Exemple #1
Keyframe::Keyframe(map<Vector3f, SharkVertex*, compareVect3> *rawVerts, vector<Quad*> *rawFaces)
	//deep copy verts over.
	map<Vector3f, SharkVertex*, compareVect3>::iterator im;
	for(im = rawVerts->begin(); im != rawVerts->end(); im++)
		pair<Vector3f, SharkVertex*> serk = *im;
		SharkVertex * d = new SharkVertex();
		uVertices.insert(pair<Vector3f, SharkVertex*>(serk.first, d));

	//create faces.
	vector<Quad*>::iterator iq;
        for(iq = rawFaces->begin(); iq != rawFaces->end(); iq++)
		Quad * nRect = new Quad();
		for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			nRect->sVert(i, uVertices.find((*iq)->gLocalVert(i))->second);

Exemple #2
/*Subroutine of transformHeiararchy(), this function calculates the position and rotation for a given bone segment and 
* generates quaderlaterals with those transformations */
void Keyframe::segmentMatrixMake( GLfloat segmentRot[], GLfloat segLength[], Mesh *mesh, int segments, glQuaternion *glQuat, int curSegment, 
		MyMat *stackMatrix, float start, float end, int isDownstream)
	double rotate = segmentRot[curSegment];                  //get rotation of current segment
	                                   //current shark model segment
	MyMat Matrix = *stackMatrix;
	MyMat transrix;
	transrix.makeTranslate(Vector3f((isDownstream == 2 ? segLength[curSegment] : -segLength[curSegment]), 0, 0));	
	MyMat secondStack = MyMat();
	GLfloat glm[16];
	glQuat->CreateFromAxisAngle(0,1,0,isDownstream == 2? -rotate : rotate);
	MyMat rotatrix = MyMat(glm[0], glm[4], glm[8], glm[12], glm[1], glm[5],glm[9],

	Matrix = Matrix.multRight(rotatrix); //roatation goes before translates
	Matrix = Matrix.multRight(transrix); //doesnt matter which order translates are done

	*stackMatrix = Matrix; //advance heirarchy
	MyMat transrix2;
	transrix2.makeTranslate(Vector3f(isDownstream == 2? -end : -start, 0, 0));
	Matrix = Matrix.multRight(transrix2);
	float center;
	for(int in = 0; in < mesh->vertCounter; in+=4)
		//find center of face
		center = (mesh->vertList[in].x + mesh->vertList[in+1].x + mesh->vertList[in+2].x 
				+ mesh->vertList[in+3].x ) / 4;
		//draw if face is between start and end
		if(center >= start && center <= end )
			Quad *curQuad = new Quad();
			curQuad->gNormal() = Vector3f(0,0,0);
			for(int corn = 0; corn < 4; corn++) //corner iteration
				SharkVertex *curVert = new SharkVertex();   //current vertex
				curVert->local = mesh->vertList[in+corn];   //setting untransformed vertex
				curVert->transformed = Vector3f(Matrix.multVec(mesh->vertList[in+corn], true)); //setting transformed vertex
				curVert->normal = Vector3f(0,0,0);	//normal of the vertex, away from mesh			
				map<Vector3f, SharkVertex*, compareVect3>::iterator findTest 
					= uVertices.find(mesh->vertList[in+corn]);   //checking to see if vertex is already in the list.
				if(findTest == uVertices.end()) 
					//vertex not in list. Add it to the list and to the quad.
					uVertices.insert(pair<Vector3f, SharkVertex*>(mesh->vertList[in+corn]
								, curVert));	
					curQuad->sVert(corn, curVert);
				else   //vertex is in the list, so it's added to the existing quad.
					delete curVert;
					curQuad->sVert(corn, (*findTest).second);
				curQuad->gNormal() += Matrix.multVec(mesh->normals[in+corn], false);  //setting normal of the face
			}//end corners
			curQuad->gNormal() /= 4.0; //take average of normals to get the actual normal.
			curQuad->sBoneNo(curSegment); //record the bone this quad belongs to the most.
		}//end if
	}//end quads 

Exemple #3
void SharkMesh::buildAOBJ(FILE* readFile) {
	vector<Vector3f> localVerts = vector<Vector3f>();   //in order to use OBJs as keys, need to remember their order.
	while(!feof(readFile)) {
		//tokenize the line identifier. It's only one character and 
		//it should be on the first on the line
		char identifier = fgetc(readFile);
		   printf("888888888Error reading FILE\n"); 

		//load in the vertices
		//v x y z nx ny nz boneName/weight boneName/weight ...
		if(identifier == 'v') {
			char cur = fgetc(readFile);  //space
			if(ferror(readFile)) { 
			   printf("0Error reading FILE\n"); 
			while(cur != '\n') { // per line
				SharkVertex* sv = new SharkVertex();

				//location of vertex    
				Vector3f vert;
				vert.x = atof(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
				vert.y = atof(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
				vert.z = atof(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());

				Vector3f nor; //normal
				nor.x = atof(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
				nor.y = atof(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
				nor.z = atof(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
				sv->sNormal(nor*-1.0);  //TODO magic.  fix blender normals. shouldn't need to reverse them.

				//bone / weight repeats
				fseek(readFile, -1, SEEK_CUR);
				cur = fgetc(readFile);
				while(cur != '\n') {
					string boneName = nextToken('/', readFile);
					float weight = atof(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
					sv->sBonePair(boneName, weight);
					fseek(readFile, -1, SEEK_CUR);
					cur = fgetc(readFile);
				insertVec(pair<Vector3f, SharkVertex*>(vert, sv));
		//f ... vertices in mesh .....
		else if(identifier == 'f') {
			char cur = fgetc(readFile); //space
			if(ferror(readFile)){ printf("4Error reading FILE\n"); exit(-1);}
			Quad *curQuad = new Quad();

			//caution. Vertices listed in mesh may not be consistant with other quads 
			int vertex1 = atoi(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
			int vertex2 = atoi(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
			int vertex3 = atoi(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());
			int vertex4 = atoi(nextToken(' ', readFile).c_str());

			curQuad->sVert(0, gVertex(localVerts[vertex1-1]));
			curQuad->sVert(1, gVertex(localVerts[vertex2-1]));
			curQuad->sVert(2, gVertex(localVerts[vertex3-1]));
			curQuad->sVert(3, gVertex(localVerts[vertex4-1]));

			//neighboring quads are to be found later, after parsing is done.

			fseek(readFile, -1, SEEK_CUR);
			cur = fgetc(readFile);
			while(cur != '\n') {
				cur = fgetc(readFile);
				if(ferror(readFile)) { 
				   printf("5Error reading FILE\n"); 
		else if(identifier == 'b') {