void ColorMapEditor::setColorMap(const QwtLinearColorMap& map)
scaleColorsBox->setChecked(map.mode() == QwtLinearColorMap::ScaledColors);

QwtArray <double> colors = map.colorStops();
int rows = (int)colors.size();
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
	QwtDoubleInterval range = QwtDoubleInterval(min_val, max_val);
	double val = min_val + colors[i] * range.width();
	QTableWidgetItem *it = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(val));
    table->setItem(i, 0, it);
	QColor c = QColor(map.rgb(QwtDoubleInterval(0, 1), colors[i]));
	it = new QTableWidgetItem(c.name());
    table->setItem(i, 1, it);
color_map = map;
Exemple #2
static QwtArray<QwtPicker *> activePickers(QWidget *w)
    QwtArray<QwtPicker *> pickers;

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000
    QObjectList children = w->children();
    for ( int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++ ) {
        QObject *obj = children[i];
        if ( obj->inherits("QwtPicker") ) {
            QwtPicker *picker = (QwtPicker *)obj;
            if ( picker->isEnabled() )
                pickers += picker;
    QObjectList *children = (QObjectList *)w->children();
    if ( children ) {
        for ( QObjectListIterator it(*children); it.current(); ++it ) {
            QObject *obj = (QObject *)it.current();
            if ( obj->inherits("QwtPicker") ) {
                QwtPicker *picker = (QwtPicker *)obj;
                if ( picker->isEnabled() ) {
                    pickers.resize(pickers.size() + 1);
                    pickers[int(pickers.size()) - 1] = picker;

    return pickers;
void Matrix::save(const QString &fn, const QString &info, bool saveAsTemplate)
	QFile f(fn);
	if (!f.isOpen()){
		if (!f.open(QIODevice::Append))
	bool notTemplate = !saveAsTemplate;

	QTextStream t( &f );
	t << "<matrix>\n";
	if (notTemplate)
        t << QString(objectName()) + "\t";
	t << QString::number(numRows())+"\t";
	t << QString::number(numCols())+"\t";
	if (notTemplate)
        t << birthDate() + "\n";
	t << info;
	t << "ColWidth\t" + QString::number(d_column_width)+"\n";
	t << "<formula>\n" + formula_str + "\n</formula>\n";
	t << "TextFormat\t" + QString(txt_format) + "\t" + QString::number(num_precision) + "\n";
	if (notTemplate)
        t << "WindowLabel\t" + windowLabel() + "\t" + QString::number(captionPolicy()) + "\n";
	t << "Coordinates\t" + QString::number(x_start,'g',15) + "\t" +QString::number(x_end,'g',15) + "\t";
	t << QString::number(y_start,'g',15) + "\t" + QString::number(y_end,'g',15) + "\n";
	t << "ViewType\t" + QString::number((int)d_view_type) + "\n";
    t << "HeaderViewType\t" + QString::number((int)d_header_view_type) + "\n";

	if (d_color_map_type != Custom)
		t << "ColorPolicy\t" + QString::number(d_color_map_type) + "\n";
	else {
		t << "<ColorMap>\n";
		t << "\t<Mode>" + QString::number(d_color_map.mode()) + "</Mode>\n";
		t << "\t<MinColor>" + d_color_map.color1().name() + "</MinColor>\n";
		t << "\t<MaxColor>" + d_color_map.color2().name() + "</MaxColor>\n";
		QwtArray <double> colors = d_color_map.colorStops();
		int stops = (int)colors.size();
		t << "\t<ColorStops>" + QString::number(stops - 2) + "</ColorStops>\n";
		for (int i = 1; i < stops - 1; i++){
			t << "\t<Stop>" + QString::number(colors[i]) + "\t";
			t << QColor(d_color_map.rgb(QwtDoubleInterval(0,1), colors[i])).name();
			t << "</Stop>\n";
		t << "</ColorMap>\n";

    if (notTemplate)
        t << d_matrix_model->saveToString();
    t <<"</matrix>\n";
QString Spectrogram::saveToString()
QString s = "<spectrogram>\n";
s += "\t<matrix>" + QString(d_matrix->objectName()) + "</matrix>\n";

if (color_map_policy != Custom)
	s += "\t<ColorPolicy>" + QString::number(color_map_policy) + "</ColorPolicy>\n";
	s += "\t<ColorMap>\n";
	s += "\t\t<Mode>" + QString::number(color_map.mode()) + "</Mode>\n";
	s += "\t\t<MinColor>" + color_map.color1().name() + "</MinColor>\n";
	s += "\t\t<MaxColor>" + color_map.color2().name() + "</MaxColor>\n";
	QwtArray <double> colors = color_map.colorStops();
	int stops = (int)colors.size();
	s += "\t\t<ColorStops>" + QString::number(stops - 2) + "</ColorStops>\n";
	for (int i = 1; i < stops - 1; i++)
		s += "\t\t<Stop>" + QString::number(colors[i]) + "\t";
		s += QColor(color_map.rgb(QwtDoubleInterval(0,1), colors[i])).name();
		s += "</Stop>\n";
	s += "\t</ColorMap>\n";
s += "\t<Image>"+QString::number(testDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ImageMode))+"</Image>\n";

bool contourLines = testDisplayMode(QwtPlotSpectrogram::ContourMode);
s += "\t<ContourLines>"+QString::number(contourLines)+"</ContourLines>\n";
if (contourLines)
	s += "\t\t<Levels>"+QString::number(levels())+"</Levels>\n";
	bool defaultPen = defaultContourPen().style() != Qt::NoPen;
	s += "\t\t<DefaultPen>"+QString::number(defaultPen)+"</DefaultPen>\n";
	if (defaultPen)
		s += "\t\t\t<PenColor>"+defaultContourPen().color().name()+"</PenColor>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<PenWidth>"+QString::number(defaultContourPen().widthF())+"</PenWidth>\n";
		s += "\t\t\t<PenStyle>"+QString::number(defaultContourPen().style() - 1)+"</PenStyle>\n";
QwtScaleWidget *colorAxis = plot()->axisWidget(color_axis);
if (colorAxis && colorAxis->isColorBarEnabled())
	s += "\t<ColorBar>\n\t\t<axis>" + QString::number(color_axis) + "</axis>\n";
	s += "\t\t<width>" + QString::number(colorAxis->colorBarWidth()) + "</width>\n";
	s += "\t</ColorBar>\n";
s += "\t<Visible>"+ QString::number(isVisible()) + "</Visible>\n";
return s+"</spectrogram>\n";
Exemple #5
QString ColorMapEditor::saveToXmlString(const QwtLinearColorMap &color_map) {
  QString s = "<ColorMap>\n";
  s += "\t<Mode>" + QString::number(color_map.mode()) + "</Mode>\n";
  s += "\t<MinColor>" + color_map.color1().name() + "</MinColor>\n";
  s += "\t<MaxColor>" + color_map.color2().name() + "</MaxColor>\n";
  QwtArray<double> colors = color_map.colorStops();
  int stops = (int)colors.size();
  s += "\t<ColorStops>" + QString::number(stops - 2) + "</ColorStops>\n";
  for (int i = 1; i < stops - 1; i++) {
    s += "\t<Stop>" + QString::number(colors[i]) + "\t";
    s += QColor(color_map.rgb(QwtDoubleInterval(0, 1), colors[i])).name();
    s += "</Stop>\n";
  return s += "</ColorMap>\n";
  Handle a mouse press event for the observed widget.

  \param me Mouse event
  \sa eventFilter(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent(),
void QwtPanner::widgetMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
    if ( me->button() != d_data->button )

    QWidget *w = parentWidget();
    if ( w == NULL )

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    if ( (me->state() & Qt::KeyButtonMask) !=
        (d_data->buttonState & Qt::KeyButtonMask) )
    if ( (me->modifiers() & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask) !=
        (int)(d_data->buttonState & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask) )

#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR

    d_data->initialPos = d_data->pos = me->pos();

    QRect cr = parentWidget()->rect();
    if ( parentWidget()->inherits("QFrame") )
        const QFrame* frame = (QFrame*)parentWidget();
        cr = frame->contentsRect();

    // We don't want to grab the picker !
    QwtArray<QwtPicker *> pickers = activePickers(parentWidget());
    for ( int i = 0; i < (int)pickers.size(); i++ )

    d_data->pixmap = QPixmap::grabWidget(parentWidget(),
        cr.x(), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height());

    for ( int i = 0; i < (int)pickers.size(); i++ )

Exemple #7
QString LinearColorMap::toXmlString()
	QString s = "<ColorMap>\n";
	s += "\t<Mode>" + QString::number(mode()) + "</Mode>\n";
	s += "\t<MinColor>" + color1().name() + "</MinColor>\n";
	s += "\t<MaxColor>" + color2().name() + "</MaxColor>\n";
	if (d_range.isValid())
		s += "\t<Range>" + QString::number(d_range.minValue(), 'g', 15) + "\t" + QString::number(d_range.maxValue(), 'g', 15) + "</Range>\n";
	QwtArray <double> colors = colorStops();
	int stops = (int)colors.size();
	s += "\t<ColorStops>" + QString::number(stops - 2) + "</ColorStops>\n";
	for (int i = 1; i < stops - 1; i++){
		s += "\t<Stop>" + QString::number(colors[i], 'g', 15) + "\t";
		s += color(i).name();
		s += "</Stop>\n";
	return s += "</ColorMap>\n";
QString Matrix::saveToString(const QString &info, bool saveAsTemplate)
    bool notTemplate = !saveAsTemplate;
	QString s = "<matrix>\n";
	if (notTemplate)
        s += QString(objectName()) + "\t";
	s += QString::number(numRows())+"\t";
	s += QString::number(numCols())+"\t";
	if (notTemplate)
        s += birthDate() + "\n";
	s += info;
	s += "ColWidth\t" + QString::number(d_column_width)+"\n";
	s += "<formula>\n" + formula_str + "\n</formula>\n";
	s += "TextFormat\t" + QString(txt_format) + "\t" + QString::number(num_precision) + "\n";
	if (notTemplate)
        s += "WindowLabel\t" + windowLabel() + "\t" + QString::number(captionPolicy()) + "\n";
	s += "Coordinates\t" + QString::number(x_start,'g',15) + "\t" +QString::number(x_end,'g',15) + "\t";
	s += QString::number(y_start,'g',15) + "\t" + QString::number(y_end,'g',15) + "\n";
	s += "ViewType\t" + QString::number((int)d_view_type) + "\n";
    s += "HeaderViewType\t" + QString::number((int)d_header_view_type) + "\n";

	if (d_color_map_type != Custom)
		s += "ColorPolicy\t" + QString::number(d_color_map_type) + "\n";
	else {
		s += "<ColorMap>\n";
		s += "\t<Mode>" + QString::number(d_color_map.mode()) + "</Mode>\n";
		s += "\t<MinColor>" + d_color_map.color1().name() + "</MinColor>\n";
		s += "\t<MaxColor>" + d_color_map.color2().name() + "</MaxColor>\n";
		QwtArray <double> colors = d_color_map.colorStops();
		int stops = (int)colors.size();
		s += "\t<ColorStops>" + QString::number(stops - 2) + "</ColorStops>\n";
		for (int i = 1; i < stops - 1; i++){
			s += "\t<Stop>" + QString::number(colors[i]) + "\t";
			s += QColor(d_color_map.rgb(QwtDoubleInterval(0,1), colors[i])).name();
			s += "</Stop>\n";
		s += "</ColorMap>\n";

    if (notTemplate)
        s += d_matrix_model->saveToString();
    s +="</matrix>\n";
	return s;
void ColorMapEditor::setColorMap(const QwtLinearColorMap& map)
  scaleColorsBox->setChecked(map.mode() == QwtLinearColorMap::ScaledColors);

  QwtArray <double> colors = map.colorStops();
  int rows = (int)colors.size();

  QwtDoubleInterval range = QwtDoubleInterval(min_val, max_val);
  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
    DoubleSpinBox *sb = new DoubleSpinBox();
    sb->setValue(min_val + colors[i] * range.width());

    if (i == 0)
      sb->setRange(min_val, min_val);
    else if (i == rows -1)
      sb->setRange(max_val, max_val);
      sb->setRange(min_val, max_val);

    connect(sb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updateColorMap()));
    connect(sb, SIGNAL(activated(DoubleSpinBox *)), this, SLOT(spinBoxActivated(DoubleSpinBox *)));
    table->setCellWidget(i, 0, sb);

    QColor c = QColor(map.rgb(QwtDoubleInterval(0, 1), colors[i]));
    QTableWidgetItem *it = new QTableWidgetItem(c.name());
// Avoid compiler warning
//#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
    it->setFlags(it->flags() & (~Qt::ItemIsEditable));
//    it->setFlags(!Qt::ItemIsEditable);
    table->setItem(i, 1, it);

  color_map = map;
  Draw circles

  \param painter Painter
  \param canvasRect Contents rect of the canvas in painter coordinates
  \param pole Position of the pole in painter coordinates
  \param radialMap Maps radius values into painter coordinates.
  \param values Radial values, indicating the distances from the pole
void QwtPolarGrid::drawCircles(
  QPainter *painter, const QwtDoubleRect &canvasRect,
  const QwtDoublePoint &pole, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
  const QwtValueList &values ) const
  for ( int i = 0; i < int( values.size() ); i++ )
    const double val = values[i];

    const GridData &gridData =

    bool skipLine = false;
    if ( testDisplayFlag( SmartScaleDraw ) )
      const AxisData &axis = d_data->axisData[QwtPolar::AxisAzimuth];
      if ( axis.isVisible &&
           axis.scaleDraw->hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Backbone ) )
#if QWT_VERSION < 0x050200
        if ( isClose( val, gridData.scaleDiv.hBound() ) )
        if ( isClose( val, gridData.scaleDiv.upperBound() ) )
          skipLine = true;

#if QWT_VERSION < 0x050200
    if ( isClose( val, gridData.scaleDiv.lBound() ) )
    if ( isClose( val, gridData.scaleDiv.lowerBound() ) )
      skipLine = true;

    if ( !skipLine )
      const double radius = radialMap.transform( val );

      QwtDoubleRect outerRect( 0, 0, 2 * radius, 2 * radius );
      outerRect.moveCenter( pole );

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
      QwtPainter::drawEllipse( painter, outerRect.toRect() );
      if ( testDisplayFlag( ClipGridLines ) )

            Qt4 is horrible slow, when painting primitives,
            with coordinates far outside the visible area.
            We need to clip.

        const QwtArray<QwtDoubleInterval> angles =
          QwtClipper::clipCircle( canvasRect, pole, radius );
        for ( int i = 0; i < angles.size(); i++ )
          const QwtDoubleInterval intv = angles[i];
          if ( intv.minValue() == 0 && intv.maxValue() == 2 * M_PI )
            QwtPainter::drawEllipse( painter, outerRect.toRect() );
            const double from = intv.minValue() / M_PI * 180;
            const double to = intv.maxValue() / M_PI * 180;
            double span = to - from;
            if ( span < 0.0 )
              span += 360.0;

            const QwtMetricsMap &mm = QwtPainter::metricsMap();
            const QRect r = outerRect.toRect();

            painter->drawArc( mm.layoutToDevice( r, painter ),
                              qRound( from * 16 ), qRound( span * 16 ) );

        QwtPainter::drawEllipse( painter, outerRect.toRect() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void StatsGenODFWidget::on_m_CalculateODFBtn_clicked()
  int err = 0;

  QwtArray<float> e1s;
  QwtArray<float> e2s;
  QwtArray<float> e3s;
  QwtArray<float> weights;
  QwtArray<float> sigmas;
  QwtArray<float> odf;
  SGODFTableModel* tableModel = NULL;

  if(weightSpreadGroupBox->isChecked() )
    tableModel = m_ODFTableModel;
    tableModel = m_OdfBulkTableModel;

  e1s = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Euler1);
  e2s = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Euler2);
  e3s = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Euler3);
  weights = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Weight);
  sigmas = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Sigma);

  // Convert from Degrees to Radians
  for(int i = 0; i < e1s.size(); i++)
    e1s[i] = e1s[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
    e2s[i] = e2s[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
    e3s[i] = e3s[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
  size_t numEntries = e1s.size();

  int imageSize = pfImageSize->value();
  int lamberSize = pfLambertSize->value();
  int numColors = 16;
  int npoints = pfSamplePoints->value();
  QVector<size_t> dims(1, 3);
  FloatArrayType::Pointer eulers = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(npoints, dims, "Eulers");
  PoleFigureConfiguration_t config;
  QVector<UInt8ArrayType::Pointer> figures;

  if ( Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Cubic_High == m_CrystalStructure)
    // We now need to resize all the arrays here to make sure they are all allocated
    Texture::CalculateCubicODFData(e1s.data(), e2s.data(), e3s.data(),
                                   weights.data(), sigmas.data(), true,
                                   odf.data(), numEntries);

    err = StatsGen::GenCubicODFPlotData(odf.data(), eulers->getPointer(0), npoints);

    CubicOps ops;
    config.eulers = eulers.get();
    config.imageDim = imageSize;
    config.lambertDim = lamberSize;
    config.numColors = numColors;

    figures = ops.generatePoleFigure(config);
  else if ( Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Hexagonal_High == m_CrystalStructure)
    // We now need to resize all the arrays here to make sure they are all allocated
    Texture::CalculateHexODFData(e1s.data(), e2s.data(), e3s.data(),
                                 weights.data(), sigmas.data(), true,
                                 odf.data(), numEntries);

    err = StatsGen::GenHexODFPlotData(odf.data(), eulers->getPointer(0), npoints);

    HexagonalOps ops;
    config.eulers = eulers.get();
    config.imageDim = imageSize;
    config.lambertDim = lamberSize;
    config.numColors = numColors;

    figures = ops.generatePoleFigure(config);
  else if ( Ebsd::CrystalStructure::OrthoRhombic == m_CrystalStructure)
    //    // We now need to resize all the arrays here to make sure they are all allocated
    Texture::CalculateOrthoRhombicODFData(e1s.data(), e2s.data(), e3s.data(),
                                          weights.data(), sigmas.data(), true,
                                          odf.data(), numEntries);

    err = StatsGen::GenOrthoRhombicODFPlotData(odf.data(), eulers->getPointer(0), npoints);

    OrthoRhombicOps ops;
    config.eulers = eulers.get();
    config.imageDim = imageSize;
    config.lambertDim = lamberSize;
    config.numColors = numColors;

    figures = ops.generatePoleFigure(config);

  if (err == 1)
    //TODO: Present Error Message

  QImage image = PoleFigureImageUtilities::Create3ImagePoleFigure(figures[0].get(), figures[1].get(), figures[2].get(), config, imageLayout->currentIndex());

  // Enable the MDF tab
  if (m_MDFWidget != NULL)
void QgsHistogramWidget::drawHistogram()
  if ( !mVectorLayer || mSourceFieldExp.isEmpty() )

  QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );

  if ( mValues.empty() )
    bool ok;
    mValues = mVectorLayer->getDoubleValues( mSourceFieldExp, ok );

    if ( ! ok )
    qSort( mValues.begin(), mValues.end() );
    mHistogram.setValues( mValues );
    mBinsSpinBox->blockSignals( true );
    mBinsSpinBox->setValue( qMax( mHistogram.optimalNumberBins(), 30 ) );
    mBinsSpinBox->blockSignals( false );

    mStats.setStatistics( QgsStatisticalSummary::StDev );
    mStats.calculate( mValues );

  // clear plot

  //ensure all children get removed
  mpPlot->setAutoDelete( true );
  // Set axis titles
  mpPlot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, QObject::tr( "Value" ) );
  mpPlot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, QObject::tr( "Count" ) );
  mpPlot->setAxisAutoScale( QwtPlot::yLeft );
  mpPlot->setAxisAutoScale( QwtPlot::xBottom );

  // add a grid
  QwtPlotGrid * grid = new QwtPlotGrid();
  grid->enableX( false );
  grid->setPen( mGridPen );
  grid->attach( mpPlot );

  // make colors list
  foreach ( QgsRendererRangeV2 range, mRanges )
    mHistoColors << ( range.symbol() ? range.symbol()->color() : Qt::black );

  //draw histogram
#if defined(QWT_VERSION) && QWT_VERSION>=0x060000
  QwtPlotHistogram * plotHistogram = 0;
  plotHistogram = createPlotHistogram( mRanges.count() > 0 ? mRanges.at( 0 ).label() : QString(),
                                       mRanges.count() > 0 ? QBrush( mHistoColors.at( 0 ) ) : mBrush,
                                       mRanges.count() > 0 ? Qt::NoPen : mPen );
  HistogramItem *plotHistogramItem = 0;
  plotHistogramItem = createHistoItem( mRanges.count() > 0 ? mRanges.at( 0 ).label() : QString(),
                                       mRanges.count() > 0 ? QBrush( mHistoColors.at( 0 ) ) : mBrush,
                                       mRanges.count() > 0 ? Qt::NoPen : mPen );

#if defined(QWT_VERSION) && QWT_VERSION>=0x060000
  QVector<QwtIntervalSample> dataHisto;

  // we safely assume that QT>=4.0 (min version is 4.7), therefore QwtArray is a QVector, so don't set size here
  QwtArray<QwtDoubleInterval> intervalsHisto;
  QwtArray<double> valuesHisto;


  int bins = mBinsSpinBox->value();
  QList<double> edges = mHistogram.binEdges( bins );
  QList<int> counts = mHistogram.counts( bins );

  int rangeIndex = 0;
  int lastValue = 0;

  for ( int bin = 0; bin < bins; ++bin )
    int binValue = counts.at( bin );

    //current bin crosses two graduated ranges, so we split between
    //two histogram items
    if ( rangeIndex < mRanges.count() - 1 && edges.at( bin ) > mRanges.at( rangeIndex ).upperValue() )
#if defined(QWT_VERSION) && QWT_VERSION>=0x060000
      plotHistogram->setSamples( dataHisto );
      plotHistogram->attach( mpPlot );
      plotHistogram = createPlotHistogram( mRanges.at( rangeIndex ).label(), mHistoColors.at( rangeIndex ) );
      dataHisto << QwtIntervalSample( lastValue, mRanges.at( rangeIndex - 1 ).upperValue(), edges.at( bin ) );
      plotHistogramItem->setData( QwtIntervalData( intervalsHisto, valuesHisto ) );
      plotHistogramItem->attach( mpPlot );
      plotHistogramItem = createHistoItem( mRanges.at( rangeIndex ).label(), mHistoColors.at( rangeIndex ) );
      intervalsHisto.append( QwtDoubleInterval( mRanges.at( rangeIndex - 1 ).upperValue(), edges.at( bin ) ) );
      valuesHisto.append( lastValue );

    double upperEdge = mRanges.count() > 0 ? qMin( edges.at( bin + 1 ), mRanges.at( rangeIndex ).upperValue() )
                       : edges.at( bin + 1 );

#if defined(QWT_VERSION) && QWT_VERSION>=0x060000
    dataHisto << QwtIntervalSample( binValue, edges.at( bin ), upperEdge );
    intervalsHisto.append( QwtDoubleInterval( edges.at( bin ), upperEdge ) );
    valuesHisto.append( double( binValue ) );

    lastValue = binValue;

#if defined(QWT_VERSION) && QWT_VERSION>=0x060000
  plotHistogram->setSamples( dataHisto );
  plotHistogram->attach( mpPlot );
  plotHistogramItem->setData( QwtIntervalData( intervalsHisto, valuesHisto ) );
  plotHistogramItem->attach( mpPlot );

  foreach ( QgsRendererRangeV2 range, mRanges )
    QwtPlotMarker* rangeMarker = new QwtPlotMarker();
    rangeMarker->attach( mpPlot );
    rangeMarker->setLineStyle( QwtPlotMarker::VLine );
    rangeMarker->setXValue( range.upperValue() );
    rangeMarker->setLabel( QString::number( range.upperValue() ) );
    rangeMarker->setLabelOrientation( Qt::Vertical );
    rangeMarker->setLabelAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop );
    mRangeMarkers << rangeMarker;
Exemple #13
PfPvPlot::setData(RideItem *_rideItem)
    // clear out any interval curves which are presently defined
    if (intervalCurves.size()) {
       QListIterator<QwtPlotCurve *> i(intervalCurves);
       while (i.hasNext()) {
           QwtPlotCurve *curve = i.next();
           delete curve;

    rideItem = _rideItem;
    RideFile *ride = rideItem->ride();

    if (ride) {

        // quickly erase old data

        // due to the discrete power and cadence values returned by the
        // power meter, there will very likely be many duplicate values.
        // Rather than pass them all to the curve, use a set to strip
        // out duplicates.
        std::set<std::pair<double, double> > dataSet;
        std::set<std::pair<double, double> > dataSetSelected;

        long tot_cad = 0;
        long tot_cad_points = 0;

        foreach(const RideFilePoint *p1, ride->dataPoints()) {

            if (p1->watts != 0 && p1->cad != 0) {

                double aepf = (p1->watts * 60.0) / (p1->cad * cl_ * 2.0 * PI);
                double cpv = (p1->cad * cl_ * 2.0 * PI) / 60.0;

                if (aepf <= 2500) { // > 2500 newtons is our out of bounds
                    dataSet.insert(std::make_pair<double, double>(aepf, cpv));
                    tot_cad += p1->cad;

        setCAD(tot_cad_points ? tot_cad / tot_cad_points : 0);

        if (tot_cad_points == 0) {
            //setTitle(tr("no cadence"));

        } else {
            // Now that we have the set of points, transform them into the
            // QwtArrays needed to set the curve's data.
            QwtArray<double> aepfArray;
            QwtArray<double> cpvArray;

            std::set<std::pair<double, double> >::const_iterator j(dataSet.begin());
            while (j != dataSet.end()) {
                const std::pair<double, double>& dataPoint = *j;



            curve->setData(cpvArray, aepfArray);
            QwtSymbol sym;

            // now show the data (zone shading would already be visible)
    } else {
Exemple #14
PfPvPlot::setData(RideItem *_rideItem)
    rideItem = _rideItem;

    RideFile *ride = rideItem->ride;

    if (ride) {

	// quickly erase old data

	// handle zone stuff

	// due to the discrete power and cadence values returned by the
	// power meter, there will very likely be many duplicate values.
	// Rather than pass them all to the curve, use a set to strip
	// out duplicates.
	std::set<std::pair<double, double> > dataSet;

	long tot_cad = 0;
	long tot_cad_points = 0;

        foreach(const RideFilePoint *p1, ride->dataPoints()) {

	    if (p1->watts != 0 && p1->cad != 0) {
		double aepf = (p1->watts * 60.0) / (p1->cad * cl_ * 2.0 * PI);
		double cpv = (p1->cad * cl_ * 2.0 * PI) / 60.0;

		dataSet.insert(std::make_pair<double, double>(aepf, cpv));
		tot_cad += p1->cad;


	if (tot_cad_points == 0) {
	    setTitle("no cadence");
	else {
	    // Now that we have the set of points, transform them into the
	    // QwtArrays needed to set the curve's data.
	    QwtArray<double> aepfArray;
	    QwtArray<double> cpvArray;
	    std::set<std::pair<double, double> >::const_iterator j(dataSet.begin());
	    while (j != dataSet.end()) {
		const std::pair<double, double>& dataPoint = *j;


	    setCAD(tot_cad / tot_cad_points);
	    curve->setData(cpvArray, aepfArray);

	    // now show the data (zone shading would already be visible)
    else {