Exemple #1
QString QgsWFSServer::createFeatureGeoJSON( QgsFeature* feat, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &, QMap< int, QgsField > fields, QSet<QString> hiddenAttributes ) /*const*/
  QString fStr = "{\"type\": \"Feature\",\n";

  fStr += "   \"id\": ";
  fStr +=  QString::number( feat->id() );
  fStr += ",\n";

  QgsGeometry* geom = feat->geometry();
  if ( geom && mWithGeom )
    QgsRectangle box = geom->boundingBox();

    fStr += " \"bbox\": [ " + QString::number( box.xMinimum(), 'f', 6 ).remove( QRegExp( "[0]{1,5}$" ) ) + ", " + QString::number( box.yMinimum(), 'f', 6 ).remove( QRegExp( "[0]{1,5}$" ) ) + ", " + QString::number( box.xMaximum(), 'f', 6 ).remove( QRegExp( "[0]{1,5}$" ) ) + ", " + QString::number( box.yMaximum(), 'f', 6 ).remove( QRegExp( "[0]{1,5}$" ) ) + "],\n";

    fStr += "  \"geometry\": ";
    fStr += geom->exportToGeoJSON();
    fStr += ",\n";

  //read all attribute values from the feature
  fStr += "   \"properties\": {\n";
  QgsAttributeMap featureAttributes = feat->attributeMap();
  int attributeCounter = 0;
  for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = featureAttributes.begin(); it != featureAttributes.end(); ++it )
    QString attributeName = fields[it.key()].name();
    //skip attribute if it has edit type 'hidden'
    if ( hiddenAttributes.contains( attributeName ) )

    if ( attributeCounter == 0 )
      fStr += "    \"";
      fStr += "   ,\"";
    fStr += attributeName;
    fStr += "\": ";
    if ( it->type() == 6 || it->type() == 2 )
      fStr +=  it->toString();
      fStr += "\"";
      fStr +=  it->toString().replace( QString( "\"" ), QString( "\\\"" ) );
      fStr += "\"";
    fStr += "\n";

  fStr += "   }\n";

  fStr += "  }";

  return fStr;
Exemple #2
QString QgsActionManager::expandAction( QString action, const QgsAttributeMap &attributes,
                                        uint clickedOnValue )
  // This function currently replaces all %% characters in the action
  // with the value from values[clickedOnValue].second, and then
  // searches for all strings that go %attribute_name, where
  // attribute_name is found in values[x].first, and replaces any that
  // it finds by values[s].second.

  // Additional substitutions could include symbols for $CWD, $HOME,
  // etc (and their OSX and Windows equivalents)

  // This function will potentially fall apart if any of the
  // substitutions produce text that could match another
  // substitution. May be better to adopt a two pass approach - identify
  // all matches and their substitutions and then do a second pass
  // for the actual substitutions.

  QString expanded_action;
  if ( attributes.contains( clickedOnValue ) )
    expanded_action = action.replace( "%%", attributes[clickedOnValue].toString() );
    expanded_action = action;

  const QgsFields &fields = mLayer->fields();

  for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
    for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); ++it )
      int attrIdx = it.key();
      if ( attrIdx < 0 || attrIdx >= fields.count() )

      QString to_replace;
      switch ( i )
        case 0:
          to_replace = "[%" + fields[attrIdx].name() + ']';
        case 1:
          to_replace = "[%" + mLayer->attributeDisplayName( attrIdx ) + ']';
        case 2:
          to_replace = '%' + fields[attrIdx].name();
        case 3:
          to_replace = '%' + mLayer->attributeDisplayName( attrIdx );

      expanded_action = expanded_action.replace( to_replace, it.value().toString() );

  return expanded_action;
Exemple #3
QDomElement QgsWFSServer::createFeatureElem( QgsFeature* feat, QDomDocument& doc, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs, QMap< int, QgsField > fields, QSet<QString> hiddenAttributes ) /*const*/
  QDomElement featureElement = doc.createElement( "gml:featureMember"/*wfs:FeatureMember*/ );

  QDomElement typeNameElement = doc.createElement( "qgs:" + mTypeName.replace( QString( " " ), QString( "_" ) )/*qgs:%TYPENAME%*/ );
  typeNameElement.setAttribute( "fid", QString::number( feat->id() ) );
  featureElement.appendChild( typeNameElement );

  if ( mWithGeom )
    //add geometry column (as gml)
    QgsGeometry* geom = feat->geometry();

    QDomElement geomElem = doc.createElement( "qgs:geometry" );
    QDomElement gmlElem = createGeometryElem( geom, doc );
    if ( !gmlElem.isNull() )
      QgsRectangle box = geom->boundingBox();
      QDomElement bbElem = doc.createElement( "gml:boundedBy" );
      QDomElement boxElem = createBoxElem( &box, doc );

      if ( crs.isValid() )
        boxElem.setAttribute( "srsName", crs.authid() );
        gmlElem.setAttribute( "srsName", crs.authid() );

      bbElem.appendChild( boxElem );
      typeNameElement.appendChild( bbElem );

      geomElem.appendChild( gmlElem );
      typeNameElement.appendChild( geomElem );

  //read all attribute values from the feature
  QgsAttributeMap featureAttributes = feat->attributeMap();
  for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = featureAttributes.begin(); it != featureAttributes.end(); ++it )

    QString attributeName = fields[it.key()].name();
    //skip attribute if it has edit type 'hidden'
    if ( hiddenAttributes.contains( attributeName ) )

    QDomElement fieldElem = doc.createElement( "qgs:" + attributeName.replace( QString( " " ), QString( "_" ) ) );
    QDomText fieldText = doc.createTextNode( it->toString() );
    fieldElem.appendChild( fieldText );
    typeNameElement.appendChild( fieldElem );

  return featureElement;
void QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::updateAttributeMapIndex( QgsAttributeMap& map, int index, int offset ) const
  QgsAttributeMap updatedMap;
  for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it )
    int attrIndex = it.key();
    updatedMap.insert( attrIndex < index ? attrIndex : attrIndex + offset, it.value() );
  map = updatedMap;
Exemple #5
void QgsGPXProvider::changeAttributeValues( QgsGPSObject& obj, const QgsAttributeMap& attrs )

  QgsWaypoint* wpt = dynamic_cast<QgsWaypoint*>( &obj );
  QgsGPSExtended* ext = dynamic_cast<QgsGPSExtended*>( &obj );

  QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator aIter = attrs.begin();
  for ( ; aIter != attrs.end(); ++aIter )
    int i = aIter.key();
    QVariant v = aIter.value();

    // common attributes
    switch ( indexToAttr[i] )
      case NameAttr:    obj.name    = v.toString(); break;
      case CmtAttr:     obj.cmt     = v.toString(); break;
      case DscAttr:     obj.desc    = v.toString(); break;
      case SrcAttr:     obj.src     = v.toString(); break;
      case URLAttr:     obj.url     = v.toString(); break;
      case URLNameAttr: obj.urlname = v.toString(); break;

    // waypoint-specific attributes
    if ( wpt != NULL )
      if ( indexToAttr[i] == SymAttr )
        wpt->sym = v.toString();
      else if ( indexToAttr[i] == EleAttr )
        bool eleIsOK;
        double ele = v.toDouble( &eleIsOK );
        if ( eleIsOK )
          wpt->ele = ele;

    // route- and track-specific attributes
    if ( ext != NULL )
      if ( indexToAttr[i] == NumAttr )
        bool numIsOK;
        int num = v.toInt( &numIsOK );
        if ( numIsOK )
          ext->number = num;


void QgsOfflineEditing::applyFeaturesAdded( QgsVectorLayer* offlineLayer, QgsVectorLayer* remoteLayer, sqlite3* db, int layerId )
  QString sql = QString( "SELECT \"fid\" FROM 'log_added_features' WHERE \"layer_id\" = %1" ).arg( layerId );
  QList<int> newFeatureIds = sqlQueryInts( db, sql );

  // get new features from offline layer
  QgsFeatureList features;
  for ( int i = 0; i < newFeatureIds.size(); i++ )
    QgsFeature feature;
    if ( offlineLayer->featureAtId( newFeatureIds.at( i ), feature, true, true ) )
      features << feature;

  // copy features to remote layer
  mProgressDialog->setupProgressBar( tr( "%v / %m features added" ), features.size() );

  int i = 1;
  for ( QgsFeatureList::iterator it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); ++it )
    QgsFeature f = *it;

    // NOTE: Spatialite provider ignores position of geometry column
    // restore gap in QgsAttributeMap if geometry column is not last (WORKAROUND)
    QMap<int, int> attrLookup = attributeLookup( offlineLayer, remoteLayer );
    QgsAttributeMap newAttrMap;
    QgsAttributeMap attrMap = f.attributeMap();
    for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attrMap.begin(); it != attrMap.end(); ++it )
      newAttrMap.insert( attrLookup[ it.key()], it.value() );
    f.setAttributeMap( newAttrMap );

    remoteLayer->addFeature( f, false );

    mProgressDialog->setProgressValue( i++ );
void QgsOfflineEditing::committedAttributeValuesChanges( const QString& qgisLayerId, const QgsChangedAttributesMap& changedAttrsMap )
  sqlite3* db = openLoggingDb();
  if ( db == NULL )

  // insert log
  int layerId = getOrCreateLayerId( db, qgisLayerId );
  int commitNo = getCommitNo( db );

  for ( QgsChangedAttributesMap::const_iterator cit = changedAttrsMap.begin(); cit != changedAttrsMap.end(); ++cit )
    QgsFeatureId fid = cit.key();
    if ( isAddedFeature( db, layerId, fid ) )
      // skip added features
    QgsAttributeMap attrMap = cit.value();
    for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attrMap.begin(); it != attrMap.end(); ++it )
      QString sql = QString( "INSERT INTO 'log_feature_updates' VALUES ( %1, %2, %3, %4, '%5' )" )
                    .arg( layerId )
                    .arg( commitNo )
                    .arg( fid )
                    .arg( it.key() ) // attr
                    .arg( it.value().toString() ); // value
      sqlExec( db, sql );

  increaseCommitNo( db );
  sqlite3_close( db );
Exemple #8
int QgsInterpolator::cacheBaseData()
  if ( mLayerData.size() < 1 )
    return 0;

  //reserve initial memory for 100000 vertices
  mCachedBaseData.reserve( 100000 );

  QList<LayerData>::iterator v_it = mLayerData.begin();

  for ( ; v_it != mLayerData.end(); ++v_it )
    if ( v_it->vectorLayer == 0 )

    QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = v_it->vectorLayer->dataProvider();
    if ( !provider )
      return 2;

    QgsAttributeList attList;
    if ( !v_it->zCoordInterpolation )
      attList.push_back( v_it->interpolationAttribute );

    provider->select( attList );

    QgsFeature theFeature;
    double attributeValue = 0.0;
    bool attributeConversionOk = false;

    while ( provider->nextFeature( theFeature ) )
      if ( !v_it->zCoordInterpolation )
        QgsAttributeMap attMap = theFeature.attributeMap();
        QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator att_it = attMap.find( v_it->interpolationAttribute );
        if ( att_it == attMap.end() ) //attribute not found, something must be wrong (e.g. NULL value)
        attributeValue = att_it.value().toDouble( &attributeConversionOk );
        if ( !attributeConversionOk || qIsNaN( attributeValue ) ) //don't consider vertices with attributes like 'nan' for the interpolation

      if ( addVerticesToCache( theFeature.geometry(), v_it->zCoordInterpolation, attributeValue ) != 0 )
        return 3;

  return 0;
Exemple #9
void QgsClipboard::replaceWithCopyOf( const QgsFieldMap& fields, QgsFeatureList& features )

  // Replace the QGis clipboard.
  mFeatureClipboard = features;
  QgsDebugMsg( "replaced QGis clipboard." );

  // Replace the system clipboard.

  QStringList textLines;
  QStringList textFields;

  // first do the field names
  textFields += "wkt_geom";
  for ( QgsFieldMap::const_iterator fit = fields.begin(); fit != fields.end(); ++fit )
    textFields += fit->name();
  textLines += textFields.join( "\t" );

  // then the field contents
  for ( QgsFeatureList::iterator it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); ++it )
    QgsAttributeMap attributes = it->attributeMap();

    // TODO: Set up Paste Transformations to specify the order in which fields are added.

    if ( it->geometry() )
      textFields += it->geometry()->exportToWkt();
      QSettings settings;
      textFields += settings.value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString();

    // QgsDebugMsg("about to traverse fields.");
    for ( QgsAttributeMap::iterator it2 = attributes.begin(); it2 != attributes.end(); ++it2 )
      // QgsDebugMsg(QString("inspecting field '%1'.").arg(it2->toString()));
      textFields += it2->toString();

    textLines += textFields.join( "\t" );

  QString textCopy = textLines.join( "\n" );

  QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();

  // Copy text into the clipboard

  // With qgis running under Linux, but with a Windows based X
  // server (Xwin32), ::Selection was necessary to get the data into
  // the Windows clipboard (which seems contrary to the Qt
  // docs). With a Linux X server, ::Clipboard was required.
  // The simple solution was to put the text into both clipboards.

  // The ::Selection setText() below one may need placing inside so
  // #ifdef so that it doesn't get compiled under Windows.
  cb->setText( textCopy, QClipboard::Selection );
  cb->setText( textCopy, QClipboard::Clipboard );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "replaced system clipboard with: %1." ).arg( textCopy ) );
void QgsOfflineEditing::copyVectorLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, sqlite3* db, const QString& offlineDbPath )
  if ( layer == NULL )

  QString tableName = layer->name();

  // create table
  QString sql = QString( "CREATE TABLE '%1' (" ).arg( tableName );
  QString delim = "";
  const QgsFieldMap& fields = layer->dataProvider()->fields();
  for ( QgsFieldMap::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end() ; ++it )
    QString dataType = "";
    QVariant::Type type = it.value().type();
    if ( type == QVariant::Int )
      dataType = "INTEGER";
    else if ( type == QVariant::Double )
      dataType = "REAL";
    else if ( type == QVariant::String )
      dataType = "TEXT";
      showWarning( tr( "Unknown data type %1" ).arg( type ) );

    sql += delim + QString( "'%1' %2" ).arg( it.value().name() ).arg( dataType );
    delim = ",";
  sql += ")";

  // add geometry column
  QString geomType = "";
  switch ( layer->wkbType() )
    case QGis::WKBPoint:
      geomType = "POINT";
    case QGis::WKBMultiPoint:
      geomType = "MULTIPOINT";
    case QGis::WKBLineString:
      geomType = "LINESTRING";
    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString:
      geomType = "MULTILINESTRING";
    case QGis::WKBPolygon:
      geomType = "POLYGON";
    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon:
      geomType = "MULTIPOLYGON";
      showWarning( tr( "QGIS wkbType %1 not supported" ).arg( layer->wkbType() ) );
  QString sqlAddGeom = QString( "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('%1', 'Geometry', %2, '%3', 2)" )
                       .arg( tableName )
                       .arg( layer->crs().authid().startsWith( "EPSG:", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ? layer->crs().authid().mid( 5 ).toLong() : 0 )
                       .arg( geomType );

  // create spatial index
  QString sqlCreateIndex = QString( "SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('%1', 'Geometry')" ).arg( tableName );

  int rc = sqlExec( db, sql );
  if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
    rc = sqlExec( db, sqlAddGeom );
    if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
      rc = sqlExec( db, sqlCreateIndex );

  if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
    // add new layer
    QgsVectorLayer* newLayer = new QgsVectorLayer( QString( "dbname='%1' table='%2'(Geometry) sql=" )
        .arg( offlineDbPath ).arg( tableName ), tableName + " (offline)", "spatialite" );
    if ( newLayer->isValid() )
      // mark as offline layer
      newLayer->setCustomProperty( CUSTOM_PROPERTY_IS_OFFLINE_EDITABLE, true );

      // store original layer source
      newLayer->setCustomProperty( CUSTOM_PROPERTY_REMOTE_SOURCE, layer->source() );
      newLayer->setCustomProperty( CUSTOM_PROPERTY_REMOTE_PROVIDER, layer->providerType() );

      // copy style
      bool hasLabels = layer->hasLabelsEnabled();
      if ( !hasLabels )
        // NOTE: copy symbology before adding the layer so it is displayed correctly
        copySymbology( layer, newLayer );

      // register this layer with the central layers registry
      QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer( newLayer );

      if ( hasLabels )
        // NOTE: copy symbology of layers with labels enabled after adding to project, as it will crash otherwise (WORKAROUND)
        copySymbology( layer, newLayer );

      // TODO: layer order

      // copy features
      QgsFeature f;

      // NOTE: force feature recount for PostGIS layer, else only visible features are counted, before iterating over all features (WORKAROUND)
      layer->setSubsetString( "" );

      layer->select( layer->pendingAllAttributesList(), QgsRectangle(), true, false );

      mProgressDialog->setupProgressBar( tr( "%v / %m features copied" ), layer->featureCount() );
      int featureCount = 1;

      QList<int> remoteFeatureIds;
      while ( layer->nextFeature( f ) )
        remoteFeatureIds << f.id();

        // NOTE: Spatialite provider ignores position of geometry column
        // fill gap in QgsAttributeMap if geometry column is not last (WORKAROUND)
        int column = 0;
        QgsAttributeMap newAttrMap;
        QgsAttributeMap attrMap = f.attributeMap();
        for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = attrMap.begin(); it != attrMap.end(); ++it )
          newAttrMap.insert( column++, it.value() );
        f.setAttributeMap( newAttrMap );

        newLayer->addFeature( f, false );

        mProgressDialog->setProgressValue( featureCount++ );
      if ( newLayer->commitChanges() )
        mProgressDialog->setupProgressBar( tr( "%v / %m features processed" ), layer->featureCount() );
        featureCount = 1;

        // update feature id lookup
        int layerId = getOrCreateLayerId( db, newLayer->id() );
        QList<int> offlineFeatureIds;
        newLayer->select( QgsAttributeList(), QgsRectangle(), false, false );
        while ( newLayer->nextFeature( f ) )
          offlineFeatureIds << f.id();

        // NOTE: insert fids in this loop, as the db is locked during newLayer->nextFeature()
        sqlExec( db, "BEGIN" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < remoteFeatureIds.size(); i++ )
          addFidLookup( db, layerId, offlineFeatureIds.at( i ), remoteFeatureIds.at( i ) );

          mProgressDialog->setProgressValue( featureCount++ );
        sqlExec( db, "COMMIT" );
        showWarning( newLayer->commitErrors().join( "\n" ) );

      // remove remote layer
      QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->removeMapLayer( layer->id() );
int QgsTINInterpolator::insertData( QgsFeature* f, bool zCoord, int attr, InputType type )
  if ( !f )
    return 1;

  QgsGeometry* g = f->geometry();
    if ( !g )
      return 2;

  //check attribute value
  double attributeValue = 0;
  bool attributeConversionOk = false;
  if ( !zCoord )
    QgsAttributeMap attMap = f->attributeMap();
    QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator att_it = attMap.find( attr );
    if ( att_it == attMap.end() ) //attribute not found, something must be wrong (e.g. NULL value)
      return 3;
    attributeValue = att_it.value().toDouble( &attributeConversionOk );
    if ( !attributeConversionOk || qIsNaN( attributeValue ) ) //don't consider vertices with attributes like 'nan' for the interpolation
      return 4;

  //parse WKB. It is ugly, but we cannot use the methods with QgsPoint because they don't contain z-values for 25D types
  bool hasZValue = false;
  double x, y, z;
  unsigned char* currentWkbPtr = g->asWkb();
  //maybe a structure or break line
  Line3D* line = 0;

  QGis::WkbType wkbType = g->wkbType();
  switch ( wkbType )
    case QGis::WKBPoint25D:
      hasZValue = true;
    case QGis::WKBPoint:
      currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      x = *(( double * )( currentWkbPtr ) );
      currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
      y = *(( double * )( currentWkbPtr ) );
      if ( zCoord && hasZValue )
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
        z = *(( double * )( currentWkbPtr ) );
        z = attributeValue;
      Point3D* thePoint = new Point3D( x, y, z );
      if ( mTriangulation->addPoint( thePoint ) == -100 )
        return -1;
    case QGis::WKBMultiPoint25D:
      hasZValue = true;
    case QGis::WKBMultiPoint:
      currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      int* npoints = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
      currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
      for ( int index = 0; index < *npoints; ++index )
        currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) ); //skip endian and point type
        x = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
        y = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
        if ( hasZValue ) //skip z-coordinate for 25D geometries
          z = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
          currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
          z = attributeValue;
    case QGis::WKBLineString25D:
      hasZValue = true;
    case QGis::WKBLineString:
      if ( type != POINTS )
        line = new Line3D();
      currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      int* npoints = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
      currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
      for ( int index = 0; index < *npoints; ++index )
        x = *(( double * )( currentWkbPtr ) );
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
        y = *(( double * )( currentWkbPtr ) );
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
        if ( zCoord && hasZValue ) //skip z-coordinate for 25D geometries
          z = *(( double * )( currentWkbPtr ) );
          z = attributeValue;
        if ( hasZValue )
          currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );

        if ( type == POINTS )
          //todo: handle error code -100
          mTriangulation->addPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );
          line->insertPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );

      if ( type != POINTS )
        mTriangulation->addLine( line, type == BREAK_LINES );
    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString25D:
      hasZValue = true;
    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString:
      currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      int* nlines = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
      int* npoints = 0;
      currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
      for ( int index = 0; index < *nlines; ++index )
        if ( type != POINTS )
          line = new Line3D();
        currentWkbPtr += ( sizeof( int ) + 1 );
        npoints = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
        for ( int index2 = 0; index2 < *npoints; ++index2 )
          x = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
          currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
          y = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
          currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );

          if ( hasZValue ) //skip z-coordinate for 25D geometries
            z = *(( double* ) currentWkbPtr );
            currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
            z = attributeValue;

          if ( type == POINTS )
            //todo: handle error code -100
            mTriangulation->addPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );
            line->insertPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );
        if ( type != POINTS )
          mTriangulation->addLine( line, type == BREAK_LINES );
    case QGis::WKBPolygon25D:
      hasZValue = true;
    case QGis::WKBPolygon:
      currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      int* nrings = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
      currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
      int* npoints;
      for ( int index = 0; index < *nrings; ++index )
        if ( type != POINTS )
          line = new Line3D();

        npoints = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
        for ( int index2 = 0; index2 < *npoints; ++index2 )
          x = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
          currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
          y = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
          currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
          if ( hasZValue ) //skip z-coordinate for 25D geometries
            z = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );;
            currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
            z = attributeValue;
          if ( type == POINTS )
            //todo: handle error code -100
            mTriangulation->addPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );
            line->insertPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );

        if ( type != POINTS )
          mTriangulation->addLine( line, type == BREAK_LINES );

    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon25D:
      hasZValue = true;
    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon:
      currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) );
      int* npolys = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
      int* nrings;
      int* npoints;
      currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
      for ( int index = 0; index < *npolys; ++index )
        currentWkbPtr += ( 1 + sizeof( int ) ); //skip endian and polygon type
        nrings = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
        currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
        for ( int index2 = 0; index2 < *nrings; ++index2 )
          if ( type != POINTS )
            line = new Line3D();
          npoints = ( int* )currentWkbPtr;
          currentWkbPtr += sizeof( int );
          for ( int index3 = 0; index3 < *npoints; ++index3 )
            x = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
            currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
            y = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
            currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
            if ( hasZValue ) //skip z-coordinate for 25D geometries
              z = *(( double* )currentWkbPtr );
              currentWkbPtr += sizeof( double );
              z = attributeValue;
            if ( type == POINTS )
              //todo: handle error code -100
              mTriangulation->addPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );
              line->insertPoint( new Point3D( x, y, z ) );
          if ( type != POINTS )
            mTriangulation->addLine( line, type == BREAK_LINES );
      //should not happen...

  return 0;