Exemple #1
void Inventory::Load( PlayerState* pPlayerState )

	m_pPlayerState = pPlayerState;
	m_iLastSeenCombo = 0;

	// don't load battle sounds if they're not going to be used
	switch( GAMESTATE->m_PlayMode )
			m_soundAcquireItem.Load( THEME->GetPathS("Inventory","aquire item") );
			for( unsigned i=0; i<g_Items.size(); i++ )
				RageSound* pSound = new RageSound;
				pSound->Load( THEME->GetPathS("Inventory",ssprintf("use item %u",i+1)) );
				m_vpSoundUseItem.push_back( pSound );
			m_soundItemEnding.Load( THEME->GetPathS("Inventory","item ending") );
		default: break;
/* Don't hold the lock when we don't have to.  We call this function from other
 * threads, to avoid stalling the gameplay thread. */
void RageSoundManager::PlayOnce( CString sPath )
	/* We want this to start quickly, so don't try to prebuffer it. */
	RageSound *snd = new RageSound;
	snd->Load(sPath, false);


	/* We're responsible for freeing it.  Add it to owned_sounds *after* we start
	 * playing, so RageSoundManager::Update doesn't free it before we actually start
	 * it. */
	DeleteSoundWhenFinished( snd );
Exemple #3
bool RandomSample::LoadSound( CString sSoundFilePath )
	LOG->Trace( "RandomSample::LoadSound( %s )", sSoundFilePath.c_str() );

	RageSound *pSS = new RageSound;
	if( !pSS->Load(sSoundFilePath) )
		LOG->Trace( "Error loading \"%s\": %s", sSoundFilePath.c_str(), pSS->GetError().c_str() );
		delete pSS;
		return false;

	m_pSamples.push_back( pSS );
	return true;
static void StartMusic( MusicToPlay &ToPlay )
	LockMutex L( *g_Mutex );
	if( g_Playing->m_Music->IsPlaying() && !g_Playing->m_Music->GetLoadedFilePath().CompareNoCase(ToPlay.file) )

	if( ToPlay.file.empty() )
		/* StopPlaying() can take a while, so don't hold the lock while we stop the sound.
		 * Be sure to leave the rest of g_Playing in place. */
		RageSound *pOldSound = g_Playing->m_Music;
		g_Playing->m_Music = new RageSound;

		/* We're not allowed to delete the sound in a separate thread, because
		 * RageSoundManager::FlushPosMapQueue might be running.  Stop the sound,
		 * and give it to RageSoundManager to delete. */
		SOUNDMAN->DeleteSound( pOldSound );
	/* Unlock, load the sound here, and relock.  Loading may take a while if we're
	 * reading from CD and we have to seek far, which can throw off the timing below. */
	MusicPlaying *NewMusic;
		RageSound *pSound = new RageSound;
		pSound->Load( ToPlay.file, false );

		NewMusic = new MusicPlaying( pSound );

	NewMusic->m_Timing = g_Playing->m_Timing;

	/* See if we can find timing data, if it's not already loaded. */
	if( !ToPlay.HasTiming && IsAFile(ToPlay.timing_file) )
		LOG->Trace("Found '%s'", ToPlay.timing_file.c_str());
		if( SMLoader::LoadTimingFromFile( ToPlay.timing_file, ToPlay.timing_data ) )
			ToPlay.HasTiming = true;
	if( ToPlay.HasTiming )
		NewMusic->m_NewTiming = ToPlay.timing_data;

	if( ToPlay.align_beat && ToPlay.HasTiming && ToPlay.force_loop && ToPlay.length_sec != -1 )
		/* Extend the loop period so it always starts and ends on the same fractional
		 * beat.  That is, if it starts on beat 1.5, and ends on beat 10.2, extend it
		 * to end on beat 10.5.  This way, effects always loop cleanly. */
		float fStartBeat = NewMusic->m_NewTiming.GetBeatFromElapsedTime( ToPlay.start_sec );
		float fEndSec = ToPlay.start_sec + ToPlay.length_sec;
		float fEndBeat = NewMusic->m_NewTiming.GetBeatFromElapsedTime( fEndSec );
		const float fStartBeatFraction = fmodfp( fStartBeat, 1 );
		const float fEndBeatFraction = fmodfp( fEndBeat, 1 );

		float fBeatDifference = fStartBeatFraction - fEndBeatFraction;
		if( fBeatDifference < 0 )
			fBeatDifference += 1.0f; /* unwrap */

		fEndBeat += fBeatDifference;

		const float fRealEndSec = NewMusic->m_NewTiming.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat( fEndBeat );
		const float fNewLengthSec = fRealEndSec - ToPlay.start_sec;

		/* Extend the fade_len, so the added time is faded out. */
		ToPlay.fade_len += fNewLengthSec - ToPlay.length_sec;
		ToPlay.length_sec = fNewLengthSec;

	bool StartImmediately = false;
	if( !ToPlay.HasTiming )
		/* This song has no real timing data.  The offset is arbitrary.  Change it so
		 * the beat will line up to where we are now, so we don't have to delay. */
		float fDestBeat = fmodfp( GAMESTATE->m_fSongBeat, 1 );
		float fTime = NewMusic->m_NewTiming.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat( fDestBeat );

		NewMusic->m_NewTiming.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = fTime;

		StartImmediately = true;

	/* If we have an active timer, try to start on the next update.  Otherwise,
	 * start now. */
	if( !g_Playing->m_HasTiming && !g_UpdatingTimer )
		StartImmediately = true;
	if( !ToPlay.align_beat )
		StartImmediately = true;

	RageTimer when; /* zero */
	if( !StartImmediately )
		/* GetPlayLatency returns the minimum time until a sound starts.  That's
		 * common when starting a precached sound, but our sound isn't, so it'll
		 * probably take a little longer.  Nudge the latency up. */
		const float PresumedLatency = SOUND->GetPlayLatency() + 0.040f;
		const float fCurSecond = GAMESTATE->m_fMusicSeconds + PresumedLatency;
		const float fCurBeat = g_Playing->m_Timing.GetBeatFromElapsedTime( fCurSecond );
		const float fCurBeatFraction = fmodfp( fCurBeat,1 );

		/* The beat that the new sound will start on. */
		const float fStartBeat = NewMusic->m_NewTiming.GetBeatFromElapsedTime( ToPlay.start_sec );
		float fStartBeatFraction = fmodfp( fStartBeat, 1 );
		if( fStartBeatFraction < fCurBeatFraction )
			fStartBeatFraction += 1.0f; /* unwrap */

		const float fCurBeatToStartOn = truncf(fCurBeat) + fStartBeatFraction;
		const float fSecondToStartOn = g_Playing->m_Timing.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat( fCurBeatToStartOn );
		const float fMaximumDistance = 2;
		const float fDistance = min( fSecondToStartOn - fCurSecond, fMaximumDistance );

		when = GAMESTATE->m_LastBeatUpdate + PresumedLatency + fDistance;

	/* Important: don't hold the mutex while we load and seek the actual sound. */
		NewMusic->m_HasTiming = ToPlay.HasTiming;
		if( ToPlay.HasTiming )
			NewMusic->m_NewTiming = ToPlay.timing_data;
		NewMusic->m_TimingDelayed = true;
//		NewMusic->m_Music->Load( ToPlay.file, false );

		RageSoundParams p;
		p.m_StartSecond = ToPlay.start_sec;
		p.m_LengthSeconds = ToPlay.length_sec;
		p.m_FadeLength = ToPlay.fade_len;
		p.StartTime = when;
		if( ToPlay.force_loop )
			p.StopMode = RageSoundParams::M_LOOP;
		NewMusic->m_Music->SetParams( p );

		NewMusic->m_Music->SetPositionSeconds( p.m_StartSecond );

	LockMut( *g_Mutex );
	delete g_Playing;
	g_Playing = NewMusic;