEmpty() &&*/ !prevText.isEmpty()) { int lineBeginIndex = prevText.indexOf(QRegExp("[^ \t]")); QString lineBegin = prevText.left(lineBeginIndex); autoInsertion_ = true; while (bl.text().startsWith('\t') || bl.text().startsWith(' ')) { c.deleteChar(); } c.insertText(lineBegin); autoInsertion_ = false; } } } }
void ScCodeEditor::moveToPreviousToken( QTextCursor & cursor, QTextCursor::MoveMode mode ) { if (cursor.atBlockStart()) { cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::PreviousCharacter, mode ); return; } QTextBlock block( cursor.block() ); QString blockText = block.text(); int positionInBlock = cursor.position() - block.position() - 1; // skip whitespace while (positionInBlock > 0 && blockText[positionInBlock].isSpace()) --positionInBlock; cursor.setPosition(positionInBlock + block.position(), mode); if (positionInBlock == 0) return; // go to beginning of token or beginning of word TokenIterator tokenIt( block, positionInBlock ); if (tokenIt.isValid()) { cursor.setPosition( tokenIt.position(), mode ); } else { int pos = positionInBlock; if (blockText[pos].isLetterOrNumber()) { while (pos > 0 && blockText[pos-1].isLetterOrNumber()) --pos; } cursor.setPosition( pos + block.position(), mode ); } }
void ScCodeEditor::evaluateLine() { QString text; // Try current selection QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) text = cursor.selectedText(); else { text = cursor.block().text(); if( mStepForwardEvaluation ) { QTextCursor newCursor = cursor; newCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock); setTextCursor(newCursor); } // Adjust cursor for code blinking: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfBlock); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); } if (text.isEmpty()) return; text.replace( QChar( 0x2029 ), QChar( '\n' ) ); Main::evaluateCode(text); blinkCode( cursor ); }
void ScCodeEditor::moveToNextToken( QTextCursor & cursor, QTextCursor::MoveMode mode ) { if (cursor.atBlockEnd()) { cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::NextCharacter, mode ); return; } QTextBlock block( cursor.block() ); QString blockText = block.text(); int positionInBlock = cursor.position() - block.position(); // go to end of token or end of word TokenIterator tokenIt( block, positionInBlock ); if (tokenIt.isValid()) positionInBlock = tokenIt->positionInBlock + tokenIt->length; else { int pos = positionInBlock; if (blockText[pos].isLetterOrNumber()) { ++pos; while (pos < blockText.size() && blockText[pos].isLetterOrNumber()) ++pos; } else { ++pos; } positionInBlock = pos; } // skip whitespace while (positionInBlock < blockText.size() && blockText[positionInBlock].isSpace()) ++positionInBlock; cursor.setPosition( positionInBlock + block.position(), mode ); }
void CodeEditor::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: { QTextCursor tc = textCursor(); QString t = tc.block().text(); QString spaces; QChar *data =; while (!data->isNull() && data->isSpace()) { spaces.append(*data); ++data; } QPlainTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); insertPlainText(spaces); } break; case Qt::Key_F1: insertPlainText("\t"); break; default: QPlainTextEdit::keyPressEvent(event); } }
void CppQtStyleIndenter::indent(QTextDocument *doc, const QTextCursor &cursor, const QChar &typedChar, const TextEditor::TabSettings &tabSettings) { if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QTextBlock block = doc->findBlock(cursor.selectionStart()); const QTextBlock end = doc->findBlock(cursor.selectionEnd()).next(); CppTools::QtStyleCodeFormatter codeFormatter(tabSettings, codeStyleSettings()); codeFormatter.updateStateUntil(block); QTextCursor tc = cursor; tc.beginEditBlock(); do { int indent; int padding; codeFormatter.indentFor(block, &indent, &padding); tabSettings.indentLine(block, indent + padding, padding); codeFormatter.updateLineStateChange(block); block =; } while (block.isValid() && block != end); tc.endEditBlock(); } else { indentBlock(doc, cursor.block(), typedChar, tabSettings); } }
void CodeEditor::lineNumberAreaPaintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter painter( lineNumberArea ) ; painter.fillRect( event->rect(), QColor( Qt::lightGray ).lighter( 120 ) ) ; QTextBlock block = firstVisibleBlock() ; QTextCursor cursor = textCursor() ; int blockNumber = block.blockNumber() ; int top = (int) blockBoundingGeometry( block ).translated( contentOffset() ).top() ; int bottom = top + (int) blockBoundingRect(block).height() ; while ( block.isValid() && top <= event->rect().bottom() ) { if ( block.isVisible() && bottom >= event->rect().top() ) { QString number = QString::number( blockNumber + 1 ) ; if ( block == cursor.block() ) painter.setPen( QColor( Qt::black ) ) ; else painter.setPen( Qt::gray ) ; painter.drawText( 0, top, lineNumberArea->width(), fontMetrics().height(), Qt::AlignHCenter, number ) ; } block = ; top = bottom ; bottom = top + (int)blockBoundingRect( block ).height() ; blockNumber += 1 ; } }
inline void extendSelectionForEnvVar(QPlainTextEdit * textEdit, QTextCursor selection) { if (selection.hasSelection()) { if (selection.selectedText() == QStringLiteral("~")) { QTextCursor wordAfter(selection); wordAfter.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter);; if ( wordAfter.hasSelection() && (selection.block() == wordAfter.block()) ) { selection.setPosition(selection.selectionStart()); selection.setPosition(wordAfter.selectionEnd(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); textEdit->setTextCursor(selection); } } else { int positionBeforeSelection = selection.selectionStart() - 1; if (positionBeforeSelection >= 0) { QChar charBeforeSelection = textEdit->document()->characterAt(positionBeforeSelection); if (charBeforeSelection == QChar('~')) { QTextCursor extendedSelection = textEdit->textCursor(); extendedSelection.setPosition(positionBeforeSelection); extendedSelection.setPosition(selection.selectionEnd(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); textEdit->setTextCursor(extendedSelection); } } } } }
void EditorUtil::EnumEditor(QPlainTextEdit *ed, EnumEditorProc proc, void *param) { if (!ed) { return; } QTextCursor cur = ed->textCursor(); cur.beginEditBlock(); if (cur.hasSelection()) { QTextBlock begin = ed->document()->findBlock(cur.selectionStart()); QTextBlock end = ed->document()->findBlock(cur.selectionEnd()); if (end.position() == cur.selectionEnd()) { end = end.previous(); } QTextBlock block = begin; do { if (block.text().length() > 0) { proc(cur,block,param); } block =; } while(block.isValid() && block.position() <= end.position()); } else { QTextBlock block = cur.block(); proc(cur,block,param); } cur.endEditBlock(); ed->setTextCursor(cur); }
void KNoteEdit::autoIndent() { QTextCursor c = textCursor(); QTextBlock b = c.block(); QString string; while ( ( b.previous().length() > 0 ) && string.trimmed().isEmpty() ) { b = b.previous(); string = b.text(); } if ( string.trimmed().isEmpty() ) { return; } // This routine returns the whitespace before the first non white space // character in string. // It is assumed that string contains at least one non whitespace character // ie \n \r \t \v \f and space QString indentString; const int len = string.length(); int i = 0; while ( i < len && i ).isSpace() ) { indentString += i++ ); } if ( !indentString.isEmpty() ) { c.insertText( indentString ); } }
int SoTextEdit::findBraceLeft(void) { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); QTextBlock block = cursor.block(); int brace_count = 0, i, blockNumber = block.blockNumber(); QString text; while (blockNumber != UNVALID_BLOCK) { text = block.text(); i = text.size(); for (; 0 <= i; i--) { if (text[i] == QChar('}')) { brace_count++; } else if (text[i] == QChar('{')) { brace_count--; if (brace_count == 0) { // cursor.deletePreviousChar(); // cursor.insertText("}", colorFormat(Qt::darkCyan)); cursor.setPosition((block.position()) + i); // cursor.deleteChar(); // cursor.insertText("{", colorFormat(Qt::darkCyan)); return (block.position() + i); } } } block = block.previous(); blockNumber = block.blockNumber(); } return -1; }
ChangeListLevelCommand::ChangeListLevelCommand(const QTextCursor &cursor, ChangeListLevelCommand::CommandType type, int coef, KUndo2Command *parent) : KoTextCommandBase(parent), m_type(type), m_coefficient(coef), m_first(true) { setText(kundo2_i18n("Change List Level")); int selectionStart = qMin(cursor.anchor(), cursor.position()); int selectionEnd = qMax(cursor.anchor(), cursor.position()); QTextBlock block = cursor.block().document()->findBlock(selectionStart); bool oneOf = (selectionStart == selectionEnd); //ensures the block containing the cursor is selected in that case while (block.isValid() && ((block.position() < selectionEnd) || oneOf)) { m_blocks.append(block); if (block.textList()) { m_lists.insert(m_blocks.size() - 1, KoTextDocument(block.document()).list(block.textList())); Q_ASSERT(m_lists.value(m_blocks.size() - 1)); m_levels.insert(m_blocks.size() - 1, effectiveLevel(m_lists.value(m_blocks.size() - 1)->level(block))); } oneOf = false; block =; } }
void GolangEdit::editorViewGodoc() { LiteApi::ITextLexer *textLexer = LiteApi::getTextLexer(m_editor); if (!textLexer) { return; } QTextCursor cursor = m_editor->textCursor(); bool b = textLexer->isInImport(cursor); if (!b) { return; } QString pkg = parser_import(cursor.block().text()); if (pkg.isEmpty()) { return; } LiteApi::IGolangDoc *doc = LiteApi::getGolangDoc(m_liteApp); if (!doc) { return; } QUrl url; url.setScheme("pdoc"); url.setPath(pkg); doc->openUrl(url); doc->activeBrowser(); }