MAST::NoniterativeUGFlutterSolver::calculate_sensitivity(MAST::FlutterRootBase& root,
                                                         const libMesh::ParameterVector& params,
                                                         const unsigned int i) {
    // make sure that the aero_structural_model is a valid pointer
    << " ====================================================" << std::endl
    << "UG Sensitivity Solution" << std::endl
    << "   k_red = " << std::setw(10) << root.k_red << std::endl
    << "   V_ref = " << std::setw(10) << root.V << std::endl;
    Complex eig = root.root, sens = 0., k_sens = 0., vref_sens = 0., den = 0.;
    // matrix to store the sensitivity of constraint wrt kref and vref
    // first row is constraint  f1(k,v) = g = im(lambda)/re(lambda) = 0
    // second row is constraint f2(k,v) = vref*sqrt(re(lambda))-1.  = 0
    RealMatrixX jac;
    // residual vector for the sensitivity problem, and total derivative vec
    // first row is for constraint f1(k,v)
    // first row is for constraint f2(k,v)
    RealVectorX res, dsens;
    // get the sensitivity of the matrices
    ComplexMatrixX mat_A, mat_B, mat_A_sens, mat_B_sens;
    ComplexVectorX v;
    // initialize the baseline matrices
    initialize_matrices(root.k_red_ref, root.V_ref, mat_A, mat_B);
    // calculate the eigenproblem sensitivity
    initialize_matrix_sensitivity_for_param(params, i,
    // the eigenproblem is     A x - lambda B x = 0
    // therefore, the denominator is obtained from the inner product of
    // x^T B x
    // sensitivity is
    //   -dlambda/dp x^T B x = - x^T (dA/dp - lambda dB/dp)
    // or
    //   dlambda/dp = [x^T (dA/dp - lambda dB/dp)]/(x^T B x)
    // now calculate the quotient for sensitivity
    // numerator =  ( dA/dp - lambda dB/dp)
    mat_B_sens *= -eig;
    mat_B_sens += mat_A_sens;
    v = mat_B_sens*root.eig_vec_right;
    den = root.eig_vec_left.dot(mat_B*root.eig_vec_right);
    sens = root.eig_vec_left.dot(v)/den;
    // sensitivity of f1(k,v) = im(lambda)/re(lambda) = 0
    res(0) =
    sens.imag()/eig.real() - eig.imag()/pow(eig.real(),2) * sens.real();
    // sensitivity of f2(k,v) = vref*sqrt(real(lambda)) - 1 = 0
    res(1) = root.V_ref*0.5*pow(eig.real(),-0.5)*sens.real();
    // next we need the sensitivity of k_red before we can calculate
    // the sensitivity of flutter eigenvalue
    // now calculate the quotient for sensitivity wrt k_red
    // calculate numerator
    mat_B_sens *= -eig;
    mat_B_sens += mat_A_sens;
    v = mat_B_sens*root.eig_vec_right;
    k_sens = root.eig_vec_left.dot(v) / den;
    // use this to calculate the partial derivative of f1 wrt k_red
    jac(0,0) =
    k_sens.imag()/eig.real() - eig.imag()/pow(eig.real(),2)*k_sens.real();
    jac(1,0) = root.V_ref*0.5*pow(eig.real(),-0.5)*k_sens.real();
    // next we need the sensitivity of Vref constraint before we can calculate
    // the sensitivity of flutter eigenvalue
    // now calculate the quotient for sensitivity wrt k_red
    // calculate numerator
    mat_B_sens *= -eig;
    mat_B_sens += mat_A_sens;
    v = mat_B_sens*root.eig_vec_right;
    vref_sens = root.eig_vec_left.dot(v) / den;
    // use this to calculate the partial derivative of f2 wrt vref
    jac(0,1) =
    vref_sens.imag()/eig.real() - eig.imag()/pow(eig.real(),2)*vref_sens.real();
    jac(1,1) =
    sqrt(eig.real()) + root.V_ref*0.5*pow(eig.real(),-0.5)*vref_sens.real();

    // now invert the Jacobian to calculate the sensitivity
    dsens = -jac.inverse()*res;
    // finally add the correction to the flutter sensitivity
    sens += k_sens * dsens(0) + vref_sens * dsens(1);
    // set value in the return root
    root.has_sensitivity_data = true;
    root.root_sens  = sens;
    root.V_sens     = -.5*sens.real()/pow(eig.real(), 1.5);
    << "Finished UG Sensitivity Solution" << std::endl
    << " ====================================================" << std::endl;
std::pair<bool, MAST::FlutterSolutionBase*>
MAST::NoniterativeUGFlutterSolver::newton_search(const MAST::FlutterSolutionBase& init_sol,
                                                 const unsigned int root_num,
                                                 const Real tol,
                                                 const unsigned int max_iters) {
    std::pair<bool, MAST::FlutterSolutionBase*> rval(false, NULL);
    // assumes that the upper k_val has +ve g val and lower k_val has -ve
    // k_val
    Real k_red, v_ref;
    unsigned int n_iters = 0;
    std::auto_ptr<MAST::FlutterSolutionBase> new_sol;

    RealVectorX res, sol, dsol;
    RealMatrixX jac;
    ComplexMatrixX mat_A, mat_B, mat_A_sens, mat_B_sens;
    ComplexVectorX v;

    res.resize(2); sol.resize(2); dsol.resize(2);
    // initialize the solution to the values of init_sol
    k_red  = init_sol.get_root(root_num).k_red_ref;
    v_ref  = init_sol.get_root(root_num).V_ref;
    sol(0) = k_red;
    sol(1) = v_ref;

    const MAST::FlutterSolutionBase* prev_sol = &init_sol;
    bool if_continue = true;
    while (if_continue) {

        // evaluate the residual and Jacobians
        std::auto_ptr<MAST::FlutterSolutionBase> ug_sol =
        this->analyze(k_red, v_ref, prev_sol);


        // add the solution to this solver
        _insert_new_solution(v_ref, ug_sol.release());
        // now get a pointer to the previous solution
        // get the solution from the database for this reduced frequency
        std::map<Real, MAST::FlutterSolutionBase*>::iterator it =
        libmesh_assert(it != _flutter_solutions.end());
        rval.second = it->second;
        prev_sol = it->second;

        // solve the Newton update problem
        const MAST::FlutterRootBase& root = prev_sol->get_root(root_num);
        Complex eig = root.root, eig_k_red_sens = 0., den = 0., eig_V_ref_sens = 0.;
        // initialize the baseline matrices
        initialize_matrices(k_red, v_ref, mat_A, mat_B);
        // solve the sensitivity problem
        // first with respect to k_red
        // next we need the sensitivity of k_red before we can calculate
        // the sensitivity of flutter eigenvalue
        // now calculate the quotient for sensitivity wrt k_red
        // calculate numerator
        mat_B_sens *= -eig;
        mat_B_sens += mat_A_sens;
        v = mat_B_sens*root.eig_vec_right;
        den = root.eig_vec_left.dot(mat_B*root.eig_vec_right);
        eig_k_red_sens = root.eig_vec_left.dot(v) / den;
        // next, sensitivity wrt V_ref

        // now calculate the quotient for sensitivity wrt V_ref
        // calculate numerator
        mat_B_sens *= -eig;
        mat_B_sens += mat_A_sens;
        v = mat_B_sens*root.eig_vec_right;
        den = root.eig_vec_left.dot(mat_B*root.eig_vec_right);
        eig_V_ref_sens = root.eig_vec_left.dot(v) / den;

        // residual
        res(0) = eig.imag()/eig.real();
        res(1) = v_ref*sqrt(eig.real()) - 1.;
        // Jacobian
        jac(0,0) = eig_k_red_sens.imag()/eig.real() -
        jac(0,1) = eig_V_ref_sens.imag()/eig.real() -
        jac(1,0) = 0.5*v_ref*pow(eig.real(),-0.5)*eig_k_red_sens.real();
        jac(1,1) = sqrt(eig.real()) + 0.5*v_ref*pow(eig.real(),-0.5)*eig_V_ref_sens.real();

        /*std::auto_ptr<MAST::FlutterSolutionBase> ug_dsol =
        this->analyze(k_red+.001, v_ref, prev_sol);
        Complex deig = ug_dsol->get_root(root_num).root;
        deig -= eig;
        deig /= .001;
        std::cout << "fd deig/dk:  " << deig << std::endl;
        std::cout << "analytical: " << eig_k_red_sens << std::endl;
        ug_dsol.reset(this->analyze(k_red, v_ref+.001, prev_sol).release());
        deig = ug_dsol->get_root(root_num).root;
        deig -= eig;
        deig /= .001;
        std::cout << "fd deig/dV:  " << deig << std::endl;
        std::cout << "analytical: " << eig_V_ref_sens << std::endl;*/

        // now calculate the updates
        //     r0 + J *dx = 0
        // =>  dx = - inv(J) * r0
        // =>  x1 = x0 + dx
        dsol = -jac.inverse()*res;
        sol += dsol;
        // get the updated parameter values
        k_red = sol(0);
        v_ref = sol(1);
        // increment the iteration counter
        // set the flag
        if (fabs(root.g) < tol) {
            rval.first = true;
            return rval;
        if (n_iters >= max_iters)
            if_continue = false;
    // return false, along with the latest sol
    rval.first = false;
    return rval;