int QTimerProto::timerId() const { QTimer *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QTimer*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->timerId(); return -1; }
void CoordinationMessageModule::onAddNewMessage(const Data::Message &msg, bool needAck, int resendInterval, int ackCode) { emit sigMessageSendCMM(msg); if ((needAck) && (ackCode != 0) && (resendInterval != 0)) { QTimer *msgTimer = new QTimer(); msgTimer->setInterval(resendInterval); msgTimer->start(); int timerId = msgTimer->timerId(); messages.insert(timerId, ackCode, msg); connect(msgTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), messageTimeoutMapper, SLOT(map())); messageTimeoutMapper->setMapping(msgTimer, timerId); messageQTimerHash.insert(timerId, msgTimer); }else{ //delete &msg; } }
bool ScriptEngine::unsetTimer(int timerId) { QHashIterator <QTimer*, QScriptValue> it (timerEvents); while (it.hasNext()) {; QTimer *timer = it.key(); if (timer->timerId() == timerId) { timer->stop(); timer->blockSignals(true); timerEvents.remove(timer); timer->deleteLater(); return true; // Timer found. } } warn ("unsetTimer(timerId)", "no timer with that id"); return false; // No timer found. }
int ScriptEngine::setTimer(const QScriptValue &code, int delay, bool repeats) { if (delay <= 0) { return -1; } if ((!code.isFunction()) && (!code.isString())) { warn("setTimer(code, delay, repeats)", "code must be string or function."); return -1; } QTimer *t = new QTimer(); timerEvents[t] = code; t->setSingleShot(!repeats); t->start(delay); connect(t, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(timer()), Qt::DirectConnection); return t->timerId(); }