inline void RelaxOutgoingEdges(const DataFacadeT &facade,
                                   const NodeID node,
                                   const EdgeWeight weight,
                                   QueryHeap &query_heap) const
        for (auto edge : facade.GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node))
            const auto &data = facade.GetEdgeData(edge);
            const bool direction_flag = (forward_direction ? data.forward : data.backward);
            if (direction_flag)
                const NodeID to = facade.GetTarget(edge);
                const int edge_weight = data.weight;

                BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge_weight > 0, "edge_weight invalid");
                const int to_weight = weight + edge_weight;

                // New Node discovered -> Add to Heap + Node Info Storage
                if (!query_heap.WasInserted(to))
                    query_heap.Insert(to, to_weight, node);
                // Found a shorter Path -> Update weight
                else if (to_weight < query_heap.GetKey(to))
                    // new parent
                    query_heap.GetData(to).parent = node;
                    query_heap.DecreaseKey(to, to_weight);