Exemple #1
HF_VAL image_height_at(const ImageData *image, int x, int y)
    // TODO ALPHA - handling of premultiplied vs. non-premultiplied alpha needs to be considered

    RGBColour colour;

    // for 8-bit indexed images, use the index (scaled to match short int range)
    if (image->data->IsIndexed())
        return ((HF_VAL)image->data->GetIndexedValue(x, y) * 256);
    // TODO FIXME - should be *257 to get a max value of 255*257 = 65535
    /* [JG-2013]: do not change 256 for 257, due to backward compatibility with all versions up to 3.6
     * it's a shame to not being able to cover the full range when using indexed image, but
     * it was like that for a very very long time (since the introduction of height field in povray)

    // for greyscale images, use the float greyscale value (scaled to match short int range)
    if (image->data->IsGrayscale())
        return ((HF_VAL) (image->data->GetGrayValue(x, y) * 65535.0f));

    image->data->GetRGBValue(x, y, colour); // TODO - what about alpha premultiplication?

    // for images with high bit depth (>8 bit per color channel), use the float greyscale value (scaled to match short int range)
    if (image->data->GetMaxIntValue() > 255)
        return ((HF_VAL) (colour.Greyscale() * 65535.0f));

    // for images with low bit depth (<=8 bit per color channel), compose from red (high byte) and green (low byte) channel.
    return ((HF_VAL) ((colour.red() * 256.0 + colour.green()) * 255.0));
    // [JG-2013] : the high byte / low byte is (r *255) * 256 + (g*255) , which is factored as (r*256+g)*255 (was issue flyspray #308)
void Spectrum::acquireColourResponces(HSVColour &leftColour, HSVColour &rightColour)
	leftColour = HSVColour();
	rightColour = HSVColour();

	RGBColour leftRGB;
	RGBColour rightRGB;

	acquireColourResponces(leftRGB, rightRGB);

	leftRGB.computeHSV(leftColour.h, leftColour.s, leftColour.v);
	rightRGB.computeHSV(rightColour.h, rightColour.s, rightColour.v);
Exemple #3
void Evaluate_Density_Pigment(const PIGMENT *pigm, const Vector3d& p, RGBColour& c, TraceThreadData *ttd)
	Colour lc;


	while(pigm != NULL)

		Compute_Pigment(lc, pigm, *p, NULL, NULL, ttd);

		c.red()   *= lc.red();
		c.green() *= lc.green();
		c.blue()  *= lc.blue();

		pigm = reinterpret_cast<const PIGMENT *>(pigm->Next);
Exemple #4
*   photonRgbe2colour
  originally float2rgb

  Bruce Walter - http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/online/formats/rgbe/

 This file contains code to read and write four byte rgbe file format
 developed by Greg Ward.  It handles the conversions between rgbe and
 pixels consisting of floats.  The data is assumed to be an array of floats.
 By default there are three floats per pixel in the order red, green, blue.
 (RGBE_DATA_??? values control this.)  Only the mimimal header reading and 
 writing is implemented.  Each routine does error checking and will return
 a status value as defined below.  This code is intended as a skeleton so
 feel free to modify it to suit your needs.

 (Place notice here if you modified the code.)
 posted to http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~bjw/
 written by Bruce Walter  ([email protected])  5/26/95
 based on code written by Greg Ward
*   standard conversion from rgbe to float pixels
*   note: Ward uses ldexp(col+0.5,exp-(128+8)).  However we wanted pixels 
*         in the range [0,1] to map back into the range [0,1].            
*  May 25, 20020 - incorporated into POV-Ray - Nathan Kopp
*                  For photons, our exponent will almost always be
*                  negative, so we use e+250 to get a larger range of negative
*                  exponents.
void photonRgbe2colour(RGBColour& c, const SMALL_COLOUR rgbe)
	float f;

	if (rgbe[3]) {   /*nonzero pixel*/
		f = ldexp(1.0,rgbe[3]-(int)(250+8));
		c[pRED] = rgbe[0] * f;
		c[pGREEN] = rgbe[1] * f;
		c[pBLUE] = rgbe[2] * f;
Exemple #5
bool ot_read_file(OT_NODE **root, IStream *fd, const OT_READ_PARAM* param, OT_READ_INFO* info)
    bool retval, got_eof;
    int line_num = 0;
    int tempdepth, tx, ty, tz;
    int goodreads = 0;
    int count;
    bool goodparse = true;
    DBL brightness;
    OT_BLOCK bl;
    OT_BLOCK *new_block;
    OT_ID id;
    char normal_string[30], to_nearest_string[30];
    char line[101];

    memset(&bl, 0, sizeof(OT_BLOCK));

    if ( fd != NULL )
        info->Gather_Total_Count = 0;

        while (!(got_eof = fd->getline (line, 99).eof ()) && goodparse)
            switch ( line[0] )
                case 'B':    // the file contains the old radiosity_brightness value
                    if ( sscanf(line, "B%lf\n", &brightness) == 1 )
                        info->Brightness = brightness;
                case 'P':    // the file made it to the point that the Preview was done
                    info->FirstRadiosityPass = true;
                case 'C':
                    RGBColour tempCol;
                    count = sscanf(line, "C%d %lf %lf %lf %s %f %f %f %f %f %s\n", // tw
                                   &tempdepth,      // since you can't scan a short
                                   &bl.Point[X], &bl.Point[Y], &bl.Point[Z],
                                   &tempCol.red(), &tempCol.green(), &tempCol.blue(),
                                   &bl.Nearest_Distance, to_nearest_string );
                    bl.Illuminance = ToMathColour(tempCol);
                    #error TODO!

                    // TODO FIXME - read Quality and Brilliance

                    if ( count == 11 )
                        bl.Bounce_Depth = (short)tempdepth - 1;

                        // normals aren't very critical for direction precision, so they are packed
                        sscanf(normal_string, "%02x%02x%02x", &tx, &ty, &tz);
                        bl.S_Normal[X] = ((double)tx * (1./ 254.))*2.-1.;
                        bl.S_Normal[Y] = ((double)ty * (1./ 254.))*2.-1.;
                        bl.S_Normal[Z] = ((double)tz * (1./ 254.))*2.-1.;

                        sscanf(to_nearest_string, "%02x%02x%02x", &tx, &ty, &tz);
                        bl.To_Nearest_Surface[X] = ((double)tx * (1./ 254.))*2.-1.;
                        bl.To_Nearest_Surface[Y] = ((double)ty * (1./ 254.))*2.-1.;
                        bl.To_Nearest_Surface[Z] = ((double)tz * (1./ 254.))*2.-1.;


                        new_block = reinterpret_cast<OT_BLOCK *>(POV_MALLOC(sizeof (OT_BLOCK), "octree node from file"));
                        if ( new_block != NULL )
                            POV_MEMCPY(new_block, &bl, sizeof (OT_BLOCK));

                            ot_index_sphere(bl.Point, bl.Harmonic_Mean_Distance * param->RealErrorBound, &id);
                            ot_ins(root, new_block, &id);
                            goodparse = false;    // allocation error, better stop now

                    // wrong leading character on line, just try again on next line

            }   // end switch
        } // end while-reading loop

        if ( !got_eof  ||  !goodparse ) {
;// TODO MESSAGE      PossibleError("Cannot process radiosity cache file at line %d.", (int)line_num);
            retval = false;
            if ( goodreads > 0 )
;// TODO MESSAGE         Debug_Info("Reloaded %d values from radiosity cache file.\n", goodreads);
;// TODO MESSAGE         PossibleError("Unable to read any values from the radiosity cache file.");
            retval = true;
        retval = false;

    return retval;
Exemple #6
void GetEncodedRGBValue(const Image* img, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const GammaCurvePtr& g, RGBColour& col)
    if (!img->IsPremultiplied() && img->HasTransparency())
        // data has transparency and is stored non-premultiplied; precompose against a black background
        float fAlpha;
        img->GetRGBAValue(x, y, col.red(), col.green(), col.blue(), fAlpha);
        AlphaPremultiply(col, fAlpha);
        // no need to worry about premultiplication
        img->GetRGBValue(x, y, col.red(), col.green(), col.blue());
    col.red()   = GammaCurve::Encode(g,col.red());
    col.green() = GammaCurve::Encode(g,col.green());
    col.blue()  = GammaCurve::Encode(g,col.blue());
Exemple #7
void SetEncodedRGBValue(Image* img, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const GammaCurvePtr& g, const RGBColour& col)
    img->SetRGBValue(x, y, GammaCurve::Decode(g,col.red()), GammaCurve::Decode(g,col.green()), GammaCurve::Decode(g,col.blue()));
Exemple #8
void AlphaUnPremultiply(RGBColour& colour, float fAlpha)
    AlphaUnPremultiply(colour.red(), colour.green(), colour.blue(), fAlpha);
Exemple #9
DblRGBColour SubsurfaceInterior::GetReducedAlbedo(const RGBColour& diffuseReflectance) const
	return DblRGBColour(((const PrecomputedReducedAlbedo&)precomputedReducedAlbedo)(diffuseReflectance.red()),
	                    ((const PrecomputedReducedAlbedo&)precomputedReducedAlbedo)(diffuseReflectance.green()),
	                    ((const PrecomputedReducedAlbedo&)precomputedReducedAlbedo)(diffuseReflectance.blue()));
Exemple #10
void RGBColourToSDLColor(const RGBColour& in, SDL_Color* out) {
  out->r = in.r();
  out->g = in.g();
  out->b = in.b();