bool Basic::eventFilter( QObject* object, QEvent *e ) { QWidget* widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(object); if (!(widget && widget->isVisible())) return false; switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::MouseMove: case QEvent::Timer: case QEvent::Move: case QEvent::Paint: return false; // just for performance - they can occur really often case QEvent::Show: if (widget->isEnabled()) play(widget); return false; case QEvent::Hide: _release(widget); return false; case QEvent::EnabledChange: if (widget->isEnabled()) play(widget); else _release(widget); return false; default: return false; } }
void TestGui::testAddEntry() { EntryView* entryView = m_dbWidget->findChild<EntryView*>("entryView"); QAction* entryNewAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionEntryNew"); QVERIFY(entryNewAction->isEnabled()); QToolBar* toolBar = m_mainWindow->findChild<QToolBar*>("toolBar"); QWidget* entryNewWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(entryNewAction); QVERIFY(entryNewWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(entryNewWidget->isEnabled()); QTest::mouseClick(entryNewWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(m_dbWidget->currentMode(), DatabaseWidget::EditMode); EditEntryWidget* editEntryWidget = m_dbWidget->findChild<EditEntryWidget*>("editEntryWidget"); QLineEdit* titleEdit = editEntryWidget->findChild<QLineEdit*>("titleEdit"); QTest::keyClicks(titleEdit, "test"); QDialogButtonBox* editEntryWidgetButtonBox = editEntryWidget->findChild<QDialogButtonBox*>("buttonBox"); QTest::mouseClick(editEntryWidgetButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(m_dbWidget->currentMode(), DatabaseWidget::ViewMode); QModelIndex item = entryView->model()->index(1, 1); Entry* entry = entryView->entryFromIndex(item); QCOMPARE(entry->title(), QString("test")); QCOMPARE(entry->historyItems().size(), 0); // wait for modified timer QTRY_COMPARE(m_tabWidget->tabText(m_tabWidget->currentIndex()), QString("%1*").arg(m_orgDbFileName)); QAction* entryEditAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionEntryEdit"); QVERIFY(entryEditAction->isEnabled()); QWidget* entryEditWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(entryEditAction); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isEnabled()); QTest::mouseClick(entryEditWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(m_dbWidget->currentMode(), DatabaseWidget::EditMode); QTest::keyClicks(titleEdit, "something"); QTest::mouseClick(editEntryWidgetButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(entry->title(), QString("testsomething")); QCOMPARE(entry->historyItems().size(), 1); QTest::mouseClick(entryNewWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QTest::keyClicks(titleEdit, "something 2"); QTest::mouseClick(editEntryWidgetButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), Qt::LeftButton); QTest::mouseClick(entryNewWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QTest::keyClicks(titleEdit, "something 3"); QTest::mouseClick(editEntryWidgetButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), Qt::LeftButton); QTRY_COMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 4); }
void TestGui::testSearch() { QAction* searchAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionSearch"); QVERIFY(searchAction->isEnabled()); QToolBar* toolBar = m_mainWindow->findChild<QToolBar*>("toolBar"); QWidget* searchActionWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(searchAction); QVERIFY(searchActionWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(searchActionWidget->isEnabled()); QTest::mouseClick(searchActionWidget, Qt::LeftButton); EntryView* entryView = m_dbWidget->findChild<EntryView*>("entryView"); QLineEdit* searchEdit = m_dbWidget->findChild<QLineEdit*>("searchEdit"); QToolButton* clearSearch = m_dbWidget->findChild<QToolButton*>("clearButton"); QTest::keyClicks(searchEdit, "ZZZ"); QTRY_COMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 0); QTest::mouseClick(clearSearch, Qt::LeftButton); QTest::keyClicks(searchEdit, "some"); QTRY_COMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 2); QModelIndex item = entryView->model()->index(0, 1); QRect itemRect = entryView->visualRect(item); QTest::mouseClick(entryView->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier,; QAction* entryEditAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionEntryEdit"); QVERIFY(entryEditAction->isEnabled()); QWidget* entryEditWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(entryEditAction); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isEnabled()); QTest::mouseClick(entryEditWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(m_dbWidget->currentMode(), DatabaseWidget::EditMode); EditEntryWidget* editEntryWidget = m_dbWidget->findChild<EditEntryWidget*>("editEntryWidget"); QDialogButtonBox* editEntryWidgetButtonBox = editEntryWidget->findChild<QDialogButtonBox*>("buttonBox"); QTest::mouseClick(editEntryWidgetButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(m_dbWidget->currentMode(), DatabaseWidget::ViewMode); QModelIndex item2 = entryView->model()->index(1, 0); QRect itemRect2 = entryView->visualRect(item2); QTest::mouseClick(entryView->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier,; QAction* entryDeleteAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionEntryDelete"); QWidget* entryDeleteWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(entryDeleteAction); QVERIFY(entryDeleteWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(entryDeleteWidget->isEnabled()); QTest::mouseClick(entryDeleteWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QWidget* closeSearchButton = m_dbWidget->findChild<QToolButton*>("closeSearchButton"); QTest::mouseClick(closeSearchButton, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 1); }
/*! \reimp */ QAccessible::State QAccessibleWidget::state(int child) const { if (child) return Normal; QAccessible::State state = Normal; QWidget *w = widget(); if (w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Visible) == false) state |= Invisible; if (w->focusPolicy() != Qt::NoFocus) state |= Focusable; if (w->hasFocus()) state |= Focused; if (!w->isEnabled()) state |= Unavailable; if (w->isWindow()) { if (w->windowFlags() & Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint) state |= Movable; if (w->minimumSize() != w->maximumSize()) state |= Sizeable; } return state; }
void QWidgetWindow::handleContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { // We are only interested in keyboard originating context menu events here, // mouse originated context menu events for widgets are generated in mouse handling methods. if (e->reason() != QContextMenuEvent::Keyboard) return; QWidget *fw = QWidget::keyboardGrabber(); if (!fw) { if (QApplication::activePopupWidget()) { fw = (QApplication::activePopupWidget()->focusWidget() ? QApplication::activePopupWidget()->focusWidget() : QApplication::activePopupWidget()); } else if (QApplication::focusWidget()) { fw = QApplication::focusWidget(); } else { fw = m_widget; } } if (fw && fw->isEnabled()) { QPoint pos = fw->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMicroFocus).toRect().center(); QContextMenuEvent widgetEvent(QContextMenuEvent::Keyboard, pos, fw->mapToGlobal(pos), e->modifiers()); QGuiApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(fw, &widgetEvent); } }
void KSelectAction_UnitTest::testRequestWidgetMenuModeWidgetParentRemoveActions() { KSelectAction selectAction("selectAction", 0); selectAction.setToolBarMode(KSelectAction::MenuMode); QToolBar toolBar; toolBar.addAction(&selectAction); QWidget* widget = toolBar.widgetForAction(&selectAction); QVERIFY(widget); QAction* action1 = new QAction("action1", &selectAction); selectAction.addAction(action1); QAction* action2 = new QAction("action2", &selectAction); selectAction.addAction(action2); QAction* action3 = new QAction("action3", &selectAction); selectAction.addAction(action3); delete selectAction.removeAction(action1); delete selectAction.removeAction(action2); delete selectAction.removeAction(action3); QVERIFY(!widget->isEnabled()); QCOMPARE(widget->actions().count(), 1); QCOMPARE(widget->actions().at(0)->text(), QString("selectAction")); }
QWidget* QtEventConsumer::isValidWidget(QObject *obj) { // check the object if (!obj->isWidgetType()){ return NULL; } // check the widget QWidget* w = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(obj); _d("W > " << QWidgetUtils::getWidgetPath(w).toStdString()); if (!w) { DEBUG(D_CONSUMER,"(QtEventConsumer::isValidWidget) Widget is null"); DEBUG(D_CONSUMER,"(QtEventConsumer::isValidWidget) -> " + QWidgetUtils::getWidgetPath(w).toStdString()); return NULL; } else if (!w->isVisible()) { DEBUG(D_CONSUMER,"(QtEventConsumer::isValidWidget) Widget is not visible"); DEBUG(D_CONSUMER,"(QtEventConsumer::isValidWidget) -> " + QWidgetUtils::getWidgetPath(w).toStdString()); return NULL; } else if (!w->isEnabled()) { DEBUG(D_CONSUMER,"(QtEventConsumer::isValidWidget) Widget is not enabled"); DEBUG(D_CONSUMER,"(QtEventConsumer::isValidWidget) -> " + QWidgetUtils::getWidgetPath(w).toStdString()); return NULL; } _d("W > " << QWidgetUtils::getWidgetPath(w).toStdString()); _d("VALID WIDGET"); return w; }
//! The Job options are synchronised using the widgetChanged slot, but we still //! need to determine if the options should be printed as part of the job. This //! is based on whether or not the associated control is enabled or not. void InputDialog::finalizeJob(Job* job) { if (!job) return; QWidget* w; QString name; StringMap::const_iterator iter; StringMap s = job->getOptions(); for (iter = s.begin(); iter != s.end(); ++iter) { name = iter.key(); w = findChild<QWidget*>(name.toLower()); // If there is no widget of this name, then we are probably dealing // with something the user wrote into the preview box, so we just // leave things alone. if (w) job->printOption(name, w->isEnabled()); } // Special case code to avoid writing the method keyword when custom is // chosen (for backward compatibility) QComboBox* method(findChild<QComboBox*>("method")); QString m(method->currentText()); if (method && (m == "Custom" || m == "TD-DFT")) { job->printOption("METHOD", false); job->printOption("EXCHANGE", true); } }
/*! \property QStackedLayout::currentIndex \brief the index position of the widget that is visible The current index is -1 if there is no current widget. \sa currentWidget(), indexOf() */ void QStackedLayout::setCurrentIndex(int index) { Q_D(QStackedLayout); QWidget *prev = currentWidget(); QWidget *next = widget(index); if (!next || next == prev) return; bool reenableUpdates = false; QWidget *parent = parentWidget(); if (parent && parent->updatesEnabled()) { reenableUpdates = true; parent->setUpdatesEnabled(false); } QWidget *fw = parent ? parent->window()->focusWidget() : 0; if (prev) { prev->clearFocus(); if (d->stackingMode == StackOne) prev->hide(); } d->index = index; next->raise(); next->show(); // try to move focus onto the incoming widget if focus // was somewhere on the outgoing widget. if (parent) { if (fw && (prev && prev->isAncestorOf(fw))) { // focus was on old page // look for the best focus widget we can find if (QWidget *nfw = next->focusWidget()) nfw->setFocus(); else { // second best: first child widget in the focus chain QWidget *i = fw; while ((i = i->nextInFocusChain()) != fw) { if (((i->focusPolicy() & Qt::TabFocus) == Qt::TabFocus) && !i->focusProxy() && i->isVisibleTo(next) && i->isEnabled() && next->isAncestorOf(i)) { i->setFocus(); break; } } // third best: incoming widget if (i == fw ) next->setFocus(); } } } if (reenableUpdates) parent->setUpdatesEnabled(true); emit currentChanged(index); }
void GTUtilsAssemblyBrowser::zoomToMin(HI::GUITestOpStatus &os) { Q_UNUSED(os); QToolBar* toolbar = GTToolbar::getToolbar(os, MWTOOLBAR_ACTIVEMDI); GT_CHECK(NULL != toolbar, "Can't find the toolbar"); QWidget* zoomOutButton = GTToolbar::getWidgetForActionTooltip(os, toolbar, "Zoom out"); GT_CHECK(NULL != zoomOutButton, "Can't find the 'Zoom in' button"); while (zoomOutButton->isEnabled()) { GTWidget::click(os, zoomOutButton); } }
void KSelectAction_UnitTest::testRequestWidgetMenuModeWidgetParentAddActions() { KSelectAction selectAction("selectAction", 0); selectAction.setToolBarMode(KSelectAction::MenuMode); QToolBar toolBar; toolBar.addAction(&selectAction); QWidget* widget = toolBar.widgetForAction(&selectAction); QVERIFY(widget); QVERIFY(!widget->isEnabled()); selectAction.addAction(new QAction("action1", &selectAction)); selectAction.addAction(new QAction("action2", &selectAction)); selectAction.addAction(new QAction("action3", &selectAction)); QVERIFY(widget->isEnabled()); QCOMPARE(widget->actions().count(), 4); QCOMPARE(widget->actions().at(0)->text(), QString("selectAction")); QCOMPARE(widget->actions().at(1)->text(), QString("action1")); QCOMPARE(widget->actions().at(2)->text(), QString("action2")); QCOMPARE(widget->actions().at(3)->text(), QString("action3")); }
QStyleOptionMenuItem KxMenuItemWidget::getStyleOption() const { QWidget *q = parentWidget(); QMenu *menu = (QMenu *)q; KxMenuItem *action = fMenuItem; QStyleOptionMenuItem opt; opt.initFrom(this); opt.palette = q->palette(); opt.state = QStyle::State_None; if (q->window()->isActiveWindow()) opt.state |= QStyle::State_Active; if (q->isEnabled() && action->isEnabled() && (!action->menu() || action->menu()->isEnabled())) opt.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled; else opt.palette.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Disabled); opt.font = action->font(); if (menu->activeAction() == action && !action->isSeparator()) { opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected; // | (mouseDown ? QStyle::State_Sunken : QStyle::State_None); } if (!action->isCheckable()) { opt.checkType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::NotCheckable; } else { opt.checkType = (action->actionGroup() && action->actionGroup()->isExclusive()) ? QStyleOptionMenuItem::Exclusive : QStyleOptionMenuItem::NonExclusive; opt.checked = action->isChecked(); } if (action->menu()) opt.menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::SubMenu; else if (action->isSeparator()) opt.menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::Separator; else if (menu->defaultAction() == action) opt.menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::DefaultItem; else opt.menuItemType = QStyleOptionMenuItem::Normal; opt.icon = action->icon(); opt.text = action->text(); opt.menuRect = q->rect(); return opt; }
/*!\reimp */ void QGroupBox::childEvent(QChildEvent *c) { Q_D(QGroupBox); if (c->type() != QEvent::ChildAdded || !c->child()->isWidgetType()) return; QWidget *w = (QWidget*)c->child(); if (d->checkable) { if (d->checked) { if (!w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_ForceDisabled)) w->setEnabled(true); } else { if (w->isEnabled()) { w->setEnabled(false); w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_ForceDisabled, false); } } } }
void FilterWidget::filterButton_clicked() { TQueryMap opts; Attr *a = 0; for( int i = 0; i < attrList.size(); i++ ) { QApplication::processEvents(); a =; if ( widgetMap.contains( a->getName() ) ) { QWidget *w = widgetMap[a->getName() ]; if ( false == w->isEnabled() ) continue; QString v = getWidgetData( a, w ); if ( !v.isEmpty() ) { int flag = Like | Case; bool ok; v.toInt(&ok, 10); if ( ok ) { flag = Equal; } if (a->getType() == Attr::Bool) { flag = Equal; } if ( opts.size() > 0 ) { flag |= And; } opts.insert(a->getName(),keeper->prepareParam(flag, v)); } } } emit filterActivated(opts); }
/* sets all children of the group box except the qt_groupbox_checkbox to either disabled/enabled */ void QGroupBoxPrivate::_q_setChildrenEnabled(bool b) { Q_Q(QGroupBox); QObjectList childList = q->children(); for (int i = 0; i < childList.size(); ++i) { QObject *o =; if (o->isWidgetType()) { QWidget *w = static_cast<QWidget *>(o); if (b) { if (!w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_ForceDisabled)) w->setEnabled(true); } else { if (w->isEnabled()) { w->setEnabled(false); w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_ForceDisabled, false); } } } } }
// Make Material-blocks: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SifGenerator::makeMaterialBlocks() { int sifIndex = 0; for(int index = 0; index < materialEditor.size(); index++) { DynamicEditor *matEditor = materialEditor[index]; if(matEditor->menuAction != NULL) { te->append("Material " + QString::number(++sifIndex)); QString name = matEditor->nameEdit->text().trimmed(); te->append(" Name = \"" + name + "\""); for(int i = 0; i < matEditor->hash.count(); i++) { hash_entry_t entry = matEditor->hash.values().at(i); QWidget *widget = entry.widget; QDomElement elem; if ( widget->isEnabled() ) { elem = entry.elem; if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "CheckBox") handleCheckBox(elem, widget); if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "Edit") handleLineEdit(elem, widget); if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "Combo") handleComboBox(elem, widget); if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "TextEdit") handleTextEdit(elem, widget); } } te->append("End\n"); } } }
QWidget *QWidgetWindow::getFocusWidget(FocusWidgets fw) { QWidget *tlw = m_widget; QWidget *w = tlw->nextInFocusChain(); QWidget *last = tlw; uint focus_flag = qt_tab_all_widgets() ? Qt::TabFocus : Qt::StrongFocus; while (w != tlw) { if (((w->focusPolicy() & focus_flag) == focus_flag) && w->isVisibleTo(m_widget) && w->isEnabled()) { last = w; if (fw == FirstFocusWidget) break; } w = w->nextInFocusChain(); } return last; }
int SifGenerator::findHashValue(DynamicEditor *de, const QString &sname, const QString &name) { for(int i = 0; i < de->hash.count(); i++) { hash_entry_t entry = de->hash.values().at(i); QWidget *widget = entry.widget; if (widget->isEnabled()) { QString key = de->hash.keys().at(i); QStringList keySplitted = key.split("/"); QString solverName =; QString labelName =; QDomElement elem = entry.elem; if ( solverName==sname && labelName==name && elem.attribute("Widget","")=="Edit" ) { QLineEdit *line = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(widget); QString str = line->text().trimmed(); if ( str.isEmpty() ) return 0; return str.toInt(); } } } return 0; }
/*!\reimp */ void QGroupBox::childEvent( QChildEvent *c ) { if ( !c->inserted() || !c->child()->isWidgetType() ) return; QWidget *w = (QWidget*)c->child(); #ifndef QT_NO_CHECKBOX if ( d->checkbox ) { if ( w == d->checkbox ) return; if ( d->checkbox->isChecked() ) { if ( !w->testWState( WState_ForceDisabled ) ) w->setEnabled( TRUE ); } else { if ( w->isEnabled() ) { w->setEnabled( FALSE ); ((QGroupBox*)w)->clearWState( WState_ForceDisabled ); } } } #endif if ( !grid ) return; insertWid( w ); }
void TestGui::testEditEntry() { EntryView* entryView = m_dbWidget->findChild<EntryView*>("entryView"); QModelIndex item = entryView->model()->index(0, 1); QRect itemRect = entryView->visualRect(item); QTest::mouseClick(entryView->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier,; QAction* entryEditAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionEntryEdit"); QVERIFY(entryEditAction->isEnabled()); QToolBar* toolBar = m_mainWindow->findChild<QToolBar*>("toolBar"); QWidget* entryEditWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(entryEditAction); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isEnabled()); QTest::mouseClick(entryEditWidget, Qt::LeftButton); EditEntryWidget* editEntryWidget = m_dbWidget->findChild<EditEntryWidget*>("editEntryWidget"); QVERIFY(m_dbWidget->currentWidget() == editEntryWidget); QDialogButtonBox* editEntryWidgetButtonBox = editEntryWidget->findChild<QDialogButtonBox*>("buttonBox"); QVERIFY(editEntryWidgetButtonBox); QTest::mouseClick(editEntryWidgetButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), Qt::LeftButton); // make sure the database isn't marked as modified // wait for modified timer QTRY_COMPARE(m_tabWidget->tabText(m_tabWidget->currentIndex()), m_orgDbFileName); }
/*! \reimp */ QAccessible::State QAccessibleWidget::state() const { QAccessible::State state; QWidget *w = widget(); if (w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Visible) == false) state.invisible = true; if (w->focusPolicy() != Qt::NoFocus) state.focusable = true; if (w->hasFocus()) state.focused = true; if (!w->isEnabled()) state.disabled = true; if (w->isWindow()) { if (w->windowFlags() & Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint) state.movable = true; if (w->minimumSize() != w->maximumSize()) state.sizeable = true; if (w->isActiveWindow()) = true; } return state; }
bool Hover::eventFilter( QObject* object, QEvent *e ) { QWidget* widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(object); if (!(widget && widget->isVisible() && widget->isEnabled())) return false; switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::Timer: case QEvent::Move: case QEvent::Paint: case QEvent::MouseMove: case QEvent::UpdateRequest: case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::Wheel: return false; // just for performance - they can occur really often case QEvent::WindowActivate: case QEvent::Enter: { if (QAbstractScrollArea* area = qobject_cast<QAbstractScrollArea*>(object)) { if (!area->isEnabled()) return false; HANDLE_SCROLL_AREA_EVENT(false); return false; } else if (Q3ScrollView* area = qobject_cast<Q3ScrollView*>(object)) { if (!area->isEnabled()) return false; HANDLE_SCROLL_AREA_EVENT(false); return false; } else if (_scrollAreas.contains(object)) { QObjectList kids = object->children(); QWidget *sb; foreach (QObject *kid, kids) { if isAttachedScrollbar play(sb); } return false; } if (e->type() == QEvent::WindowActivate) return false; play(widget); return false; } case QEvent::WindowDeactivate: case QEvent::Leave: { if (QAbstractScrollArea* area = qobject_cast<QAbstractScrollArea*>(object)) { if (!area->isEnabled()) return false; HANDLE_SCROLL_AREA_EVENT(true); return false; } else if (Q3ScrollView* area = qobject_cast<Q3ScrollView*>(object)) { HANDLE_SCROLL_AREA_EVENT(true); return false; } else if (_scrollAreas.contains(object)) { QObjectList kids = object->children(); QWidget *sb; foreach (QObject *kid, kids) { if isAttachedScrollbar play(sb, true); } return false; } if (e->type() == QEvent::WindowDeactivate) return false; play(widget, true); return false; }
void QWidgetWindow::handleMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { static const QEvent::Type contextMenuTrigger = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformTheme()->themeHint(QPlatformTheme::ContextMenuOnMouseRelease).toBool() ? QEvent::MouseButtonRelease : QEvent::MouseButtonPress; if (qApp->d_func()->inPopupMode()) { QWidget *activePopupWidget = qApp->activePopupWidget(); QWidget *popup = activePopupWidget; QPoint mapped = event->pos(); if (popup != m_widget) mapped = popup->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos()); bool releaseAfter = false; QWidget *popupChild = popup->childAt(mapped); if (popup != qt_popup_down) { qt_button_down = 0; qt_popup_down = 0; } switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: qt_button_down = popupChild; qt_popup_down = popup; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: releaseAfter = true; break; default: break; // nothing for mouse move } int oldOpenPopupCount = openPopupCount; if (popup->isEnabled()) { // deliver event qt_replay_popup_mouse_event = false; QWidget *receiver = popup; QPoint widgetPos = mapped; if (qt_button_down) receiver = qt_button_down; else if (popupChild) receiver = popupChild; if (receiver != popup) widgetPos = receiver->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos()); QWidget *alien = m_widget->childAt(m_widget->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos())); QMouseEvent e(event->type(), widgetPos, event->windowPos(), event->screenPos(), event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); QGuiApplicationPrivate::setMouseEventSource(&e, QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventSource(event)); e.setTimestamp(event->timestamp()); QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(receiver, &e, alien, m_widget, &qt_button_down, qt_last_mouse_receiver); } else { // close disabled popups when a mouse button is pressed or released switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: popup->close(); break; default: break; } } if (qApp->activePopupWidget() != activePopupWidget && qt_replay_popup_mouse_event) { if (m_widget->windowType() != Qt::Popup) qt_button_down = 0; if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { // the popup disappeared, replay the mouse press event QWidget *w = QApplication::widgetAt(event->globalPos()); if (w && !QApplicationPrivate::isBlockedByModal(w)) { // activate window of the widget under mouse pointer if (!w->isActiveWindow()) { w->activateWindow(); w->raise(); } QWindow *win = w->windowHandle(); if (!win) win = w->nativeParentWidget()->windowHandle(); if (win && win->geometry().contains(event->globalPos())) { const QPoint localPos = win->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos()); QMouseEvent e(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, localPos, localPos, event->globalPos(), event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); QGuiApplicationPrivate::setMouseEventSource(&e, QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventSource(event)); e.setTimestamp(event->timestamp()); QApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(win, &e); } } } qt_replay_popup_mouse_event = false; #ifndef QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU } else if (event->type() == contextMenuTrigger && event->button() == Qt::RightButton && (openPopupCount == oldOpenPopupCount)) { QWidget *popupEvent = popup; if (qt_button_down) popupEvent = qt_button_down; else if(popupChild) popupEvent = popupChild; QContextMenuEvent e(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapped, event->globalPos(), event->modifiers()); QApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(popupEvent, &e); #endif } if (releaseAfter) { qt_button_down = 0; qt_popup_down = 0; } return; } // modal event handling if (QApplicationPrivate::instance()->modalState() && !qt_try_modal(m_widget, event->type())) return; // which child should have it? QWidget *widget = m_widget->childAt(event->pos()); QPoint mapped = event->pos(); if (!widget) widget = m_widget; if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) qt_button_down = widget; QWidget *receiver = QApplicationPrivate::pickMouseReceiver(m_widget, event->windowPos().toPoint(), &mapped, event->type(), event->buttons(), qt_button_down, widget); if (!receiver) { if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) QApplicationPrivate::mouse_buttons &= ~event->button(); return; } if ((event->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress) || !(event->flags().testFlag(Qt::MouseEventCreatedDoubleClick))) { // The preceding statement excludes MouseButtonPress events which caused // creation of a MouseButtonDblClick event. QTBUG-25831 QMouseEvent translated(event->type(), mapped, event->windowPos(), event->screenPos(), event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); QGuiApplicationPrivate::setMouseEventSource(&translated, QGuiApplicationPrivate::mouseEventSource(event)); translated.setTimestamp(event->timestamp()); QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(receiver, &translated, widget, m_widget, &qt_button_down, qt_last_mouse_receiver); } #ifndef QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU if (event->type() == contextMenuTrigger && event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { QContextMenuEvent e(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapped, event->globalPos(), event->modifiers()); QGuiApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(receiver, &e); } #endif }
void Q3WidgetStack::raiseWidget(QWidget *w) { if (!w || w == invisible || w->parent() != this || w == topWidget) return; if (id(w) == -1) addWidget(w); if (!isVisible()) { topWidget = w; return; } if (w->maximumSize().width() < invisible->width() || w->maximumSize().height() < invisible->height()) invisible->setBackgroundMode(backgroundMode()); else if (invisible->backgroundMode() != NoBackground) invisible->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); if (invisible->isHidden()) { invisible->setGeometry(contentsRect()); invisible->lower(); invisible->show(); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(invisible, QEvent::ShowWindowRequest); } // try to move focus onto the incoming widget if focus // was somewhere on the outgoing widget. if (topWidget) { QWidget * fw = window()->focusWidget(); if (topWidget->isAncestorOf(fw)) { // focus was on old page // look for the best focus widget we can find QWidget *p = w->focusWidget(); if (!p) { // second best == first child widget in the focus chain QWidget *i = fw; while ((i = i->nextInFocusChain()) != fw) { if (((i->focusPolicy() & Qt::TabFocus) == Qt::TabFocus) && !i->focusProxy() && i->isVisibleTo(w) && i->isEnabled() && w->isAncestorOf(i)) { p = i; break; } } } if (p) p->setFocus(); } else { // the focus wasn't on the old page, so we have to ensure focus doesn't go to // the widget in the page that last had focus when we show the page again. QWidget *oldfw = topWidget->focusWidget(); if (oldfw) oldfw->clearFocus(); } } if (isVisible()) { emit aboutToShow(w); int i = id(w); if (i != -1) emit aboutToShow(i); } topWidget = w; QObjectList c = children(); for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) { QObject * o =; if (o->isWidgetType() && o != w && o != invisible) static_cast<QWidget *>(o)->hide(); } w->setGeometry(invisible->geometry()); w->show(); }
void TestGui::testSearch() { QAction* searchAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionSearch"); QVERIFY(searchAction->isEnabled()); QToolBar* toolBar = m_mainWindow->findChild<QToolBar*>("toolBar"); QWidget* searchActionWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(searchAction); EntryView* entryView = m_dbWidget->findChild<EntryView*>("entryView"); QLineEdit* searchEdit = m_dbWidget->findChild<QLineEdit*>("searchEdit"); QToolButton* clearSearch = m_dbWidget->findChild<QToolButton*>("clearButton"); QVERIFY(!searchEdit->hasFocus()); // Enter search QTest::mouseClick(searchActionWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QTRY_VERIFY(searchEdit->hasFocus()); // Search for "ZZZ" QTest::keyClicks(searchEdit, "ZZZ"); QTRY_COMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 0); // Escape QTest::keyClick(m_mainWindow, Qt::Key_Escape); QTRY_VERIFY(!searchEdit->hasFocus()); // Enter search again QTest::mouseClick(searchActionWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QTRY_VERIFY(searchEdit->hasFocus()); // Input and clear QTest::keyClicks(searchEdit, "ZZZ"); QTRY_COMPARE(searchEdit->text(), QString("ZZZ")); QTest::mouseClick(clearSearch, Qt::LeftButton); QTRY_COMPARE(searchEdit->text(), QString("")); // Triggering search should select the existing text QTest::keyClicks(searchEdit, "ZZZ"); QTest::mouseClick(searchActionWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QTRY_VERIFY(searchEdit->hasFocus()); // Search for "some" QTest::keyClicks(searchEdit, "some"); QTRY_COMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 4); clickIndex(entryView->model()->index(0, 1), entryView, Qt::LeftButton); QAction* entryEditAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionEntryEdit"); QVERIFY(entryEditAction->isEnabled()); QWidget* entryEditWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(entryEditAction); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(entryEditWidget->isEnabled()); QTest::mouseClick(entryEditWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(m_dbWidget->currentMode(), DatabaseWidget::EditMode); EditEntryWidget* editEntryWidget = m_dbWidget->findChild<EditEntryWidget*>("editEntryWidget"); QDialogButtonBox* editEntryWidgetButtonBox = editEntryWidget->findChild<QDialogButtonBox*>("buttonBox"); QTest::mouseClick(editEntryWidgetButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(m_dbWidget->currentMode(), DatabaseWidget::ViewMode); clickIndex(entryView->model()->index(1, 0), entryView, Qt::LeftButton); QAction* entryDeleteAction = m_mainWindow->findChild<QAction*>("actionEntryDelete"); QWidget* entryDeleteWidget = toolBar->widgetForAction(entryDeleteAction); QVERIFY(entryDeleteWidget->isVisible()); QVERIFY(entryDeleteWidget->isEnabled()); QVERIFY(!m_db->metadata()->recycleBin()); QTest::mouseClick(entryDeleteWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(m_db->metadata()->recycleBin()->entries().size(), 1); clickIndex(entryView->model()->index(1, 0), entryView, Qt::LeftButton); clickIndex(entryView->model()->index(2, 0), entryView, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::ControlModifier); QCOMPARE(entryView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size(), 2); MessageBox::setNextAnswer(QMessageBox::No); QTest::mouseClick(entryDeleteWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(m_db->metadata()->recycleBin()->entries().size(), 1); MessageBox::setNextAnswer(QMessageBox::Yes); QTest::mouseClick(entryDeleteWidget, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(m_db->metadata()->recycleBin()->entries().size(), 3); QWidget* closeSearchButton = m_dbWidget->findChild<QToolButton*>("closeSearchButton"); QTest::mouseClick(closeSearchButton, Qt::LeftButton); QCOMPARE(entryView->model()->rowCount(), 1); }
void QWidgetWindow::handleMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (qApp->d_func()->inPopupMode()) { QWidget *activePopupWidget = qApp->activePopupWidget(); QWidget *popup = activePopupWidget; QPoint mapped = event->pos(); if (popup != m_widget) mapped = popup->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos()); bool releaseAfter = false; QWidget *popupChild = popup->childAt(mapped); if (popup != qt_popup_down) { qt_button_down = 0; qt_popup_down = 0; } switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: qt_button_down = popupChild; qt_popup_down = popup; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: releaseAfter = true; break; default: break; // nothing for mouse move } int oldOpenPopupCount = openPopupCount; if (popup->isEnabled()) { // deliver event qt_replay_popup_mouse_event = false; QWidget *receiver = popup; QPoint widgetPos = mapped; if (qt_button_down) receiver = qt_button_down; else if (popupChild) receiver = popupChild; if (receiver != popup) widgetPos = receiver->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos()); QWidget *alien = m_widget->childAt(m_widget->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos())); QMouseEvent e(event->type(), widgetPos, event->windowPos(), event->screenPos(), event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); e.setTimestamp(event->timestamp()); QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(receiver, &e, alien, m_widget, &qt_button_down, qt_last_mouse_receiver); } else { // close disabled popups when a mouse button is pressed or released switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: popup->close(); break; default: break; } } if (qApp->activePopupWidget() != activePopupWidget && qt_replay_popup_mouse_event) { if (m_widget->windowType() != Qt::Popup) qt_button_down = 0; qt_replay_popup_mouse_event = false; #ifndef QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && event->button() == Qt::RightButton && (openPopupCount == oldOpenPopupCount)) { QWidget *popupEvent = popup; if (qt_button_down) popupEvent = qt_button_down; else if(popupChild) popupEvent = popupChild; QContextMenuEvent e(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapped, event->globalPos(), event->modifiers()); QApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(popupEvent, &e); #endif } if (releaseAfter) { qt_button_down = 0; qt_popup_down = 0; } return; } // modal event handling if (QApplicationPrivate::instance()->modalState() && !qt_try_modal(m_widget, event->type())) return; // which child should have it? QWidget *widget = m_widget->childAt(event->pos()); QPoint mapped = event->pos(); if (!widget) widget = m_widget; if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && !qt_button_down) qt_button_down = widget; QWidget *receiver = QApplicationPrivate::pickMouseReceiver(m_widget, event->windowPos().toPoint(), &mapped, event->type(), event->buttons(), qt_button_down, widget); if (!receiver) { if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) QApplicationPrivate::mouse_buttons &= ~event->button(); return; } QMouseEvent translated(event->type(), mapped, event->windowPos(), event->screenPos(), event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); translated.setTimestamp(event->timestamp()); QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(receiver, &translated, widget, m_widget, &qt_button_down, qt_last_mouse_receiver); #ifndef QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { QContextMenuEvent e(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapped, event->globalPos(), event->modifiers()); QGuiApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(receiver, &e); } #endif }
bool Controller::eventFilter( QObject * watched, QEvent * event ) { QWidget* v = view(); if( watched != v ) return false; bool done = false; // ignore mouse events when disabled if ( v && !v->isEnabled()) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: case QEvent::MouseMove: // case QEvent::ContextMenu: case QEvent::Wheel: return false; default: break; } } switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseMove: done = mouseMoveEvent((QMouseEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: done = mousePressEvent((QMouseEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: done = mouseReleaseEvent((QMouseEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: done = mouseDoubleClickEvent((QMouseEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::Wheel: done = wheelEvent((QWheelEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent *k = (QKeyEvent *)event; bool res = false; if (!(k->modifiers() & (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::AltModifier))) { if (k->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab || (k->key() == Qt::Key_Tab && (k->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier))) res = focusNextPrevChild(false); else if (k->key() == Qt::Key_Tab) res = focusNextPrevChild(true); if (res) break; } done = keyPressEvent(k); } break; case QEvent::KeyRelease: done = keyReleaseEvent((QKeyEvent*)event); // fall through case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: break; case QEvent::InputMethod: done = inputMethodEvent((QInputMethodEvent *) event); break; case QEvent::FocusIn: done = focusInEvent((QFocusEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::FocusOut: done = focusOutEvent((QFocusEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::Enter: done = enterEvent(event); break; case QEvent::Leave: done = leaveEvent(event); break; case QEvent::Show: done = showEvent((QShowEvent*) event); break; case QEvent::Hide: done = hideEvent((QHideEvent*) event); break; case QEvent::Paint: // At this point the event has to be delivered, regardless // whether the widget isVisible() or not because it // already went through the filters done = paintEvent((QPaintEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::Move: done = moveEvent((QMoveEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::Resize: done = resizeEvent((QResizeEvent*)event); break; case QEvent::Close: done = closeEvent((QCloseEvent *)event); break; /* RK Das überlassen wir weiterhin dem QWidget, da wir ja Gui::Menu haben case QEvent::ContextMenu: switch (data->context_menu_policy) { case Qt::DefaultContextMenu: contextMenuEvent(static_cast<QContextMenuEvent *>(event)); break; case Qt::CustomContextMenu: emit customContextMenuRequested(static_cast<QContextMenuEvent *>(event)->pos()); break; case Qt::ActionsContextMenu: if (d->actions.count()) { QMenu::exec(d->actions, static_cast<QContextMenuEvent *>(event)->globalPos()); break; } // fall through default: event->ignore(); break; } break; */ case QEvent::Drop: done = dropEvent((QDropEvent*) event); break; case QEvent::DragEnter: done = dragEnterEvent((QDragEnterEvent*) event); break; case QEvent::DragMove: done = dragMoveEvent((QDragMoveEvent*) event); break; case QEvent::DragLeave: done = dragLeaveEvent((QDragLeaveEvent*) event); break; case QEvent::ToolBarChange: case QEvent::ActivationChange: case QEvent::EnabledChange: case QEvent::FontChange: case QEvent::StyleChange: case QEvent::PaletteChange: case QEvent::WindowTitleChange: case QEvent::IconTextChange: case QEvent::ModifiedChange: case QEvent::MouseTrackingChange: case QEvent::ParentChange: case QEvent::WindowStateChange: case QEvent::LanguageChange: done = changeEvent( event); break; case QEvent::Timer: done = tickEvent( (QTimerEvent *)event); break; default: return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event); } return done; }
void QWidgetStack::raiseWidget( QWidget *w ) { if ( !w || w == invisible || w->parent() != this || w == topWidget ) return; if ( id(w) == -1 ) addWidget( w ); if ( !isVisible() ) { topWidget = w; return; } if (w->maximumSize().width() < invisible->width() || w->maximumSize().height() < invisible->height()) invisible->setBackgroundMode(backgroundMode()); else if (invisible->backgroundMode() != NoBackground) invisible->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); if ( invisible->isHidden() ) { invisible->setGeometry( contentsRect() ); invisible->lower(); invisible->show(); QApplication::sendPostedEvents( invisible, QEvent::ShowWindowRequest ); } // try to move focus onto the incoming widget if focus // was somewhere on the outgoing widget. if ( topWidget ) { QWidget * fw = focusWidget(); QWidget* p = fw; while ( p && p != topWidget ) p = p->parentWidget(); if ( p == topWidget ) { // focus was on old page if ( !focusWidgets ) focusWidgets = new QPtrDict<QWidget>( 17 ); focusWidgets->replace( topWidget, fw ); fw->clearFocus(); // look for the best focus widget we can find // best == what we had (which may be deleted) fw = focusWidgets->take( w ); if ( isChildOf( fw, w ) ) { fw->setFocus(); } else { // second best == first child widget in the focus chain QFocusData *f = focusData(); QWidget* home = f->home(); QWidget *i = home; do { if ( ( ( i->focusPolicy() & TabFocus ) == TabFocus ) && !i->focusProxy() && i->isVisibleTo(w) && i->isEnabled() ) { p = i; while ( p && p != w ) p = p->parentWidget(); if ( p == w ) { i->setFocus(); break; } } i = f->next(); } while( i != home ); } } } if ( isVisible() ) { emit aboutToShow( w ); int i = id( w ); if ( i != -1 ) emit aboutToShow( i ); } topWidget = w; const QObjectList * c = children(); QObjectListIt it( *c ); QObject * o; while( (o=it.current()) != 0 ) { ++it; if ( o->isWidgetType() && o != w && o != invisible ) ((QWidget *)o)->hide(); } w->setGeometry( invisible->geometry() ); w->show(); }
QWidget* QgsAttributeEditor::createWidgetFromDef( const QgsAttributeEditorElement* widgetDef, QWidget* parent, QgsVectorLayer* vl, QgsAttributeMap &attrs, QMap<int, QWidget*> &proxyWidgets, bool createGroupBox ) { QWidget *newWidget = 0; switch ( widgetDef->type() ) { case QgsAttributeEditorElement::AeTypeField: { const QgsAttributeEditorField* fieldDef = dynamic_cast<const QgsAttributeEditorField*>( widgetDef ); newWidget = createAttributeEditor( parent, 0, vl, fieldDef->idx(), attrs.value( fieldDef->idx(), QVariant() ), proxyWidgets ); if ( vl->editType( fieldDef->idx() ) != QgsVectorLayer::Immutable ) { newWidget->setEnabled( newWidget->isEnabled() && vl->isEditable() ); } break; } case QgsAttributeEditorElement::AeTypeContainer: { const QgsAttributeEditorContainer* container = dynamic_cast<const QgsAttributeEditorContainer*>( widgetDef ); QWidget* myContainer; if ( createGroupBox ) { QGroupBox* groupBox = new QGroupBox( parent ); groupBox->setTitle( container->name() ); myContainer = groupBox; } else { myContainer = new QWidget( parent ); } QGridLayout* gbLayout = new QGridLayout( myContainer ); int index = 0; QList<QgsAttributeEditorElement*>children = container->children(); for ( QList<QgsAttributeEditorElement*>::const_iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ) { QgsAttributeEditorElement* childDef = *it; QWidget* editor = createWidgetFromDef( childDef, myContainer, vl, attrs, proxyWidgets, true ); if ( childDef->type() == QgsAttributeEditorElement::AeTypeContainer ) { gbLayout->addWidget( editor, index, 0, 1, 2 ); } else { QLabel * mypLabel = new QLabel( myContainer ); gbLayout->addWidget( mypLabel, index, 0 ); mypLabel->setText( childDef->name() ); gbLayout->addWidget( editor, index, 1 ); } ++index; } gbLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ), index , 0 ); newWidget = myContainer; break; } default: QgsDebugMsg( "Unknown attribute editor widget type encountered..." ); break; } return newWidget; }
// Parse "Solver specific tab" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SifGenerator::parseSolverSpecificTab(DynamicEditor *solEditor, const QString &solverName) { // Returns true if there is a matrix involved. otherwise returns false. if ( !solEditor ) return false; bool hasMatrix = true; QScriptEngine engine; QScriptValue dim_QSV = QScriptValue(&engine,dim); engine.globalObject().setProperty( "dim", dim_QSV ); QScriptValue cdim_QSV = QScriptValue(&engine,cdim); engine.globalObject().setProperty( "cdim", cdim_QSV ); for(int i = 0; i < solEditor->hash.count(); i++) { hash_entry_t entry = solEditor->hash.values().at(i); QString key = solEditor->hash.keys().at(i); QStringList keySplitted = key.split("/"); QString tabName =; QString labelName =; if ( tabName != solverName ) continue; // Has matrix? if(labelName == "No Matrix Equation") { if(entry.elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "CheckBox") { QCheckBox *cb = static_cast<QCheckBox*>(entry.widget); hasMatrix = !cb->isChecked(); } } // variable names handled separately... // ------------------------------------ if ( labelName=="Variable" || labelName.mid(0,17)=="Exported Variable" ) { if( entry.elem.attribute("Widget", "") != "Edit") continue; QLineEdit *l = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(entry.widget); QString varName = l->text().trimmed(); if ( varName == "" ) continue; int dofs=1; QStringList dofsplit = varName.split("["); if ( dofsplit.count()>1 ) { varName = + "["; QString dof =; dof = dof.split("]").at(0).trimmed(); dofsplit = dof.split(":"); QString subVarName =; for( int i=1; i<dofsplit.count(); i++) { dof =; QStringList subDofSplit = dof.split(" "); QString subDof =; dofs = engine.evaluate(subDof).toInt32(); if (i>1) varName = varName + " "; varName = varName + subVarName + ":" + QString::number(dofs); if ( subDofSplit.count() > 1 ) subVarName =; } varName = varName + "]"; addSifLine( " " + labelName + " = ", varName ); } else { dofsplit = varName.split("("); if ( dofsplit.count()>1 ) { varName =; QString dof =; dofsplit = dof.split(")"); dof =; dofs = engine.evaluate(dof).toInt32(); } // Don't write the the trivial dof==1 case as this leaves possibility to define the number of // dofs internally within the solver. if ( dofs <= 1 ) { addSifLine( " "+labelName+" = ", varName ); dofs = 1; } else { addSifLine( " "+labelName+" = -dofs ", QString::number(dofs) + " " + varName ); } } continue; } QWidget *widget = entry.widget; QDomElement elem; if ( widget->isEnabled() ) { elem = entry.elem; if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "CheckBox") handleCheckBox(elem, widget); if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "Edit") handleLineEdit(elem, widget); if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "Combo") handleComboBox(elem, widget); if(elem.attribute("Widget", "") == "TextEdit") handleTextEdit(elem, widget); } } return hasMatrix; }