void NewRefereeModule::run() { QUdpSocket socket; if (!socket.bind(ProtobufRefereePort, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress)) { throw runtime_error("Can't bind to shared referee port"); } multicast_add(&socket, RefereeAddress); _packets.reserve(4); _running = true; while (_running) { if (!_useExternalRef) continue; char buf[65536]; if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(500)) { continue; } QHostAddress host; quint16 port = 0; qint64 size = socket.readDatagram(buf, sizeof(buf), &host, &port); if (size < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "NewRefereeModule: %s/n", (const char*)socket.errorString().toLatin1()); ::usleep(100000); continue; } NewRefereePacket* packet = new NewRefereePacket; packet->receivedTime = RJ::timestamp(); this->received_time = packet->receivedTime; if (!packet->wrapper.ParseFromArray(buf, size)) { fprintf(stderr, "NewRefereeModule: got bad packet of %d bytes from %s:%d\n", (int)size, (const char*)host.toString().toLatin1(), port); fprintf(stderr, "Packet: %s\n", buf); fprintf(stderr, "Address: %s\n", RefereeAddress); continue; } _mutex.lock(); _packets.push_back(packet); stage = (Stage)packet->wrapper.stage(); command = (Command)packet->wrapper.command(); sent_time = packet->wrapper.packet_timestamp(); stage_time_left = packet->wrapper.stage_time_left(); command_counter = packet->wrapper.command_counter(); command_timestamp = packet->wrapper.command_timestamp(); yellow_info.ParseRefboxPacket(packet->wrapper.yellow()); blue_info.ParseRefboxPacket(packet->wrapper.blue()); ballPlacementx = packet->wrapper.designated_position().x(); ballPlacementy = packet->wrapper.designated_position().y(); _mutex.unlock(); } }
void tst_QUdpSocket::unconnectedServerAndClientTest() { QUdpSocket serverSocket; qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketState>("QAbstractSocket::SocketState"); QSignalSpy stateChangedSpy(&serverSocket, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState))); QVERIFY2(serverSocket.bind(), serverSocket.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); QCOMPARE(stateChangedSpy.count(), 1); const char *message[] = {"Yo mista", "Yo", "Wassap"}; QHostAddress serverAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; if (!(serverSocket.localAddress() == QHostAddress::Any)) serverAddress = serverSocket.localAddress(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { QUdpSocket clientSocket; QCOMPARE(int(clientSocket.writeDatagram(message[i], strlen(message[i]), serverAddress, serverSocket.localPort())), int(strlen(message[i]))); char buf[1024]; QHostAddress host; quint16 port; QVERIFY(serverSocket.waitForReadyRead(5000)); QCOMPARE(int(serverSocket.readDatagram(buf, sizeof(buf), &host, &port)), int(strlen(message[i]))); buf[strlen(message[i])] = '\0'; QCOMPARE(QByteArray(buf), QByteArray(message[i])); } }
void TimeSync::getNTPTime() { QUdpSocket sock; sock.connectToHost("0.pool.ntp.org",123); if(!sock.waitForConnected(1000))return; QByteArray data(48,char(0)); *(reinterpret_cast<qint32 *>(&data.data()[0]))=4194959577; if(sock.write(data)<0||!sock.waitForReadyRead(3000)||sock.bytesAvailable()!=48)return; data=sock.readAll(); quint32 seconds=qToBigEndian(*(reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(&data.data()[40]))); quint32 fraction=qToBigEndian(*(reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(&data.data()[44]))); quint32 newTime=QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(seconds*1000ll+fraction*1000ll/0x100000000ll-2208988800000ll).toTime_t(); if(newTime<1451606400 || newTime>4000000000){ QThread::msleep(500); emit startSync(); return; } qint32 tempTimeShift=qint64(newTime)-qint64(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()); if(timeShift!=0)tempTimeShift=qint32((qint64(timeShift)+qint64(tempTimeShift))/2); if(tempTimeShift>3600 || tempTimeShift<-3600){ static bool showMessage=true; if(showMessage)emit warningMessage(julyTr("TIME_SYNC_ERROR","Your clock is not set. Please close the Qt Bitcoin Trader and set the clock. Changing time at Qt Bitcoin Trader enabled can cause errors and damage the keys.")); showMessage=false; } else timeShift.fetchAndStoreOrdered(tempTimeShift); getNTPTimeRetryCount++; if(getNTPTimeRetryCount<3)emit startSync(); }
QString connection::Broadcast() { // Om ip adressen te ontdekken QNetworkAddressEntry inter; // sockets aanmaken en verbinden met enerzijds broadcast en anderzijds een luister poort QUdpSocket udpSocketSend; QUdpSocket udpSocketGet; udpSocketSend.connectToHost(inter.broadcast(), 40000); // udpSocketGet->bind(inter->ip(),667); // udpSocketGet->bind(QHostAddress::Any,667) if(udpSocketGet.bind(udpgetport,QUdpSocket::ShareAddress)) Label->setText(Label->text() + "[INFO] Could properly bind udpSocketget to " + QString::number(udpgetport) + "\n"); else Label->setText(Label->text() + "[INFO] Couldn't properly bind udpSocketget to " + QString::number(udpgetport) + "\n"); // Pakket verzenden QByteArray send_datagram = "DISCOVER-STRATEGO-SERVER"; // Optimalisatie voor in de loop QByteArray receive_datagram; quint16 serverPort; forever{ udpSocketSend.writeDatagram(send_datagram, QHostAddress::Broadcast, 40000); if(udpSocketGet.waitForReadyRead(3000)){ receive_datagram.resize(udpSocketGet.pendingDatagramSize()); udpSocketGet.readDatagram(receive_datagram.data(),receive_datagram.size(),&server,&serverPort); if(QString::fromUtf8(receive_datagram.data()) == "DISCOVERED-STRATEGO-SERVER") { receive_datagram.resize(udpSocketGet.pendingDatagramSize()); udpSocketGet.readDatagram(receive_datagram.data(),receive_datagram.size(),&server,&serverPort); Label->setText(Label->text() +"[INFO] PLAYER DATA: "+ receive_datagram.data() +"\n"); speler = receive_datagram.toInt(); if(speler==1) { attacker=true; } else { attacker=false; } receive_datagram.resize(udpSocketGet.pendingDatagramSize()); udpSocketGet.readDatagram(receive_datagram.data(),receive_datagram.size(),&server,&serverPort); Label->setText(Label->text() + "[INFO] GAME DATA: "+receive_datagram.data()+"\n"); spel = receive_datagram.toInt(); Label->setText(Label->text() + " SPEL:" + QString::number(spel) + "\n"); Label->setText(Label->text() + "[INFO] Found STRATEGO-SERVER on " + server.toString().toUtf8().constData() + "\n"); return server.toString(); } } else { Label->setText(Label->text() + "[INFO] UDP Discover TimeOut!\n"); static int timeout=0; timeout++; if(timeout==5) { Label->setText(Label->text() + "[ERROR] Server is not online. Please try again later!"); return ""; } } } return ""; }
// Called whenever there is data available on the device. void SignalChunker::next(QIODevice* device) { // Get a pointer to the UDP socket. QUdpSocket* udpSocket = static_cast<QUdpSocket*>(device); _bytesRead = 0; // Get writable buffer space for the chunk. WritableData writableData = getDataStorage(_chunkSize); if (writableData.isValid()) { // Get pointer to start of writable memory. char* ptr = (char*) (writableData.ptr()); // Read datagrams for chunk from the UDP socket. while (isActive() && _bytesRead < _chunkSize) { // Read the datagram, but avoid using pendingDatagramSize(). if (!udpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { // MUST WAIT for the next datagram. udpSocket->waitForReadyRead(100); continue; } qint64 maxlen = _chunkSize - _bytesRead; qint64 length = udpSocket->readDatagram(ptr + _bytesRead, maxlen); if (length > 0) _bytesRead += length; } } // Must discard the datagram if there is no available space. else { udpSocket->readDatagram(0, 0); } }
void tst_QUdpSocket::ipv6Loop() { QFETCH(QByteArray, peterMessage); QFETCH(QByteArray, paulMessage); QFETCH(bool, success); QUdpSocket peter; QUdpSocket paul; quint16 peterPort = 28124; quint16 paulPort = 28123; if (!peter.bind(QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6, peterPort)) { QCOMPARE(peter.error(), QUdpSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError); } else { QVERIFY(paul.bind(QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6, paulPort)); QCOMPARE(peter.writeDatagram(peterMessage.data(), peterMessage.length(), QHostAddress("::1"), paulPort), qint64(peterMessage.length())); QCOMPARE(paul.writeDatagram(paulMessage.data(), paulMessage.length(), QHostAddress("::1"), peterPort), qint64(paulMessage.length())); char peterBuffer[16*1024]; char paulBuffer[16*1024]; #if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) QVERIFY(peter.waitForReadyRead(5000)); QVERIFY(paul.waitForReadyRead(5000)); #else QVERIFY(peter.waitForReadyRead(15000)); QVERIFY(paul.waitForReadyRead(15000)); #endif if (success) { QCOMPARE(peter.readDatagram(peterBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)), qint64(paulMessage.length())); QCOMPARE(paul.readDatagram(paulBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)), qint64(peterMessage.length())); } else { QVERIFY(peter.readDatagram(peterBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)) != paulMessage.length()); QVERIFY(paul.readDatagram(paulBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)) != peterMessage.length()); } QCOMPARE(QByteArray(peterBuffer, paulMessage.length()), paulMessage); QCOMPARE(QByteArray(paulBuffer, peterMessage.length()), peterMessage); } }
void tst_QUdpSocket::zeroLengthDatagram() { QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy); if (setProxy) return; QUdpSocket receiver; QVERIFY(receiver.bind()); QVERIFY(!receiver.waitForReadyRead(100)); QVERIFY(!receiver.hasPendingDatagrams()); QUdpSocket sender; QCOMPARE(sender.writeDatagram(QByteArray(), QHostAddress::LocalHost, receiver.localPort()), qint64(0)); QVERIFY(receiver.waitForReadyRead(1000)); QVERIFY(receiver.hasPendingDatagrams()); char buf; QCOMPARE(receiver.readDatagram(&buf, 1), qint64(0)); }
void tst_QUdpSocket::loop() { QFETCH(QByteArray, peterMessage); QFETCH(QByteArray, paulMessage); QFETCH(bool, success); QUdpSocket peter; QUdpSocket paul; QVERIFY2(peter.bind(), peter.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); QVERIFY2(paul.bind(), paul.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); QHostAddress peterAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; if (!(peter.localAddress() == QHostAddress::Any)) peterAddress = peter.localAddress(); QHostAddress pualAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; if (!(paul.localAddress() == QHostAddress::Any)) pualAddress = paul.localAddress(); QCOMPARE(peter.writeDatagram(peterMessage.data(), peterMessage.length(), pualAddress, paul.localPort()), qint64(peterMessage.length())); QCOMPARE(paul.writeDatagram(paulMessage.data(), paulMessage.length(), peterAddress, peter.localPort()), qint64(paulMessage.length())); QVERIFY(peter.waitForReadyRead(5000)); QVERIFY(paul.waitForReadyRead(5000)); char peterBuffer[16*1024]; char paulBuffer[16*1024]; if (success) { QCOMPARE(peter.readDatagram(peterBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)), qint64(paulMessage.length())); QCOMPARE(paul.readDatagram(paulBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)), qint64(peterMessage.length())); } else { QVERIFY(peter.readDatagram(peterBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)) != paulMessage.length()); QVERIFY(paul.readDatagram(paulBuffer, sizeof(peterBuffer)) != peterMessage.length()); } QCOMPARE(QByteArray(peterBuffer, paulMessage.length()), paulMessage); QCOMPARE(QByteArray(paulBuffer, peterMessage.length()), peterMessage); }
// TODO: sendCommand should only take one argument. The second is redundant. inline static void sendCommand( ScreenCommand & command, ScreenCommand::WaitMode wait = ScreenCommand::WAIT_BEFORE_UPDATE) { // qDebug("sendCommand at %s", qPrintable(QTime::currentTime().toString("mm:ss.zzz"))); command.wait_flags = wait; socket_.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&command), sizeof(command)); if (wait & ScreenCommand::WAIT_COMMAND_FINISH) { if (socket_.waitForReadyRead(3000)) { socket_.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&command), sizeof(command)); } } }
void tst_QUdpSocket::pendingDatagramSize() { QUdpSocket server; QVERIFY2(server.bind(), server.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); QHostAddress serverAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; if (!(server.localAddress() == QHostAddress::Any)) serverAddress = server.localAddress(); QUdpSocket client; QVERIFY(client.writeDatagram("this is", 7, serverAddress, server.localPort()) == 7); QVERIFY(client.writeDatagram(0, 0, serverAddress, server.localPort()) == 0); QVERIFY(client.writeDatagram("3 messages", 10, serverAddress, server.localPort()) == 10); char c = 0; QVERIFY(server.waitForReadyRead()); if (server.hasPendingDatagrams()) { #if defined Q_OS_HPUX && defined __ia64 QEXPECT_FAIL("", "HP-UX 11i v2 can't determine the datagram size correctly.", Abort); #endif QCOMPARE(server.pendingDatagramSize(), qint64(7)); c = '\0'; QCOMPARE(server.readDatagram(&c, 1), qint64(1)); QCOMPARE(c, 't'); c = '\0'; } else { QSKIP("does not have the 1st datagram", SkipSingle); } if (server.hasPendingDatagrams()) { QCOMPARE(server.pendingDatagramSize(), qint64(0)); QCOMPARE(server.readDatagram(&c, 1), qint64(0)); QCOMPARE(c, '\0'); // untouched c = '\0'; } else { QSKIP("does not have the 2nd datagram", SkipSingle); } if (server.hasPendingDatagrams()) { QCOMPARE(server.pendingDatagramSize(), qint64(10)); QCOMPARE(server.readDatagram(&c, 1), qint64(1)); QCOMPARE(c, '3'); } else { QSKIP("does not have the 3rd datagram", SkipSingle); } }
void tst_QUdpSocket::writeDatagram() { QUdpSocket server; QVERIFY2(server.bind(), server.errorString().toLatin1().constData()); QHostAddress serverAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; if (!(server.localAddress() == QHostAddress::Any)) serverAddress = server.localAddress(); QUdpSocket client; qRegisterMetaType<qint64>("qint64"); qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>("QAbstractSocket::SocketError"); for(int i=0;; i++) { QSignalSpy errorspy(&client, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); QSignalSpy bytesspy(&client, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64))); qint64 written = client.writeDatagram(QByteArray(i * 1024, 'w'), serverAddress, server.localPort()); if (written != i * 1024) { #if defined (Q_OS_HPUX) QSKIP("HP-UX 11.11 on hai (PA-RISC 64) truncates too long datagrams.", SkipSingle); #endif QCOMPARE(bytesspy.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(errorspy.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(*static_cast<const int *>(errorspy.at(0).at(0).constData()), int(QUdpSocket::DatagramTooLargeError)); QCOMPARE(client.error(), QUdpSocket::DatagramTooLargeError); break; } QVERIFY(bytesspy.count() == 1); QCOMPARE(*static_cast<const qint64 *>(bytesspy.at(0).at(0).constData()), qint64(i * 1024)); QCOMPARE(errorspy.count(), 0); if (!server.waitForReadyRead(5000)) QSKIP(QString("UDP packet lost at size %1, unable to complete the test.").arg(i * 1024).toLatin1().data(), SkipSingle); QCOMPARE(server.pendingDatagramSize(), qint64(i * 1024)); QCOMPARE(server.readDatagram(0, 0), qint64(0)); } }
void StreamDataChunker::next(QIODevice* device) { qDebug() << "StreamDataChunker::next() [" << chunkCounter_++ << "]"; QUdpSocket* socket = static_cast<QUdpSocket*>(device); bytesRead_ = 0; // Get writable buffer space for chunk. pelican::WritableData chunk = getDataStorage(chunkSize_); if (chunk.isValid()) { // Get pointer to start of chunk memory. char* ptr = (char*)chunk.ptr(); // Read datagrams for chunk from the socket. while (isActive() && bytesRead_ < chunkSize_) { // Read the datagram, but avoid using pendingDatagramSize() if (!socket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { // MUST wait for the next datagram socket->waitForReadyRead(100); continue; } qint64 maxlength = chunkSize_ - bytesRead_; qint64 length = socket->readDatagram(ptr + bytesRead_, maxlength); if (length > 0) bytesRead_ += length; } } // Discard the datagram if there is no space. else { socket->readDatagram(0, 0); } }
void MultiPointCom::run() { mutex.lock(); QTime timeout = lastConnectTime.addSecs(30); if (timeout < QTime::currentTime()) { qDebug() << "Device connected timeout" << disconnectCount++; lastConnectTime = QTime::currentTime(); #ifdef __arm__ ioctl(device, SI4432_IOC_RESET, 1); #endif } #ifdef __arm__ si4432_ioc_transfer tr; char txBuf[64], rxBuf[64]; memcpy(txBuf, request.data(), request.size()); memset(&tr, 0, sizeof(si4432_ioc_transfer)); tr.tx_buf = (__u64)txBuf; tr.rx_buf = (__u64)rxBuf; tr.len = request.size(); int len = ioctl(device, SI4432_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr); if (len > 0) { response.clear(); response.append(rxBuf, len); quint8 addr = response.at(0); if (addr == address) { lastConnectTime = QTime::currentTime(); disconnect = 0; emit deviceConnected(); emit responseReceived(response.at(1), QByteArray(response.data() + 2, len - 2)); } } else { disconnect++; if (disconnect > 3) { disconnect = 0; emit deviceDisconnected(); } } #else QUdpSocket *udp = new QUdpSocket(); udp->writeDatagram(request, QHostAddress::LocalHost, 19999); if (udp->waitForReadyRead(100) && (udp->pendingDatagramSize() > 0)) { response.resize(udp->pendingDatagramSize()); udp->readDatagram(response.data(), response.size()); quint8 addr = response.at(0); if (addr == address) { lastConnectTime = QTime::currentTime(); disconnect = 0; emit deviceConnected(); emit responseReceived(response.at(1), response.mid(2)); } } else { disconnect++; if (disconnect > 3) { disconnect = 0; emit deviceDisconnected(); } } delete udp; #endif mutex.unlock(); }
void Udp2MidiThread::run() { QUdpSocket *udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(); bool bres = udpSocket->bind(PC_PORT); if( bres == false ) { printf("Could not bind to port %d!\n", PC_PORT); return; } forever { if (abort) { delete udpSocket; return; } if( udpSocket->waitForReadyRead(250) == true ) { // Receive from UDP QHostAddress from_address; int len = udpSocket->readDatagram((char*)midimsg, MAX_MIDI_MESSAGE_LENGTH, &from_address); if( len == -1 ) { printf("udp2midi: Error receiving data!\n"); } if( (len == 3) && (midimsg[0] == 0) && (midimsg[1] == 0) && (midimsg[2] == 0) ) { string from_ip = from_address.toString().toStdString(); printf("Keepalive from: %s\n", from_ip.c_str()); midi2udp->add_ip(from_ip); } else { // Send to MIDI printf("udp2midi: Sending event: "); for(int i=0; i<len; ++i) { printf("0x%x ", midimsg[i]); } printf("\n"); long res = snd_midi_event_encode(eventparser, midimsg, len, midi_event); if( res < 0) { printf("Error encoding midi event!\n"); } snd_midi_event_reset_encode(eventparser); if(midi_event->type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEON) { printf("udp2midi: Note on: %d, channel %d\n", midi_event->data.note.note, midi_event->data.control.channel); } else if(midi_event->type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEOFF){ printf("udp2midi: Note off: %d, channel %d\n", midi_event->data.note.note, midi_event->data.control.channel); } snd_seq_ev_set_subs(midi_event); snd_seq_ev_set_direct(midi_event); snd_seq_ev_set_source(midi_event, midi_out_port); snd_seq_event_output_direct(seq_handle, midi_event); snd_seq_free_event(midi_event); } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int debugMode = DEBUGMODE; if(debugMode) { } else { qInstallMessageHandler(myMessageOutputDisable); } QDEBUG() << "number of arguments:" << argc; QStringList args; QDEBUGVAR(RAND_MAX); if(argc > 1) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); args = a.arguments(); QDEBUGVAR(args); qRegisterMetaType<Packet>(); QDEBUG() << "Running command line mode."; Packet sendPacket; sendPacket.init(); QString outBuilder; QTextStream o(&outBuilder); QTextStream out(stdout); QDate vDate = QDate::fromString(QString(__DATE__).simplified(), "MMM d yyyy"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Packet Sender"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion("version " + vDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("Packet Sender is a Network TCP and UDP Test Utility by Dan Nagle\nSee http://PacketSender.com/ for more information."); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); // A boolean option with a single name (-p) QCommandLineOption quietOption(QStringList() << "q" << "quiet", "Quiet mode. Only output received data."); parser.addOption(quietOption); QCommandLineOption hexOption(QStringList() << "x" << "hex", "Parse data as hex (default)."); parser.addOption(hexOption); QCommandLineOption asciiOption(QStringList() << "a" << "ascii", "Parse data as mixed-ascii (like the GUI)."); parser.addOption(asciiOption); QCommandLineOption pureAsciiOption(QStringList() << "A" << "ASCII", "Parse data as pure ascii (no \\xx translation)."); parser.addOption(pureAsciiOption); // An option with a value QCommandLineOption waitOption(QStringList() << "w" << "wait", "Wait up to <milliseconds> for a response after sending. Zero means do not wait (Default).", "milliseconds"); parser.addOption(waitOption); // An option with a value QCommandLineOption fileOption(QStringList() << "f" << "file", "Send contents of specified path. Max 1024 for UDP, 10 MiB for TCP.", "path"); parser.addOption(fileOption); // An option with a value QCommandLineOption bindPortOption(QStringList() << "b" << "bind", "Bind port. Default is 0 (dynamic).", "port"); parser.addOption(bindPortOption); QCommandLineOption tcpOption(QStringList() << "t" << "tcp", "Send TCP (default)."); parser.addOption(tcpOption); // A boolean option with multiple names (-f, --force) QCommandLineOption udpOption(QStringList() << "u" << "udp", "Send UDP."); parser.addOption(udpOption); // An option with a value QCommandLineOption nameOption(QStringList() << "n" << "name", "Send previously saved packet named <name>. Other options overrides saved packet parameters.", "name"); parser.addOption(nameOption); parser.addPositionalArgument("address", "Destination address. Optional for saved packet."); parser.addPositionalArgument("port", "Destination port. Optional for saved packet."); parser.addPositionalArgument("data", "Data to send. Optional for saved packet."); // Process the actual command line arguments given by the user parser.process(a); const QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments(); bool quiet = parser.isSet(quietOption); bool hex = parser.isSet(hexOption); bool mixedascii = parser.isSet(asciiOption); bool ascii = parser.isSet(pureAsciiOption); unsigned int wait = parser.value(waitOption).toUInt(); unsigned int bind = parser.value(bindPortOption).toUInt(); bool tcp = parser.isSet(tcpOption); bool udp = parser.isSet(udpOption); bool ipv6 = false; QString name = parser.value(nameOption); QString filePath = parser.value(fileOption); QString address = ""; unsigned int port = 0; int argssize = args.size(); QString data, dataString; data.clear(); dataString.clear(); if(argssize >= 1) { address = args[0]; } if(argssize >= 2) { port = args[1].toUInt(); } if(argssize >= 3) { data = (args[2]); } //check for invalid options.. if(argssize > 3) { OUTIF() << "Warning: Extra parameters detected. Try surrounding your data with quotes."; } if(hex && mixedascii) { OUTIF() << "Warning: both hex and pure ascii set. Defaulting to hex."; mixedascii = false; } if(hex && ascii) { OUTIF() << "Warning: both hex and pure ascii set. Defaulting to hex."; ascii = false; } if(mixedascii && ascii) { OUTIF() << "Warning: both mixed ascii and pure ascii set. Defaulting to pure ascii."; mixedascii = false; } if(tcp && udp) { OUTIF() << "Warning: both TCP and UDP set. Defaulting to TCP."; udp = false; } if(!filePath.isEmpty() && !QFile::exists(filePath)) { OUTIF() << "Error: specified path "<< filePath <<" does not exist."; filePath.clear(); OUTPUT(); return -1; } //bind is now default 0 if(!bind && parser.isSet(bindPortOption)) { OUTIF() << "Warning: Binding to port zero is dynamic."; } if(!port && name.isEmpty()) { OUTIF() << "Warning: Sending to port zero."; } //set default choices if(!hex && !ascii && !mixedascii) { hex = true; } if(!tcp && !udp) { tcp = true; } //Create the packet to send. if(!name.isEmpty()) { sendPacket = Packet::fetchFromDB(name); if(sendPacket.name.isEmpty()) { OUTIF() << "Error: Saved packet \""<< name <<"\" not found."; OUTPUT(); return -1; } else { if(data.isEmpty()) { data = sendPacket.hexString; hex = true; ascii = false; mixedascii = false; } if(!port) { port = sendPacket.port; } if(address.isEmpty()) { address = sendPacket.toIP; } if(!parser.isSet(tcpOption) && !parser.isSet(udpOption)) { if(sendPacket.tcpOrUdp.toUpper() == "TCP") { tcp=true; udp = false; } else { tcp=false; udp = true; } } } } if(!parser.isSet(bindPortOption)) { bind = 0; } if(!filePath.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(filePath)) { QFile dataFile(filePath); if(dataFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { if(tcp) { QByteArray dataArray = dataFile.read(1024*1024*10);; dataString = Packet::byteArrayToHex(dataArray); } else { QByteArray dataArray = dataFile.read(1024); dataString = Packet::byteArrayToHex(dataArray); } //data format is raw. ascii = 0; hex = 0; mixedascii = 0; } } QDEBUGVAR(argssize); QDEBUGVAR(quiet); QDEBUGVAR(hex); QDEBUGVAR(mixedascii); QDEBUGVAR(ascii); QDEBUGVAR(address); QDEBUGVAR(port); QDEBUGVAR(wait); QDEBUGVAR(bind); QDEBUGVAR(tcp); QDEBUGVAR(udp); QDEBUGVAR(name); QDEBUGVAR(data); QDEBUGVAR(filePath); //NOW LETS DO THIS! if(ascii) { //pure ascii dataString = Packet::byteArrayToHex(data.toLatin1()); } if(hex) { //hex dataString = Packet::byteArrayToHex(Packet::HEXtoByteArray(data)); } if(mixedascii) { //mixed ascii dataString = Packet::ASCIITohex(data); } if(dataString.isEmpty()) { OUTIF() << "Warning: No data to send. Is your formatting correct?"; } QHostAddress addy; if(!addy.setAddress(address)) { QHostInfo info = QHostInfo::fromName(address); if (info.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) { OUTIF() << "Error: Could not resolve address:" + address; OUTPUT(); return -1; } else { addy = info.addresses().at(0); address = addy.toString(); } } QHostAddress theAddress(address); if (QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol == theAddress.protocol()) { QDEBUG() << "Valid IPv6 address."; ipv6 = true; } QByteArray sendData = sendPacket.HEXtoByteArray(dataString); QByteArray recvData; recvData.clear(); int bytesWriten = 0; int bytesRead = 0; if(tcp) { QTcpSocket sock; if(ipv6) { sock.bind(QHostAddress::AnyIPv6, bind); } else { sock.bind(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, bind); } sock.connectToHost(addy, port); sock.waitForConnected(1000); if(sock.state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { OUTIF() << "TCP (" <<sock.localPort() <<")://" << address << ":" << port << " " << dataString; bytesWriten = sock.write(sendData); sock.waitForBytesWritten(1000); //OUTIF() << "Sent:" << Packet::byteArrayToHex(sendData); if(wait) { sock.waitForReadyRead(wait); recvData = sock.readAll(); bytesRead = recvData.size(); QString hexString = Packet::byteArrayToHex(recvData); if(quiet) { o << "\n" << hexString; } else { o << "\nResponse Time:" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(DATETIMEFORMAT); o << "\nResponse HEX:" << hexString; o << "\nResponse ASCII:" << Packet::hexToASCII(hexString); } } sock.disconnectFromHost(); sock.waitForDisconnected(1000); sock.close(); OUTPUT(); return bytesWriten; } else { OUTIF() << "Error: Failed to connect to " << address; OUTPUT(); return -1; } } else { QUdpSocket sock; if(ipv6) { if(!sock.bind(QHostAddress::AnyIPv6, bind)) { OUTIF() << "Error: Could not bind to " << bind; OUTPUT(); return -1; } } else { if(!sock.bind(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, bind)) { OUTIF() << "Error: Could not bind to " << bind; OUTPUT(); return -1; } } OUTIF() << "UDP (" <<sock.localPort() <<")://" << address << ":" << port << " " << dataString; bytesWriten = sock.writeDatagram(sendData, addy, port); //OUTIF() << "Wrote " << bytesWriten << " bytes"; sock.waitForBytesWritten(1000); if(wait) { sock.waitForReadyRead(wait); if(sock.hasPendingDatagrams()) { QHostAddress sender; quint16 senderPort; recvData.resize(sock.pendingDatagramSize()); sock.readDatagram(recvData.data(), recvData.size(), &sender, &senderPort); QString hexString = Packet::byteArrayToHex(recvData); if(quiet) { o << "\n" << hexString; } else { o << "\nResponse Time:" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(DATETIMEFORMAT); o << "\nResponse HEX:" << hexString; o << "\nResponse ASCII:" << Packet::hexToASCII(hexString); } } } sock.close(); OUTPUT(); return bytesWriten; } OUTPUT(); } else { QApplication a(argc, argv); QDEBUGVAR(args); qRegisterMetaType<Packet>(); QFile file(":/packetsender.css"); if(file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString StyleSheet = QLatin1String(file.readAll()); // qDebug() << "stylesheet: " << StyleSheet; a.setStyleSheet(StyleSheet); } MainWindow w; w.show(); return a.exec(); } return 0; }
QString RoboControllerSDK::findServer(quint16 udpSendPort/*=14550*/ , quint64 udpListenPort/*=14555*/) { /*if( mUdpConnected ) return mServerAddr;*/ QUdpSocket* udp = new QUdpSocket(); if( !udp->bind( udpListenPort, QAbstractSocket::ReuseAddressHint|QAbstractSocket::ShareAddress ) ) { qDebug() << tr("UDP error: %1").arg(udp->errorString() ); delete udp; return QString(); } QVector<quint16> vec; // >>>>> sendCommand( udp, CMD_SERVER_PING_REQ, vec ); QByteArray block; QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly); out.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_2); out << (quint16)0; // Block size out << (quint16)1; // Message counter out << (quint16)CMD_SERVER_PING_REQ; // Message Code out.device()->seek(0); // Back to the beginning to set block size int blockSize = (block.size() - sizeof(quint16)); out << (quint16)blockSize; udp->writeDatagram( block, QHostAddress::Broadcast, udpSendPort); // <<<<< sendCommand( udp, CMD_SERVER_PING_REQ, vec ); msleep( 500 ); if( udp->waitForReadyRead( 10000 ) ) { QHostAddress addr; quint16 port; char data[256]; qint64 readCount = udp->readDatagram( data, 256, &addr, &port ); if( readCount==0 ) return QString(); for( int i=0; i<readCount; i++ ) { if( data[i]==MSG_SERVER_PING_OK ) { if( i>2 && data[i-4]==4 ) // The block size must be 4 { delete udp; return addr.toString(); } } } delete udp; return QString(); // Correct MSG_SERVER_PING_OK not found! } else { delete udp; return QString(); } }
int udp_ping(QStringList command) { qDebug() << "udp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << ")" << endl; qDebug() << "udp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << ")" << endl; /** * Check input */ QTextStream errorStream(stderr); if(command.size() != 3 || command.at(0)!="ping" || command.at(1)!="udp" ) { errorStream << "Error: udp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << ") is no valid call (ping udp <ip_address> <port> rzv|max|random|default)" << endl; return 1; } /** * <functionality> */ QByteArray byteArray; /** * CIP for "rzv" */ if(command.at(2)=="rzv") { qDebug() << "rzv" << endl; byteArray.append(QByteArray(42, '\0')); } /** * Sent via TCP */ QUdpSocket *udpSocket; udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(); QTextStream outStream(stdout); QString out; udpSocket->abort(); udpSocket->connectToHost("", 22366); qDebug() << "waitForConnected!"; if (udpSocket->waitForConnected(5000)) { qDebug() << "Connected!"; } else { errorStream << "Error: udp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << "): No connection available!" << endl; return 1; } qDebug() << QString("BytesWritten: %1").arg(udpSocket->write(byteArray, byteArray.length())); udpSocket->flush(); int numRead = 0, numReadTotal = 0; char buffer[MAXMSG]; forever { numRead = udpSocket->read(buffer, MAXMSG); qDebug() << "read buffer: " << numRead; numReadTotal += numRead; if (numRead <= 0 && !udpSocket->waitForReadyRead(30)) break; } qDebug() << numReadTotal << " bytes red"; if(numReadTotal==-1) { errorStream << "Error: udp_ping(" << command.join(" ") << "): " << udpSocket->errorString() << endl; return 1; } else { for(int i=0; i < numReadTotal; i++) { qDebug() << QString("receipt[%1]: %2\n").arg(i).arg(buffer[i], 8, 2, QLatin1Char('0')) << endl;; } QByteArray receipt(buffer); qDebug() << "receipt.size(): " << receipt.size(); for(int i = 0; i < receipt.size();++i) { qDebug() << QString("receipt[%1]: %2\n").arg(i).arg(receipt.at(i), 8, 2, QLatin1Char('0')) << endl;; } qDebug() << "buffer: " << buffer; } udpSocket->disconnectFromHost(); udpSocket->close(); outStream << out << endl; return 0; }
/** * @details * Gets the next chunk of data from the UDP socket (if it exists). */ void LofarDataSplittingChunker::next(QIODevice* device) { QUdpSocket* socket = static_cast<QUdpSocket*>(device); unsigned offsetStream1 = 0; unsigned offsetStream2 = 0; unsigned prevSeqid = _startTime; unsigned prevBlockid = _startBlockid; UDPPacket currPacket; UDPPacket outputPacket1; UDPPacket outputPacket2; UDPPacket _emptyPacket1; UDPPacket _emptyPacket2; WritableData writableData1 = getDataStorage(_nPackets * _packetSizeStream1, chunkTypes().at(0)); WritableData writableData2 = getDataStorage(_nPackets * _packetSizeStream2, chunkTypes().at(1)); unsigned seqid, blockid; unsigned totBlocks, lostPackets, diff; unsigned packetCounter; if (writableData1.isValid() && writableData2.isValid()) { // Loop over the number of UDP packets to put in a chunk. for (unsigned i = 0; i < _nPackets; ++i) { // Chunker sanity check. if (!isActive()) return; // Wait for datagram to be available. while (!socket->hasPendingDatagrams()) socket->waitForReadyRead(100); // Read the current packet from the socket. if (socket->readDatagram(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&currPacket), _packetSize) <= 0) { cerr << "LofarDataSplittingChunker::next(): " "Error while receiving UDP Packet!" << endl; i--; continue; } // Check for endianness (Packet data is in little endian format). #if Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_BIG_ENDIAN // TODO: Convert from little endian to big endian. throw QString("LofarDataSplittingChunker: Endianness not supported."); seqid = currPacket.header.timestamp; std::cout << seqid << std::endl; blockid = currPacket.header.blockSequenceNumber; #elif Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_LITTLE_ENDIAN seqid = currPacket.header.timestamp; blockid = currPacket.header.blockSequenceNumber; #endif // First time next has been run, initialise startTime and startBlockId. if (i == 0 && _startTime == 0) { prevSeqid = _startTime = _startTime == 0 ? seqid : _startTime; prevBlockid = _startBlockid = _startBlockid == 0 ? blockid : _startBlockid; } // Sanity check in seqid. If the seconds counter is 0xFFFFFFFF, // the data cannot be trusted (ignore). if (seqid == ~0U || prevSeqid + 10 < seqid) { _packetsRejected++; i--; continue; } // Check that the packets are contiguous. // Block id increments by nrblocks which is defined in the header. // Blockid is reset every interval (although it might not start // from 0 as the previous frame might contain data from this one). totBlocks = (_clock == 160) ? 156250 : (prevSeqid % 2 == 0 ? 195313 : 195312); lostPackets = 0; diff = (blockid >= prevBlockid) ? (blockid - prevBlockid) : (blockid + totBlocks - prevBlockid); // Duplicated packets... ignore if (diff < _nSamples) { ++_packetsRejected; i -= 1; continue; } // Missing packets else if (diff > _nSamples) { // -1 since it includes this includes the received packet as well lostPackets = (diff / _nSamples) - 1; } if (lostPackets > 0) { printf("Generate %u empty packets, prevSeq: %u, new Seq: %u, prevBlock: %u, newBlock: %u\n", lostPackets, prevSeqid, seqid, prevBlockid, blockid); } // TODO // BELOW HERE WRITE INTO WRITABLE DATA 1 and 2 correctly. // = Missing packets -> write pair of empty data packets. // = Full packets -> split the packet into the two buffers. // ================================================================= // Generate lostPackets (empty packets) if needed. packetCounter = 0; for (packetCounter = 0; packetCounter < lostPackets && i + packetCounter < _nPackets; ++packetCounter) { // Generate empty packet with correct seqid and blockid prevSeqid = (prevBlockid + _nSamples < totBlocks) ? prevSeqid : prevSeqid + 1; prevBlockid = (prevBlockid + _nSamples) % totBlocks; // TODO: probably a cost saving here. updateEmptyPacket(_emptyPacket1, prevSeqid, prevBlockid); updateEmptyPacket(_emptyPacket2, prevSeqid, prevBlockid); offsetStream1 = writePacket(&writableData1, _emptyPacket1, _packetSizeStream1, offsetStream1); offsetStream2 = writePacket(&writableData2, _emptyPacket2, _packetSizeStream2, offsetStream2); // Check if the number of required packets is reached // TODO writePacket(&writableData2, emptyPacket, offset); } i += packetCounter; // Write received packet to 2 streams after updating header and data if (i != _nPackets) { ++_packetsAccepted; // Generate Stream 1 packet outputPacket1.header = currPacket.header; outputPacket1.header.nrBeamlets = _stream1Subbands; memcpy((void*)outputPacket1.data, &currPacket.data[_byte1OfStream1], _bytesStream1); offsetStream1 = writePacket(&writableData1, outputPacket1, _packetSizeStream1, offsetStream1); // Generate Stream 2 packet //-------------------------------------------------------------- outputPacket2.header = currPacket.header; outputPacket2.header.nrBeamlets = _stream2Subbands; memcpy((void*)outputPacket2.data, &currPacket.data[_byte1OfStream2], _bytesStream2); offsetStream2 = writePacket(&writableData2, outputPacket2, _packetSizeStream2, offsetStream2); prevSeqid = seqid; prevBlockid = blockid; } } } else { // Must discard the datagram if there is no available space. if (!isActive()) return; socket->readDatagram(0, 0); cout << "LofarDataSplittingChunker::next(): " "Writable data not valid, discarding packets." << endl; } // Update _startTime _startTime = prevSeqid; _startBlockid = prevBlockid; }
void VisionReceiver::run() { QUdpSocket socket; // Create vision socket if (simulation) { // The simulator doesn't multicast its vision. Instead, it sends to two // different ports. // Try to bind to the first one and, if that fails, use the second one. if (!socket.bind(SimVisionPort)) { if (!socket.bind(SimVisionPort + 1)) { throw runtime_error( "Can't bind to either simulated vision port"); } } } else { // Receive multicast packets from shared vision. if (!socket.bind(port, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress)) { throw runtime_error("Can't bind to shared vision port"); } multicast_add(&socket, SharedVisionAddress); } // There should be at most four packets: one for each camera on each of two // frames, assuming some clock skew between this // computer and the vision computer. _packets.reserve(4); _running = true; while (_running) { char buf[65536]; // Wait for a UDP packet if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(500)) { // Time out once in a while so the thread has a chance to exit continue; } QHostAddress host; quint16 portNumber = 0; qint64 size = socket.readDatagram(buf, sizeof(buf), &host, &portNumber); if (size < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "VisionReceiver: %s\n", (const char*)socket.errorString().toLatin1()); // See Processor for why we can't use QThread::msleep() ::usleep(100 * 1000); continue; } // FIXME - Verify that it is from the right host, in case there are // multiple visions on the network // Parse the protobuf message VisionPacket* packet = new VisionPacket; packet->receivedTime = timestamp(); if (!packet->wrapper.ParseFromArray(buf, size)) { fprintf(stderr, "VisionReceiver: got bad packet of %d bytes from %s:%d\n", (int)size, (const char*)host.toString().toLatin1(), portNumber); continue; } // Add to the vector of packets _mutex.lock(); _packets.push_back(packet); _mutex.unlock(); } }
/** * @brief SingleApplication::SingleApplication * Constructor. Checks and fires up LocalServer or closes the program * if another instance already exists * @param argc * @param argv */ SingleApplication::SingleApplication(QStringList &args) { _shouldContinue = false; // By default this is not the main process socket = new QUdpSocket(); QUdpSocket acceptor; acceptor.bind(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 58488, QUdpSocket::ReuseAddressHint|QUdpSocket::ShareAddress); // Attempt to connect to the LocalServer socket->connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 58487); QString isServerRuns; if(socket->waitForConnected(100)) { socket->write(QString("CMD:Is editor running?").toUtf8()); socket->flush(); if(acceptor.waitForReadyRead(100)) { //QByteArray dataGram;//Yes, I'm runs! QByteArray datagram; datagram.resize(acceptor.pendingDatagramSize()); QHostAddress sender; quint16 senderPort; acceptor.readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &sender, &senderPort); if(QString::fromUtf8(datagram)=="Yes, I'm runs!") { isServerRuns="Yes!"; } } } if(args.contains("--force-run", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { isServerRuns.clear(); args.removeAll("--force-run"); } _arguments = args; if(!isServerRuns.isEmpty()) { QString str = QString("CMD:showUp"); QByteArray bytes; for(int i=1; i<_arguments.size(); i++) { str.append(QString("\n%1").arg(_arguments[i])); } bytes = str.toUtf8(); socket->write(bytes); socket->flush(); QThread::msleep(100); socket->close(); } else { // The attempt was insuccessful, so we continue the program _shouldContinue = true; server = new LocalServer(); server->start(); QObject::connect(server, SIGNAL(showUp()), this, SLOT(slotShowUp())); QObject::connect(server, SIGNAL(dataReceived(QString)), this, SLOT(slotOpenFile(QString))); QObject::connect(server, SIGNAL(acceptedCommand(QString)), this, SLOT(slotAcceptedCommand(QString))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(stopServer()), server, SLOT(stopServer())); } }