Exemple #1
void tst_QXmlSchema::copyConstructor() const
    /* Verify that we can take a const reference, and simply do a copy of a default constructed object. */
        const QXmlSchema schema1;
        QXmlSchema schema2(schema1);

    /* Copy twice. */
        const QXmlSchema schema1;
        QXmlSchema schema2(schema1);
        QXmlSchema schema3(schema2);

    /* Verify that copying default values works. */
        const QXmlSchema schema1;
        const QXmlSchema schema2(schema1);
        QCOMPARE(schema2.messageHandler(), schema1.messageHandler());
        QCOMPARE(schema2.uriResolver(), schema1.uriResolver());
        QCOMPARE(schema2.networkAccessManager(), schema1.networkAccessManager());
        QCOMPARE(schema2.isValid(), schema1.isValid());
Exemple #2
void tst_QXmlSchema::networkAccessManagerDefaultValue() const
    /* Test that the default value of network access manager is not empty. */
        QXmlSchema schema;
        QVERIFY(schema.networkAccessManager() != static_cast<QNetworkAccessManager*>(0));
Exemple #3
void tst_QXmlSchema::networkAccessManagerSignature() const
    /* Const object. */
    const QXmlSchema schema;

    /* The function should be const. */
Exemple #4
void tst_QXmlSchema::networkAccessManager() const
    /* Test that we return the network manager that was set. */
        QNetworkAccessManager manager;
        QXmlSchema schema;
        QCOMPARE(schema.networkAccessManager(), &manager);
void tst_QXmlSchemaValidator::networkAccessManagerDefaultValue() const
    /* Test that the default value of network access manager is equal to the one from the schema. */
        const QXmlSchema schema;
        const QXmlSchemaValidator validator(schema);
        QVERIFY(validator.networkAccessManager() == schema.networkAccessManager());

    /* Test that the default value of network access manager is equal to the one from the schema. */
        QXmlSchema schema;

        QNetworkAccessManager manager;

        const QXmlSchemaValidator validator(schema);
        QVERIFY(validator.networkAccessManager() == schema.networkAccessManager());