static TInt MainL()
    RDebug::Print(_L("Main() - Starting!"));

    RFs theFs;

    TInt r = theFs.Connect();
    if (r != KErrNone)
        RDebug::Print(_L("Main() - Failed to connect to the fs. Error = %d"), r);
        return r;

    RDebug::Print(_L("Main() - Connected to file server"));

    r = StartC32();
    if (r!=KErrNone && r !=KErrAlreadyExists)
        RDebug::Print(_L("Main() - Failed to start C32. Error = %d"), r);
        return r;

    RDebug::Print(_L("E32Main: Started c32"));

    RUsb usb;
    TInt err = usb.Connect();
    if (err != KErrNone)
        RDebug::Print(_L("MainL() - Unable to Connect to USB server"));
        return err;
    RDebug::Print(_L("MainL() - Connected to USB server"));

    TUsbServiceState state;

    err = usb.GetCurrentState(state);
    if (err != KErrNone)
        RDebug::Print(_L("MainL() - Failed to fetch service state from usbman, error %d"), err);
        RDebug::Print(_L("MainL() - Usb service state = 0x%x"), state);

    TRequestStatus status;

    RDebug::Print(_L("Start completed with status %d"), status.Int());

    RDebug::Print(_L("MainL() - Exiting normally"));
    return KErrNone;