QValueVector<Move> Board::possibleMoves(bool bluePlays) const
  QValueVector<Move> res;
QVector<Move> Board::possibleMoves(bool bluePlays) const
  QVector<Move> res;
  for (int i=0; i<sizeX_; ++i)
    for (int j=0; j<sizeY_; ++j)
	const QPoint s(i,j);
	if (stateOf(s) == Board::blueColor(bluePlays))
	    for (int ii=-2; ii<=2; ++ii)
	      for (int jj=-2; jj<=2; ++jj)
		  const QPoint e(s.x()+ii,s.y()+jj);
		  if (isValid(e) && stateOf(e) == Board::EMPTY)
		    res.append(Move(s, e));
  return res;
Exemple #2
 * Appends the given coordinate-pair to the point-array if it is not
 * equal to the last element.
 * @param pointArray point-array
 * @param pnt point to append
 * @return \c true if \c pnt has actually been appended
inline static bool appendIfNew(QValueVector< QPoint > &pointArray, const QPoint &pnt)
    //   if (!pointArray.isEmpty()) kdDebug(6040) << "appifnew: " << pointArray.back() << " == " << pnt << ": " << (pointArray.back() == pnt) << endl;
    //   else kdDebug(6040) << "appifnew: " << pnt << " (unconditional)" << endl;
    if(!pointArray.isEmpty() && pointArray.back() == pnt)
        return false;
    return true;
QValueVector<struct Forward> forwardingPage::getForwards()
    QValueVector<struct Forward> forwards;
    QListViewItem *item = m_forwards->firstChild();
    while (item)
        struct Forward _item;
        item->text(0) == i18n("Incoming")
        ? _item.direction = kiptg::INCOMING
                            : _item.direction = kiptg::OUTGOING;
        _item.from = item->text(1);
        _item.to = item->text(2);
        item = item->nextSibling();
    return forwards;
Exemple #4
// The main method for dropping
KIO::CopyJob *KIO::pasteMimeSource(QMimeSource *data, const KURL &dest_url, const QString &dialogText, QWidget *widget, bool clipboard)
    QByteArray ba;

    // Now check for plain text
    // We don't want to display a mimetype choice for a QTextDrag, those mimetypes look ugly.
    QString text;
    if(QTextDrag::canDecode(data) && QTextDrag::decode(data, text))
        QTextStream txtStream(ba, IO_WriteOnly);
        txtStream << text;
        QValueVector< QCString > formats;
        const char *fmt;
        for(int i = 0; (fmt = data->format(i)); ++i)
            if(qstrcmp(fmt, "application/x-qiconlist") == 0) // see QIconDrag
            if(qstrcmp(fmt, "application/x-kde-cutselection") == 0) // see KonqDrag
            if(strchr(fmt, '/') == 0) // e.g. TARGETS, MULTIPLE, TIMESTAMP

        if(formats.size() == 0)
            return 0;

        if(formats.size() > 1)
            return chooseAndPaste(dest_url, data, formats, dialogText, widget, clipboard);
        ba = data->encodedData(formats.first());
    if(ba.size() == 0)
        KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("The clipboard is empty"));
        return 0;

    return pasteDataAsync(dest_url, ba, dialogText);
Exemple #5
Container::createGridLayout(bool testOnly)
	//Those lists sort widgets by y and x
	VerWidgetList *vlist = new VerWidgetList(m_form->toplevelContainer()->widget());
	HorWidgetList *hlist = new HorWidgetList(m_form->toplevelContainer()->widget());
	// The vector are used to store the x (or y) beginning of each column (or row)
	QValueVector<int> cols;
	QValueVector<int> rows;
	int end=-1000;
	bool same = false;

	for(ObjectTreeItem *tree = m_tree->children()->first(); tree; tree = m_tree->children()->next())
		vlist->append( tree->widget());

	for(ObjectTreeItem *tree = m_tree->children()->first(); tree; tree = m_tree->children()->next())
		hlist->append( tree->widget());

	// First we need to make sure that two widgets won't be in the same row,
	// ie that no widget overlap another one
	if(!testOnly) {
		for(WidgetListIterator it(*vlist); it.current() != 0; ++it)
			QWidget *w = it.current();
			WidgetListIterator it2 = it;

			for(; it2.current() != 0; ++it2) {
				QWidget *nextw = it2.current();
				if((w->y() >= nextw->y()) || (nextw->y() >= w->geometry().bottom()))

				// If the geometries of the two widgets intersect each other,
				// we move one of the widget to the rght or bottom of the other
				if((nextw->y() - w->y()) > abs(nextw->x() - w->x()))
					nextw->move(nextw->x(), w->geometry().bottom()+1);
				else if(nextw->x() >= w->x())
					nextw->move(w->geometry().right()+1, nextw->y());
					w->move(nextw->geometry().right()+1, nextw->y());

	// Then we count the number of rows in the layout, and set their beginnings
	for(WidgetListIterator it(*vlist); it.current() != 0; ++it)
		QWidget *w = it.current();
		WidgetListIterator it2 = it;
		if(!same) { // this widget will make a new row
			end = w->geometry().bottom();

		// If same == true, it means we are in the same row as prev widget
		// (so no need to create a new column)

		QWidget *nextw = it2.current();
		if(nextw->y() >= end)
			same = false;
		else {
			same = !(same && (nextw->y() >= w->geometry().bottom()));
				end = w->geometry().bottom();
	kdDebug() << "the new grid will have n rows: n == " << rows.size() << endl;

	end = -10000;
	same = false;
	// We do the same thing for the columns
	for(WidgetListIterator it(*hlist); it.current() != 0; ++it)
		QWidget *w = it.current();
		WidgetListIterator it2 = it;
		if(!same) {
			end = w->geometry().right();


		QWidget *nextw = it2.current();
		if(nextw->x() >= end)
			same = false;
		else {
			same = !(same && (nextw->x() >= w->geometry().right()));
				end = w->geometry().right();
	kdDebug() << "the new grid will have n columns: n == " << cols.size() << endl;

	// We create the layout ..
	QGridLayout *layout=0;
	if(!testOnly) {
		layout = new QGridLayout(m_container, rows.size(), cols.size(), m_margin, m_spacing, "grid");
		m_layout = (QLayout*)layout;

	// .. and we fill it with widgets
	for(WidgetListIterator it(*vlist); it.current() != 0; ++it)
		QWidget *w = it.current();
		QRect r = w->geometry();
		uint wcol=0, wrow=0, endrow=0, endcol=0;
		uint i = 0;

		// We look for widget row(s) ..
		while(r.y() >= rows[i])
			if(rows.size() <= i+1) // we are the last row
				wrow = i;
			if(r.y() < rows[i+1])
				wrow = i; // the widget will be in this row
				uint j = i + 1;
				// Then we check if the widget needs to span multiple rows
				while(rows.size() >= j+1 && r.bottom() > rows[j])
					endrow = j;

		//kdDebug() << "the widget " << w->name() << " wil be in the row " << wrow <<
		   //" and will go to the row " << endrow << endl;

		// .. and column(s)
		i = 0;
		while(r.x() >= cols[i])
			if(cols.size() <= i+1) // last column
				wcol = i;
			if(r.x() < cols[i+1])
				wcol = i;
				uint j = i + 1;
				// Then we check if the widget needs to span multiple columns
				while(cols.size() >= j+1 && r.right() > cols[j])
					endcol = j;

		//kdDebug() << "the widget " << w->name() << " wil be in the col " << wcol <<
		 // " and will go to the col " << endcol << endl;

		ObjectTreeItem *item = m_form->objectTree()->lookup(w->name());
		if(!endrow && !endcol) {
				layout->addWidget(w, wrow, wcol);
			item->setGridPos(wrow, wcol, 0, 0);
		else {
			if(!endcol)  endcol = wcol;
			if(!endrow)  endrow = wrow;
				layout->addMultiCellWidget(w, wrow, endrow, wcol, endcol);
			item->setGridPos(wrow, wcol, endrow-wrow+1, endcol-wcol+1);
void DolphinContextMenu::insertActionItems(KPopupMenu* popup,
                                           QValueVector<KDEDesktopMimeType::Service>& actionsVector)
    KPopupMenu* actionsMenu = new KPopupMenu();

    int actionsIndex = 0;

    QStringList dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "d3lphin/servicemenus/");

    KPopupMenu* menu = 0;
    for (QStringList::ConstIterator dirIt = dirs.begin(); dirIt != dirs.end(); ++dirIt) {
        QDir dir(*dirIt);
        QStringList entries = dir.entryList("*.desktop", QDir::Files);

        for (QStringList::ConstIterator entryIt = entries.begin(); entryIt != entries.end(); ++entryIt) {
            KSimpleConfig cfg(*dirIt + *entryIt, true);
            if ((cfg.hasKey("Actions") || cfg.hasKey("X-KDE-GetActionMenu")) && cfg.hasKey("ServiceTypes")) {
                const QStringList types = cfg.readListEntry("ServiceTypes");
                for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it) {
                    // check whether the mime type is equal or whether the
                    // mimegroup (e. g. image/*) is supported

                    bool insert = false;
                    if ((*it) == "all/allfiles") {
                        // The service type is valid for all files, but not for directories.
                        // Check whether the selected items only consist of files...
                        const KFileItemList* list = m_dolphinView->selectedItems();
                        assert(list != 0);

                        KFileItemListIterator mimeIt(*list);
                        KFileItem* item = 0;
                        insert = true;
                        while (insert && ((item = mimeIt.current()) != 0)) {
                            insert = !item->isDir();

                    if (!insert) {
                        // Check whether the MIME types of all selected files match
                        // to the mimetype of the service action. As soon as one MIME
                        // type does not match, no service menu is shown at all.
                        const KFileItemList* list = m_dolphinView->selectedItems();
                        assert(list != 0);

                        KFileItemListIterator mimeIt(*list);
                        KFileItem* item = 0;
                        insert = true;
                        while (insert && ((item = mimeIt.current()) != 0)) {
                            const QString mimeType((*mimeIt)->mimetype());
                            const QString mimeGroup(mimeType.left(mimeType.find('/')));

                            insert  = (*it == mimeType) ||
                                      ((*it).right(1) == "*") &&
                                      ((*it).left((*it).find('/')) == mimeGroup);

                    if (insert) {
                        menu = actionsMenu;

                        const QString submenuName = cfg.readEntry( "X-KDE-Submenu" );
                        if (!submenuName.isEmpty()) {
                            menu = new KPopupMenu();
                            actionsMenu->insertItem(submenuName, menu, submenuID);

                        QValueList<KDEDesktopMimeType::Service> userServices =
                            KDEDesktopMimeType::userDefinedServices(*dirIt + *entryIt, true);

                        QValueList<KDEDesktopMimeType::Service>::Iterator serviceIt;
                        for (serviceIt = userServices.begin(); serviceIt != userServices.end(); ++serviceIt) {
                            KDEDesktopMimeType::Service service = (*serviceIt);
                            if (!service.m_strIcon.isEmpty()) {
                                                 actionsIDStart + actionsIndex);
                            else {
                                                 actionsIDStart + actionsIndex);

    const int itemsCount = actionsMenu->count();
    if (itemsCount == 0) {
        // no actions are available at all, hence show the "Actions"
        // submenu disabled

    if (itemsCount == 1) {
        // Exactly one item is available. Instead of showing a sub menu with
        // only one item, show the item directly in the root menu.
        if (menu == actionsMenu) {
            // The item is an action, hence show the action in the root menu.
            const int id = actionsMenu->idAt(0);
            const QString text(actionsMenu->text(id));
            const QIconSet* iconSet = actionsMenu->iconSet(id);
            if (iconSet == 0) {
                popup->insertItem(text, id);
            else {
                popup->insertItem(*iconSet, text, id);
        else {
            // The item is a sub menu, hence show the sub menu in the root menu.
            popup->insertItem(actionsMenu->text(submenuID), menu);
        actionsMenu = 0;
    else {
        popup->insertItem(i18n("Actions"), actionsMenu);
int DolphinContextMenu::insertOpenWithItems(KPopupMenu* popup,
                                            QValueVector<KService::Ptr>& openWithVector)
    // Prepare 'Open With' sub menu. Usually a sub menu is created, where all applications
    // are listed which are registered to open the item. As last entry "Other..." will be
    // attached which allows to select a custom application. If no applications are registered
    // no sub menu is created at all, only "Open With..." will be offered.
    const KFileItemList* list = m_dolphinView->selectedItems();
    assert(list != 0);

    bool insertOpenWithItems = true;
    const QString contextMimeType(m_fileInfo->mimetype());
    KFileItemListIterator mimeIt(*list);
    KFileItem* item = 0;
    while (insertOpenWithItems && ((item = mimeIt.current()) != 0)) {
        insertOpenWithItems = (contextMimeType == item->mimetype());

    int openWithID = -1;

    if (insertOpenWithItems) {
        // fill the 'Open with' sub menu with application types
        const KMimeType::Ptr mimePtr = KMimeType::findByURL(m_fileInfo->url());
        KTrader::OfferList offers = KTrader::self()->query(mimePtr->name(),
                                                           "Type == 'Application'");
        int index = openWithIDStart;
        if (offers.count() > 0) {
            KTrader::OfferList::Iterator it;
            KPopupMenu* openWithMenu = new KPopupMenu();
            for(it = offers.begin(); it != offers.end(); ++it) {
                // The offer list from the KTrader returns duplicate
                // application entries. Although this seems to be a configuration
                // problem outside the scope of Dolphin, duplicated entries just
                // will be skipped here.
                const QString appName((*it)->name());
                if (!containsEntry(openWithMenu, appName)) {
                                            appName, index);

            openWithMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Other..."), index);
            popup->insertItem(i18n("Open With"), openWithMenu);
        else {
            // No applications are registered, hence just offer
            // a "Open With..." item instead of a sub menu containing
            // only one entry.
            popup->insertItem(i18n("Open With..."), openWithIDStart);
        openWithID = index;
    else {
        // At least one of the selected items has a different MIME type. In this case
        // just show a disabled "Open With..." entry.
        popup->insertItem(i18n("Open With..."), openWithIDStart);
        popup->setItemEnabled(openWithIDStart, false);

    popup->setItemEnabled(openWithID, insertOpenWithItems);

    return openWithID;
	void reg( fnCleanupHandler handler )
		cleanupHandler.append( handler );