// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSpsBackupHelperPerformer::ReadSettingsL() { XSPSLOGSTRING( "CSpsBackupHelperPerformer::ReadSettingsL IN" ); RIdArray ids; CleanupClosePushL( ids ); iServiceProviderSettings->FindServiceIdsL( ids ); // Make sure that id's are in correct order! for( TInt i = 0; i < ids.Count(); i++ ) { TRAP_IGNORE( CSPEntry* entry = CSPEntry::NewLC(); User::LeaveIfError( iServiceProviderSettings->FindEntryL( ids[i], *entry ) ); // Make sure that all properties are loaded entry->GetAllProperties(); iEntries.AppendL( entry ); CleanupStack::Pop( entry ); ) } XSPSLOGSTRING2( "CSpsBackupHelperPerformer::ReadSettingsL Service count=%i", iEntries.Count() ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids ); XSPSLOGSTRING( "CSpsBackupHelperPerformer::ReadSettingsL OUT" ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Search service names by given service IDs // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSPSettingsEngine::FindServiceNamesL( RIdArray& aServiceIds, CDesCArray& aServiceNames ) { XSPSLOGSTRING( "CSPSettingsEngine::FindServiceNamesL() - IN" ); CCenRepDatabaseProperty* property = CCenRepDatabaseProperty::NewLC(); TInt count = aServiceIds.Count(); for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { TInt id = ( TInt )aServiceIds[i]; TInt err = iCenRepUtils->FindPropertyL( id, EServiceName, *property ); if( err == KErrNone ) { aServiceNames.AppendL( property->GetDesValue() ); } else { aServiceIds.Remove( i ); // Remove non-existent ID count--; i--; // Do not increment index } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( property ); XSPSLOGSTRING( "CSPSettingsEngine::FindServiceNamesL() - OUT" ); }
void T_CSPSettingsEngine::T_CSPSettingsEngine_FindServiceIdsLL( ) { RIdArray serviceIds; CleanupClosePushL( serviceIds ); EUNIT_ASSERT( KErrNone == iCSPSettingsEngine->FindServiceIdsL( serviceIds ) ); EUNIT_ASSERT( serviceIds.Count() ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &serviceIds ); }
void T_CSPSettings::T_CSPSettings_FindServiceIdsLL( ) { RIdArray ids; CleanupClosePushL( ids ); EUNIT_ASSERT( KErrNone == iCSPSettings->FindServiceIdsL( ids ) ); TInt count( ids.Count() ); EUNIT_ASSERT( count ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids ); }
void T_CSPSettingsEngine::T_CSPSettingsEngine_FindServiceIdsFromPropertiesLL( ) { RIdArray serviceIds; CleanupClosePushL( serviceIds ); RPropertyArray properties; CleanupClosePushL( properties ); iCSPSettingsEngine->FindServiceIdsFromPropertiesL( properties, serviceIds ); EUNIT_ASSERT( serviceIds.Count() ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &properties ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &serviceIds ); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IsPluginOnStandbyL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CCCESPSettingsHandler::IsPluginOnStandbyL( TUid aImplementationUid ) { CCELOGSTRING( "CCCESPSettingsHandler:: IsPluginOnStandbyL." ); TBool ret( EFalse ); RIdArray idArray; CleanupClosePushL( idArray ); // Create property array RPropertyArray* propertyArray = new (ELeave) RPropertyArray( 1 ); TCleanupItem cleanup( CCCESPSettingsHandler::CleanupPointerArray, propertyArray ); CleanupStack::PushL( cleanup ); // call provider property CSPProperty* callProviderPluginId = CSPProperty::NewLC(); callProviderPluginId->SetName( EPropertyCallProviderPluginId ); callProviderPluginId->SetValue( aImplementationUid.iUid ); propertyArray->AppendL( callProviderPluginId ); CleanupStack::Pop( callProviderPluginId ); // Get service's User::LeaveIfError( iSettings-> FindServiceIdsFromPropertiesL( *propertyArray, idArray ) ); TInt count = idArray.Count(); for ( TInt index( 0 ); index < count && !ret; index++ ) { TInt tmpServiceId = idArray[ index ]; // ETrue if VoIP atribute is enabled or Bootstrap is enabled ret = ( IsEnabledL( tmpServiceId ) || ( CapabilitiesL( tmpServiceId ) & EBootstrapCallProvider ) ); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( propertyArray ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &idArray ); CCELOGSTRING2( "CCCESPSettingsHandler:: ret %i ", ret ); //note: Lint doesn't understand the use of PopAndDestroy and thinks //that there is a memory leak for propertyArray, we disable that warning with //the following command //lint -e429 return ret; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load EBootstrapCallProvider marked or enabled plugins // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CCCEPluginManager::LoadBootPluginsL() { //List implementations #ifdef _DEBUG RImplInfoPtrArray implementations; CConvergedCallProvider::ListImplementationsL(implementations); CCELOGSTRING2("CCCEPluginManager::GetPluginL: %d Implementation(s) found", implementations.Count() ); for( TInt i=0; i<implementations.Count(); i++ ) { CImplementationInformation *info = implementations[i]; CCELOGSTRING3("CCCEPluginManager::GetPluginL: Uid = %d, Name = %S", info->ImplementationUid().iUid, &info->DisplayName() ); CCELOGSTRING3("CCCEPluginManager::GetPluginL: ->RomBased = %d, RomOnly = %d", info->RomBased(), info->RomOnly() ); } implementations.ResetAndDestroy(); implementations.Close(); #endif // _DEBUG RIdArray serviceIDArray; CleanupClosePushL( serviceIDArray ); iSPSettings->GetServicesL( serviceIDArray ); const TInt serviceCount = serviceIDArray.Count(); iPrimaryEmergencyCallPlugin = NULL; TInt err = KErrNone; CCELOGSTRING2("CCCEPluginManager::LoadBootPluginsL: Service count: %d", serviceCount ); for( TInt service = 0; service < serviceCount; service++ ) { CCELOGSTRING2("CCCEPluginManager::LoadBootPluginsL: Processing service: %d", service ); CCELOGSTRING2("CCCEPluginManager::LoadBootPluginsL: ServiceID: %d", serviceIDArray[service] ); TRAP( err, LoadBootPluginL( serviceIDArray[service] ) ) CCELOGSTRING2("CCCEPluginManager::LoadBootPluginsL: Result %i", err ); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check feature is supported or not // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CSPSettingsEngine::IsFeatureSupportedL( TSPServiceFeature aFeature, TBool aWriteAllowed ) { XSPSLOGSTRING( "CSPSettingsEngine::IsFeatureSupportedL() - IN" ); TBool ret = EFalse; // First check P&S key, if P&S key is defined, use the value from P&S key. // if not defined, then walk through all the sevices and check there is any service match TInt mask = 0; TInt value = 0; TInt psFlag = 0; TInt retProperty = 0; switch( aFeature ) { case ESupportInternetCallFeature: { retProperty = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KSPSupportInternetCallKey, psFlag ); if( retProperty == KErrNone && psFlag != KSPInitFeatureValue ) { ret = psFlag; } else { mask = ESupportsInternetCall | ESupportsAlphanumericAddressing | EIsVisibleInCallMenu; value = mask; ret = CheckFeatureL( mask, value ); if ( aWriteAllowed ) { User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KUidSystemCategory, KSPSupportInternetCallKey, ret ) ); } } break; } case ESupportCallOutFeature: { retProperty = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KSPSupportCallOutKey, psFlag ); if( retProperty == KErrNone && psFlag != KSPInitFeatureValue ) { ret = psFlag; } else { mask = ESupportsInternetCall | ESupportsMSISDNAddressing | EIsVisibleInCallMenu; value = mask; ret = CheckFeatureL( mask, value ); if ( aWriteAllowed ) { User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KUidSystemCategory, KSPSupportCallOutKey, ret ) ); } } break; } case ESupportVoIPSSFeature: { retProperty = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KSPSupportVoIPSSKey, psFlag ); if( retProperty == KErrNone && psFlag != KSPInitFeatureValue ) { ret = psFlag; } else { mask = ESupportVoIPSS; value = mask; ret = CheckFeatureL( mask, value ); if ( aWriteAllowed ) { User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KUidSystemCategory, KSPSupportVoIPSSKey, ret ) ); } } break; } case ESupportVoIPFeature: { TBool bFeatureMgr = EFalse; TBool bDynVoIP = EFalse; TBool bSubVoIP = EFalse; //check FeatureManager FeatureManager::InitializeLibL(); bFeatureMgr = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdCommonVoip ); FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib(); //check dynamic voip flag CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidTelephonySettings ); TInt value = 0; TInt err = repository->Get( KDynamicVoIP, value ); if( value != 0 ) { bDynVoIP = ETrue; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository ); //check subservice voip RIdArray serviceIds; CleanupClosePushL( serviceIds ); FindServiceIdsL( serviceIds ); CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC(); for( TInt i = 0; i < serviceIds.Count(); i++ ) { TServiceId serviceId = serviceIds[i]; TInt retProperty = FindPropertyL( serviceId, EPropertyVoIPSubServicePluginId, *property ); if( retProperty == KErrNone ) { bSubVoIP = ETrue; break; } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( property ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &serviceIds ); ret = bFeatureMgr && bDynVoIP && bSubVoIP; break; } default: { User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ); } } XSPSLOGSTRING( "CSPSettingsEngine::IsFeatureSupportedL() - OUT" ); return ret; }