void LogsDialog::on_fileOpen_BT_clicked() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select your log file"), g.logDir()); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { g.logDir(fileName); ui->FileName_LE->setText(fileName); if (cvsFileParse()) { ui->FieldsTW->clear(); ui->logTable->clear(); ui->FieldsTW->setShowGrid(false); ui->FieldsTW->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); ui->FieldsTW->setRowCount(csvlog.at(0).count()-2); ui->FieldsTW->setColumnCount(1); ui->FieldsTW->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList(tr("Available fields"))); ui->logTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); for (int i=2; i<csvlog.at(0).count(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem* item= new QTableWidgetItem(csvlog.at(0).at(i)); ui->FieldsTW->setItem(0,i-2,item); } ui->FieldsTW->resizeRowsToContents(); ui->logTable->setColumnCount(csvlog.at(0).count()); ui->logTable->setRowCount(csvlog.count()-1); ui->logTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(csvlog.at(0)); QAbstractItemModel *model = ui->logTable->model(); for (int i=1; i<csvlog.count(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<csvlog.at(0).count(); j++) { model->setData(model->index(i - 1, j, QModelIndex()), csvlog.at(i).at(j)); } } ui->logTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); QVarLengthArray<int> sizes; for (int i = 0; i < ui->logTable->columnCount(); i++) { sizes.append(ui->logTable->columnWidth(i)); } ui->logTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive); for (int i = 0; i < ui->logTable->columnCount(); i++) { ui->logTable->setColumnWidth(i, sizes.at(i)); } } } }
void QQuickTextNodeEngine::addGlyphsForRanges(const QVarLengthArray<QTextLayout::FormatRange> &ranges, int start, int end, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd) { int currentPosition = start; int remainingLength = end - start; for (int j=0; j<ranges.size(); ++j) { const QTextLayout::FormatRange &range = ranges.at(j); if (range.start + range.length >= currentPosition && range.start < currentPosition + remainingLength) { if (range.start > currentPosition) { addGlyphsInRange(currentPosition, range.start - currentPosition, QColor(), QColor(), selectionStart, selectionEnd); } int rangeEnd = qMin(range.start + range.length, currentPosition + remainingLength); QColor rangeColor; if (range.format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::ForegroundBrush)) rangeColor = range.format.foreground().color(); else if (range.format.isAnchor()) rangeColor = m_anchorColor; QColor rangeBackgroundColor = range.format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush) ? range.format.background().color() : QColor(); addGlyphsInRange(range.start, rangeEnd - range.start, rangeColor, rangeBackgroundColor, selectionStart, selectionEnd); currentPosition = range.start + range.length; remainingLength = end - currentPosition; } else if (range.start > currentPosition + remainingLength || remainingLength <= 0) { break; } } if (remainingLength > 0) { addGlyphsInRange(currentPosition, remainingLength, QColor(), QColor(), selectionStart, selectionEnd); } }
/*! \reimp */ QVector<QPair<QAccessibleInterface*, QAccessible::Relation> > QAccessibleDisplay::relations(QAccessible::Relation match /*= QAccessible::AllRelations*/) const { QVector<QPair<QAccessibleInterface*, QAccessible::Relation> > rels = QAccessibleWidget::relations(match); if (match & QAccessible::Labelled) { QVarLengthArray<QObject *, 4> relatedObjects; #ifndef QT_NO_SHORTCUT if (QLabel *label = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(object())) { relatedObjects.append(label->buddy()); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < relatedObjects.count(); ++i) { const QAccessible::Relation rel = QAccessible::Labelled; QAccessibleInterface *iface = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(relatedObjects.at(i)); if (iface) rels.append(qMakePair(iface, rel)); } } return rels; }
void AbstractTileTool::updateStatusInfo() { if (mBrushVisible) { Cell cell; if (const TileLayer *tileLayer = currentTileLayer()) { const QPoint pos = tilePosition() - tileLayer->position(); cell = tileLayer->cellAt(pos); } QString tileIdString = cell.tileId() >= 0 ? QString::number(cell.tileId()) : tr("empty"); QVarLengthArray<QChar, 3> flippedBits; if (cell.flippedHorizontally()) flippedBits.append(QLatin1Char('H')); if (cell.flippedVertically()) flippedBits.append(QLatin1Char('V')); if (cell.flippedAntiDiagonally()) flippedBits.append(QLatin1Char('D')); if (!flippedBits.isEmpty()) { tileIdString.append(QLatin1Char(' ')); tileIdString.append(flippedBits.first()); for (int i = 1; i < flippedBits.size(); ++i) { tileIdString.append(QLatin1Char(',')); tileIdString.append(flippedBits.at(i)); } } setStatusInfo(QString(QLatin1String("%1, %2 [%3]")) .arg(mTilePosition.x()) .arg(mTilePosition.y()) .arg(tileIdString)); } else { setStatusInfo(QString()); } }
void QQuickTextNodeEngine::processCurrentLine() { // No glyphs, do nothing if (m_currentLineTree.isEmpty()) return; // 1. Go through current line and get correct decoration position for each node based on // neighbouring decorations. Add decoration to global list // 2. Create clip nodes for all selected text. Try to merge as many as possible within // the line. // 3. Add QRects to a list of selection rects. // 4. Add all nodes to a global processed list QVarLengthArray<int> sortedIndexes; // Indexes in tree sorted by x position BinaryTreeNode::inOrder(m_currentLineTree, &sortedIndexes); Q_ASSERT(sortedIndexes.size() == m_currentLineTree.size()); SelectionState currentSelectionState = Unselected; QRectF currentRect; QQuickTextNode::Decorations currentDecorations = QQuickTextNode::NoDecoration; qreal underlineOffset = 0.0; qreal underlineThickness = 0.0; qreal overlineOffset = 0.0; qreal overlineThickness = 0.0; qreal strikeOutOffset = 0.0; qreal strikeOutThickness = 0.0; QRectF decorationRect = currentRect; QColor lastColor; QColor lastBackgroundColor; QVarLengthArray<TextDecoration> pendingUnderlines; QVarLengthArray<TextDecoration> pendingOverlines; QVarLengthArray<TextDecoration> pendingStrikeOuts; if (!sortedIndexes.isEmpty()) { QQuickDefaultClipNode *currentClipNode = m_hasSelection ? new QQuickDefaultClipNode(QRectF()) : 0; bool currentClipNodeUsed = false; for (int i=0; i<=sortedIndexes.size(); ++i) { BinaryTreeNode *node = 0; if (i < sortedIndexes.size()) { int sortedIndex = sortedIndexes.at(i); Q_ASSERT(sortedIndex < m_currentLineTree.size()); node = m_currentLineTree.data() + sortedIndex; } if (i == 0) currentSelectionState = node->selectionState; // Update decorations if (currentDecorations != QQuickTextNode::NoDecoration) { decorationRect.setY(m_position.y() + m_currentLine.y()); decorationRect.setHeight(m_currentLine.height()); if (node != 0) decorationRect.setRight(node->boundingRect.left()); TextDecoration textDecoration(currentSelectionState, decorationRect, lastColor); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::Underline) pendingUnderlines.append(textDecoration); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::Overline) pendingOverlines.append(textDecoration); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::StrikeOut) pendingStrikeOuts.append(textDecoration); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::Background) m_backgrounds.append(qMakePair(decorationRect, lastBackgroundColor)); } // If we've reached an unselected node from a selected node, we add the // selection rect to the graph, and we add decoration every time the // selection state changes, because that means the text color changes if (node == 0 || node->selectionState != currentSelectionState) { currentRect.setY(m_position.y() + m_currentLine.y()); currentRect.setHeight(m_currentLine.height()); if (currentSelectionState == Selected) m_selectionRects.append(currentRect); if (currentClipNode != 0) { if (!currentClipNodeUsed) { delete currentClipNode; } else { currentClipNode->setIsRectangular(true); currentClipNode->setRect(currentRect); currentClipNode->update(); } } if (node != 0 && m_hasSelection) currentClipNode = new QQuickDefaultClipNode(QRectF()); else currentClipNode = 0; currentClipNodeUsed = false; if (node != 0) { currentSelectionState = node->selectionState; currentRect = node->boundingRect; // Make sure currentRect is valid, otherwise the unite won't work if (currentRect.isNull()) currentRect.setSize(QSizeF(1, 1)); } } else { if (currentRect.isNull()) currentRect = node->boundingRect; else currentRect = currentRect.united(node->boundingRect); } if (node != 0) { if (node->selectionState == Selected) { node->clipNode = currentClipNode; currentClipNodeUsed = true; } decorationRect = node->boundingRect; // If previous item(s) had underline and current does not, then we add the // pending lines to the lists and likewise for overlines and strikeouts if (!pendingUnderlines.isEmpty() && !(node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::Underline)) { addTextDecorations(pendingUnderlines, underlineOffset, underlineThickness); pendingUnderlines.clear(); underlineOffset = 0.0; underlineThickness = 0.0; } // ### Add pending when overlineOffset/thickness changes to minimize number of // nodes if (!pendingOverlines.isEmpty()) { addTextDecorations(pendingOverlines, overlineOffset, overlineThickness); pendingOverlines.clear(); overlineOffset = 0.0; overlineThickness = 0.0; } // ### Add pending when overlineOffset/thickness changes to minimize number of // nodes if (!pendingStrikeOuts.isEmpty()) { addTextDecorations(pendingStrikeOuts, strikeOutOffset, strikeOutThickness); pendingStrikeOuts.clear(); strikeOutOffset = 0.0; strikeOutThickness = 0.0; } // Merge current values with previous. Prefer greatest thickness QRawFont rawFont = node->glyphRun.rawFont(); if (node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::Underline) { if (rawFont.lineThickness() > underlineThickness) { underlineThickness = rawFont.lineThickness(); underlineOffset = rawFont.underlinePosition(); } } if (node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::Overline) { overlineOffset = -rawFont.ascent(); overlineThickness = rawFont.lineThickness(); } if (node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::StrikeOut) { strikeOutThickness = rawFont.lineThickness(); strikeOutOffset = rawFont.ascent() / -3.0; } currentDecorations = node->decorations; lastColor = node->color; lastBackgroundColor = node->backgroundColor; m_processedNodes.append(*node); } } if (!pendingUnderlines.isEmpty()) addTextDecorations(pendingUnderlines, underlineOffset, underlineThickness); if (!pendingOverlines.isEmpty()) addTextDecorations(pendingOverlines, overlineOffset, overlineThickness); if (!pendingStrikeOuts.isEmpty()) addTextDecorations(pendingStrikeOuts, strikeOutOffset, strikeOutThickness); } m_currentLineTree.clear(); m_currentLine = QTextLine(); m_hasSelection = false; }
/* This is the main workhorse of the QGridLayout. It portions out available space to the chain's children. The calculation is done in fixed point: "fixed" variables are scaled by a factor of 256. If the layout runs "backwards" (i.e. RightToLeft or Up) the layout is computed mirror-reversed, and it's the caller's responsibility do reverse the values before use. chain contains input and output parameters describing the geometry. count is the count of items in the chain; pos and space give the interval (relative to parentWidget topLeft). */ void qGeomCalc(QVector<QLayoutStruct> &chain, int start, int count, int pos, int space, int spacer) { int cHint = 0; int cMin = 0; int cMax = 0; int sumStretch = 0; int sumSpacing = 0; int expandingCount = 0; bool allEmptyNonstretch = true; int pendingSpacing = -1; int spacerCount = 0; int i; for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; data->done = false; cHint += data->smartSizeHint(); cMin += data->minimumSize; cMax += data->maximumSize; sumStretch += data->stretch; if (!data->empty) { /* Using pendingSpacing, we ensure that the spacing for the last (non-empty) item is ignored. */ if (pendingSpacing >= 0) { sumSpacing += pendingSpacing; ++spacerCount; } pendingSpacing = data->effectiveSpacer(spacer); } if (data->expansive) expandingCount++; allEmptyNonstretch = allEmptyNonstretch && data->empty && !data->expansive && data->stretch <= 0; } int extraspace = 0; if (space < cMin + sumSpacing) { /* Less space than minimumSize; take from the biggest first */ int minSize = cMin + sumSpacing; // shrink the spacers proportionally if (spacer >= 0) { spacer = minSize > 0 ? spacer * space / minSize : 0; sumSpacing = spacer * spacerCount; } QVarLengthArray<int, 32> minimumSizes; minimumSizes.reserve(count); for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) minimumSizes << chain.at(i).minimumSize; std::sort(minimumSizes.begin(), minimumSizes.end()); int space_left = space - sumSpacing; int sum = 0; int idx = 0; int space_used=0; int current = 0; while (idx < count && space_used < space_left) { current = minimumSizes.at(idx); space_used = sum + current * (count - idx); sum += current; ++idx; } --idx; int deficit = space_used - space_left; int items = count - idx; /* * If we truncate all items to "current", we would get "deficit" too many pixels. Therefore, we have to remove * deficit/items from each item bigger than maxval. The actual value to remove is deficitPerItem + remainder/items * "rest" is the accumulated error from using integer arithmetic. */ int deficitPerItem = deficit/items; int remainder = deficit % items; int maxval = current - deficitPerItem; int rest = 0; for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) { int maxv = maxval; rest += remainder; if (rest >= items) { maxv--; rest-=items; } QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; data->size = qMin(data->minimumSize, maxv); data->done = true; } } else if (space < cHint + sumSpacing) { /* Less space than smartSizeHint(), but more than minimumSize. Currently take space equally from each, as in Qt 2.x. Commented-out lines will give more space to stretchier items. */ int n = count; int space_left = space - sumSpacing; int overdraft = cHint - space_left; // first give to the fixed ones: for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; if (!data->done && data->minimumSize >= data->smartSizeHint()) { data->size = data->smartSizeHint(); data->done = true; space_left -= data->smartSizeHint(); // sumStretch -= data->stretch; n--; } } bool finished = n == 0; while (!finished) { finished = true; Fixed64 fp_over = toFixed(overdraft); Fixed64 fp_w = 0; for (i = start; i < start+count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; if (data->done) continue; // if (sumStretch <= 0) fp_w += fp_over / n; // else // fp_w += (fp_over * data->stretch) / sumStretch; int w = fRound(fp_w); data->size = data->smartSizeHint() - w; fp_w -= toFixed(w); // give the difference to the next if (data->size < data->minimumSize) { data->done = true; data->size = data->minimumSize; finished = false; overdraft -= data->smartSizeHint() - data->minimumSize; // sumStretch -= data->stretch; n--; break; } } } } else { // extra space int n = count; int space_left = space - sumSpacing; // first give to the fixed ones, and handle non-expansiveness for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; if (!data->done && (data->maximumSize <= data->smartSizeHint() || (!allEmptyNonstretch && data->empty && !data->expansive && data->stretch == 0))) { data->size = data->smartSizeHint(); data->done = true; space_left -= data->size; sumStretch -= data->stretch; if (data->expansive) expandingCount--; n--; } } extraspace = space_left; /* Do a trial distribution and calculate how much it is off. If there are more deficit pixels than surplus pixels, give the minimum size items what they need, and repeat. Otherwise give to the maximum size items, and repeat. Paul Olav Tvete has a wonderful mathematical proof of the correctness of this principle, but unfortunately this comment is too small to contain it. */ int surplus, deficit; do { surplus = deficit = 0; Fixed64 fp_space = toFixed(space_left); Fixed64 fp_w = 0; for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; if (data->done) continue; extraspace = 0; if (sumStretch > 0) { fp_w += (fp_space * data->stretch) / sumStretch; } else if (expandingCount > 0) { fp_w += (fp_space * (data->expansive ? 1 : 0)) / expandingCount; } else { fp_w += fp_space * 1 / n; } int w = fRound(fp_w); data->size = w; fp_w -= toFixed(w); // give the difference to the next if (w < data->smartSizeHint()) { deficit += data->smartSizeHint() - w; } else if (w > data->maximumSize) { surplus += w - data->maximumSize; } } if (deficit > 0 && surplus <= deficit) { // give to the ones that have too little for (i = start; i < start+count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; if (!data->done && data->size < data->smartSizeHint()) { data->size = data->smartSizeHint(); data->done = true; space_left -= data->smartSizeHint(); sumStretch -= data->stretch; if (data->expansive) expandingCount--; n--; } } } if (surplus > 0 && surplus >= deficit) { // take from the ones that have too much for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; if (!data->done && data->size > data->maximumSize) { data->size = data->maximumSize; data->done = true; space_left -= data->maximumSize; sumStretch -= data->stretch; if (data->expansive) expandingCount--; n--; } } } } while (n > 0 && surplus != deficit); if (n == 0) extraspace = space_left; } /* As a last resort, we distribute the unwanted space equally among the spacers (counting the start and end of the chain). We could, but don't, attempt a sub-pixel allocation of the extra space. */ int extra = extraspace / (spacerCount + 2); int p = pos + extra; for (i = start; i < start+count; i++) { QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i]; data->pos = p; p += data->size; if (!data->empty) p += data->effectiveSpacer(spacer) + extra; } #ifdef QLAYOUT_EXTRA_DEBUG qDebug() << "qGeomCalc" << "start" << start << "count" << count << "pos" << pos << "space" << space << "spacer" << spacer; for (i = start; i < start + count; ++i) { qDebug() << i << ':' << chain[i].minimumSize << chain[i].smartSizeHint() << chain[i].maximumSize << "stretch" << chain[i].stretch << "empty" << chain[i].empty << "expansive" << chain[i].expansive << "spacing" << chain[i].spacing; qDebug() << "result pos" << chain[i].pos << "size" << chain[i].size; } #endif }