void QgsComposerAttributeTableV2::setDisplayedFields( const QStringList& fields, bool refresh )
  QgsVectorLayer* source = sourceLayer();
  if ( !source )

  //rebuild columns list, taking only fields contained in supplied list
  qDeleteAll( mColumns );

  QgsFields layerFields = source->fields();

  if ( !fields.isEmpty() )
    Q_FOREACH ( const QString& field, fields )
      int attrIdx = layerFields.lookupField( field );
      if ( attrIdx < 0 )

      QString currentAlias = source->attributeDisplayName( attrIdx );
      QgsComposerTableColumn* col = new QgsComposerTableColumn;
      col->setAttribute( layerFields.at( attrIdx ).name() );
      col->setHeading( currentAlias );
      mColumns.append( col );
QgsVirtualLayerDefinition QgsVirtualLayerDefinitionUtils::fromJoinedLayer( QgsVectorLayer *layer )
  QgsVirtualLayerDefinition def;

  QStringList leftJoins;
  QStringList columns;

  // add the geometry column if the layer is spatial
  if ( layer->isSpatial() )
    columns << "t.geometry";

  // look for the uid
  QgsFields fields = layer->dataProvider()->fields();
    QgsAttributeList pk = layer->dataProvider()->pkAttributeIndexes();
    if ( pk.size() == 1 )
      def.setUid( fields.field( pk[0] ).name() );
      // find an uid name
      QString uid = QStringLiteral( "uid" );
      while ( fields.lookupField( uid ) != -1 )
        uid += QLatin1String( "_" ); // add "_" each time this name already exists

      // add a column
      columns << "t.rowid AS " + uid;
      def.setUid( uid );
  const QgsFields providerFields = layer->dataProvider()->fields();
  for ( const auto &f : providerFields )
    columns << "t.\"" + f.name() + "\"";

  int joinIdx = 0;
  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo &join, layer->vectorJoins() )
    QString joinName = QStringLiteral( "j%1" ).arg( ++joinIdx );
    QgsVectorLayer *joinedLayer = join.joinLayer();
    if ( !joinedLayer )
    QString prefix = join.prefix().isEmpty() ? joinedLayer->name() + "_" : join.prefix();

    leftJoins << QStringLiteral( "LEFT JOIN \"%1\" AS %2 ON t.\"%5\"=%2.\"%3\"" ).arg( joinedLayer->id(), joinName, join.joinFieldName(), join.targetFieldName() );
    if ( join.joinFieldNamesSubset() )
      Q_FOREACH ( const QString &f, *join.joinFieldNamesSubset() )
        columns << joinName + ".\"" + f + "\" AS \"" + prefix + f + "\"";
Exemple #3
void TestQgsFields::indexFromName()
    QgsFields fields;
    QgsField field( QString( "testfield" ) );
    field.setAlias( "testfieldAlias" );
    fields.append( field );
    QgsField field2( QString( "testfield2" ) );
    fields.append( field2 );
    QgsField field3( QString( "testfield3" ) );
    fields.append( field3 );

    QCOMPARE( fields.indexFromName( QString( "bad" ) ), -1 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.lookupField( QString( "bad" ) ), -1 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.indexFromName( QString( "testfield" ) ), 0 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.lookupField( QString( "testfield" ) ), 0 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.indexFromName( QString( "testfield3" ) ), 2 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.lookupField( QString( "testfield3" ) ), 2 );

    //indexFromName is case sensitive, fieldNameIndex isn't
    QCOMPARE( fields.indexFromName( QString( "teStFiEld2" ) ), -1 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.lookupField( QString( "teStFiEld2" ) ), 1 );

    //test that fieldNameIndex prefers exact case matches over case insensitive matches
    QgsField sameNameDifferentCase( QString( "teStFielD" ) );
    fields.append( sameNameDifferentCase );
    QCOMPARE( fields.lookupField( QString( "teStFielD" ) ), 3 );

    //test that the alias is only matched with fieldNameIndex
    QCOMPARE( fields.indexFromName( "testfieldAlias" ), -1 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.lookupField( "testfieldAlias" ), 0 );
    QCOMPARE( fields.lookupField( "testfieldalias" ), 0 );
Exemple #4
void QgsHeatmapRenderer::startRender( QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsFields& fields )
  Q_UNUSED( fields );
  if ( !context.painter() )

  // find out classification attribute index from name
  mWeightAttrNum = fields.lookupField( mWeightExpressionString );
  if ( mWeightAttrNum == -1 )
    mWeightExpression.reset( new QgsExpression( mWeightExpressionString ) );
    mWeightExpression->prepare( &context.expressionContext() );

  initializeValues( context );
void QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer::startRender( QgsSymbolRenderContext& context )
  if ( mLineSymbol )
    mLineSymbol->startRender( context.renderContext(), context.fields() );

  QgsFields fields = context.fields();
  if ( !fields.isEmpty() )
    mXIndex = fields.lookupField( mXAttribute );
    mYIndex = fields.lookupField( mYAttribute );
    mXIndex = -1;
    mYIndex = -1;
Exemple #6
QSet<int> QgsExpression::referencedAttributeIndexes( const QgsFields &fields ) const
  if ( !d->mRootNode )
    return QSet<int>();

  const QSet<QString> referencedFields = d->mRootNode->referencedColumns();
  QSet<int> referencedIndexes;

  for ( const QString &fieldName : referencedFields )
    if ( fieldName == QgsFeatureRequest::ALL_ATTRIBUTES )
      referencedIndexes = fields.allAttributesList().toSet();
    referencedIndexes << fields.lookupField( fieldName );

  return referencedIndexes;
Exemple #7
bool QgsProperty::prepare( const QgsExpressionContext &context ) const
  if ( !d->active )
    return true;

  switch ( d->type )
    case StaticProperty:
      return true;

    case FieldBasedProperty:
      // cache field index to avoid subsequent lookups
      QgsFields f = context.fields();
      d->cachedFieldIdx = f.lookupField( d->fieldName );
      return true;

    case ExpressionBasedProperty:
      if ( !d->expression.prepare( &context ) )
        d->expressionPrepared = false;
        return false;

      d->expressionPrepared = true;
      d->expressionReferencedCols = d->expression.referencedColumns();
      return true;

    case InvalidProperty:
      return true;


  return false;
void QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer::startRender( QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsFields &fields )
  mCounting = context.rendererScale() == 0.0;

  // find out classification attribute index from name
  mAttrNum = fields.lookupField( mAttrName );

  if ( mAttrNum == -1 )
    mExpression.reset( new QgsExpression( mAttrName ) );
    mExpression->prepare( &context.expressionContext() );

  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsRendererRange &range, mRanges )
    if ( !range.symbol() )

    range.symbol()->startRender( context, fields );
Exemple #9
QgsVectorLayerImport::ImportError QgsDb2Provider::createEmptyLayer( const QString& uri,
    const QgsFields &fields,
    QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType,
    const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& srs,
    bool overwrite,
    QMap<int, int> *oldToNewAttrIdxMap,
    QString *errorMessage,
    const QMap<QString, QVariant> *options )
  Q_UNUSED( options );

  // populate members from the uri structure
  QgsDataSourceUri dsUri( uri );

  QString connInfo = dsUri.connectionInfo();
  QString errMsg;
  QString srsName;
  QgsDebugMsg( "uri: " + uri );

  // connect to database
  QSqlDatabase db = QgsDb2Provider::getDatabase( connInfo, errMsg );

  if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
    if ( errorMessage )
      *errorMessage = errMsg;
    return QgsVectorLayerImport::ErrConnectionFailed;

  // Get the SRS name using srid, needed to register the spatial column
  // srs->posgisSrid() seems to return the authority id which is
  // most often the EPSG id.  Hopefully DB2 has defined an SRS using this
  // value as the srid / srs_id.  If not, we are out of luck.
  QgsDebugMsg( "srs: " + srs.toWkt() );
  long srid = srs.postgisSrid();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "srid: %1" ).arg( srid ) );
  if ( srid >= 0 )
    QSqlQuery query( db );
    QString statement = QString( "SELECT srs_name FROM db2gse.st_spatial_reference_systems where srs_id=%1" )
                        .arg( srid );
    QgsDebugMsg( statement );

    if ( !query.exec( statement ) || !query.isActive() )
      QgsDebugMsg( query.lastError().text() );

    if ( query.next() )
      srsName = query.value( 0 ).toString();
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "srs_name: %1" ).arg( srsName ) );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't get srs_name from db2gse.st_spatial_reference_systems" );

  QString schemaName = dsUri.schema().toUpper();
  QString tableName = dsUri.table().toUpper();
  QString fullName;

  if ( schemaName.isEmpty() )
    schemaName = dsUri.username().toUpper();  // set schema to user name
  fullName = schemaName + "." + tableName;

  QString geometryColumn = dsUri.geometryColumn().toUpper();
  QString primaryKey = dsUri.keyColumn().toUpper();
  QString primaryKeyType;

  // TODO - this is a bad hack to cope with shapefiles.
  // The wkbType from the shapefile header is usually a multi-type
  // even if all the data is a single-type. If we create the column as
  // a multi-type, the insert will fail if the actual data is a single-type
  // due to type mismatch.
  // We could potentially defer adding the spatial column until addFeatures is
  // called the first time, but QgsVectorLayerImport doesn't pass the CRS/srid
  // information to the DB2 provider and we need this information to register
  // the spatial column.
  // This hack is problematic because the drag/drop will fail if the
  // actual data is a multi-type which is possible with a shapefile or
  // other data source.
  QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbTypeSingle;
  wkbTypeSingle = QgsWkbTypes::singleType( wkbType );
  if ( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry && geometryColumn.isEmpty() )
    geometryColumn = "GEOM";

  if ( primaryKey.isEmpty() )
    primaryKey = "QGS_FID";

  // get the pk's name and type
  // if no pk name was passed, define the new pk field name
  int fieldCount = fields.size();
  if ( primaryKey.isEmpty() )
    int index = 0;
    QString pk = primaryKey = "QGS_FID";
    for ( int i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
      if ( fields.at( i ).name() == primaryKey )
        // it already exists, try again with a new name
        primaryKey = QString( "%1_%2" ).arg( pk ).arg( index++ );
        i = 0;
    // search for the passed field
    for ( int i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
      if ( fields.at( i ).name() == primaryKey )
        // found, get the field type
        QgsField fld = fields.at( i );
        if ( convertField( fld ) )
          primaryKeyType = fld.typeName();
  QgsDebugMsg( "primaryKeyType: '" + primaryKeyType + "'" );

  QString sql;
  QSqlQuery q = QSqlQuery( db );
  q.setForwardOnly( true );

  // get wkb type and dimension
  QString geometryType;
  int dim = 2;
  db2WkbTypeAndDimension( wkbTypeSingle, geometryType, dim );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "wkbTypeSingle: %1; geometryType: %2" ).arg( wkbTypeSingle ).arg( geometryType ) );
  if ( overwrite )
    // remove the old table with the same name
    sql = "DROP TABLE " + fullName;
    if ( !q.exec( sql ) )
      if ( q.lastError().number() != -206 ) // -206 is "not found" just ignore
        QString lastError = q.lastError().text();
        QgsDebugMsg( lastError );
        if ( errorMessage )
          *errorMessage = lastError;
        return QgsVectorLayerImport::ErrCreateLayer;

  // add fields to the layer
  if ( oldToNewAttrIdxMap )
  QString attr2Create = "";
  if ( fields.size() > 0 )
    int offset = 0;

    // get the list of fields
    QgsDebugMsg( "PrimaryKey: '" + primaryKey + "'" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
      QgsField fld = fields.field( i );
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; fldIdx: %2; offset: %3" )
                   .arg( i ).arg( fields.lookupField( fld.name() ) ).arg( offset ) );

      if ( oldToNewAttrIdxMap && fld.name() == primaryKey )
        oldToNewAttrIdxMap->insert( i , 0 );

      if ( fld.name() == geometryColumn )
        // Found a field with the same name of the geometry column. Skip it!
      QString db2Field = qgsFieldToDb2Field( fld );

      if ( db2Field.isEmpty() )
        if ( errorMessage )
          *errorMessage = QObject::tr( "Unsupported type for field %1" ).arg( fld.name() );
        return QgsVectorLayerImport::ErrAttributeTypeUnsupported;

      if ( oldToNewAttrIdxMap )
        oldToNewAttrIdxMap->insert( fields.lookupField( fld.name() ), offset++ );
      attr2Create += ',' + db2Field.toUpper();
    QgsDebugMsg( attr2Create );
    if ( !geometryColumn.isEmpty() )
      sql = QString( // need to set specific geometry type
              "%3 DB2GSE.%4 %5) " )
            .arg( fullName,
                  attr2Create );
      //geometryless table
      sql = QString( // need to set specific geometry type
            .arg( schemaName,
                  attr2Create );
    QgsDebugMsg( sql );
    if ( !q.exec( sql ) )
      QString lastError = q.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( lastError );
      if ( errorMessage )
        *errorMessage = lastError;
      return QgsVectorLayerImport::ErrCreateLayer;

    if ( !geometryColumn.isEmpty() )
      int computeExtents = 0;
      int msgCode = 0;
      int outCode;
      int outMsg;
      QVariant msgText( " " );
      QSqlQuery query( db );
      int db2Environment = ENV_LUW;

// get the environment
      QgsDb2GeometryColumns gc( db );
      int rc = gc.open( schemaName, tableName );  // returns SQLCODE if failure
      if ( rc == 0 )
        db2Environment = gc.db2Environment();
      if ( ENV_LUW == db2Environment )
        sql = QString( "CALL DB2GSE.ST_Register_Spatial_Column(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" );
        outCode = 5;
        outMsg = 6;
      else // z/OS doesn't support 'computeExtents' parameter and has different schema
        sql = QString( "CALL SYSPROC.ST_Register_Spatial_Column(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" );
        outCode = 4;
        outMsg = 5;
      query.prepare( sql );
      query.bindValue( 0, schemaName );
      query.bindValue( 1, tableName );
      query.bindValue( 2, geometryColumn );
      query.bindValue( 3, srsName );
      if ( ENV_LUW == db2Environment )
        query.bindValue( 4, computeExtents );

      query.bindValue( outCode, msgCode, QSql::Out );
      query.bindValue( outMsg, msgText, QSql::Out );

      if ( !query.exec() )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "error: %1; sql: %2" ).arg( query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery() ) );
        msgCode = query.boundValue( outCode ).toInt();
        msgText = query.boundValue( outMsg ).toString();  // never gets a value...
        if ( 0 != msgCode )
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Register failed with code: %1; text: '%2'" ).arg( msgCode ).arg( msgText.toString() ) );
          QgsDebugMsg( "Register successful" );

      QList<QVariant> list = query.boundValues().values();
      for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; value: %2; type: %3" )
                     .arg( i ).arg( list.at( i ).toString().toLatin1().data() ).arg( list.at( i ).typeName() ) );

    // clear any resources hold by the query
    q.setForwardOnly( true );

  QgsDebugMsg( "successfully created empty layer" );
  return QgsVectorLayerImport::NoError;