bool RoSql::load_account(int id, UserInfoEx<RoUser>& info) { // TODO: Specify the columns. "SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass`,`sex`,`email`,`level`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,`lastlogin`,`last_ip` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d", // std::string sql = "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`= '%s'"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_ACCOUNT_TB, MAKE_STRING(id)); if (res->get_row_size() != 1) { res->Delete(); _LogDebug_(LN, "No account with id : %d ", id); return false; } Field* field = res->fetch(); if (field) { if (res->get_field_size() != 12) { LogError(LN, "Incorrect result has been queried out!!!!!!!!!!"); res->Delete(); return false; } fetch_account_info(field, info); } res->Delete(); return true; }
void RoItemDB::init(short max_id) { if (_inited) return; _inited = true; _max_id = max_id; _items = new RoDBItem[_max_id]; // Do it for ourself. string sql = "SELECT `id`,`name_english`,`type`,`price_buy`,`price_sell`,`weight`,`attack`,`defence`,`range`,`slots`,`equip_jobs`,`equip_upper`,`equip_genders`,`equip_locations`,`weapon_level`,`equip_level`,`refineable`,`view` FROM `%s`"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_ITEM_DB_TB); if (!res) { LogError("RO_ITEM_DB", "Empty item db"); return; } size_t count = res->get_row_size(); size_t i = 0; for (; i < count; ++i) { Field* f = res->fetch(); if (!fetch_item(f)) break; res->next(); } LogSuccess("RO_ITEM_DB", "%d items has been loaded!!", i); res->Delete(); return; }
bool RoSql::load_friends(int char_id, std::vector<RoCharFriendInfo>& friends) { friends.clear(); string sql = "SELECT c.`account_id`, c.`char_id`, c.`name` FROM `%s` c LEFT JOIN `%s` f ON f.`friend_account` = c.`account_id` AND f.`friend_id` = c.`char_id` WHERE f.`char_id`=%d LIMIT %d"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_CHAR_TB, RO_FRIEND_TB, char_id, MaxFriendCount); if (res == NULL) return true; size_t count = res->get_row_size(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { Field* f = res->fetch(); RoCharFriendInfo fr; fr._account_id = f[0].get<int>(); fr._char_id = f[1].get<int>(); fr._name = f[2].get<string>(); fr._nick_name = f[2].get<string>(); friends.push_back(fr); res->next(); } res->Delete(); return true; }
bool RoSql::load_hotkey(int char_id, std::vector<RoCharHotKey>& keys) { keys.clear(); string sql = "SELECT `hotkey`, `type`, `itemskill_id`, `skill_lvl` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`=%d LIMIT %d"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_HOTKEY_TB, char_id, MaxHotKeyCount); if (res == NULL) return true;; size_t count = res->get_row_size(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { Field* f = res->fetch(); RoCharHotKey key; key._id = f[0].get<int>(); key._type = f[1].get<uint16>(); key._lvl = f[2].get<uint16>(); keys.push_back(key); res->next(); } res->Delete(); return true; }
bool RoSql::load_cart(int char_id, std::vector<RoCharItem>& cart_items) { cart_items.clear(); string sql = "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `expire_time`"; for (int i = 0; i <MaxSlotCount; ++i) sql += ", `card" + conversion_cast<string>(i) + "`"; sql += " FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`=%d LIMIT %d"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_CART_TB, char_id, MaxCartCount); if (res == NULL) return true; size_t count = res->get_row_size(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { Field* f = res->fetch(); RoCharItem info; info._id = f[0].get<int>(); info._type = f[1].get<short>(); info._amount = f[2].get<short>(); info._equip = f[3].get<uint16>(); info._identify = f[4].get<char>(); info._refine = f[5].get<char>(); info._attrs = f[6].get<char>(); info._expire_time = f[7].get<unsigned int>(); cart_items.push_back(info); res->next(); } res->Delete(); return true; }
bool RoSql::load_skill(int char_id, std::vector<RoCharSkillInfo>& skills) { skills.clear(); string sql = "SELECT `id`, `lv` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`=%d LIMIT %d"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_SKILL_TB, char_id, MaxSkillCount); if (res == NULL) return true; size_t count = res->get_row_size(); for (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { Field* f = res->fetch(); RoCharSkillInfo skill; skill._id = f[0].get<int>(); skill._lvl = f[1].get<int>(); skill._flag = f[2].get<int>(); skills.push_back(skill); res->next(); } res->Delete(); return true; }
size_t RoSql::load_chars(int account_id, RoCharInfoBase*& result) { std::string sql = "SELECT `char_id`,`char_num`,`name`,`class`,`base_level`,`job_level`,`base_exp`,`job_exp`,`zeny`,`str`,`agi`,`vit`,`int`,`dex`,`luk`,`max_hp`,`hp`,`max_sp`,`sp`,`status_point`,`skill_point`,`option`,`karma`,`manner`,`hair`,`hair_color`,`clothes_color`,`weapon`,`shield`,`head_top`,`head_mid`,`head_bottom` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_CHAR_TB, account_id); if (!res) return 0; size_t count = res->get_row_size(); if (count == 0) { res->Delete(); return 0; } result = new RoCharInfoBase[count]; size_t i = 0; for (; i < count; ++i) { Field* f = res->fetch(); if (!f) break; RoCharInfoBase* info =result + i; info->_account_id = account_id; if (!fetch_chars_info(f, *info)) break; res->next(); } res->Delete(); return i; }
int RoSql::get_max_char_id() { std::string sql = "SELECT MAX(`char_id`)+1 FROM `%s`"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_CHAR_TB); if (res == NULL) { _LogDebug_(LN, "NO result when select max char_id"); return 1000; } Field* f = res->fetch(); if (f == NULL) { res->Delete(); return 1000; } int max = f[0].get<int>(); if (max < 1000) max = 1000; _LogDebug_(LN, "Max char_id is %d", max); res->Delete(); return max; }
bool RoSql::load_account(const char* name, UserInfoEx<RoUser>& info) { _LogDebug_(LN, "Starting to select from DB..................."); std::string sql = "SELECT `account_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `userid`= %s '%s'"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_ACCOUNT_TB, "BINARY", name); if (!res || res->get_row_size() != 1) { if (res) res->Delete(); _LogDebug_(LN, "No account with name : %s ", name); return false; } Field* field = res->fetch(); if (field) { long id = field->get<long>(); bool result = load_account(id, info); res->Delete(); return result; } res->Delete(); return false; }
int RoSql::get_max_id() { std::string sql = "SELECT MAX(`account_id`)+1 FROM `%s`"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_ACCOUNT_TB); if (res == NULL) { return 1000; } Field* f = res->fetch(); if (f == NULL) { res->Delete(); return 1000; } int max = f[0].get<int>(); res->Delete(); return max; }
bool RoSql::load_char(int char_id, RoCharInfo& info, bool load_everything) { info._id = char_id; std::string sql = "SELECT `account_id`,`char_num`,`name`,`class`,`base_level`,`job_level`,`base_exp`,`job_exp`,`zeny`,`str`,`agi`,`vit`,`int`,`dex`,`luk`,`max_hp`,`hp`,`max_sp`,`sp`,`status_point`,`skill_point`,`option`,`karma`,`manner`,`party_id`,`guild_id`,`pet_id`,`homun_id`,`hair`,`hair_color`,`clothes_color`,`weapon`,`shield`,`head_top`,`head_mid`,`head_bottom`,`last_map`,`last_x`,`last_y`,`save_map`,`save_x`,`save_y`,`partner_id`,`father`,`mother`,`child`,`fame` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`=%d LIMIT 1"; QueryResult* res = DatabaseMgr::get_singleton().query(sql.c_str(), RO_CHAR_TB, char_id); if (!res) { //_LogDebug_("RO_SQL", "Failed to query!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); return false; } size_t count = res->get_row_size(); if (count != 1) { //_LogDebug_("RO_SQL", "count is not one, means no invald data"); res->Delete(); return false; } Field * f = res->fetch(); if (!f) { //_LogDebug_("RO_SQL", "No data fields~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); res->Delete(); return false; } fetch_char_info(f, info); res->Delete(); if (!load_everything) { return true; } // Or we will load other stuff // Load memory data. // load items. if (!load_items(char_id, info._items)) return false; // Load cart if (!load_cart(char_id, info._carts)) return false; // load storage // load skill if (!load_skill(char_id, info._skills)) return false; // load friends if (!load_friends(char_id, info._friends)) return false; // load hotkey if (!load_hotkey(char_id, info._hotkeys)) return false; // We are ok here. return true; }